london webquests - corrections

London Webquest 4e
You are going to learn more about a famous London place or monument. Click on the blue
links to answer the questions.
You will find information about:
Madame Tussaud’s is
 the name of the Queen’s maid*.  a wax* museum.  the name of the King’s wife.
She was born in ...  London.
 Paris.
 Strasbourg.
She was born in…  1761.
 1671.
 1567.
It is located at (give the exact address) Marylebone Road, London, NW1 5LR.
The Tube / Underground station to go there is Baker Street.
Who is this famous king you can see in Madame Tussaud’s ? King Henry VIII
When was he born? In
1491 When did he die*? In 1547
Give his dates of reign: 1509-15747 (his reign stopped when he died)
How many wives did he have?
Name them in their order of marriage: Catherine of Aragon / Anne Boleyn / Jane Seymour / Anne
of Cleves / Catherine Howard / Catherine Parr
What happened to wife n° 2 and wife n° 5 ? they were executed (beheaded) in the Tower of
In which famous London monument did this horrible event* happen*? In the Tower of London
Who succeeded to this King? Edward VI
He was the King’s
Who is this famous person you can see in Madame Tussaud’s? John Lennon
In which famous British rock group did he sing*? The Beatles
Liverpool Manchester
Where did the group come from? Brighton
Name the other members of the group: Paul Mc Cartney / George Harrison / Ringo
What happened to the group in 1970? They split up*
They became a reggae group.
What happened to the man on the photo in 1980? A madman assassinated / killed him in New York
Name a famous song* composed by this person: Imagine, Give Peace a Chance...
A maid : une femme de chambre wax : cire
An event : un événement
(to) die : mourir
(to) happen : arriver, se produire
(to) sing : chanter
(to) split up : se séparer
a song : une chanson
London Webquest 4e
You are going to learn more about a famous London place or monument. Click on the blue
links to answer the questions.
You will find information about:
Oxford Street is ...
 a famous street in London with many shops.
 the name of a shop.
 a street in Oxford with many shops.
It is famous because it is
the smallest street in London
the longest shopping street in Europe
the largest shopping street in the world*
There are 300.shops (give the number) and the street is 2.4 km m long (give the length*).
It is very easy to get there. There are:
 5 underground stations.  3 underground stations.  4 underground stations.
Name them : Bond Street / Marble Arch / Oxford Circus / Piccadilly Circus / Tottenham Court Road
Covent Garden is …
a park
a garden
a shop
a covered market hall
If you go to Covent Garden by Tube, where must you stop? Give the station’s name: Covent Garden
How many Tube stations are there near Covent Garden? 4
Covent Garden is part of 2 London boroughs*. Which ones?
Notting Hill
If you like art, in Covent Garden you can find
a painting museum
an opera house
The Globe theatre
street performers*
What is the main* activity you can do in Covent Garden? SHOPPING !!!
What is the name of the place in the very centre of Covent Garden? Covent Garden Market Piazza
Name the Renaissance architect who designed the place in the 1625: Inigo Jones
What was this place used for? A vegetable, fruit and flower market
What tragical event happened in London in 1666? A great Fire!
Covent Garden was destroyed.
What happened to Covent Garden Market as a consequence of this event? It became the most important
vegetable, fruit and flower market in England (because all other London markets were destroyed by the fire)
What did people buy there? Flowers, fruit and vegetables
When did this place really become a shopping centre and tourist attraction? In 1980
(look in the “Modern-day period” session)
What can you buy in Covent Garden Market now? Clothes, shoes, cosmerics, gifts, souvenirs, antiques...
(look in the “Landmarks” session)
In which part of Covent Garden can you buy antiquities? In the Apple Market
How many theatres are there ?
How many operas? 2 Name them: the Royal Opera House and the English National Opera
TOOL-BOX: the world : le monde
street performers: artistes de rue
the length: la longueur
main : principal(e)
a borough: un quartier
London Webquest 4e
You are going to learn more about a famous London place or monument. Click on the blue
links to answer the questions.
You will find information about:
Sherlock Holmes was…
a famous thief*
a famous policeman
really* existed
a famous detective
never existed.
