Wagoner, Matlock, Schroth
Sheet Formability and Springback
Note: References are numbered within each section of the proposal, as shown.
Robert H. Wagoner: Advanced High-Strength Steels: Fundamental Research
Issues, National Science Foundation, Department of Energy, Auto-Steel Partnership,
Arlington, VA, October 22-23, 2006.
References for DMR 0139045 (Wagoner and Barlat)
J. Wang, R.H. Wagoner, A Practical Large-Strain Solid Finite Element for Sheet
Forming. 2005, Int. J. Numer. Meth. Eng. 63, pp. 473-501.
Jue Wang and R.H. Wagoner: A New Hexahedral Solid Element for 3D FEM
Simulation of Sheet Metal Forming, Proc. of NUMIFORM 2004, Materials
Processing and Design, eds. S. Ghosh, J. M. Casto and J.K. Lee, Columbus, OH,
USA, June 2004, pp. 2181-2186.
Chung-Souk Han, Frédéric Barlat and R. H. Wagoner On precipitate induced
hardening in crystal plasticity: Theory, Int. J. of Plasticity, 2004, Vol. 20, Issue 3,
pp. 477-494.
C.-S. Han, R.H. Wagoner, Frédéric Barlat: On Precipitate Induced Hardening in
Crystal Plasticity: Algorithms and Simulations, Int. J. of Plasticity, 2004, Vol. 20,
Issue 8-9, pp. 1441-1461.
C.-S. Han, K. Chung, R. H. Wagoner, S.-I. Oh: A Multiplicative Finite ElastoPlastic Formulation with Anisotropic Yield Functions, Int. J. of Plasticity, 2003,
Vol. 19, pp. 197-211.
Chung-Souk Han, Myoung-Gyu Lee, Kwansoo Chung, R. H. Wagoner: Integration
Algorithms for Planar Anisotropic Shells with Isotropic and Kinematic Hardening
at Finite Strains, Commun. Numer. Meth. Engng, 2003, Vol 19, pp. 473-490.
Yangwook Choi, Ph.D. Dissertation, Modeling Evolution of Anisotropy and
Hardening for Sheet Metals, Summer 2003. (Mechanical Engineering) (Co-advised
by J. K. Lee and M. Walter)
Yangwook Choi, Chung-Souk Han, June K. Lee, Robert H. Wagoner: Modeling
multi-axial deformation of planar anisotropic elasto-plastic material, Part I:
Theory, Int. J. of Plasticity, 2006, vol. 22(9), pp. 1745-1764.
Yangwook Choi, Chung-Souk Han, June K. Lee, Robert H. Wagoner: Modeling
multi-axial deformation of planar anisotropic elasto-plastic material, Part II:
Applications, Int. J. of Plasticity, 2006, vol. 22(9), pp. 1765-1783.
10. J. F. Wang, W. D. Carden, R. H. Wagoner, D. K. Matlock and F. Barlat: Creep and
Anelasticity in the Springback of Aluminum, Int. J. of Plasticity, 2004, Vol. 20,
Issue 12, pp. 2209-2232.
Wagoner, Matlock, Schroth
Page 2
11. J. F. Wang, R. H. Wagoner, D. K. Matlock and F. Barlat: Draw-Bend Springback,
Int. J. Solids and Structures, 2005, 42(5-6), pp. 1287-1307.
12. J.F. Wang, R.H. Wagoner and D.K. Matlock: Effect of Anticlastic Curvature on
Springback of Aluminum Sheets after the Draw-Bend Test, Proc. of NUMIFORM
2004, Materials Processing and Design, eds. S. Ghosh, J. M. Casto and J.K. Lee,
Columbus, OH, USA, June 2004, pp. 820-825. (ISBN 0-7354-0189-6)
13. Jianfeng Wang, Robert H. Wagoner, and David K. Matlock: Creep Following
Springback, Proc. of Plasticity 2003, Dislocations, Plasticity and Metal Forming, ed.
A. S. Khan, 2003, pp. 211-213. (ISBN 0 9659463-4-7)
14. Jianfeng Wang, Robert H. Wagoner: Mechanisms of Time-Dependent Springback,
Dislocations, Plasticity, Damage and Metal Formning: Material Response and
Multiscale Modeling, Plasticity 2005 (CD-ROM), Neat Press, Baltimore, Maryland.
