Directions: After reading Chapter 1: “GloFish,” fill out this guided synopsis to show your understanding of the material. Each of the
three prompts at the head of each column should be answered in 2 to 3 paragraphs.
What is a transgenic organism? Compare
Describe two examples of how transgenic
Some members of the California Fish and
and contrast the production of transgenic
organisms can be useful (besides just for
Game Commission denied the request to sell
organisms with artificial selection.
pretty pets). Describe two potential
GloFish on the grounds that it was a
drawbacks to the use of transgenic
frivolous use of the technology (p. 28). Do
organisms (for any purposes).
you think the creation of transgenic
organisms should be allowed for trivial
purposes such as enhancing pets, or should
it be reserved for more “useful” purposes
such as food production? Give at least two
details from the book that supports your
Directions: After reading Chapter 2: “Got Milk?” fill out this guided synopsis to show your understanding of the material. Each of the
three prompts at the head of each column should be answered in 2 to 3 paragraphs.
Compare and contrast transgenic organisms, Describe three different ways genetically
The main ethical question in this chapter
chimeras and xenotransplantation/
modified animals may be used to protect,
involves whether or not we have the right to
improve, enhance or extend human
“use” other animals for our own purposes.
Some argue that animals have intrinsic value
simply because they are living creatures,
while others consider animals to have only
instrumental value, value because they can
be used by humans (p. 41). For what
purposes described in this chapter do you
think it is acceptable to modify and use
animals, and for what purposes do you think
it is unacceptable? Explain why you feel the
way you do.
Directions: After reading Chapter 3: “Double Trouble,” fill out this guided synopsis to show your understanding of the material. Each of
the three prompts at the head of each column should be answered in 2 to 3 paragraphs.
This chapter was about cloning pets. It was
Some of the famous examples of cloned
One of the main ethical concerns in this
mentioned that there were multiple factors
animals had major differences from their
chapter was the fact that since dogs and cats
and variables in the cloning process. What
genetic parent. What were these differences are more companion animals to humans that
steps are taken in the process of cloning an
and were these major differences enough to they get more specialized treatments in labs
animal from a genetic parent?
affect the desired outcome of cloning the
working on them. This can add to cost and
time needed to experiment and work. In
your opinion is it worth it to devote the
extra time and money toward cloning
companion animals or should this money be
put toward cloning the “feed and fiber”
animals that could return an investment?
Directions: After reading Chapter 4:“Nine Lives,” fill out this guided synopsis to show your understanding of the material. Each of the
three prompts at the head of each column should be answered in 2 to 3 paragraphs.
Chapter 3 mentioned the process for cloning This chapter spoke about how
This chapter mentioned the concern that
animals. This chapter expanded the
reintroduction of a species or multiple
some species that might be brought back
discussion to animals that are endangered or species can help not only the animals, but
would not be able to cope with the changed
have lower numbers. What is the process for also the environment. Explain one of the
environment of modern day. In your
these animals and how does it differ from
ways the reintroduction of extinct or
opinion, is it worth it to attempt to
the normal process?
endangered species can help endangered
reintroduce endangered or extinct species, or
is it better to consider them a loss and direct
the efforts and funding to other goals?
Directions: After reading Chapter 5: “Sentient Sensors,” fill out this guided synopsis to show your understanding of the material. . Each
of the three prompts at the head of each column should be answered in 2 to 3 paragraphs.
Describe at least two different technologies
List at least two species which have been
In your own words, explain the mixed
being used to track animals. Your
tracked, what the specific tracking method
feelings expressed by Etienne Benson (see
technology description should include the
was, and what results were obtained.
pp 118-119) on animal tracking. Your
following: (1) By what means the
writing should include what he sees as
information is transmitted to humans? (2)
advantages and disadvantages of our
How is the sensor carried/attached by the
growing desire to collect more information
animal? and (3) Describe one advantage and
on animal movements and behaviors.
one disadvantage for each of these two
different technologies.
Directions: After reading Chapter 6: “Pin the Tail on the Dolphin,” fill out this guided synopsis to show your understanding of the
material. Each of the three prompts at the head of each column should be answered in 2 to 3 paragraphs.
The extent of prosthetic interventions
Contrast the use of neuticles with the use of The author states that some say that an
includes those designed to simply enhance
ITAP as a prosthetic intervention.
animal prosthesis is a waste of time and
the appearance of the animal, all the way to
money. Do you agree or disagree? Write a
those characterized as lifesaving. Using an
brief explanation (two paragraphs) to explain
example of each of the two types, describe
your position and cite examples from the
the nature of the intervention and its impact
text to support your beliefs.
on the animal.
Directions: After reading Chapter 7: “Robot Revolution,” fill out this guided synopsis to show your understanding of the material. . Each
of the three prompts at the head of each column should be answered in 2 to 3 paragraphs.
How is the field of optogenetics used in a
How does implanting electrodes in the
The author poses the question: Is it wrong
mouse’s brain? Describe the potential
somatosensory cortex affect the rat?
to take the reins of another creature’s
benefits for the human brain that many
Describe the function of medial forebrain
nervous system? But he previously gives
scientists imagine.
bundle in your answer.
several beneficial examples. State your
opinion with at least 2 examples to defend
your stance.
Directions: After reading Chapter 8: “Beauty in the Beasts,” fill out this guided synopsis to show your understanding of the material. .
Each of the three prompts at the head of each column should be answered in 2 to 3 paragraphs.
In genetics, a combination of letters and
State the definition of a carrier as described
Would you consider yourself in “the troubled
numbers is designated as an abbreviation for by the author. Contrast the positive and
middle”? If you are not, then defend your
specific genes and proteins. 1) What is
negative implications of this testing? (How
stance with instances of your position. If
RPE65 and how does a mutation affect it?
does the author say that knowing the carrier yes, give the counter examples that put you
2) What does PEPCK-C stand for and what will be beneficial, and how does she state
in the middle.
is the function of this enzyme?
that modification of the carrier could be