Study Skills: Essay Writing

Study Skills: Essay Writing
As the essay paper has evolved it has become more demanding with much more
emphasis on posing questions which allow candidates to display the higher order skill.
The following pyramid demonstrates those skills as they rank from lower, the base, to
higher at the peak.
The pyramid of skills: the bottom two layers are "Lower-order skills", while the top
four layers are "Higher-order skills".
COMMAND words in essay titles
It is important to follow the key words of the essay question. Many students under-perform
because they fail to interpret the key words of an essay title. Below is a glossary of some of
the most frequently used command words with suggestions for interpretation:
"Account for ...."
Explain how a particular event or situation came about i.e. 'Which factors would have led
a large retailing company to.......'
"Analyse ...."
Break down an argument or information into component parts and identify ways in which
these parts are related. Always recognize the underlying assumptions.
"Analyse the extent to which ...."
Show judgment over the relevant importance of different arguments or events.
"Assess ...."
Make some kind of judgment on the relative importance of a particular aspect of
economics or business studies, discussing the influence of other factors or events that
influence the topic.
"Compare ...."
Describe two or more situations and show the difference and similarities between them.
"Criticize ...."
Present a view on a particular argument, point of view or theory, based on the evidence
"Define ...."
A simple statement is not enough. Use appropriate examples or formulae to illustrate
and elaborate on your precise definition of a concept.
"Describe ...."
Usually more than a mere description is expected, instead a critical review of some
particular set of circumstances or events is usually expected.
"Discuss ...."
Consider the arguments for and against the issue raised in the question.
"Distinguish ...."
Candidates need to show that they understand the differences between two (probably
frequently confused) concepts. Similarities and differences need to be discussed and
illustrated in distinguishing between the two concepts.
"Do" or "Does ...."
Make a judgement on whether one set of circumstances is preferable to another.
"Evaluate ...."
Make reasoned judgements about the validity of a particular argument or statement,
presenting evidence and reasoned argument of all relevant issues involved.
"Examine ...."
Candidates need to unravel the events that led to a particular set of circumstances or the
validity of the reasoning that underlies a particular point of view. Stress the relative
importance of the different arguments and their relevance to the basic issue under
"Explain ...."
Interpret the meaning of a particular concept with an example to illustrate
"Outline ...."
Only a brief description is required. Usually there are follow up parts to this question.
"To what extent ...."
This implies there is no definite answer to the question posed. Present both sides of the argument and exercise
judgment by stressing the strength of some arguments over others.
How to improve your technique : some general principles
Essays need a structure
make sure you know where the essay is going before you start writing i.e.
your conclusion
Essays must be a response to a specific title
jot down a simple plan
avoid writing everything you know on a given topic, irrelevant material
gains no marks
respond to the command words in the question
Do not forget the essay title
refer back to the question regularly - probably at the end of every
every paragraph should answer the question set, aim for one theme per
Avoid one-sided essays
usually the only questions that A level examiners will set are ones which can
provoke differing viewpoints
always consider what your argument depends upon i.e. the factors or
assumptions inherent in your argument
Demonstrate your depth of knowledge
avoid paragraphs of textbook description
use appropriate graphs which must be accurate
use topical examples to back up your points
analyse the question with care to show your understanding of the subject
content i.e.
make references to other writers if appropriate (see Study Skills for
information on References and Bibliographies)
Remember the higher order skills of analysis and evaluation
break down the material in a way that helps reveal the issues involved
use relevant business concepts to explore causes and effects
examine arguments critically
state which arguments you believe to be the most important and why
use appropriate concepts and terminology
avoid slang e.g. 'The firm will go bust....'
be concise and relevant
leave enough time to write a conclusion.
The Essay Plan - a suggested model