The Sherlock Holmes Museum opens at 9.30 AM and closes at 6 PM.
It is open on Christmas day:  right
 wrong
To visit it a child must pay £4 and an adult £6.
Its address is 221b Baker Street, London
Sherlock Holmes is not a real detective. He was created by...
 Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.
 Emily Bronte.
The story says he lived in this house with his friend,
 Dr Moriarty.
 J.K. Rowlings.
 Dr Quinn.  Dr Watson.
He lived in this house... from 1865 to 1856.
 from 1881 to 1904.  from 1984 to 1998.
Sherlock was born on… 7th January 1855
 6th January 1854
 8th January 1854.
Name a famous Sherlock story The Hound of the Baskervilles / The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
Who was the King (or Queen?) of England in Sherlock Holmes’s time? Queen Victoria
Which famous criminal haunted London streets at the same period ? Jack the Ripper
What is his name in French? Jack l’Eventreur
What did he do?
He stole* the Queen’s jewels*. He killed rich ladies by strangling* them.
He killed prostitutes by cutting their throats*.
The total number of his victims is
In which London borough* did all his victims live? In Whitechapel
for rich people and aristocrats
It was a place
for poor people and workers*
He was arrested and imprisoned after a long investigation*.
Now we
He was never arrested.
still* don’t know who he really was!
A thief: un voleur
(to) steal, stole, stolen: voler
(to) strangle : étrangler
an investigation: une enquête
really : vraiment
jewels: des bijoux
a borough : un quartier
still : toujours pas
the throat: la gorge
workers : travailleurs, ouvriers
London Webquest 4e
You are going to learn more about a famous London place or monument. Click on the blue
links to answer the questions.
You will find information about:
The London Eye is
 a TV camera filming London.
It is
 the name of the police in London.
 135 metres high.
 115 metres high.
 an observation wheel.
 35 meters high.
The telephone number is 0870 5000 600
The number of visitors every year is...
 1 million.
 2 million.
It is open from 10 AM to 8 PM, or from 10AM to 9.30 PM.
Its address is Riverside Building, County Hall, Westminster Bridge Road.
The Tube / Underground station to go there is Waterloo.
Give the total quantity of steel * necessary to build the wheel: 1,700 tons.
The Millenium Dome or O2 Arena is
a swimming pool
a cinema
a concert hall
 3 million.
How high is the dome?
50 m high
180 m high
320 m high.
Give the length* of its diameter:320 m
Where was it built? On the Greenwich Meridian
On what special occasion was the Dome built? For the new Millenium
When did it open? In 2000
Wembley Stadium is famous for
its tower
its dome
its arch
What special event* took place* in the Stadium on July 1, 2007 ? a Concert in honor of Lady Diana
Where is the Stadium located? In Wembley Park in London
Who possesses the Stadium? The Football Association (FA)
Apart from football matches, what other events take place in the stadium? concerts
Name a big event that will take place there in 2011? The UEFA Champions League Final
When was the old Wembley stadium closed? in 2000
in 2003
in 2006
When did the construction of the new stadium start? 2003 When did it open? In 2007
How much did the construction cost? £ 86 million £ 90 million
£ 800 million
How many people can sit in the stadium to watch a football match? 90,000
How many can stand during a concert? 15,000
You can visit the Stadium on Christmas Day.
You can tour the Stadium from 10 AM to 4 PM (give the hours).
How much does a ticket cost for an adult who wants to visit the Stadium? £ 15
And for a 10-year old child? £ 8
How many Tube stations lead* to the Stadium?
5 (click on “Getting to Wembley”)
Name them: Wembley Park Station / Wembley Stadium Station / Wembley Central Station
Steel: acier
length: longueur
(to) take place: avoir lieu, se dérouler
an event: un évènement
(to) lead : mener à, conduire
London Webquest 4e
You are going to learn more about a famous London place or monument. Click on the blue
links to answer the questions.
