Women in Ancient Egypt

Pyramid Power
Excerpt from
Pyramid Handbook
by Moustafa Gadalla
You talked earlier about the significance of nine, as the number of pyramids. The
question is, what is the purpose of these pyramids?
There is no direct evidence that we know of, at this time, to answer this question. However,
once we grasp the main function of the ancient Egyptian stone buildings, we can easily see their
connection to the supernatural forces of the universe. Ancient Egyptian monuments, such as the
pyramids and other temples, were deliberately constructed at specific sites with specific
But are there differences between the stone pyramids and the temples?
Yes, the pyramids were closed and sealed structures. They were not open for daily
activities/rituals, which was the case in the Egyptian temples.
As you will see later (pages 93 & 94), each pyramid was a part of a complex that contained
some temples. So, all the rituals were carried out in these temples, and not in the pyramids.
The stone pyramids were aligned with the cardinal points, which indicates the significance
of earth, in their function. The temples in other regions of Egypt were each positioned
according to astronomical alignments, i.e. the earth in relationship to other heavenly bodies.
So, if the sealed stone pyramids were not used for rituals, what could be their
The pyramids were harmonically proportioned to act/function in the same fashion as
greenhouses, i.e. to attract and retain certain energies. In the case of the pyram id, it should be
called the bluehouse effect.
Remind me, what is the greenhouse effect?
It is the retention of heat from sunlight at the earth’s surface, caused by atmospheric carbon
dioxide that admits shortwave radiation but absorbs the longwave radi ation emitted by the earth.
So, the bluehouse effect would work along the same principle?
In the case of the bluehouse effect, the building retains the orgone energy.
Pyramid Power – Excerpt from Pyramid Power
What is orgone energy?
Orgone comes from outer space. It is what makes the stars twinkle, and the sky blue.
Orgone can be accumulated by building a box with wood on the outside and sheet iron on
the inside. The organic material lets the orgone through, and the metal interior reflects it. This
condition/phenomenon could therefore be called the bluehouse effect.
Abnormally high
concentrations of psi-org energy build up inside such a box.
What is psi-org energy?
Psi-org combines abbreviations for psychic and orgone energy. They are different names
for the same force. The psi fie ld, which produces the human aura and is responsible for all
psychic powers, is none other than what Wilhelm Reich, Freud’s controversial Austrian disciple,
called orgone energy.
The Egyptians knew all about psi -org energy, because they used it. The anci ent Egyptians
were the first to discover that the shape of the well -proportioned pyramid can concentrate the
psi-org energy.
The bluehouse effect increases drastically when the surface of the pyramid is laminated.
But, was the pyramid laminated?
Yes, definitely. Early historians and travelers told us how the casing stones of the
pyramids used to shine.
Was there any testing done on this type of energy?
Dr. Harald Puton, a very competent Belgian physicist, found that every form of psi energy
is increased by sitting under such a harmonically -proportioned pyramid. A person is more
telepathic, more clairvoyant, more precognitive. It is easier to initiate out -of-body experiences
under these conditions. Additionally, the body’s aura is more intense in side a pyramid.
Any other supporting physical evidence?
The facts are that if you place highly perishable materials in the so -called King’s Room of
the Khufu Pyramid, or in a similar model of the pyramid, the materials decompose at a much
slower rate than if placed anywhere else in the world.
Pyramid Power – Excerpt from Pyramid Power
Also, people who experiment with blunt old -fashioned carbon steel razor blades, by placing
them overnight in a model pyramid, they find that the dull blades regain their edges by the next
The evidence from all experiments is clear that the pyramid shape itself is responsible
somehow for altering or affecting the physical, chemical and biological processes, that might
take place within a well -proportioned pyramid shape.
So, a person may feel this powerf ul energy inside the pyramid.
One feels the power of these pyramids, when inside or outside them, because their
configuration is harmonically proportioned.
Pyramid Power – Excerpt from Pyramid Power