Korean War Oral History Rubric-1


Korean War Oral History Rubric

Grade Research/Questions Summary

Podcast/video clearly and A Interview questions demonstrate thorough comprehension of Korean concisely summarize the interview in an engaging

War issues and interview subject; Questions fully follow guidelines

B Interview questions

C demonstrate good comprehension of Korean

War issues and interview subject; Questions mostly follow guidelines

Interview questions demonstrate satisfactory comprehension of Korean

War issues and interview subject; Questions satisfactorily follow guidelines and objective manner;

Podcast/video is posted correctly and on time

Podcast/video clearly and concisely summarize the interview in a mostly engaging and objective manner; Podcast/video is posted correctly and on time with minor problems

Podcast/video somewhat clearly and concisely summarizes the interview in a satisfactory engaging and objective manner;

Podcast/video is posted correctly and on time with some problems

D Interview questions demonstrate little comprehension of Korean

War issues and interview subject; Questions barely follow guidelines

F Interview questions demonstrate no comprehension of Korean

War issues and interview subject; Questions do not follow guidelines

Podcast/video summarizes the interview with lack of specifics or clarity and in an uninspired manner;

Podcast/video is posted late with problems

Podcast/video does not clearly and concisely summarize the interview in an engaging and objective manner;

Podcast/video is not posted correctly or has major problems


Writing reflects thoughtfully and powerfully on the interview; No errors in writing or style are striking

Writing reflects thoughtfully on the interview; Only a few errors in writing are evident

Writing reflects satisfactorily on the interview; Several errors in writing are evident

Writing reflects poorly on the interview;

Major errors in writing are evident

Writing does not reflect on the interview or is missing; So many errors make writing incomprehensible
