What is truth - University of Colorado Boulder

Speaking the T/truth
What is truth?
It’s a tricky concept ……………………..
and I’m not sure that there is a single answer.
I am, however, fascinated by the difference between subjective truth (with a lower case t)
and ultimate Truth (with a capital T).
The difference between truth and Truth is that one means something different to everyone
and the other is universal. Then again, is there such a thing as universal Truth?
And maybe it’s not as important to find the Truth but rather to find our truths.
But the question still remains:
How is it, that one word can hold the breath of such complex meanings and not cave in
under its own weight?
George Eliot says that falsehood is easy and that it is the truth that is difficult.
And maybethat is why this word is so difficult to define…………………........…….The truth is just hard.
And it is even harder to speak…………
………especially in the face of silence.
Martin Luther King says that “in the end, we will remember not the words of our
enemies, but the silence of our friends.”
The words of unarmed truth can be used to incite change, literally incite, like a riot!
George Orwell says that “in a time of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary
act.” And that is what this first issue of sub-scribe is about………….SPEAKING THE TRUTH,
While the pieces in this section may not answer THE question (with a capital THE) they
do speak the truth…….. .……………
or at least somebody’s Truth.
What follows are poems:
Poems that tell the truth about the fragility of life,
Poems that tell the truth about our once secret pasts,
Poems that validate humanity,
Poems that speak to the loss of childhood,
Poems that tell the truth about the way we feel towards our bodies
And in the end these poems not only tell the truth about ourselves, but they also tell the truth
about the world we live in………
……………Because silence has never brought us anything of worth.
-diyn 5/1/06