You will find information about:
The Tower of London was constructed by
 Queen Elizabeth I
 William the Conqueror
Where was William from?  England  Italy  Germany
 France
And more precisely from Normandy
William had other nicknames. In France, we call him Guillaume le Conquérant
The Tower of London was
 a shopping centre
 a military fortress
 Sir Norman Foster.
a church*.
Its original mission was to protect and defend London against outside enemies / invaders
But it was also a royal prison and a place of execution and torture
To build it, people used
 iron *
 stones* from France
The Tower’s guards guarded the prisoners. Give their 2 names:
 plastic
___________ the Beefeaters or the Yeomen Warders
What was their responsibility under King Henry VIII’s reign?
They were the Queen’s bodyguards.
 the King’s bodyguards.
Name the oldest part of the Tower? The White Tower
Where can you find it exactly? In the very centre of the Tower of London
Name an English Queen who was emprisoned in the Tower: Queen Elizabeth I
How long did she stay*? 2 months
 executioners*.
Who gave the order to emprison her? Queen Mary, her half-sister Why? Because she was her rival and suspected of
Today the public can visit the Tower. Right
What can you see there? The Crown Jewels
Who is this famous king you can see in Madame Tussaud’s ? King Henry VIII
When was he born? In 1491
When did he die*? In 1547
Give his dates of reign: 1509-1547 (his reign ended when he died)
How many wives did he have?
Name them in their order of marriage: Catherine of Aragon / Anne Boleyn / Jane Seymour / Anne
of Cleves / Catherine Howard / Catherine Parr
What happened to wife n° 2 and wife n° 5 in the Tower? They were imprisoned and executed
A church : une église
iron : fer
stones : des pierres
(to) die: mourir
an executioner: un bourreau
(to) stay: rester
ravens: corbeaux
(to) leave: quitter, partir
(to) crumble : s’effondrer
London Webquest 4e
You are going to learn more about a famous London place or monument. Click on the blue
links to answer the questions.
You will find information about:
Harrods is
the world’s biggest cinema
the world’s biggest shop
the world’s biggest theatre
Harrods is open every day of the year.
Give Harrods’s exact location (address): 87-135 Brompton Road, Knightsbridge, SW1X 7XL
If you go there by Tube, at which station must you stop? (give the station’s name): Knightsbridge
Give Harrods’s telephone number: +44 (0) 20 7730 1234
Now click on “Store Guide” on the left:
How many people visit Harrods every year? : 15 million
How many floors* are there in Harrods?
What can you find… …on the 1 floor?: women’s shoes and clothes
… on the 3rd floor? : furniture and accessories for the house
…on the 6th floor? : clothes and toys for children / accessories for pets
Hamleys is
a play by Shakespeare
a shoe shop
There are other Hamleys shops in the world.
Justify your answer: There is a Hamleys shop in Dublin and Dubai.
a toy shop.
How many people visit Hamleys every year? 5 million
Where does the name “Hamley” come from? : from William Hamley who founded a toy shop in London in
When did the shop open in Regent Street? in 1760
in 1881
in 1901
What happened to the shop during the Second World War? It was bombed five times
Name the American toy shop that is bigger than Hamleys: Toys “R” Us
Give the superficy of Hamleys (in m2): 5,000 m2
How many floors* are there?
On which floor can you find
… a giant stuffed* giraffe?: on the Groud floor
… a Barbie doll?: on the third floor
What can you find on the 5th floor? Toys for boys
Give Hamleys’s exact address: 188-196 Regent Street, London W1B 5BT
How many Tube stations are there close* to Hamleys?
Give their names: Piccadilly Circus / Oxford Circus / Tottenham Court Road
Hamleys is open every day of the week.
On Sundays it is open only in the morning.
TOOL-BOX: A floor: un étage
a stuffed giraffe : une girafe en peluche
close : proche de
London Webquest 4e
You are going to learn more about a famous London place or monument. Click on the blue
links to answer the questions.
