Unit 1 – The Short Story Big Idea Overview and Resources

Name ___________________________________________________
Journal Writing Unit 1 – The Short Story - English 10, Mrs. Arthrell
 You will be expected to write five (5) journal entries per week. If you are absent, your Journal writing for that
day is still to be done! Journals for the previous week will be collected for grading every Monday (or the first
day of that school week).
Score – 25 points per week
 Journals may be written in “Type 1” or “Free writing Style.” This is simply writing the first thing that comes
to your head without worrying about grammar, spelling, sentence structure, etc. This is more about quantity
over quality.
 Since speed is more important than accuracy for this daily writing, spelling and grammar will not be graded.
You will receive up to 5 points for each entry based on the scale of:
5 = terrific 4 = good 3 = acceptable 2 = weak 1 = awful
0 = little or
125 wds
100 wds
75 wds
50 wds
25 wds
10 or less wds
 However, SOPHOMORE writers will be expected to write with some attempt to create good work. No lists,
avoid rambling, and please stick to the assigned topics.
 Some classes will begin with 5 minutes of Journal time, but this will not always happen. You must finish the
journal entry that night or later
 Have a section of your binder set aside with a good amount of loose-leaf standard lined paper. Have a margin
on the sides, single-spaced, with an aim for about 8-10 handwritten words per line
 To start, write the DATE and the TITLE or NUMBER of the ENTRY as a heading.
 Two Special Rules: 1) Use acceptable ideas and language. Cursing at your reader is unacceptable. 2) If you
seem to be threatening to yourself or others, I am obligated to alert the proper people.
 There are 4 lists with suggestions for choosing topics that relate to the unit of study. Try to stay in that list, but
you may pick from any list. Check completed topics.
Part 1: Encountering the Unexpected - Suggested List -A
Overview - - In the short stories in Part I, many characters encounter unexpected people and events that dramatically
change their perspective or understanding of the world. These unexpected moments and experiences invite
opportunities for characters to grow and revise old habits and ways of thinking. While the reader experiences
surprising twists and turns alongside the characters, the author has planned them out within the structure of the short
story. Emphasis – Elements of the Short Story
Part 2: Making Choices – Suggested List - B
Overview - In the short stories in Part 2, the choices that the characters make reveal to the reader something about who
they are or who they desire to be. Sometimes difficult circumstances lead characters to make hard choices in which
they must make great sacrifices for the benefit of others. Other times, selfish motives compel characters to make bad
choices that result in dangerous or tragic situations. Whether influenced by circumstance, personal desire, or both, the
choices that characters make also have the power to change them. One way in which authors develop their main
characters is to show how they learn important life lessons from their mistakes. Emphasis - Character and
3: Life Transitions - Suggested List - C
Overview -The transition from childhood to adulthood is a difficult and often emotionally intense period in a person’s
life. There are many changes that he or she must cope with in a short period of time. In addition, there is also the
challenge of taking up new roles and responsibilities within one's family and community. Sometimes the sudden
pressure to behave more like an adult produces feelings of nostalgia for bygone days of youth and innocence.
Emphasis - What Makes a Good Short Story?
List A
Describe a place that's so special to you that you just love thinking about it.
Tell a story about something silly or cute your pet has done.
Think of a place that's so special to you that you just love thinking about it. It might be as big as a city, or as
small as one corner of a room. Tell one story that comes to mind when you think of this place.
What did you do last summer? What did you do the summer you were ten?
Write about learning to skate, to ride a bike, to climb a tree, or to turn a cartwheel.
Were you ever locked in or out?
Write about a disastrous trip or vacation.
Were you ever in a fire, flood, tornado, or hurricane?
Describe an outdoor game you used to play in the summertime.
Did you ever run away from home? How far did you get?
Write about a time as a child when you played in one of the following: a tree house, a junkyard, an abandoned
house, a stream, a cemetery, or railroad tracks.
Write about the funniest thing that ever happened to you.
Describe your most memorable birthday party.
What smell makes you remember something special from your childhood?
Write a story based on a narrow escape
You woke up in the middle of the woods. How did you get there? How will you get back home?
Describe the best time you ever had in your life.
Write the story of a time you encountered your neighborhood bully.
List B
Write about a time you had to communicate with someone you couldn't understand
Write about a time you were talked into something and regretted it.
Did you ever forget something extremely important?
Were you ever accused of something you didn't do?
Write about becoming disillusioned with someone you admired or respected.
Did you ever become friends with someone much younger or much older than you?
Describe your most embarrassing moment or your proudest moment.
If you could step back in time to re-live one day, what would you do differently?
Tell about an event in your life that has caused a change in you.
Think of something you have done that brought you satisfaction, pleasure, or a sense of accomplishment.
Write about that activity or event and tell why it sticks in your mind.
Think of your best or worst day in school. Tell the story of what happened.
Write about the good or bad relationship you have with your mother and how it developed.
Write the story of a time you stuck up for someone
Write about an enemy who eventually became your friend.
Write about a time you performed in front of an audience.
Write about a difficult decision you had to make.
Write about a time you found out something about yourself.
List C
Were you ever given a responsibility you couldn't handle?
Did you ever break an important promise?
Write about being a misfit.
Write about a time you outsmarted someone.
What was it like to get glasses or braces?
Did you ever try to be something you really weren't?
Write about wearing high heels or neckties for the first time.
How did you find out the truth about Santa Claus?
It is 20 years from now. Your name has just been called and you are about to receive an award. Tell the story
of how you came to be so successful and win this award.
Write the story of a time you realized that you were your neighborhood bully.
Describe an event that made you realize you were growing up.
Write about a time you proved yourself to someone older.
List D
Did you ever save someone from getting hurt?
Write about a time when you tried to help and ended up making things worse.
Write about moving to another town or city..
Write about seeing the ocean or the mountains for the first time.
__53. Which super power do you wish you had? How would you use it to do good?