Stephen Rand, persecuted Christians (Open Doors)

Stephen Rand
Stephen Rand looks after all the practicalities for Fresh Streams - updating the website,
running the annual conference, doing the book-keeping etc. He's been involved for more
years than he cares to remember - Fresh Streams (then Mainstream) conferences back in
the 1980s were first and significant opportunities for refreshment and encounters with the
Holy Spirit.
He worked for Tearfund for 25 years, helping to initiate Jubilee 2000 and Make Poverty
History. Then he and his wife Susan helped to lead a Baptist church that met in the Odeon
Cinema in Wimbledon, before Stephen began his involvement with Open Doors in 2006,
where he was responsible for developing its advocacy work on behalf of persecuted
Christians. He regularly writes daily notes for Bible Reading Fellowship, and is the author of
When the time was right, a book of advent readings.
How could he help you?
Stephen loves preaching and taking church weekends, particularly around issues of local and
global mission, church and community, justice and discipleship. He can be contacted by
email or phone 07889 158215.