unit price contract for tree debris removal

ICE STORM – 2002
The purpose of this item of work is to provide tree/brush debris clearing and
removal response assistance to Leawood, Kansas, which has been declared a state
and federal disaster area because of the effects of an ice storm in January 2002.
General: The Contractor(s) shall provide for tree/brush debris removal and
disposal form the area outlined on the attached map as described below.
Area 1: That area between Mission Road east to State Line Road,
I-435 north to the northern City limits.
Area 2: The area from I-435 south to 151st Street, State Line Road
west to western City limits.
The tree/brush debris will be taken to the site east of Mission road on Lee
Boulevard adjacent to the Wastewater treatment plant. Trucks shall not use Lee
Boulevard between 103rd and I-435. Debris will be ground up, chipped, or
mulched at this site. If an additional site is needed, a site located on 114th Street
north of Tomahawk Creek Parkway may be used at the direction of the City for
disposal and processing.
The total amount of tree/brush debris to be removed under this scope of work is
estimated to be 150,000 cubic yards. The City reserves the right to increase or
decrease the quantity by as much as 50%.
Alternate Dump Sites: The Contractor can establish other temporary dumpsites
or permanent disposal areas with approval of the City. At alternate dumpsites
debris shall be disposed of in accordance with environmental regulations. If the
Contractor provides an alternate dumpsite, environmental requirements may allow
alternate disposal methods such as temporary cover for demolition landfill, or
burning with a wind curtain. The Contractor is responsible for obtaining a burning
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permit. No adjustment in unit price will be considered due to the alternate
The work shall consist of clearing and removing any and all “eligible” tree/brush
debris (see section 4.0 for a definition of eligible debris), which has been stacked
adjacent to City streets as directed by City Personnel and hauling the debris to the
designated dump site for processing. Equipment should not be operated on lawns
where grass may be damaged or the surface rutted. Debris may be pulled onto the
pavement and pushed to make piles and loaded, or loaded directly with grapple
type apparatus. Sufficient laborers shall be provided by Contractor to pick up
remaining limbs not picked up by equipment
Work will include:
l) Examining tree/brush debris to determine whether or not tree/brush debris is
eligible for pick-up
2) Picking up and loading the tree/brush debris and hauling it to an approved
dumpsite or landfill.
a. The debris shall be transported from the pick-up site directly to the
designated disposal site, or
b. An alternate site that has been approved by the City. The contractor is
responsible meeting all environmental requirements for disposal at no
additional cost to the City.
3) Restoring the dumpsite and
4) Restore all damaged/disturbed loading and hauling sites. Lawns damaged by
Contractors equipment must be repaired by sodding or other approved method.
Ineligible debris will not be loaded, hauled, or dumped under this contract
Tree/Brush Debris removal for this item shall include all eligible tree/brush debris
found adjacent to any city street stacked or piled by adjacent landowners within
the area designated by the City. Also un-stacked limbs greater than 3” in
diamater. The City may specify any eligible tree/brush debris within a city street
which should not be removed, or which should be removed at a later time. The
Contractor shall make as many passes through the designated area as required by
the City. The Contractor shall not move from one designated work area to another
designated work area without notification of the City. The Contractor shall not
enter onto private property during the performance of this contract.
The Contractor shall conduct the work so as not to interfere with the disaster
response and recovery activities of Federal, State, and local governments or
agencies, or of any public utilities. Due to limitation in the number of City
representatives to observe the work and provide documentation, only one pickup
site and one disposal site can be used at any one time. There is no limitation on
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the number of trucks used for debris removal as long as one City representative
can follow the operation and issue the necessary tickets.
The Owner reserves the right to inspect the site, verify quantities, and review
operations at any time.
All work shall be accomplished in a safe manner in accordance with Federal,
State, and local governments or agencies, or of any public utilities.
“Load Tickets” will be used for recording volumes of tree/brush debris removal.
(See Enclosure)
Each ticket will contain the following information:
Ticket Number
Contractor Name
Dump Arrival Time
Debris Quantity
Load Tickets will be issued by Owners representative at the loading site and
verified by an Owners representative at the unloading site.
Eligible Debris. Tree/Brush debris that is within the scope of this contract falls
under this possible classification: Tree/Brush Debris. Debris that is classified as
Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) is not to be transported by this contract.
Household Hazardous Waste (HHW). Household hazardous wastes, such as
petroleum products, paint products, etc., and known or suspected hazardous
materials, such as asbestos, lead-based paint, or electrical transformers shall be
removed by others.
Coordination for hazardous debris removal is the
responsibility of others.
The Contractor shall use the owner provided dump sites specified in Section 2.2,
but may elect to use other sites, subject to approval by the City as explained in
Section 2.4.
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The City’s representative at the City provided dumpsite shall coordinate all
dumping and disposal operations at the site with the contractor. The City provided
dumpsite is not open to the public. The Contractor shall be responsible for
restoring the City provided dumpsite to its original condition.
The Owner makes no representations regarding the turn-around time at the
The Contractor shall commence performance no later than 24 hours after the
Notice to Proceed.