15. R. H. Wagoner, M. Li, J. F. Wang: Sheet Springback: Prediction and Design, 8th
Int. ESAFORM Conf. Mater. Form., ed. D. Banabic, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, April
2005, pp. 481-484.
16. Jianfeng Wang, Ph.D. Dissertation, Principles of the Draw-Bend Springback Test,
Winter 2004.
17. J. F. Wang, R. H. Wagoner, D. K. Matlock and F. Barlat: Simulation of the DrawBend Springback for Aluminum Sheets, Int. J. of Plasticity (submitted 4/11/04).
18. R. H. Wagoner, J. F. Wang and M. Li: "Springback," Chapter in ASM Metals
Handbook on Forming and Forging (Vol. 14), ASM, Metals Park, OH, 2004, in
19. J. F. Wang, R. H. Wagoner, D. K. Matlock: Time-Dependent Springback of
Aluminum, PLASTICITY 2003, Quebec, Canada, July 8, 2003 [invited keynote
Wei Gan, Ph.D. Dissertation, Precipitation and Strengthening of Al-Ge-Si Alloys,
Fall 2005.
21. W. Gan, K. Okamoto, S. Hirano, K. Chung, C. Kim, R. H. Wagoner: Properties of
Friction Stir-Welded Aluminum Alloys 6111 and 5083, J. Eng. Mater. Technol. –
Trans. ASME, submitted for publication.
22. R. A. Lingbeek, W. Gan, R. H. Wagoner, V. T. Meinders, J. Weiher: Theoretical
Background of the Displacement Adjustment and Springforward Algorithms for
Springback Compensation, Int. J. Mach. Tool Mfg., submitted for publication.
23. W. Gan, P. H. Zhang, R. H. Wagoner and G. S. Daehn: The Effect of Load
Redistribution in Transient Plastic Flow, Met. Mater. Trans. A, 2006, 37A, pp.
24. W. Gan, P. H. Zhang, R. H. Wagoner and G. S. Daehn: Transient Plastic Flow at
Nominally Fixed Structure due to Load Redistribution, Zeit Metall., 20005, 96(6),
pp. 572-577.
Wagoner, Matlock, Schroth
Page 3
Min Li: Ph.D. Dissertation, Continuum Modeling on Hardening Evolution in
AZ31B Mg Sheets, Winter 2006.
R. H. Wagoner, M. Li: Advances in Springback, Proc. of NUMISHEET 2005, eds.
L.M. Smith, F. Pourboghrat, J.-W. Yoon and T.B. Stoughton, Detroit, MI, USA,
2005, CP778 Vol. A, pp. 209-214.
27. R. H. Wagoner, Min Li: Simulation of Springback: Through-Thickness Integration,
Int. J. Plasticity, in press.
28. X. Y. Lou, M. Li, R. K. Boger, S. R. Agnew, R. H. Wagoner: Hardening Evolution
of AZ31B Mg Sheet, Int. J. Plasticity, 2007, vol. 23 (1), pp. 44-86.
29. R. H. Wagoner, X. Y. Lou , M. Li , and S. R. Agnew: Forming Behavior of
Magnesium Sheet, J. Mat. Proc. Technol., 2006, vol 177(1-3), pp. 483-485.
Richard K. Boger, Ph.D. Dissertation, Bauschinger Effect and Its Continuum
Representation in 6013 and 2524 Aluminum Alloys, Winter 2006.
31. R. K. Boger, R.H. Wagoner, F. Barlat, M.-G. Lee and K. Chung: Continuous,
Large Strain, Tension/Compression Testing of Sheet Material, Int. J. of Plasticity,
2005, Vol. 21, Issue 12, pp. 2319-2343.
D. Kim, M-G Lee, C. Kim, M.L. Wenner, R.H. Wagoner, F. Barlat, K. Chung, J.R.
Youn, T.J. Kang: Measurements of Anisotropic Yielding, Bauschinger and
Transient Behaviors of Automotive Dual-Phase Steels, Met. Mat. Int., 2003, 6, pp.
Myoung-Gyu Lee, Daeyong Kim, Chongmin Kim, Michael L. Wenner, Robert H.
