Mountain Ridge High School - Deer Valley Unified School District

Mountain Ridge High School
New Club Formation
Request for the formation of a new club
Chronological steps necessary for formation of a new club:
Faculty Sponsor:
Faculty Sponsor Signature
I have read and will adhere to the club sponsor guidelines and expectations.
(see attached)
I have discussed the proposed formation with the Assistant Principal in charge
of Student Activities prior to meeting with students regarding creating a
constitution or planning specific activities.
Administrator’s Signature:
Meet with students and create constitution (see template).
Submit this form and proposed constitution to Student Activities Office.
Once approved, bookstore can then open an account and your club is active.
Responsibilities of a Club Sponsor
Ensure that all club activities are consistent with the educational purpose of the club and the
Mission Statements of both MRHS and the Deer Valley Unified School District.
Develop student leadership and democratic practices in the selection of club officers, and in the
conduct of club business.
Supervise all club activities.
Supervise the financial accounting of the club finances.
Ensure that all activities are consistent with state law, district policies, and school policies.
Publicize the club by keeping students, teachers and administrators informed of club activities.
Each club will have a sponsor.
The sponsor must attend all club activities.
Sponsors are directly responsible to the Student Activities office for approval of all club activities
and affiliations.
Each club shall have officers selected according to procedures set in their constitution.
Meetings should be scheduled to accommodate transportation for students. Evening and Sunday
meetings are discouraged.
Clubs are prohibited from participating in any events, activities, etc., that are in violation of the
Arizona Interscholastic Association or Conference rules.
Clubs having outstanding debts, receipts or business will not receive approval for additional
activities until the matters have been resolved.
Sponsors Assessment
Sponsors are required to complete an End of the Year Sponsor Summary. This summary entails a club
description, requirements to join, time of meetings, when students can join, club sponsors name and
contact phone numbers, club accomplishments for the year and whether or not all sponsors intend to
continue in their position as a sponsor the following school year. This is to be submitted to the Activities
Administrator by the first Friday in May each year.
Forming A New Club
Students can start a club at any time of the year with administrative approval and a faculty sponsor.
Faculty sponsor named.
Obtain a form from Activities Secretary.
Discussion of the proposed formation with the Assistant Principal in charge of Student Activities.
Submission of the Constitution to the Student Activities Office.
Open club account. To do so, complete the Student Activity Account Authorization form. You
must have a minimum of $100 dollars to open an account in the bookstore. Submit to the Student
Activities office for approval and signature. Submit approved authorization to the bookstore to
open your account. Upon approval, an account code will be assigned to you.
All accounts must be closed by the last regular day of school. All encumbrances and outstanding
bills and expenses are to be resolved at that time.
Club Activities
All activity functions (including fundraisers) must have prior approval of the sponsor and the student
activities office and placed on the master calendar. A sponsor or a “certified” designee must supervise all
students if they want to participate in an activity. Please refer questions to the Assistant Principal.
Failure to Follow Procedure
Failure to follow any of the procedures established for clubs stated in this handbook or issued in
writing may result in:
The club account could be closed for a period of time.
The organization’s President and the Sponsor of the club will be notified in writing by the
Assistant Principal of any violations.
The club will have five (5) days to request a review and justify continued existence. If the club
cannot justify continued existence, all remaining funds will be placed in the student activity fund
(i.e. Student Government account).
Mountain Ridge High School
New Club Formation Guidelines
Thank you for your interest in starting a new club on campus. In
addition to writing a club constitution, please fill out the attached form,
Request for Formation of a New Club, and return both to the activities
office for administrative approval. If you have any questions, please see
the activities administrator.
Club Constitution Sample
The following should be included in your constitution:
Name of Club
II. Purpose of Club
III. Membership qualifications
IV. Meetings (when and where meetings are held/how often)
V. Officers and Duties (positions and responsibilities of each)
VI. Dues (optional)
VII. Elections (how officers are elected or chosen and when)
VIII. Qualifications for office
IX. Removal and Replacement of officers (if someone steps down,
how replaced?)
X. Amendments
Must be submitted to the Student Activities office and approved before
a club account can be set up in the bookstore. Signature Authorization
sheet must be on file in bookstore to set up club account.
“Name of Club” Constitution
Sponsor: “Sponsor’s Name”
The name of this organization shall be the _________________ Club of Mountain Ridge High
ARTICLE II – Purpose and Goals
A. The purpose of ______________ is to
B. The goals of _______________ are:
Add more as needed.
ARTICLE III – Membership
A. To be eligible for membership a person must ____________________________.
B. The method of electing members of this club shall be
C. To be considered a member in good standing each member of this club
D. Membership shall automatically terminate
1. upon graduation or otherwise ceasing to be a student at Mountain Ridge High School
2. by termination of the club
3. by failure to ________________
ARTICLE IV – Meetings
The club shall meet
ARTICLE V – Officers and Duties
A. The officers of this club shall be: (List all positions).
1. President
2. Vice-President
3. continue with the rest of the offices
B. The duties of each office are:
(List duties under each position).
1. The president shall _____________________________________________.
2. The vice-president shall ____________________________________________.
3. The secretary shall ________________________________________________.
4. The treasurer shall ________________________________________________.
5. List all other position duties
ARTICLE VI – Dues (optional)
A. Any additional dues or assessments on the membership of the club shall be
_______________. B. All dues must be paid before a member will be considered in good
C. Funds for activities and projects undertaken by this club shall in general be raised apart from
such dues or assessments. [Use this sentence only if applicable]
ARTICLE VII – Elections
A. Election for the offices of president, vice-president, secretary, historian, public relations, and
treasurer, shall be held annually prior to _____________________ (date). Those elected shall
take office immediately following the election. Their term will continue through
________(date) of the next year as long as they attend at least ______% of the meetings and
__________________(any other qualifications).
B. Nominations of officers shall be made either in writing or from the floor by members in good
standing. Candidates shall be voted upon at the regular meeting following the meeting at
which nominations are made. Voting shall be by secret ballot by members who are in good
standing. Those candidates receiving a majority of the votes of the members present and in
good standing shall be elected. Starting ___________(date), to be a qualified candidate the
member must have _____________ (any qualifications: attendance at so many meetings,
minimum community service hours, etc.).
ARTICLE VIII - Qualifications for Office
A. Candidate must be a member of good standing in the organization and fulfill the following
(Example is as follows)
1. The president shall be a (year if applicable), etc.
ARTICLE IX – Removal and Replacement
A. If any member feels that an officer is not fulfilling his/her constitutional duties, he/she may
file a petition of impeachment.
1. If three-fourths of the ___________________members sign the petition, the officer
shall be impeached.
2. If the petition is signed by one-half of the general membership that voted for him/her,
even if the _________________________________
ARTICLE X - Amendments
A. Amendments must be submitted at a meeting and will not be voted upon until the next
B. These will only become part of the constitution by 2/3 majority vote of the members in good
standing at any regular or special meeting of the club at which a quorum is present, provided
notice of intention to call such a vote is given at least ______ days earlier at a meeting of the
club at which a quorum is present.
THIS CONSTITUTION WAS RATIFIED THE _____DAY OF _______ _______ , 20____
SPONSOR (print name)
SPONSOR (signature)
PRESIDENT (print name)
PRESIDENT (signature)
VICE PRESIDENT (print name)
VICE PRESIDENT (signature)
SECRETARY (print name)
SECRETARY (signature)
TREASURER (print name)
TREASURER (signature)