tochukwu nwachukwu - Klipsch School of Electrical and Computer

Current Address
2306. S. Espina Street, Apt D1
Las Cruces, NM, 88001
Home phone: 505.524.4803
Cell phone: 505.639.1339
Email address:
Permanent Address
36 Mount Olympus,
Silver City, NM, 88061
OBJECTIVE Obtain an employment position in an electric energy industry utilizing electrical
engineering skills with management and leadership opportunities.
EDUCATION Masters of Science in Electrical Engineering.
New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM
December 2006
Thesis: Power System Stabilization using Dynamic Energy Storage
GPA: 3.9/4.0
Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering
New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM
May 2005
GPA: 3.7/4.0
Technical Report: Power control for target tracking in large-scale sensor networks.
Bachelor of Art in Economics
New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM
May 2005
GPA: 4.0/4.0
Mathematics Minor
GPA: 4.0/4.0
Candidate for Engineer-in- Training Examination, April 2005
Relevant Coursework: Power System Analysis, Advanced Power distribution
Analysis Control Systems, Engineering Economics, Power Electronics, Energy
storage applications, Signal Intelligence Electromagnetic, Digital Signal
Processing, Spread Spectrum, Orbital Mechanics, Short circuit studies, and
Geometrical Optics.
Transmission Planning/ Power Operations Engineering Intern
Public Service of New Mexico Company (PNM),
Summer 2006
Supervisors: Dr. Abraham Ellis, PE, and Jeff Mechenbier, PE
 Designed an Under Voltage Load Shedding Scheme for South Central New
Mexico to prevent voltage instability following severe transmission
 Designed manual load curtailment plan for South Central New Mexico to
address transmission overloads.
 Analyzed the performance of PNM’s New Mexico Wind Energy Center
(204 MW) its impact and value to the PNM system.
 Assisted with long - term Transmission planning Studies using General
Electric PSLF program.
 Performed contingencies analysis on the PNM system using PSLF and
Research Assistant: Klipsch School of Electrical Eng. (NMSU) 2004- 2005
Supervisor: Dr. Joydeep Mitra
 Conducted power flow studies on distribution network in Klipsch’s power
 Managed SCADA system for power system generators in Klipsch’s power
 Investigated the use of genetic algorithm (PSO) on power networks.
 Explored the behavior of non-magnetically isolated transformer banks in the
presence of inrush currents.
 Studied Power efficiency in distributed sensor networks.
Research Assistant: Klipsch School of Electrical Eng. (NMSU) 2005-present
Supervisor: Dr. Kwong Ng
 Simulated human heart tissue using Partial Difference techniques (C code)
Other projects: Klipsch School of Electrical Engineering (May05- May 06)
Supervisor: Dr. Satish Ranade
 Designed and built a 54V, 300 W photovoltaic systems for Klipsch School
 Managed and conducted Budget analysis and Payback time analysis for the
above project
 Conducted cost estimate and procurement for design project
 Designed 28kHz, 200V, DC-DC converter
 Investigated the Effects of Time of Use metering in the El Paso/Las Cruces
 Studied laboratory scale demonstration of Power systems stabilization using
energy storage.
Teaching Assistant: Klipsch School of Electrical Engineering, Aug 2005-present
 Taught undergraduate Power Systems Laboratory classes using Power
 Graded homework for similar classes.
Computer Skills
Programming languages: C++, C, Fortran, VHDL, Mat lab, Mat cad, Zemax
Hardware: Workstation (HP, Dell)
Software – Word, Excel, Power Point, Access, Pro- Engineer, AutoCAD,
Linux, Power World, Or CAD 10, ESDA, PSCAD, UNIX, PSLF, PSSE
Broad-Based Skills
High proficiency in corporate financial policies
Strong communication skills
Bilingual Skills -Igbo (Nigerian language), English)
Member, Institute of Electrical Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
National Collegiate Honors Organization
President, Impact Christian Organization (NMSU)
Senator, National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE)
Crimson Scholar, 2002-present
Dean’s List, 2002-2004
NMSU Foundation Scholarship, 2002-present
Tutor of the Year, 2003 (Student Support Services, NMSU)
Member, National Engineering Honor Society, Tau Beta Phi
Nominated Klipsch School of Electrical Engineering Honor Society (HKN)
Nominated best undergraduate international student of the year, fall 2004
Awarded Energy Utility Management Grad Fellowship (EUMP)
Awarded Klipsch School Graduate Student Scholarship Fall 05- Spring 06
Dr. Michael Ellis
Department Head, Economics and International Business
New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM
Phone: 505 646 2113
Dr Satish Ranade
Klipsch School of Electrical/ Computer Engineering
New Mexico State University, Las Cruces,
Phone: 505 646 3704;
Dr Abraham Ellis, PE
Senior Transmission planning Engineer
Public Service Company of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico
Phone: 505 241 4595