Wagoner, Kwansoo Chung: Spring-back Evaluation of Automotive Sheets Based
on Combined Isotropic-Kinematic Hardening Laws and Non-Quadratic Anisotropic
Yield Functions, Proc. of Plasticity 2003, Dislocations, Plasticity and Metal
Forming, ed. A. S. Khan, 2003, pp. 391-393. (ISBN 0 9659463-4-7)
Myoung-Gyu Lee, Daeyong Kim, Chongmin Kim, Michael L. Wenner, Robert H.
Wagoner, Kwansoo Chung: Spring-back evaluation of automotive sheets based on
isotropic-kinematic hardening laws and non-quadratic anisotropic yield functions
Part II: characterization of material properties, Int. J. of Plasticity, 2005, Vol. 21,
Issue 8-9, pp. 883-914.
R.H. Wagoner: Sheet Springback, Chapter 42, pp. 777-794, in Continuum Scale
Simulation of Engineering Materials, Fundamentals - Microstructures - Process
Applications, eds. D. Raabe, F. Roters, F. Barlat and L.-Q. Chen, 2004. ISBN 3527-30760-5 - Wiley-VCH, Weinheim.
R. H. Wagoner: Sheet Springback: Prediction and Design, Oak Ridge National
Laboratory, Metals and Ceramics Division, August 4, 2003. [invited]
R. H. Wagoner: Creep and Anelasticity in the Springback of Aluminum, Plasticity
2005, Kauai, Hawaii, January 5, 2005. [invited]
R. H. Wagoner: Sheet Springback: Draw-Bend Testing and New Directions, Posco
Steel Corporation, Kwangyang, Korea, September 9, 2005. [invited]
Wagoner, Matlock, Schroth
Page 4
R. H. Wagoner: Advances in Understanding Springback, NUMISHEET 2005,
Detroit, Michigan, August 18, 2005. [distinguished lecture]
R. H. Wagoner: Sheet Springback, MS&T 2005, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania,
September 27, 2005. [invited keynote lecture]
References for DMR 0303510 (Speer and Matlock)
J.G. Speer, A.M. Streicher, D.K. Matlock, F. Rizzo, and G. Krauss: Quenching and
Partitioning: A Fundamentally New Process to Create High Strength TRIP Sheet
Microstructures, Austenite Formation and Decomposition, ISS/TMS, 2003, pp.
A.M. Streicher, J.G. Speer, D.K. Matlock, and B.C. DeCooman: Quenching and
Partitioning Response of a Si-Added TRIP Sheet Steel, International Conference on
Advanced High-Strength Sheet Steels for Automotive Applications Proceedings,
AIST, Warrendale, PA, 2004, pp. 51-62.
John G. Speer, Fernando C. Rizzo, David K. Matlock, and David V. Edmonds: The
‘Quenching and Partitioning’ Process: Background and Recent Progress,
Proceedings of the 59th Annual ABM Congress, July 19-22, 2004, São Paulo –
Brazil, ABM, 2004, pp.4824-4836. Also published in Materials Research, Vol. 8,
No. 4, 2005, pp. 417-423.
F.L.H. Gerdemann, J.G. Speer, and D.K. Matlock: Microstructure and Hardness of
Steel Grade 9260 Heat-Treated by the Quenching and Partitioning (Q&P) Process,
Proceedings of Materials Science and Technology 2004, TMS/AIST, 2004, pp. 439449.
J.G. Speer, D.K. Matlock, B.C. DeCooman, and J.G. Schroth: Comments on ‘On
the Definitions of Paraequilibrium and Orthoequilibrium, Scripta Materialia, Vol.
52, 2005, pp. 83-85.
J.G. Speer, D.V. Edmonds, F.C. Rizzo, and D.K. Matlock: Partitioning of Carbon
from Supersaturated Plates of Ferrite, with Application to Steel Processing and
Bainite Transformation Fundamentals, Current Opinion in Solid State and
Materials Science, Vol. 8, 2004, pp. 219-237.
F. Rizzo, D Edmonds, K. He, J. Speer, D. Matlock and A.M. Streicher: Carbon
Enrichment of Austenite and Carbide Precipitation During the Quenching and
Partitioning (Q&P) Process, Solid-to-Solid Phase Transformations in Inorganic
Materials 2005 – Volume 1: Diffusional Transformations, ed. J.M. Howe, D.E.
Laughlin, J.K. Lee, U. Dahmen, and W.A. Soffa, TMS, 2005, pp. 535-544.