You will find information about:
Big Ben is
a palace
a tower
a bell in a tower
Where is it situated? On the bank of the Thames, it is part of the Palace of Westminster
Give the other* name of the Big Ben tower: St Stephen’s Tower
How much does Big Ben weigh*? 12 tons
13 tons
14 tons
Where does the name « Ben » come from ? from Sir Benjamin Hall
How high is Big Ben? 316 ft high
How many years did it take to build it? 13 years When was it finished? In 1859
So when did the construction of Big Ben start? In 1846
Trafalgar Square
When was the Square built? In the 1830s
Where does the name “Trafalgar” come from? From a battle, the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805 where the
English defeated the French (Admiral Lord Nelson defeated Napoleon)
Name the architect who designed the Square: John Nash
Before being a Square, what could you find on this place?
a royal zoo
a royal forest
a place for royal horses and eagles.
(Help! Mews: anciennes écuries
/ a hawk: un faucon
/ a stable : une écurie)
Name the museum on a side* of the Square : the National Gallery
In this museum, there are
Egyptian mummies.
This museum was created in 1805
King George IV (write the King’s name!).
In the centre of the Square there is a pyramid
a fountain
a column.
Give its name: Nelson’s Column It is
5,5 m high
56 m high.
When was it erected? In 1843
Who is the man on top? Why is he famous? Lord Nelson defeated the French army at the naval battle of
Trafalgar in 1805
What are there on the ground* around the column? 4 lions (statues)
When were they sculpted? 1868
Where did the metal used to make them come from?bronze from guns from old battleships
battleships: navires de guerre)
other: autre
(to) weigh: peser
a side: un côté
the ground: le sol
London Webquest 4e
You are going to learn more about a famous London place or monument. Click on the blue
links to answer the questions.
You will find information about:
Who lives in Buckingham Palace? Elizabeth II, Queen of England
Since then* has B. Palace been English Kings and Queens’ official residence? 1837
The first Queen to live there was
Queen Mary
Queen Elizabeth
Queen Victoria.
Name the 2 sons of Queen Elizabeth who live in B. Palace when they are in London:
Prince Andrew and Prince Edward.
Before being a palace, B. Palace was
a farm
a cottage
a rich big house.
Name the King who started transforming it into a palace:King George IV
Name one of the Queen’s other* residences in Great Britain: Balmoral in Scotland, Windsor Castle
How do Londoners* know the Queen is in her palace? There’s her flag on top of B.P.
The Royal Standard is
the other name for Buckingham Palace the Queen’s royal flag*.
Name the 3 countries represented on the flag: Scotland, England and Ireland.
Give the composition of the Palace’s guards’ uniform: red jackets and black furry hats
What is the name of the ceremony where the guards come on duty*? : the Changing
of the Guard.
How often does this ceremony take place?
once a month
once a week
once a day
What do these numbers correspond to?
600: number of rooms
400 : number of people working in B.P.
52: number of bedrooms
78: number of bathrooms
Tick the places there are in Buckingham Palace:
a theatre
a cinema
a school
a police station
a post office
a bowling
a swimming-poola restaurant
How many clocks are there in Buckingham Palace? 300 clocks
How many people does the Queen invite to parties every year? 50,000 people / guests
since then: depuis quand
a flag: un drapeau
other : autre
Londoners = inhabitants of London
(to) come on duty : prendre son tour de garde
London Webquest 4e
You are going to learn more about a famous London place or monument. Click on the blue
links to answer the questions.
You will find information about:
Give the exact location of the Bridge (= the address): Tower Bridge Road, London SE1 2UP
When did the Bridge open? In 1894 When did its construction start? In 1886
Why is it called “Tower Bridge”? there is a tower on each side of the bridge
Name the monument that is very close* to Tower Bridge: the Tower of London
What happens* if very big boats* want to sail* under Tower Bridge? (explain in English AND in French):
The bridge (the bascules) lifts to let boats sail through.
This sort of bridge is called
a lifting bridge
a bascule bridge.
How many times a year does this operation happen? 900 times a year
It is going to happen on Saturday 9th, April.
How much steel* was necessary to build the bridge?
11 tons
How high is each* tower ?
3,8 m high
1,100 tons
11,000 tons.
10,6 m high
89,3 m high.
Hamleys is
a play by Shakespeare
a shoe shop
There are other Hamleys shops in the world.
Justify your answer: There is a Hamleys shop in Dublin and Dubai.
a toy shop.
