Psychiatry ,mental illness


Psychiatry ,mental illness


ةيخيرات همدقم

It’s a branch of medicine ,a psychiatrist is a physician who choose to study and train in management of mentally ill patients .

Psychology is the science that deals with the normal human thinking and behavior

,to study the theories of psychology

,behavioral sciences .

Recognizing mentally ill patients is a world old phenomena ,ancient civilization reported in their remains some notes about symptoms and management of mental illnesses in Sumer ,Babylon

,Assyrian in Iraq ,pharaoh in Egypt ,others sites in the ancient world ,however they shared the same believes of being caused by supernatural powers like demons , evil spirits , or an expression of Gods anger for the person misdeeds .there were discovered text clays in 2600.B.C in Babylon , showing the priest treating a mentally ill patient by reading prayer .

During the Arab Muslims era about the seventh century there were numerous books and literatures of Arab and

Muslims physicians like AlRazee and Ibn –Senaa who were luminaries in the field of diagnosing ,describing neurotic symptoms and signs and attributing them to an

emotional stress rather than devils or extra ordinary spirits ,which was a modern approach to understanding of psychiatric disorders at that time

The contemporary psychiatric services ;

At 1956 the first modern mental hospital was founded by ministry of health in Baghdad called ALshamaiaa then the name changed to Al Rashad mental hospital ,at 1968 another mental hospital was established named IBn-Rushed mental hospital for acute cases and drug abuse.

Teaching psychiatry took place in Baghdad medical college at

1929 as mental and neurological sciences.

The importance of studying psychiatry for future doctors

--The association of many medical illnesses with the psychiatric disorders being causative factors or effect ,cause –effect relationship .

--the similarity of some psychiatric symptoms with symptoms related to drugs ,toxins ,trauma ,medical disorders.

-the knowledge of psychiatry help newly graduated doctors to avoid serious mistakes in diagnosing organically induced mental symptoms and signs.

Psychiatric treatment had been under continuous progress and development at fifties the real start of psychopharmacology was founded by discovering

Therapeutic effects of the group known as phenothiazines, then numerous other medications launched in the market with the usage of other methods in treatment like ECT ,psychotherapy,


Psychiatric disorders can be classified empirically into tow groups

-psychosis and neurosis ,these represent the 2 major and the most common psychiatric disorders ,others includes

-personality disorders

-child psychiatry

Old age psychiatry

-organic psychiatry

-gender role issues

-legal issues in psychiatry

There are tow main category for classifications

1- ICD-10 ; its an international codes for classifying psychiatric disorders issued by WHO usually used in UK and Europe ,the number count for series in chronological orders

2=DSM-IV ; its an American manual for clinical classification of psychiatric disorders issued by the

American Psychiatric Association ,the number also count for the last revision 1994 ,its applicable both for bedside daily practice and research work.

In practicing psychiatry we should always put in consideration the cultural factors that play an important role in shaping the themes and demonstration of psychiatric symptoms as it does manipulate the judgments and ideology of both the patient and the psychiatrist.