The Contractor shall, at provide a work plan before the Notice to Proceed is
issued, showing where operations will begin and the general methodology which
will be used to complete the tree/debris removal. The plan will be updated daily
and provided to the City’s representative.
Maximum allowable time for the debris pickup will be 30 calendar days from the
Notice to Proceed, unless the Owner initiates additions or deletions to the contract
by written change orders. The contractor will have an additional 15 days to
process the debris after the pickup is complete by grinding, chipping or mulching.
Both parties pursuant to applicable State and Federal law and the contract
documents will equitably negotiate subsequent changes in completion time.
All trucks and other equipment must be in compliance with all applicable Federal,
State, and local rules and regulations. Any truck used to haul tree/brush debris
must be capable of rapidly dumping its load without the assistance of other
equipment; be equipped with a tailgate that will effectively contain the tree/brush
debris during transport and permit the truck to be filled to capacity; and measured
and marked for its load capacity. Tarps shall be used to cover loads of mulch
hauled. Sideboards or other extensions to the bed are allowable provided they
meet all applicable rules and regulations, cover the front and both sides, and are
constructed in a manner to withstand severe operating conditions. The City
representative must approve all requests for exceptions. Equipment will be
inspected prior to its use by the City and Contractor and periodically throughout
the operation.
Prior to commencing tree/brush debris removal operations, the Contractor shall
present to the City representative a listing of all trucks or trailers that will be used
for hauling tree/brush debris, for the purpose of determining hauling capacity.
The hauling capacity will be based on the interior dimensions of the truck’s metal
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dump bed. Hauling capacity, in cubic yards, will be recorded and marked on each
truck or trailer with permanent markings. Each truck or trailer will also be
numbered for identification with a permanent marking.
Trucks or equipment, which are designated for use under this contract, shall not
be used for any other work during the working hours of this contract. The
Contractor shall not solicit work from private citizens or others to be performed in
the designated work area during the period of this contract. Under no
circumstances will the Contractor mix tree/brush debris hauled for others with
tree/brush debris hauled under this contract.
Equipment used under this contract shall be rubber tired and sized properly to fit
loading conditions. The Owner’s representative must approve excessive size
equipment and non-rubber tired equipment.
The Contractor shall submit a report to the Owner’s representative during each
day of the term of the contract. Each report shall contain, at a minimum, the
following information:
Contractor’s Name
Contract Number
Location of work
Day of Report
Daily and cumulative totals of tree/brush debris removed, by category
Discrepancies between the daily report and the corresponding load tickets will be
reconciled no later than the following day.
The Contractor shall supervise and direct the work, using skillful labor and proper
equipment for all tasks. Safety of the Contractor’s personnel and equipment is the
responsibility of the Contractor. Additionally, the Contractor shall pay for all
materials, personnel, taxes, and fees necessary to perform under the terms of this
The Contractor must be duly licensed in accordance with the state’s statutory
requirements to perform the work. The Contractor shall obtain all permits
necessary to complete the work. The Contractor shall be responsible for
determining what permits are necessary to perform under the contract. Copies of
all permits shall be submitted to the City’s representative.
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The Contractor shall be responsible for taking corrective action in response to any
notices of violations issued as a result of the Contractors or any subcontractor’s
actions or operations during the performance of this contract. Corrections for any
such violations shall be at no additional cost to the City.
The Contractor shall be responsible for control of pedestrian and vehicular traffic
in the work area. The Contractor shall provide all flag persons, signs, equipment,
and other devices necessary to meet Federal, State, and local requirement. The
traffic control personnel and equipment shall be in addition to the personnel and
equipment required in other parts of this contract. Work shall be accomplished in
a safe manner in accordance with Federal, State, and local requirements.
Contractor will be responsible for all repairs structures or facilities that are
damaged during scope of work operations including but not limited to signs, light
poles, gas meters, fire hydrants, and so forth.
Contractor will not close any thoroughfare streets without prior approval of the
Owner’s representative. No thoroughfare streets shall be closed between the
hours of 7:00 AM to 8:30 AM and between 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM.
The Contractor may work 7-days a week during daylight hours to complete the
removal and processing of the debris.
Measurement for tree/brush debris removed will be by the cubic yard as
predetermined through truck bed measurement. Debris shall be firmed up in the
bed by tamping with loading devices such as buckets or grapples. Trucks with
less than full capacities will not be issued a load ticket unless approved by the
Owner’s representative and an adjustment made in the quantity.
Payment for the removal of tree/brush debris to include all costs associated with
loading, hauling, dumping, processing and disposal will be paid for under the
contract bid item for Removal and Disposal of Tree/Brush Debris.
Payment for mobilization and demobilization should be included in the unit price
Payment for work completed may be invoiced on a weekly basis. Invoices will be
based on verified quantities from the daily operational reports and valid load
All payments made under this contract will be in accordance with PAYMENTS
clauses located in other sections of this contract.
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Other contracts may have been issued.
The City reserves right to issue other contracts or direct other contractors to work
within the area included in this contract.
Prior to contract award, the contractor shall submit a list of all subcontractors to
the City.
Bidding Schedule
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