Section 3: Part 1

Insert FD Name
Operational Guideline
O.G. # 3.04
Driver Training
Page 1 of 1
Effective Date:
To ensure that Fire Department personnel are competent with driving responsibilities and
vehicle operations.
Insert FD Name members.
The Fire Department shall train personnel to specific levels of the NFPA 1002 Fire Apparatus
Driver/Operator Standard.
 All Driver Operators shall be trained and evaluated to specific aspects that relate to NFPA
1002 standard for fire apparatus equipped with a Fire Pump.
 If the Fire Department has a Tender, Driver Operators shall be trained to aspects of the NFPA
1002 standard for mobile water supply apparatus.
 Proficiency testing and re-evaluation may occur with all levels of Driver Operator level to
ensure that personnel are efficient with the subject.
 Fire Officers that do not have NFPA 1002 training shall be trained to a level to ensure that
their supervision is correct for their Driver Operators.
 The minimum amount of hours of practice for each level shall be as follows; this does not
include the actual time of instruction.
o Fire Pumps 20 hours
o Tender 10 hours
Personnel shall have a minimum of 6 months in the Fire Department prior to any form of driver
NFPA 1002
This OG replaces
Signature of Fire Chief
Insert FD Name
Operational Guideline
O.G. # 3.05
Fire Officer Training
Page 1 of 1
Effective Date:
To ensure that Fire Department officers and officer candidates qualifications are competent to
the NFPA Fire Officer Standard.
Insert FD Name members.
The Fire Department shall train all Fire Officers candidates and confirmed Fire Officers to the
current NFPA standard.
All Fire Officer Candidates who qualify for a position of Fire Officer within the Fire
Department shall be trained with the most current NFPA 1021 Fire Officer Professional
Qualifications Standard
Additional evaluations and training may be conducted to establish the competency of the
individual based on the position and the requirements which is set by the Fire Chief
Ongoing Fire Officer Competency evaluations and Training shall occur for the
Confirmed Fire Officer based on the Standard
Some of the Fire Officer training shall include FNESS Fire Chief Workshops and
NFPA 1021
This OG replaces
Signature of Fire Chief
Insert FD Name
Operational Guideline
O.G. # 3.01
Training Records
Page 1 of 1
Effective Date:
To ensure that training records are completed for every training event.
Insert FD Name members.
When a training event has occurred a training record shall be completed.
After all training events a record of the event shall be completed. This record shall be completed
as soon as the possible once the training has been completed.
Individuals responsible for the training records shall be as follows:
 The Fire Chief or designate shall complete all training records for the members
 A paper copy or computer based is acceptable
 The information shall include the following
o Date
o Subject
o Instructor
o Participants Name
o Duration of the Training
o Location of the Training
o Notes
o Remedial aspects of the individual or group
Training records shall be audited quarterly and if required corrections or alterations shall be
requested at that time
Training Record
This OG replaces
Signature of Fire Chief
Insert FD Name
Operational Guideline
Vocational Fire Fighter Exam Information
for a student
O.G. # 3.08.09
Page 1 of 2
Effective Date:
To ensure that the student has the correct information to complete a written exam in the
vocational fire fighter program exam process.
Insert FD Name members.
The following information is for each student for exams for the vocational fire fighter
Exam Information for Student
You are not to view or mark any part of the written exam until instructed to do so.
The JIBC, Fire & Safety Division written exam consists of multiple choice, matching, and/or
true-false questions that are randomly selected by the computer. Please answer each question
to the best of your ability.
The minimum passing score on each written exam is 75%. The Fire & Safety Division may, at its
discretion, invalidate any exam question if a review of the question determines that there are
problems with the question or answers.
You may write on the exam as scratch paper as no additional scratch paper is permitted.
Please do not fold or bend the Exam Response Form. There can be no stray marks on the
Response Form, the bubble must be completely darkened, and changed answers can be erased or
an X put through the bubble. There is only one correct response per question. Exam questions are
numbered consecutively beginning with number 1; if the exam is out of order please bring it to the
attention of the proctor.
You must mark the answer in the bubble provided for each question on the response form.
Check your Exam Response Form before you hand your completed exam in to the proctor. A
space left unmarked or marked more than once will be counted by the computer grading
system as an incorrect answer.
The proctor cannot discuss the exam content. If you have a problem with a question, answer it to
the best of your ability. Following completion of the exam, write the snapshot number (top right
hand corner of your exam), question number and a short explanation as to the problem on the back
of your exam, include your name and JIBC student number with your concern. If time has
expired, the proctor will pick up your Exam Response Form and let you finish making your
notations on the exam.
Insert FD Name
Operational Guideline
O.G. # 3.08.09
Vocational Fire Fighter Exam Information
for a student
Page 2 of 2
Effective Date:
To find out the final determination as to the validity of a question(s) brought forth, contact the
Fire & Safety Division Coordinator. The contact email addresses are associated with the exam
type and the Program Assistant will ensure the Coordinator receives the information.
Pagers, mobile phones, and two-way radios are not allowed in the exam area.
When you are finished the exam or time has expired, return ALL exam materials to
the proctor, then leave the exam site.
Exam Results will be available within 10 days of the Fire & Safety Division
receiving the completed exams.
Unsuccessful exam results - you will receive written notification via email
Successful exam results - check your student history on the JIBC website
o Or use url
Log on: User ID = JIBC student #, password = birthday or changed password
Click on My training or Course History
Click on the course date
Print page
Print 2 copies of your exam results, one for your training officer and the other for
your personal file.
OG 3.08.01, 3.08.02, 3.08.04, 3.08.05, 3.08.06, 3.08.07, 3.08.08
JIBC Fire & Safety Division Vocational Fire Fighter Exam Process
This OG replaces
Signature of Fire Chief