
Scenic Lookout and Cycling Trail Inaugurated
in Hagit IEC Forest
The Hagit Scenic Lookout and the Cycling Trail that circles Hagit were inaugurated in
the Israel Electric Corporation (IEC) Clients Forest in northern Israel on April 29,
2013, at a ceremony attended by representatives of the IEC and KKL-JNF. “The scenic
lookout demonstrates the green side of the Hagit power station and the IES's work for
the environment over the years,” said IEC marketing director Anat Shamir.
Nine hundred dunams of forested areas have been planted in the Hagit Forest to date, with
three kilometers of hiking trails and two cycling trails. The Hagit Circle Route cycling trail is
7 kilometers long, and there is another fifteen kilometer trail that connects to other trails and
is part of the network of cycling trails on the Carmel. A map was installed at the entrance to
the forest, for orientation, as well as picnic tables for the benefit of visitors.
And this is only the beginning. Plans for the coming year include an open museum on the
subject of renewable energy, which is to include a hiking trail with stations along the way
presenting different methods of renewable and alternative energy. “Our aim is to turn the
forest into a center for recreation, leisure, sports and learning,” said IEC marketing director
Anat Shamir.
Hagit Forest, named after the nearby power station, was planted about one year ago as part of
a joint ecological project undertaken by the IEC and KKL-JNF in recognition of IEC clients
who joined the system of billing by electronic mail. Thanks to that initiative, not only are
there more new trees, but less old trees are felled for printing receipts on paper for distribution
to clients.
Hagit forest is part of the green carpet created by the Carmel forests. “This area is amazing
for its beauty and its proximity to central Israel, and it is a great attraction for hikers,” said
KKL-JNF Fundraising Division director Zeev Kedem. He expressed his appreciation for the
IEC and its efforts on behalf of the environment, and concluded with a few words about
KKL-JNF. “For over 110 years,” said Kedem, “we have always known how to adapt to
current needs and stay relevant through diverse projects such as the scenic lookout
inaugurated today.”
From the new scenic lookout one could see the Hagit power station, which is located in the
middle of the forest and generates electricity by means of environmentally friendly natural
gas. Landscaping was done at the site to minimize the impact on the environment. There are
four production units at the power station combining gas turbines and steam turbines for
maximal efficiency in fuel consumption and environmental protection. The process of
generating electricity produces concentrates that are utilized for irrigating the flora at the site
and the trees in the forest. New technologies protect the soil from pollutants, and advanced
means enable constant supervision of the emissions from the chimneys.
The ceremony at the scenic lookout was emceed by KKL-JNF Director of Resource
Development in Israel Michael Ben Abu. “By collaborating with the Israel Electric
Corporation,” he said, “we are taking another step in actualizing the vision of a green and
sustainable environment, for us and for future generations.”
Between the speeches, the audience enjoyed the musical interludes presented by Hakol
Zorem, the vocal ensemble of the IEC. After the greetings and the unveiling of the plaque at
the scenic lookout, the IEC and KKL-JNF representatives went to plant a tree together
symbolizing the many more trees that would be planted in the future and future productive
cooperation that will be jointly undertaken by the IEC and KKL-JNF. “When we visit this
place in a few years,” concluded Shamir when she was done planting the tree, “I have no
doubt that we will see a great many trees here and an awesome forest.”
For further information, comments or permission
please contact
Ahuva Bar-Lev
KKL-JNF – Information and Publications
Phone: 972-2-6583354 Fax:972-2-6583493