How many people visit Hamleys every year? 5 million
Where does the name “Hamley” come from? : from William Hamley who founded a toy shop in London in
When did the shop open in Regent Street? in 1760
in 1881
in 1901
What happened to the shop during the Second World War? It was bombed five times
Name the American toy shop that is bigger than Hamleys: Toys “R” Us
Give the superficy of Hamleys (in m2): 5,000 m2
How many floors* are there?
On which floor can you find
… a giant stuffed* giraffe?: on the Groud floor
… a Barbie doll?: on the third floor
What can you find on the 5 floor? Toys for boys
Give Hamleys’s exact address: 188-196 Regent Street, London W1B 5BT
How many Tube stations are there close* to Hamleys?
Give their names: Piccadilly Circus / Oxford Circus / Tottenham Court Road
Hamleys is open every day of the week.
On Sundays it is open only in the morning.
a boat : un bateau
each: chaque
Close: proche de
(to) sail : naviguer
a floor: un étage
(to) happen : arriver, se produire
steel: acier
a stuffed giraffe : une girafe en peluche
London Webquest 4e
You are going to learn more about a famous London place or monument. Click on the blue
links to answer the questions.
You will find information about:
Hyde Park
How many parks are there in London? 1, 700 parks or gardens
What was Hyde Park before becoming a park?
a lake
How big is Hyde Park? Give its superficy in acres: 360 acres
a wild forest
a field *
Give the name of Hyde Park’s lake: the Serpentine
Name the place in the park where anybody * can debate or scream his opinion about any* subject: the
Speaker’s Corner.
The London Zoo
When did the London zoo open? In 1828
When did it open to the public? In 1847
What was its original purpose*? To be used as a collection for scientific study
Give the zoo’s superficy (in km2): 0,108 km2
Why is the zoo famous ? it’s the world’s oldest scientific zoo
How many different animal species can you see in the zoo?
16, 000
What do the initials “ZSL” refer to? Zoological Society of London
What do these dates correspond to (for the zoo)?
1853: first public aquarium 1849: first reptile house
1881: first insect house
London Zoo is in
Hyde Park
Regent’s Park
Saint James’s Park.
Give the zoo’s exact address: Regent's Park, London, England NW1 4RY
Find the telephone number to call the zoo: 020 7722 3333
Name 2 Tube stations where you can stop to go to the zoo: Camden Town / Regent’s Park
How much must an adult pay to visit the zoo? £ 14.80
And a 2-year old child? free and a 10-year old child? £ 11.80
If you pay £ 1.70 more for each* ticket, which animals can you help save? (because the zoo has
conservation projects for them): tigers & cheetahs
London Zoo is open on Christmas Day.
London Zoo is open on New Year’s Day.
Bicycles and dogs are authorized in the zoo.
Name 2 places of the zoo that you would love to visit: __________________________________________
TOOL-BOX: a field: un champ
a purpose : un but
anybody : n’importe qui
each : chaque
any : n’importe quel(le)
London Webquest 4e
You are going to learn more about a famous London place or monument. Click on the blue
links to answer the questions.
You will find information about:
The London City Hall is
a very ancient building
a very modern building.
In which London borough* is the City Hall?
in the City in Westminster
in Southwark
Where is the City Hall located in London?(give the address): 110, the Queens Walk, London SE1 2AA
When did it open? July 2002 Who was the architect who designed it? Norman Foster
Name a monument that is very close* to the City Hall: Tower Bridge
Who or what organisation uses the City Hall as its headquarters*?: the Mayor of London / Greater London Authority
(Help! the mayor = le maire)
The Gherkin is
a stadium
a skyscraper*
a tower
It is
160 m high
190 m high
180 m high.
Give the number of floors*: 40
Its construction started in
The Gherkin’s real name is “St Mary Axe”. What does it correspond to?
to the name of the architect who designed it
to Queen Mary’s name
to the address of the building
In which London borough is the Gherkin? in the City in Westminster in Southwark
Give the building’s exact address: 30, St Mary Axe, City of London
When did it officially open? May 2004
It is famous for its round shape*
its triangular shape its oval shape.
