Communities III methods of description

I. Methods in plant ecology
The association as the basic unit of study
An association is a set of plants of definite floristic composition
A. Do particular species tend to co-occur?
This asks if "species groups" are objectively real
1. Association analysis
2. Effects of quadrat size
"mean square analyses"
3. Plotless methods
4. Gradient analysis
B. Causes of patterns in plant communities
1. Physical causes
a. nutrients
b. soil type
c. soil depth
d. water relations
2. Biotic causes
a. competition
b. animals
i. herbivores
ii. seed predators
iii. seed dispersers
iv. pollinators
v. disturbance
II. Methods in animal ecology
A. Questions
1. The relative numbers of species
a. Species diversity
b. Components of species diversity
i. the number of species
ii. the distribution of individuals among the species
H = - ∑ pi ln pi
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