Prehistoric Art- 30,000BC

Art 1 Exam 1 Slide list
Please learn the title, style and general dates (not the exact dates) below for the exam.
Prehistoric Art- 30,000BCE- 1600BCE
Gardner’s (G) 1-5 Nude Woman (Venus of Willendorf)
G 1- 7 Two Bison, reliefs in cave, Ariege
G 1-10 Spotted Horses and Negative Hand Prints
G 1- 1 Hall of the Bulls
G 1-20 Aerial View of Stonehenge
Ancient Near Eastern Art- 3500BCE-332BCE
G 2-6 Statuettes of two worshippers- Sumerian
G 2-10 Soundbox of Bull Headed Harp- Sumerian
G 2-13 Victory Stele of Naram-Sin-Akkadian
G 2-15 Ziggurat of Ur- Neo-Sumerian
G 2-18 Stele with Code of Hammurabi - Babylonian
G 2-20 Lamassu -Assyrian Art
Egyptian Art- 3500BCE- 332BCE
G 3-2 Front of Palette of King Narmer
G 3-3 Mastaba, reconstruction
G 3-4 Imhotep, Stepped Pyramid of King Djoser
G 3- 7 Great Pyramids of Giza
G 3-11 Khafre
G3-18 Interior hall of the rock-cut tomb of Amenemhet
G3- 19 Mortuary Temple of Hatshepsut
G 3-22 Temple of Ramses II (façade/front)
G3- 28 Fowling Scene, from the tomb of Nebamun
G3-30 Akenaton
G3-33 Akenhaton, Nefertiti and three daughters
G 3-40 Temple of Horus, Pylon façade
Aegean Art – 3000BCE- 1100BCE
G 4-2 Figurine of a woman- Cycladic
G 4-4 Palace at Knossos- Minoan (aerial view)
G 4-6 Stairwell in the residential quarter of the palace, Palace of Knossos- Minoan
G 4-8 Bull Leaping- Minoan
G4-11 Octopus Jar- Minoan
G 4-12 Snake Goddess- Minoan
G 4-14 Harvester Vase- Minoan
G 4-19 Lion Gate, Mycenaean
G 4-21 Vault of Treasury of Atreus- Mycenaean
ESSAY Choose one. (8 points)
Write in complete sentences and support your answer with specific works of art.
1. Trace the way in which the human figure was represented through Prehistoric Art, Near Eastern Art,
Egyptian art and Aegean Art. Please use at least one example from each time period/culture and fully
describe why it represents that culture.
2. Discuss the architecture of the Ancient Near East, Ancient Egypt, and the Aegean in comparison to one
another. Describe how the architecture represents the different aspects of each culture. Please use at least
one example from each culture to explain your point.