“Effects of a Gluten Free Diet on Microbiota and Immune Function,”

A monthly review of 100 medical journals
Volume 10  Number 12  December 2009
When I was a child I taught myself to write with both hands and kick the soccer
ball with both feet (not at the same time; I would fall on my butt). I did that because of
my passion for the integration of all knowledge, or Consilience.1 Like most of you, I had
to learn my way around computers and the internet after completing my formal training.
Even though I have enjoyed the benefits these technologies afford us, I have kept a
jaundiced eye on them.
In the past few months I have seen many articles and several books written by
people who share my apprehension, like Ulysses and the tempting sirens; their alluring
songs were so powerful that Ulysses had himself tied to the mast of the ship after he
plugged his ears with wax. The sirens songs promised him unending knowledge. Sounds
good, doesn’t it? Exactly the same promise the internet makes. Yet, those who
succumbed to the sirens’ allure died ravaged by madness.
Too much information, too little wisdom; lots of surfing, very little diving. This
leads to a failure to Integrate the voluminous, maddening amounts of information
available at the click of a mouse: “The perpetual pursuit of little thoughts; the net result
may be only to prevent us from finding the big ones.”2
Hugo Rodier, MD
Integrating the gut, its microbes and how we process food therein (metabolism)
This is where the “flubber” meets the road. Even though I have reported on this
concept several times, I feel compelled to update you because the medical literature is
exploding with studies on this crucial issue. The epidemic of Diabesity will not slow
down until we face our addiction to sugar and restore the gut to its central place in health.
After all, this concept won the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 1908. For the sake of
simplicity, I will give you the articles with the references, and a small commentary where
the title is not crystal clear.
Obesity causes 100K cancers each year; Am Instit for Cancer Research, Nov 6th 2009
Why? 1931 Nobel Prize: high sugar diets suppress the immune system, which is
mostly in the gut.
Junk food is like heroine for rats; J. Proceedings Nat Acad of Science Nov 2009, Epub
Refined sugars attach to the same receptors as narcotics, valium, endorphins and
alcohol. This only partially explains the addiction to sugar we all suffer with.
Here is the rest of the explanation…
“The Microbiome and Obesity: is obesity linked to our gut flora?”
J. Current Gastroenterology Reports 2009;11:307
Book “Consilience: the unity of knowledge”, Edward Wilson; Alfred Knopf Press, 1998
“Stop Your Search Engines,” NYT magazine, Oct 25th, 2009
Yes; we may be colonized by intestinal organisms that mess up our metabolism
(“calories in, calories out” ignores this fact), and send bad messages to the brain
thermostat that perpetuate the addiction to junk food. And how did those bad guys
get in the gut? We encouraged their growth with the poor diets we have been
eating, excessive antibiotics, acid-blocking drugs, chlorinated water, etc., etc.
“Individual Human Phenotypes in Metabolic Space and Time,”
J. Proteome Research 2009;8:4264
Our Metagenome or genes is influenced by gut flora’s. This means that our genes
are strongly influenced by our gut flora’s genes. Since our gut organisms
outnumber our body cells 100:1, it is fair to say they may be controlling what we
“want” to eat. They crave sugar and they will make a puppet out of you so that
they get their “fix”.
Altered gut flora in Inflammatory Bowel Disease (Chron’s, Ulcerative Colitis) leads to
DNA damage, which increases our risk of cancer
J. Cancer Research 2009;69:4827
“Targeting the Human Microbiome with Antibiotics, Probiotics and Prebiotics:
gastroenterology enters the metagenomics era,”
J. Gastroenterology 2009;136:2015
Correcting imbalances of microbiota aggressively modulates gene funcion in our
body, thereby improving practically all health problems.
“Vitamin D: the alternative hypothesis”, J. Autoimmune Review 2009;8;639
Vitamin D is really a hormone that acts much like thyroid hormone. In fact, they
share nuclear receptors. This hormone has a very strong influence on the
microflota of the gut, thereby exerting significant influence on our immune
system. This is why it tempers inflammatory reactions caused by flora in the gut.
“Autoimmune Disease in the Era of the Metagenome”,
J. Autoimmune Review 2009;8:677
The more we learn about our genes, the more we are directed to the gut
“Vitamin D Metabolites as Clinical Markers in Autoimmune Diseases,”
J. Annals of NY Academy of Medicine 2009;1173:384
No wonder MS, an autoimmune disease, is often seen with a lack of vitamin D
“Dysregulation of the Vitamin D Nuclear Receptor May Contribute to the Higher
Prevalence of Some Autoimmune Diseases in Women”,
J. Annals of NY Academy of Medicine 2009;1173:252
“Epidemic Influenza and Vitamin D”, J. Epidemiology Infections 2006;134:1129
As I reported before, take vitamin D to lower your risk of H1N1 flu.
Higher dose of Vitamin D reduces nonvertebral fractures risk by 20%
J. Archives of Internal Medicine 2009;169:551
Why? Less inflammation in the gut and better absorption of minerals therein
“Human Gut Bacterial Communities Are Altered by Addition of Cruciferous
Vegetables to a Controlled Fruit- and Vegetable-Free Diet”, J. Nutrition. 2009 139: 1685
Food is the best medicine; heal the gut, heal practically everything.
