Extreme Make Over / Soul Edition


Sts. Philip and James Youth Ministry Retreat Weekend

Camp Quinipet Shelter Island, NY

"Extreme Make Over / Soul Edition”

December 18-20, 2009

Consent / Permission Slip, Medical Authorization and Code of Behavior

I request that my child ___________________________________________________ be allowed to attend Sts. Philip & James Fall

Retreat to Camp Quinipet's Retreat Center on Shelter Island December 18 - 20, 2009. I give my child permission to attend Sts. Philip and

James R.C.C. youth ministry retreat to Shelter Island, New York.

Parent's signature: ________________________________________ Date: ________________________

The undersigned, being the natural guardian of _______________________________________________, a minor, hereby appoint Mr.

Frank Brancaccio, Director of Youth Ministry, or any of his chaperones as my attorney-in-fact who is authorized to consent to any and all medical intervention, treatment, or care in which at their sole discretion, is deemed in the best interest of my child. We agree to hold harmless any person who provides medical care, treatment or assistance in reliance on the authorization given by this document. I understand that as a parent and natural guardian, I will remain responsible for the cost of any such care. I specifically intend for this instrument to be implemented and enforceable in the State of New York. I (we) the undersigned parent, parents or legal guardian of

________________________________________, a minor, do hereby authorize treatment of our child by a licensed medical physician in case of accident, illness that may arise, or any hospitalization necessary.

_________________________________________ _____________________________________________

Father / Guardian signature Mother / Guardian signature

Address:_______________________________________________________________________City: _____________________

State: _____ Zip: ________________Telephone ________________________________ Work _________________________

Cell # ___________________________ Emergency________________________________Other__________________________

Family Health Insurance Company ___________________________Health Insurance Policy _____________________________

Medication that my child is taking: ___________________________________________________________

____________ (check if ok) I give permission for non-prescription medication (Tylenol, Benydryl, etc.) to be given to my child.


I hereby promise that I will not engage in any undesirable behavior such as drinking any alcoholic beverages, use of non-prescription or illegal drugs, theft, sexual behavior, fighting, inappropriate language, or any other undersirable behavior listed below. I understand that if

I do not adhere to these rules, I will be sent home, either at my parent's expense, or they will come pick me up.

* No drugs or alcohol * No vandalism * Will attend all meetings and abide by all rules and regulations retreat

* Will not leave premises* Will not enter living quarters of the opposite sex

SSPJ Youth Signature: ____________________________________ Date: ______________

I have read the above agreement and understand that if my child does not adhere to these rules, I will pick-up my child at the Quinipet's Retreat Center on Shelter Island, or they will be sent home at my expense.

Parent's Signature ________________________________________Date ____________

Email: SSPJYOUTH@aol.com

Website www.SSPJYOUTH.com

For more info please call 862-SSPJ or 584-5454
