Oakland Technical High School

Oakland Technical High School
Weekly Staff Bulletin
Monday, 3/17
Registration for Fall 2008
Faculty Council Mt
Their Eyes Were Watching God
Tuesday, 3/18
Registration for Fall 2008
Wednesday, 3/19
Staff Development Day
Registration for Fall 2008
Institute for Learning (IFL)
Their Eyes Were Watching God
Booster Club Mt
Thursday, 3/20
Friday, 3/121
Jurisch, Sheridan, Elmer,
Wagner, Provost
3rd Period/ALL CLASSES
3:40/Principal’s Conf Rm
Zuckerman, Rhone, Chartschlaa
Rehearsal 3:30-5:30
6:00 pm/Library
Registration for Fall 2008
Raeke FT (30)
Skylearn Assessment
Senior Mentor Celebration
Dept Managers Mt
Joe, Rhone
Registration for Fall 2008
Raeke FT (30)
Cesar Chavez Assembly
Easter Egg Hunt Rally
Their Eyes Were Watching God
Their Eyes Were Watching God
Saturday, 3/22
Davidson, Silkiss, Coplan, Kiang
Lunch/ Principal’s Conf Rm
Rehearsal 3:30-5:30
7-9 pm/Library
3rd period/Tch lunchroom
12:00 noon/quick lunch room
Rehearsal 3:30-5:30
Rehearsal 10:00am-5pm
Week after Spring Break
Monday, 3/31
Tuesday, 4/1
Wednesday, 4/2
Friday, 4/4
Saturday, 4/5
Cesar Chavez Holiday
Admin Mt 7:30 a.m., Field of Dreams Dedication 4:00 p.m.
Staff Development Day
Multi Cultural Assembly
PTSA Silent Auction
Registration for Fall: This week, Mr. Yokomura, our head counselor and 10th grade
counselor, will be registering our current sophomores for the 2008-2009 school year. If 10th
grade English teachers need another schedule, see him for a copy.
Their Eyes Were Watching God: Mark your calendars now so you won’t miss the Spring
Production of Their Eyes Were Watching God on Thursday, Friday or Saturday, April 24, 25
or 26. This promises to be a memorable event!
Attendance: Last week we had one day when every teacher on this campus was present. !
Having all of our teachers present makes a tremendous difference to the overall school
climate. The District is acknowledging this fact by honoring those teachers who didn’t have
any absences during the 1st semester. The administrative staff would like to commend those
teachers as well. Hopefully everyone will make a special effort to be here this Friday, not
only as a role model for our students but also to help make our Cesar Chavez Assembly
more successful..
School Wide Writing: This Tuesday we are undertaking an important step in setting a
direction for student improvement by doing school wide writing in all 3rd period classes. All
teachers, regardless of subject area, are asked to have their students write for 30 minutes on
the same prompt. If you have questions about this, contact Alicia Romero.
Institute for Learning: This Wednesday a group of Principals from the Institute for Learning
(IFL) will be on our campus and will be visiting classes.
Skylearn Assessment: This Thursday, during 3rd period, the students who signed up for
Skylearn will be assessed in the teacher’s cafeteria. Last time this assessment was
attempted only 3 students showed up. 3rd period teachers are instrumental in encouraging
and getting the students to go for the assessment. This program can potentially be very
beneficial to our students’ future success. Please review the Skylearn Assessment Bulletin
and make sure the following students get downstairs for the assessment. Miguel Ahumada,
Michael Bradford, Christopher Brown, Surafel Buruk, TC Cooper, Cameron Jones
Cameron, Micheal Jones, Dejanae Mladinich, Kelvin McMiller, Christopher McMillon, Najah
Morgan, David Mueller, Jacori Nix-Bowers, Ismael Patterson, Arianna Pharr, Alandra
Smith, Zakiya Williams, Maurice Allen, Desiree Cain, Jonathan Duenas, Ahmed Farah,
Brittany Floyd-Brooks, Tangi Gaddis, Josue Garcia, Donnay Givens, Colby Hoover, Tameka
Jones, Anthony Miller, Yosef Mulugeta, Shaquila Prosser, Keith Stiggs, Samaiyah Ishmale
Thorton, James Traylor, Marcianna Ward, Marlon West Tell them that their parents signed
up for this special computerized program that will help them improve their math and English
Senior Mentor Celebration: This Thursday, Senior mentors will be celebrated in the quick
lunch room. Eloy Garcia, the gentleman who sells caps, gowns and rings, is sponsoring a
celebration lunch for our mentors. Each mentor will have a pass to get excused at 12:00
noon. Have you noticed anything that a senior mentor has done that impressed you? If you
have any comments that you would like to be read at the celebration regarding what you’ve
noticed about the Senior Mentors please email them to cdar3@hotmail.com or put a note in
her mailbox.
Can’t Say it Enough: 1) No passes first15 minutes nor last 15 minutes of class. 2) Don’t
allow a student to leave the classroom without a pass. 3) Do not allow students to leave until
the bell rings.
Cesar Chavez Assembly (1927 – 1993): This Friday we have a 3A/3B assembly scheduled
to celebrate the life of Cesar Chavez. This assembly has been planned by students who took
the initiative to put it together on their own. You will receive an assembly bulletin by
Wednesday. Please read it carefully so that we can continue to ensure successful