A. Clarke, J.G. Speer, D.K. Matlock, F.C. Rizzo, D.V. Edmonds, and K. He:
Microstructure and Carbon Partitioning in a 0.19%C-1.59%Mn-1.63%Si TRIP
Sheet Steel Subjected to Quenching and Partitioning (Q&P), Solid-to-Solid Phase
Transformations in Inorganic Materials 2005 – Volume 2: Displacive
Transformations • Fundamentals of Phase Transformations • Experimental
Approaches to the Study of Phase Transformations • Computer Approaches to
Simulation of Phase Transformations • Phase Transformations in Novel Systems or
Special Materials, ed. J.M. Howe, D.E. Laughlin, J.K. Lee, U. Dahmen, and W.A.
Soffa, TMS, 2005, pp.99-108.
Wagoner, Matlock, Schroth
Page 5
David V. Edmonds, Kejian He, Fernando C. Rizzo, Amy Clarke, David K. Matlock,
and John G. Speer: Microstructural Features of a New Martensitic Steel Heat
Treatment: Quenching and Partitioning, Super-High Strength Steels, Rome, Italy,
Associazione Italiana di Metallurgia (AIM) and Centro Sviluppo Materiali (CSM),
CD-ROM, (ISBN 88-85298-56-7), 20 pages, 2005.
10. D.V. Edmonds, K. He, F.C. Rizzo, B.C. De Cooman, D.K. Matlock and J.G. Speer:
Quenching and Partitioning Martensite – A Novel Steel Heat Treatment, Materials
Science and Engineering A, Vols. 438-440, 2006, pp. 25-34.
11. M. Milititsky, J.G. Speer, N. DeWispelaere, and N. Akdut, B.C. DeCooman: Room
Temperature Aging of Manganese Alloyed High Nitrogen Duplex Stainless Steels,
Metallurgical Transactions A, Vol. 37A, 2006, 2117-2123.
12. A.J. Shutts, J.G. Speer, D.K. Matlock, D.V. Edmonds, F. Rizzo, and E.B. Damm:
Q&P of High Carbon Bar Steel, Proceedings International Conference on New
Developments in Long and Forged Products: Metallurgy and Applications, ed. E.B.
Damm, C.V. Darragh, and J.G. Speer, AIST, Warrendale, PA, 2006, pp. 191-202.
13. D.K. Matlock and J.G. Speer: Design Considerations for the Next Generation of
Advanced High Strength Sheet Steels, Proceedings of the The 3rd International
Conference on Structural Steels, ed. by H.C. Lee, The Korean Institute of Metals
and Materials, Seoul, Korea, 2006, pp. 774-781.
14. B.C. De Cooman and J.G. Speer: Microstructure-Properties Relationships in
Quench and Partition (Q&P) Steel: Implications for Automotive Anti-Intrusion
Applications, Proceedings of the The 3rd International Conference on Structural
Steels, ed. by H.C. Lee, The Korean Institute of Metals and Materials, Seoul, Korea,
2006, pp. 798-805.
15. B.C. De Cooman and J.G. Speer: Quench and Partitioning Steel: a New AHSS
Concept for Automotive Anti-Intrusion Applications, Steel Research International,
Vol. 77, No. 9-10, 2006, pp.628-634.
16. E. Demoor, S. Lacroix, L. Samek, J. Penning, and J.G. Speer: Dilatometric Study
of the Quench and Partitioning Process, Proceedings of the The 3rd International
Conference on Structural Steels, ed. by H.C. Lee, The Korean Institute of Metals
and Materials, Seoul, Korea, 2006, pp. 873-878.
17. John G. Speer, David K. Matlock and George Krauss: Recent Developments in the
Physical Metallurgy of Ferrous Long Products, Transactions of the Indian Institute
of Metals, Vol.59, No.5, October 2006, pp.749-767.
18. F. Rizzo, A.R. Martins, J.G. Speer, D.K. Matlock, A. Clarke, and B. DeCooman:
Quenching and Partitioning of Ni-Added High Strength Steels, Materials Science
Forum, vols. 539-543, 2007, pp. 4476-4481.
D.V. Edmonds, K. He, M.K. Miller, F.C. Rizzo, A. Clarke, D.K. Matlock, and J.G.