“Immunomodulation by Food: Promising concept for mitigating allergic disease?”
J. Annal Bioannal Chem 2009, May 20 E pub
Prebiotics/fiber helps gluten allergies by feeding friendly bacteria. Remember
that 2/3 of the immune system is in the gut
Synbiotics = probiotics + prebiotics are more effective for Ulcerative Colitis
J. Nutrition 2009;25:520
Increasing fiber reduces weight
J. Nutrition 2009;139:576
Probiotics help gluten allergies
J. Clinical Experimental Immnunology 2008;12:552
Friendly bacteria improve immune system
“Effects of a Gluten Free Diet on Microbiota and Immune Function,”
British J. Nutrition May 18th 2009 Epub
Conversely, eliminating gluten when one is allergic improves gut flora, which
then improves immune system.
Probiotics after Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass improve outcome. Better weight loss and
higher B12 levels
J. Gastrointestinal Surgery 2009;13:1198
Make sure to take frindly bacteria if you are having stomach stapling surgery
“Lactobacillus Acidophilus Modulates Intestinal Pain and Induces Opioids and
Cannabinoid Receptors”,
J. Nature Medicine 2007;13:35
See above about receptors for narcotics. Also, remember that 90% of
neurotransmittors are in the gut, not the brain.
Improved blood glucose levels in pregnancy with probiotics
J. Nutrition 2008; Nov 19
Probiotics restore bowel flora and improve liver enzymes in alcoholics with liver injury
J. Alcohol 2008;42:675
“Changes in Gut Microbiota Control Inflammation in Obese Mice Through a Mechanism
Involving GLP-2 Driven Improvement of Gut Permeability,”
J. Gut 2009;58:1091
Bad diets-bad microflora-more inflammation-more leaky gut-more absorption
problems-more disease
“Quercetin Enhances Intestinal Barrier Function », J. Nutrition 2009 ;139 :965
Despite MANY reports on leaky gut, this problem continues to be ignored with
devastating consequences. Quercetin lowers inflammation of cells lining the gut,
which patches up the leakiness.
Probiotics in real yogurt lower cholesterol
J. Annals Nutrition and Metabolism 2009;54:22
“Real” does not mean Activia. Make your own yogurt with your own culture of
probiotics; use almond/rice/soy milk instead of dairy. Avoid preservatives and
added sugar. In order for Activia to give you an adequate amount of probiotics
you would need to eat 1,000 servings a day.
Whence Kidney stones?
I will never forget the abusive young man who dismissed me with disdain and
hatred in his face when I told him that his SAD diet was causing his kidney stones.
Quoting a Urologist, he spat the words out: “diet has nothing to do with kidney stones”. I
wonder how he is doing today; has he read the report that a good diet like the DASH diet
reduces the incidence of stones by 45%?3 By now he has kids, I hope. But, if they are
eating like he was, and they are also becoming obese like he was, are they getting kidney
stones like daddy? It turns out that the epidemic of diabesity in our children is affecting
how their kidneys filtrate toxins at an early age. Kids with kidney stones?4 Amazing.
More Food for Thought
I have reported on the brain-gut connection many times. Here is another update:
High CRP markers for inflammation in Alzheimer’s Disease, AD
J. Neurology News Oct 2009, p1
AD expected to skyrocket; double every 20 years in the world
AD International, Sep 21st 2009
Reduced risk of mild Cognitive Impairment with Mediterranean diet
J. Archives of Neurology 2009;65:216
Hypoglycemia increases the risk of dementia
JAMA 2009;301:1565
Coffee, tea 3-5 cups/day lower risk of late life dementia
J. Alzheimer’s Disease 2009;16:85
40% lower risk of dementia with moderate alcohol
2009 International Conference on AD, Vienna
Moderate alcohol reduces insulin resistance; Hyperinsulinemia seen in AD
J. Metabolism Clinical and Experimental 2009;58:387
Many patients with insomnia have reduced GABA levels; take supplements OTC
J. Sleep 2008;31:499 & J. Neurology News Oct 2009, page 21
69% of children eating candy daily wind up in jail; only 42% of control group by age 34
British J. Psychaitry 2009;195:366
“Hyperbaric Treatment for Children With Autism”; it reduces oxidative stress; more
oxidation with less antioxidants.
J. BMC Pediatrics 2009;9(21)
Telegraphed articles
4 hr flight: 3X higher risk of clots; take omega oils and pycnogenol before you fly
J. Family Practice News, September 2009, page 17
“Dietary Seaweed Modifies Estrogen and Phytoestrogen Metabolism in Healthy
Postmenopausal Women,”
J. Nutrition 2009;139:933
“New Pain Guidelines for Older Patients; avoid NSAIDs, consider opioids”
JAMA 2009;302:19
Tea tree oil is effective against MRSA
Queen’s University; Belfast, Northern Ireland; Reuters Jan 2nd 2009
“Arthroscopic Surgery for Knee Osteoarthritis? Just say no.”
J. Family Practice March 2009
Vitamin K supplementation decreases coronary artery calcium in older men and women
AJCN 2009;89:179
J. Am Soc of Nephrology 2009;20:2253
J. Urology 2007; 177:2300