Pathways Document

Event Waste Management Continual Improvement Pathway
First Steps
Good Practice
Leading Practice
 Verbal or written commitments from all
stakeholders obtained
 Written commitments obtained
 Targets set with recycling 70% and contamination <
 Goals set for 15-25% recycling
 Targets set with recycling 40% and
contamination levels <10%
Arrangements for public areas
Arrangements for public areas
Arrangements for public areas
 One recycling stream for patrons
 Two recycling streams for patrons
 At least two recycling streams and additional
recycling streams considered where appropriate
Arrangements for ‘back of house’
Arrangements for ‘back of house’
Arrangements for ‘back of house’
 One recycling stream for stallholders
 Two recycling streams for stallholders
 Recycling streams for all stallholder waste
implemented where appropriate
 List recycling streams and equipment provided
 Monitoring System: monitoring system described.
This could include bin audits and monitoring from
waste/cleaning contractor
Setting up bin
systems that
Bin placement and management
Bin placement and management
Bin placement and management
 Set-up staff encouraged to use Bin
Placement Guidelines
 Bin Placement Guidelines used to identify
bin locations
 Bin monitoring system developed and used to
identify any problems with the bins during event
 Verbal arrangements made for bin
servicing (e.g. emptying, cleaning and repositioning)
 Written schedule for bin servicing (e.g.
emptying, cleaning and re-positioning)
Onsite storage area for waste and recycling
Onsite storage area for waste and recycling
Onsite storage area for waste and recycling
 Set-up staff encouraged to use Signage
Guidelines on bin caps and promotional
 Written agreement by waste/cleaning
contractor to maintain holding facilities and
comply with Signage Guidelines
 Written agreement by waste/cleaning contractor to
maintain storage area and comply with Signage
 Verbal or written agreement for holding
 Review of monitoring system for improvement at the
This document has been created with the assistance of Sustainability Victoria’s former Waste Wise Program (2004-2009).
First Steps
Good Practice
facility maintenance
Leading Practice
next event
 Written schedule for bin maintenance
your system
Stored materials transported to recycler
Stored materials transported to recycler
Stored materials transported to recycler
 Verbal or written agreement for transport
of recyclables to processing facility
 Written agreement for transport of
recyclables to processing facility
 System developed ensuring transport of recyclable
to processing facility with a listing of contractor and
Materials accepted by recycler
Materials accepted by recycler
Materials accepted by recycler
 Verbal or written agreement to recycle
 Written agreement to recycle materials
 Written agreement to recycle materials with a listing
of contractor and facility
Avoid Waste
Avoid Waste
Avoid Waste
 Talking to stallholders and contractors re
minimising & recycling packaging
 At least 2 disposable packaging items
 Substantial effort to eliminate disposable packaging
 At least 1 disposable packaging item
 Development of packaging policy
 No plastic bags offered.
Packaging material recyclable and/ or
compostable materials
Packaging material recyclable and/ or
compostable materials
Packaging material recyclable and/ or compostable
 Stallholders encouraged to use
packaging with recycled content
 Relevant food packaging to have recycled
content (e.g. Paper goods)
 Provide stallholders and sponsors with list of
suppliers and required packaging
 Verbal or written commitments obtained
 Written stallholder commitments to using
recycled, recyclable or compostable
packaging obtained
 Stallholders and sponsors to present packaging
before event (minimum two weeks before) for
inspection and sign off
Education/Promotion opportunities
Education/Promotion opportunities
Education/Promotion opportunities
 Basic promotional activities during event
only: e.g. Signage for public areas
 Medium level activities pre, during and
post event: e.g. Signage in public and
back of house areas, messages in event
marketing and communication materials
 High level activities pre, during and post event e.g.
Signage in public and back of house areas, using
volunteers during event to promote recycling,
messages on all event communications, post-event
waste management achievements shared where
relevant - event organisers, local community,
 Develop compliance packaging policy
This document has been created with the assistance of Sustainability Victoria’s former Waste Wise Program (2004-2009).
First Steps
Good Practice
Leading Practice
Arrangements for Waste Assessment
Arrangements for Waste Assessment
Arrangements for Waste Assessment
 System developed for obtaining
estimates of waste stream volumes and
contamination levels
 Written plans for waste assessment(s) or
 Written plans for waste assessment(s) or audit.
Results documented in a final report.
Opportunities for improvement
Opportunities for improvement
Opportunities for improvement
 Commitment to compare outcomes and
identify improvements
 Commitment to compare outcomes and
identify improvements
 Commitment to compare outcomes and identify
 Names of people making commitment
This document has been created with the assistance of Sustainability Victoria’s former Waste Wise Program (2004-2009).