The exact superficy of glass* on the outside* of the building is:
24,000 m2
25,000 m2
26,000 m2
There is a plaza* in front of the Gherkin. Who can use it? (click on “FACT FILE”, then “FAQ” on the left to answer
the questions): everybody, it’s a public place
Find one point in the building that is very good for environment: natural light
Now click on “FACT FILE”, then “FACTS” on the left to answer the questions.
What can you find at the top of the Gherkin?
a shopping center
a swimming-pool
a bar and a restaurant
Find (in kilometer!) the quantity of steel* used to construct the Gherkin: 35 km
What did the workers* find on the site of the Gherkin when they started constructing it? The grave of a Roman
teenage girl
(Help! a grave = une tombe)
Match these different elements of the Gherkin to their equivalents :
superficy of external glass
 
 3 times the height of Niagara Falls
the plaza
 
equivalent to 8 tennis courts
the Gherkin’s height*
 
equivalent to 5 football pitches*
A borough: un quartier
headquarters: quartier general
close: proche de
A skyscraper: un gratte-ciel
a floor : un étage
the shape : la forme
Glass : du verre
outside : à l’extérieur
a plaza : une place
Steel : acier workers : les ouvriers
the height : hauteur a football pitch : un terrain de
London Webquest 4e
You are going to learn more about a famous London place or monument. Click on the blue
links to answer the questions.
You will find information about:
Oxford Street is ...
 a famous street in London with many shops.
 a street in Oxford with many shops.
 the name of a shop.
It is famous because it is
the smallest street in London
the longest shopping street in Europe
the largest shopping street in the world*
There are 300.shops (give the number) and the street is 2.4 km m long (give the length*).
It is very easy to get there. There are:
 5 underground stations.  3 underground stations.  4 underground stations.
Name them : Bond Street / Marble Arch / Oxford Circus / Piccadilly Circus / Tottenham Court Road
The London Eye is
 a TV camera filming London.
It is
 the name of the police in London.
 135 metres high.
 115 metres high.
 an observation wheel.
 35 meters high.
The telephone number is 0870 5000 600
The number of visitors every year is...
 1 million.
 2 million.
 3 million.
It is open from 10 AM to 8 PM, or from 10AM to 9.30 PM.
Its address is Riverside Building, County Hall, Westminster Bridge Road.
The Tube / Underground station to go there is Waterloo.
Give the total quantity of steel * necessary to build the wheel: 1,700 tons.
the world: le monde
length: longueur
steel: acier
London Webquest 4e
You are going to learn more about a famous London place or monument. Click on the blue
links to answer the questions.
You will find information about:
Big Ben is
a palace
a tower
a bell in a tower
Where is it situated? On the bank of the Thames, it is part of the Palace of Westminster
Give the other* name of the Big Ben tower: St Stephen’s Tower
How much does Big Ben weigh*? 12 tons
13 tons
14 tons
Where does the name « Ben » come from ? from Sir Benjamin Hall
How high is Big Ben? 316 ft high
How many years did it take to build it? 13 years When was it finished? In 1859
So when did the construction of Big Ben start? In 1846
Tower Bridge
Give the exact location of the Bridge (= the address): Tower Bridge Road, London SE1 2UP
When did the Bridge open? In 1894 When did its construction start? In 1886
Why is it called “Tower Bridge”? there is a tower on each side of the bridge
Name the monument that is very close* to Tower Bridge: the Tower of London
What happens* if very big boats* want to sail* under Tower Bridge? (explain in English AND in French):
The bridge (the bascules) lifts to let boats sail through.
This sort of bridge is called a lifting bridge a bascule bridge.
How many times a year does this operation happen? 900 times a year
It is going to happen on Saturday 9th, April.
How much steel* was necessary to build the bridge?
11 tons
1,100 tons
How high is each* tower ? 3,8 m high
10,6 m high
11,000 tons.
89,3 m high.
other: autre
(to) weigh: peser
Close: proche de
(to) sail : naviguer
(to) happen : arriver, se produire
steel: acier
a boat : un bateau
each: chaque