Speer: Microstructural Features of ‘Quenching and Partitioning’: A New
Martensitic Steel Heat Treatment, Materials Science Forum, Vols. 539-543, 2007,
Wagoner, Matlock, Schroth
Page 6
20. J.G. Speer, R.E. Hackenberg, B.C. DeCooman, and D.K. Matlock: Influence of
Interface Migration During Annealing of Martensite/Austenite Mixtures, Phil. Mag.
Letters, 2007 (in press).
B.C. De Cooman and J.G. Speer: AHSS for Automotive Anti-Intrusion
Applications: Quench and Partitioning Steel, Proceedings of the 5th International
Strategy Conference, World Automotive Steel Assembly 2006 Global Steel
Requirements Specifications 2015 for the Automotive Industry, July 4-5, 2006,
Berlin, Germany, 9 pp. (in press).
22. K. He, D.V. Edmonds, J.G. Speer, D.K. Matlock, A. Clarke and F.C. Rizzo, TEM
Study of the Microstructures of Quenched and Partitioned (Q&P) Steels, 16th
International Microscopy Congress ICM16 in Sapporo, Japan, Sept 3-8, 2006 (in
23. A. Clarke: Carbon Partitioning from Austenite from Martensite in a Si-Containing
High Strength Sheet Steel, Ph.D. Thesis, Colorado School of Mines, 2006.
24. A,J. Shutts: Rolling Contact Fatigue Testing of 9260 Steel Processed by Quenching
and Partitioning, M.S. Thesis, Colorado School of Mines, 2006.
25. J.G. Speer and D.K. Matlock: Application of the Quenching and Partitioning
(Q&P) Process to Advanced High Strength Steel Steels, POSCO Technical
Research Laboratories, Kwangyang-shi, South Korea, June 3, 2003 [invited].
26. J.G. Speer and D.K. Matlock: Q&P Processing of Steels”, with J.G. Speer, Korea
Institute of Machinery & Materials, Taejon, Korea, June 4, 2003 [invited].
M.F. Gallagher, J.G. Speer, and D.K. Matlock: Effect of Annealing Temperature
on Austenite Decomposition in a Si-Alloyed TRIP Steel, Symposium on Austenite
Decomposition and Stability, ISS/TMS Fall Meeting, Chicago, IL, November 12,
28. J.G. Speer, D.K. Matlock, A.M. Streicher, F. Rizzo, and G. Krauss: Quenching and
Partitioning: A Fundamentally New Process to Create High Strength TRIP Sheet
Microstructures, Symposium on Austenite Decomposition and Stability, ISS/TMS
Fall Meeting, Chicago, IL, November 12, 2003.
29. A.M. Streicher, J.G. Speer, D.K. Matlock, and B.C. De Cooman: Quenching and
Partitioning Response of a Si-Added TRIP Sheet Steel, International Conference on
Advanced High Strength Sheet Steels for Automotive Applications, Winter Park,
CO, June 7, 2004.
30. J.G. Speer and D.K. Matlock: Q&P Processing Response of Sheet Steels, Usiminas
Steel, Ipatinga, Minas Gerais, Brazil, July 23, 2004, [invited].
31. F.L.H. Gerdemann, J.G. Speer, and D.K. Matlock: Microstructure and Hardness of
Steel Grade 9260 Heat-Treated by the Quenching and Partitioning (Q&P) Process,
Materials Science & Technology 2004 Conference, AIST and TMS, New Orleans,
LA, September 27, 2004.
32. J.G. Speer and D.K. Matlock, Quenching and Partitioning Response of a Si-Added
TRIP Sheet Steel, Severstal NA, Dearborn, MI, December 8, 2004, [invited].
Wagoner, Matlock, Schroth
Page 7
33. J.G. Speer and D.K. Matlock: The Quenching and Partitioning Process Background and Recent Progress, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos,
NM, December 21, 2004, [invited].
34. D.K. Matlock and J.G. Speer: The Quenching and Partitioning (Q&P) Process:
Background and Recent Progress, Posco, Gwangyang, Korea, February 14, 2005,
34. J.G. Speer, F.L. Gerdemann, and D.K. Matlock: Quenching and Partitioning
Response of 9260 Bar Steel, Ascometal CREAS, Hogandange, France, March 7,
2005, [invited].
