Buried Above Ground - Mustard Seed Group

The Legendary James Willis Hodges
Jimmie chaired the beginner’s meeting at the historic
Mustard Seed on Tuesday’s for 40 years!
He had been 53 years clean and sober at his transition
Into an everlasting light, at 93 years old.
He touched people’s lives all over the world, from all walks
Of life, races, colors, creeds, and sexual preferences, assisting
With reclaiming of ruined lives, nationally and internationally.
He was a phenomenon, chosen to carry the message of AA.
Jimmie would say, thank you for taking time out of your day
To come into this AA way!
He opened the meeting with meditation, a deep breathing exercise,
The preamble, The promises, and How It Works!
A song of life and love!
He was consistent with sharing about inventory, Faith, Confidence,
Trust, Belief, Adjustment, and the four absolutes of
Honesty, Unselfishness, Purity and Love! He would dance and sing!
To the rhythm of the universe, from Yale to Jail,
from Park Avenue, to a park bench, he would go to the equator,
and then down to Shelby Mississippi,
He would tell us about frogs, dogs, hogs, cats, gnats, and bats!
Ted Said! Ted was Jimmie’s sponsor
He told Jimmie that he would learn to love himself, and that he could
Live life to its fullest, while helping other’s to love themselves along the way.
An infinite delight in another’s well being!
Love of another!
So continue, to Yell and Tell, Let it Ring and Sing with harmony,
A symphony of life in AA,
A song of life and Love!
Grand Sponsee for 20 years, Riccardo H.