February 19th, 2003

September 19th, 2003
Dear Immersion Weekend Participant,
We are very happy that you have signed up to participate in our French Immersion Weekend to be
held October 17-19, 2003 focusing on the theme of tolerance. In keeping with our main goal of providing
you ample opportunity to practice your oral skills during the weekend, we have planned a variety of
speaking and listening activities that we hope you will enjoy. The focus will be on discussion in French
on a variety of topics related to tolerance rather than discussion about French. The entire weekend will
be conducted in French. We will do our best to foster a relaxed and supportive atmosphere so that
everyone feels comfortable participating. Please help us in this endeavor and encourage one another as
much as possible.
The format for the weekend includes both informal and more structured activities such as:
viewing and discussing a film on DVD, discussing several short video clips and other material on the
theme of tolerance, playing language and other games, and sharing meals (a dinner on Friday night and
breakfast on Saturday and Sunday). Please bring a dish to share for Friday night’s potluck dinner. Let
us know if you want suggestions on what to bring, but feel free to bring anything you would like. We
will be contributing to dinner as well as offering a simple breakfast on Saturday and Sunday (breakfast
contributions would be appreciated but are not at all required).
While you will be evaluated on your active participation during the weekend rather than on
your spoken French, we would nevertheless like to provide you with constructive informal feedback on
your speaking skills. With this in mind, you will prepare a BRIEF oral presentation on one of the topics
outlined below. Please limit your presentation to a maximum of 5 minutes (time will be allotted
afterward for questions). Include some form of visual or audio aids (pictures, timelines, charts, etc.), and
prepare copies of a one-page outline for all participants. Please reserve one of the following topics about
tolerance by e-mail (before October 10th, on a “first come, first served” basis, send it to
annejose@uwm.edu). A list of websites to help you prepare your brief presentation can be found on our
course Desire2Learn website (d2l.uwm.edu).
La tolérance religieuse aujourd’hui
La tolérance raciale aujourd’hui
La tolérance sexuelle (homophobie)
L’égalité sexuelle (sexisme)
Les droits des enfants
Amnistie internationale
La tolérance à l’école (bullying)
L’apartheid et Nelson Mandela
L’histoire des droits de l’homme avant 1948
L’histoire de 1760 à aujourd'hui
5 façons de promouvoir la tolérance dans son entourage immédiat
La Déclaration Universelle des Droits de l’Homme (1948)
Attached to this letter, you will find a copy of the course syllabus. Please read it carefully and
let us know if you have any questions. We are looking forward to seeing you soon!
Anne-José Villeneuve
Immersion Weekend Instructor
Anita Alkhas
Immersion Weekend Coordinator