35. J.G. Speer and D.K. Matlock: “The Quenching and Partitioning Process:
Background and Recent Progress” VoestAlpine, Linz, Austria, May 4, 2005,
36. A. Streicher, J.G. Speer, F. Rizzo, D. Edmonds, and D.K. Matlock: Microstructure
and Carbon Partitioning in a 0.19%C-1.59%Mn-1.63%Si TRIP Sheet Steel
Subjected to Quenching and Partitioning, International Conference on Solid-Solid
Phase Transformations in Inorganic Materials, Phoenix, AZ, May 30, 2005.
37. D.K. Matlock and J.G. Speer: The Quenching and Partitioning Process:
Background and Recent Progress, National Taiwan University, Institute of Material
Science & Engineering, Taipei, Taiwan, July 7, 2005, [invited].
38. D.K. Matlock and J.G. Speer: The Quenching and Partitioning Process:
Background and Recent Progress, National Tsing Hua University, Department of
Materials Science and Engineering, Hsinchu, Taiwan, July 11, 2005, [invited].
39. A.J. Shutts, J.G. Speer, and D.K. Matlock: Quenching and Partitioning of High
Carbon Bar Steel, AIST International Conference on New Developments in Long
and Forged Products, Winter Park, CO, June 7, 2006.
40. J.G. Speer and B.DeCooman: Microstructure-Properties Relationships in Quench
and Partition (Q&P) Steel: Implications for Automotive Anti-Intrusion
Applications, 3rd International Conference on Advanced Structural Steels (ICASS
2006) in Gyeongju, Korea and presented or co-authored the following papers,
August 21, 2006 [keynote].
Third Generation Advanced High Strength Steel (AHSS), Research and
Development Solicitation, AISI, Washington, DC, 2006.
R.H. Wagoner: Advanced High-Strength Steels: Fundamental Research Issues,
Proceedings of NSF Workshop, Arlington, VA, October 22-23, 2006
USCAR (Big 3 Automaker Consortium) estimate provided by Dr. M. L. Wenner,
General Motors R&D Center, Warren, Michigan.
Wagoner, Matlock, Schroth
Page 8
R. H. Wagoner, W. D. Carden, W. P. Carden, and D. K. Matlock: Springback after
Drawing and Bending of Metal Sheets, Proc. IPMM '97 - Intelligent Processing and
Manufacturing of Materials, eds. T.Chandra, S.R. Leclair, J.A. Meech, B. Verma, M.
Smith and B. Balachandran, University of Wollongong, 1997, vol. 1 (Intelligent
Systems Applications), pp. 1-10.
F. F. Damborg, R. H. Wagoner, J. Danckert and D. K. Matlock: Stretch-Bend
Formability, Proc. MP2M-Center Seminar, Danish Technical University, pp. 9.1-9.7,
Publ. No. MM97.81, 1997.
W. D. Carden, L. M. Geng, D. K. Matlock and R. H. Wagoner: Measurement of
Springback, Int. J. Mech. Sci., 2002, Vol. 44(1), pp. 79- 101.
J. F. Wang, R. H. Wagoner, D. K. Matlock and F. Barlat: Draw-Bend Springback,
Int. J. Solids and Structures, 2005, 42(5-6), pp. 1287-1307.
Kaiping Li and R. H. Wagoner: Simulation of Springback, Simulation of Materials
Processing, eds. J. Huetink and F. P. T. Baaijens, A. A. Balkema, Rotterdam, 1998,
pp. 21-32.
K. P. Li, L. M. Geng, and R. H. Wagoner: Simulation of Springback with the
Draw/Bend Test, IPMM '99, Vol. 1, eds. J. A. Meech, M. M. Veiga, M. H. Smith, S.
R. LeClair, IEEE, Vancouver, BC, Canada, ISBN 0-7803-5489-3.
K.P. Li , W.P. Carden, and R.H. Wagoner: Simulation of Springback, Int. J. Mech.
Sci, 2002, Vol. 44(1), pp. 103-122.
R. H. Wagoner and M. Li: Simulation of Springback: Through-Thickness
Integration, Int. J. Plasticity, 2007, Vol. 23, Issue 3, pp. 345-360.
10. R. H. Wagoner, Lumin Geng, Vijay Balakrishnan: Springback Simulation with
Non-Isotropic Hardening, Proc. 3rd ESAFORM Conference on Material Forming, ed.
