Block Outcomes - Hamilton Trust

LKS2 Topic: Modern Europe Block E: Russia
Raise awareness of the four major Russian biomes to help protect them for future generations. Can you
become a Biome Co-ordinator and put on your own creative biome exhibition that will include food chain
mobiles, adaptation fold-ups, an online classification key and a large scale model of your chosen biome?
If so, then welcome to Russia!
Block E: Russia
Modern Europe
[6 sessions]
By the end of this block you will
have achieved the following
Session 1 Geography and English
Brilliant Biomes!
Become Biome Co-ordinators for the WWF
and have a go at sort your tundras from
your taigas. Share your new found
knowledge as you record your very own
biome news bulletin.
Session 2 Geography and Science
Tangled webs - food webs unravelled
Explore the dynamics of a food chain in
your focus Russian biome - who is eating
whom? Make your very own food chain
mobile to sort the producers from the
consumers and the predators from the
Main outcome: Geography
Other outcomes: English, Science and D&T
Locate the world’s countries, using maps to focus on Europe (including
the location of Russia).
Describe and understand key aspects of physical geography including
climate zones, biomes and vegetation belts, rivers and mountains.
Give well-structured descriptions, explanations and narratives for
different purposes.
Speak audibly and fluently with an increasing command of Standard
Participate in presentations.
Select and use appropriate registers for effective communication.
Identify that animals need the right types and amount of nutrition and
that they get nutrition from what they eat.
Construct and interpret a variety of food chains, identifying producers,
predators and prey.
Identify how animals and plants are adapted to suit their environment
and in different ways.
Explore and use classification keys to help group, identify and name a
variety of living things in their local and wider environment.
Use research and develop design criteria to inform the design of
innovative, functional, appealing products that are fit for purpose.
Generate, develop, model and communicate their ideas through
discussion, annotated sketches, cross-sectional and exploded diagram.
Select from and use a wider range of tools and equipment to perform
practical tasks accurately.
Select from and use a wider range of materials and components,
including construction materials and textiles, according to their
functional properties and aesthetic qualities.
Evaluate their ideas and products against their own design criteria and
consider the views of others to improve their work.
Children will:
Sort information about specific biomes, and create 9 biome posters
Find Russia on a map and Identify the 4 major biomes of Russia and their
Record a news report introducing biomes and the 4 major ones found in
Children will:
 Explore food chains and webs and point out producers, consumers,
predators and prey for one of the four main Russian biomes
 Create a food chain mobile for their assigned biome, based on research or
a given food web
 Identify the flow of energy along a food chain
© Original resource copyright Hamilton Trust, who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users.
The links to the websites and the contents of the web pages associated with such links specified on this list (hereafter collectively referred to as the ‘Links’)
have been checked by Hamilton Trust (being the operating name of the registered charity, William Rowan Hamilton Trust) and to the best of Hamilton
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Hamilton Trust excludes all responsibility and liability for any loss or damage arising from the use of any Links.
LKS2 Topic: Modern Europe Block E: Russia
Children will:
Session 3 Geography and Science
Life in the freezer - adaptation
Investigate how arctic flora and fauna
survive in such tough conditions and
explore the living things in your own
specialist Russian biome to discover how
they are adapted to survive - share your
discoveries through an adaptation fold-up.
Session 4 Geography and Science
I’ve got the key to classification
Take part in a live classification key then
see if you can get classifying Russian-style.
Have a go at developing your own onscreen key that can be used as part of your
final WWF exhibition.
Session 5&6 Geography and D&T
The big picture - It’s modelling time!
Bring all of your research and new-found
expertise on your Russian biome to create
a model of this landscape. You will have
full creative control of the materials that
you use and the way you put it together but remember to keep it accurate! Add
your model to a creative exhibit on your
biome using all the knowledge and visuals
you have developed over the past few
sessions - it’s time to open up to the
Create concept cartoons for specific animal adaptations
Make adaptation ‘fold-ups’ for a range of flora and fauna from their
Russian biome
Children will:
 Take part in a live-action classification key
 Devise questions for a classification key that identifies plants and animals
from all four Russian biomes
 Create and use an on-screen interactive key
Children will:
 Demonstrate understanding of their biome’s physical geography through
construction and appropriate finishing of a model
 Plan, design, construct and evaluate a biome model/diorama
 Synthesise learning from previous four sessions to present their group
model, food chains, adaptation fold-ups and classification keys to the rest
of the class and to a wider audience
Session 1
Provided: Information sheet on The world’s biomes, (covering: 4 Russian biomes; Today’s weather…;
Where do I live?; Descriptions/distribution & Wordles).
You will need: Access to the Internet; World map.
Session 2
Provided: Information sheet on The Food Chain, (covering: Sample food chain; Producer, Consumer,
Predator, Prey game; Animal and plant sets for all four Russian biomes & Instructions for producing a
mobile food chain.
You will need: Access to the Internet; Coat hangers, string/wool, red and blue pens, scissors.
Session 3
Provided: Information sheet on About Adaptation, (covering: Sample concept cartoon; Questions for
‘King of the Tundra’; Animal and plant sets for all four Russian biomes & Fold-up example.
You will need: Access to the Internet; Thick paper and pens/pencils.
© Original resource copyright Hamilton Trust, who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users.
The links to the websites and the contents of the web pages associated with such links specified on this list (hereafter collectively referred to as the ‘Links’)
have been checked by Hamilton Trust (being the operating name of the registered charity, William Rowan Hamilton Trust) and to the best of Hamilton
Trust’s knowledge, are correct and accurate at the time of publication. Notwithstanding the foregoing or any other terms and conditions on the Hamilton
Trust website, you acknowledge that Hamilton Trust has no control over such Links and indeed, the owners of such Links may have removed such Links,
changed such Links and/or contents associated with such Links. Therefore, it is your sole responsibility to verify any of the Links which you wish you use.
Hamilton Trust excludes all responsibility and liability for any loss or damage arising from the use of any Links.
LKS2 Topic: Modern Europe Block E: Russia
Session 4
Provided: Information sheet on About Classification, (covering: Secret animal cards & Animal and plant
sets for all four Russian biomes.
You will need: Access to the Internet; Branching database software – FlexiTree, Ask Oscar or Textease
Sessions 5&6
Provided: Landscape suggestions.
You will need: A wide range of modelling materials (as required by your children), Boxes, Construction
Additional useful websites for background information
© Original resource copyright Hamilton Trust, who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users.
The links to the websites and the contents of the web pages associated with such links specified on this list (hereafter collectively referred to as the ‘Links’)
have been checked by Hamilton Trust (being the operating name of the registered charity, William Rowan Hamilton Trust) and to the best of Hamilton
Trust’s knowledge, are correct and accurate at the time of publication. Notwithstanding the foregoing or any other terms and conditions on the Hamilton
Trust website, you acknowledge that Hamilton Trust has no control over such Links and indeed, the owners of such Links may have removed such Links,
changed such Links and/or contents associated with such Links. Therefore, it is your sole responsibility to verify any of the Links which you wish you use.
Hamilton Trust excludes all responsibility and liability for any loss or damage arising from the use of any Links.