ICN Wiki Directions

ICN Wiki Directions
(Some directions from http://pbwikimanual.pbwiki.com/Editing)
ICN Wiki Address: contracostaicn.pbwiki.com
Wiki Front Page
This is the view you’ll see when you first see the ICN wiki.
Click on the house
to get to the Front
Page at any time.
Click “Edit” to make
changes on a page. (You
must be logged in first.)
Log in so
you have
editing rights
If you
need help
along the
Use the
Sidebar to
navigate to
or from
Once you are logged in, you will
have permission to leave
comments on a page.
You will have Writer privileges for the ICN wiki. This will allow you to edit pages to add clues for Where in
Contra Costa County and upload files when it’s time to post articles and final papers.
To log in to the wiki, you will need an e-mail address. You can use your school e-mail account once you’ve
created your PBwiki account, but when you initially sign up for an account, the welcome e-mail will be blocked
by district spam filters. Another option is to use an e-mail address that will be used solely for this project,
because if you want students to post, they will need to log in with this address.
Theresa Gabor/CCCOE
ICN Wiki Directions
Wiki Editing Screen
When you click on the “Edit” tab, this screen appears. It uses basic word-processing features to allow you to
add content without using HTML.
When you are done making changes or posting files, BE SURE TO CLICK SAVE!
How do I…?
How do I link to a web page on another site?
1. Highlight a word you wish to use as
the link to the site.
2. Click “Link” in the toolbar.
3. Select “URL” and choose the proper
protocol (http://, news://, etc).
4. Paste the address of the page into the
text box.
5. Click “OK”
Note: If you don’t highlight a word before
clicking “Link”, the editor will insert the
entire web address into the page as the link, as
shown below.
Theresa Gabor/CCCOE
ICN Wiki Directions
How do I upload images or files?
1. Click the "Upload/view files" link in the upper right hand corner.
2. Use the "Browse..." button to find the file on your computer.
3. Click the "Add more than one file" link to upload multiple files.
4. Press the "Upload" button to upload the files to your wiki.
How can I add images or files to my page?
Go into "Edit Mode"
Click "Images and Files" on the right panel of your screen.
Click “Browse” to find the file on your computer.
When you locate the file and select it, click “upload”. After uploading,
the file will appear in your file list.
5. Click on the text of the file name to insert it into your wiki.
Note: If you want to see a list of your files and pictures without going into editing mode, click the “Upload/view
files” link while viewing the wiki. From here you may also rename and delete files or pictures from there.
However, only Editors and Admins can remove files!
How do I link to a file?
Go into "Edit Mode"
Click "Images and Files" on the right panel of your screen.
Click “Browse” to find the file on your computer.
When you locate the file and select it, then click “upload”. After
uploading, the file will appear in your file list.
Theresa Gabor/CCCOE
ICN Wiki Directions
5. Click on the text of the file name to insert it into you wiki.
Note: If you want to see a list of your files and pictures without going into editing mode, click the “Upload/view
files” link while viewing the wiki. From here you may also rename and delete files or pictures from there.
Posting “Where in Contra Costa” Clues on the Wiki
There will be a template for posting clues on the clue pages. Please follow the template when you post your
On the clue pages, there will be one section for each school, labeled School A, School B, School C, and School
D. The first school to post gets to be School A, and so on (unless you really want to be a particular letter!) Use
the procedures above to log in and access the editing screen and add your clues. Please post your clues within
the section for your school, following the guidelines in the directions.
Posting Articles on the Wiki
Articles must be posted as Microsoft Word files. If you are using Word 2007, please save your articles in an
older format so schools with older versions can still access the articles.
1. When saving your article please save it with a shortened version of the title. For example, an article
titled “The Effects of Plastic Water Bottles on the Environment” could be saved with a file name of
“Water Bottle and Environment.”
2. When you post each article on the wiki, please go to the Article Index Page and find the correct page for
your article (i.e., Sports articles go on the Sports page.)
3. Click “Edit,” then type the full title of the article, the author(s), and the school name. For example, type
The Effects of Plastic Water Bottles on the Environment, by Theresa Gabor, Contra Costa
4. Then go to “Upload Files” on the right side of the page. Browse for the article and upload it.
5. Highlight the title of the article, then find the article in the list of files on the right. Click on the article
file. Now your title should appear underlined in blue writing.
Downloading Articles from the Wiki
When it’s time for you to find articles for your newspaper, go to the Article Index Page and choose a column. If
you want to simply read an article, you may click on the title of the article, and your browser will ask if you
want to view it or save it. To just read an article, you probably want to click on “View.” When you find an
article that you want to use, choose “Save” or “Save As” (depending on your browser.) Your browser should
ask you where you want to save the article. You might want to create folders for each column to keep files
Theresa Gabor/CCCOE
ICN Wiki Directions
Posting Newspapers on the Wiki
To post your newspaper to the wiki, follow the same steps as those for posting your articles. Newspapers will be
posted on the Final Newspapers page. Once you click “Edit,” upload your newspaper file, saved with a short
name. On the page, type the name of your newspaper and your school information. Highlight the name of your
newspaper, and click on your newspaper file in the Files box on the right side of the page. Your newspaper title
should now appear underlined and in blue.
If possible, please save your newspaper as a PDF. If you have trouble doing this contact Theresa. If you do not
have the software to create PDFs, post your article in whatever format you used, and we will resave it as a PDF.
Posting it as a PDF ensures no one will alter your newspaper.
Theresa Gabor/CCCOE
ICN Wiki Directions