H.-G. Fritz, Inst. Kunststofftechnologie, University of Stuttgart, 2000, pp. VII-3 VII-6.
11. Lumin Geng and R. H. Wagoner: Role of Plastic Anisotropy and Its Evolution on
Springback, Int. J. Mech. Sci., 2002, Vol. 44(1), pp. 123-148.
12. Richard K. Boger, Bauschinger Effect and Its Continuum Representation in 6013
and 2524 Aluminum Alloys, Ph.D Dissertation, The Ohio State University, Winter,
13. R.K. Boger, R.H. Wagoner, F. Barlat, M.-G. Lee and K. Chung: Continuous, Large
Strain, Tension/Compression Testing of Sheet Material, Int. J. of Plasticity , 2005,
Vol. 21, Issue 12, pp. 2319-2343.
14. Armstrong PJ., Frederick CO. A mathematical representation of the multiaxial
Baushcinger Effect, C. E. G. B. Report RD/B/N 731, 1966.
15. Chaboche JL. On some modifications of kinematic hardening to improve the
description of ratchetting effects, International Journal of Plasticity, 1991;7: 661.
16. Chaboche JL., Rousselier G. On the plastic and viscoplastic constitutive equations,
parts I and II, J. Press. Vessel tech., 1983;105-153.
Wagoner, Matlock, Schroth
Page 9
17. Chaboche JL., Nouailhas D. Constitutive modeling of ratchetting effects - Part I:
experiemtnal Facts, ASME J. Engng. Mat. Tech., 1989;111: 384.
18. Hodge PG. A new method of analyzing stresses and strains in work hardening
plastic solids, J. Appl. Mech., 1857;24: 482-483.
19. Myoung-Gyu Lee, Daeyong Kim, Chongmin Kim, Michael L. Wenner, Robert H.
Wagoner, Kwansoo Chung: Spring-back evaluation of automotive sheets based on
isotropic-kinematic hardening laws and non-quadratic anisotropic yield functions
Part II: characterization of material properties, Int. J. of Plasticity, 2005, Vol. 21,
Issue 8-9, pp. 883-914.
20. Myoung-Gyu Lee, Daeyong Kim, Kwansoo Chung, R. H. Wagoner, “Springback
Prediction Based on Two-Surface Model,” ,Int. J. Plasticity, October, 2006 (in
21. Hill R. Theory of yielding and plastic flow of anisotropic metals, Proc. R. Soc.,
London, 1948;A193:281.
22. Barlat F., Lian, J., Plastic behavior and stretchability of sheet metals, Part I: A yield
function for orthotropic sheets under plane stress conditions. Int. J. Plast.. 1989;5:5166.
23. Barlat F., Maeda Y., Chung K., Yanagawa M., Brem JC, Hayashida, Y., Legfe DJ.
Matsui SJ., Murtha SJ. Hattori, S., Becker, R.C and Makosey, S., Yield function
development for aluminum alloy sheets. J. Mech. Phys. Sol., 1997:45:11/12:17271763.
24. J. F. Wang, W. D. Carden, R. H. Wagoner, D. K. Matlock and F. Barlat: Creep and
Anelasticity in the Springback of Aluminum, Int. J. of Plasticity, 2004, Vol. 20,
Issue 12, pp. 2209-2232.
25. M. S. Walp, A. Wurm, J. F. Siekirk III, A. K. Desai: ?Shear Fracture
in Advanced High Strength Steels?, SAE Technical Publication
#2006-01-1433, SAE Warrendale, PA, 2006.
26. Damborg F.F., Wagoner R. H., Nielsen K. B., and Danckert J., Application of
Ductile Fracture Criteria to Bending under Tension, in Proceedings of the 20th
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American Iron and Steel Institute figures provided by Lawrence Kavanagh, Vice
President, Manufacturing and Technology, American Iron and Steel Institute, 1101
17th Street NW, Washington DC 20036.
UltraLight Steel Auto Body project figures provided by Marcl van Schaik, ibid.
Also see ULSAB web site:
EPA Office of Mobile Sources, EPA National Vehicle and Fuel Emissions
Laboratory, 2565 Plymouth Road, Ann Arbor, MI 48105.
Also see
Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center, CDIAC, Oak Ridge National
Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN, 37831. See also: