The Rate of Reactions

The Rate of Reactions
At the molecular level of live some reaction go very fast, others go extremely slow.
Chemical kinetics is the field of chemistry that deals with the rates of the reactions. It gives
us factor that affect rates and how they work.
Some important factor that we can even demonstrate in the class:
The chemical nature of the reactant is the most important factor. It is the first factor
that determine the reaction rate.
The physical state of the reactants. Homogeneous reactions are faster than
heterogeneous reaction. To demonstrate this affect we should show the same reaction
first in liquid solvent than when both of the reactants are in different phases.
Concentration also affects the reaction. The higher the concentration of the reactants
are the higher the rate is.
Temperature affects reaction. Generally increasing the temperature the rate is getting
higher due to the collision theory.
Pressure for reaction involving gases, increasing the pressure of gases we increasing
the concentration of the gases.
Catalyst. Many reactions go at higher rates in the presence of tiny concentrations of
what seem to be nonreactant.
Some of these factor and their affects can be easily shown in lessons with colourfull
interesting reactions.
These reaction does not need big amounts of substances so we bravely demonstrate it in
class. Also it does not need much of each substances it is spectacular for the whole class
even it has a big number of students