A meeting of the Canadian Dexter Cattle Association Board of Directors was held by conference call on
February 19, 2015.
Present: Adrian Hykaway (President), Allyn Nelson (Vice-President), Cathy Heinzelman, Ian Payne, Brenda
Pollard, Becky Williams, Ron Black (Recording Secretary)
President Adrian Hykaway called the meeting to order. There was no objection to the meeting being taped.
Moved by Allyn Nelson that the minutes of the Directors’ meeting held on November 13, 2014 be adopted as
circulated. Seconded by Cathy Heinzelman. Carried.
a) Financial Report: Ron Black did not have a financial report for the meeting due to having been out of town
for a funeral. He circulated the report as of December 31, 2014 to the directors subsequent to the meeting.
b) Newsletter: Brenda Pollard asked for submissions by February 28th for the next issue. She has some articles
so far for the newsletter including reports and photos from two 4-H members in Ontario. Brenda indicated that
she will appeal in the next Newsletter for more members to have the Newsletter e-mailed to them to reduce
costs. For the last issue, 93 copies were mailed and only 17 were e-mailed.
c) Promotional Items: Cathy Heinzelman reported that she has purchased several copies of a book about
Dexters, for which the selling price is $32 including postage. There have been no sales of promotional items
since the Annual Meeting except what she has purchased herself.
d) Website: Becky Williams inquired about the membership list on the website, which is from 2013. Ron Black
indicated that he would have a current one forwarded for posting to the site. Becky also asked how PIPEDA, the
Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act, affects what is displayed on the CDCA
website, and whether permission must be obtained from each member in order to display their information, as
she understood there have been recent changes. As no one could provide a definite answer, Becky volunteered
to do some research and inform the directors of her findings.
e) Membership: Adrian Hykaway reported that there have been no requests for information packages for some
time now. He asked that CLRC provide a list of new members in the CDCA for 2014 so that he can follow up
with them.
a) Financial Audit: Ron Black
indicated that the 2014 financial records will be sent to Allan Chartered
Accountants after April 30th once the firm has finished income tax work.
b) Membership Renewal: So far in 2015, 59 members have renewed their membership and there are 11 new
members for a total to date of 70 members.
c) Annual Meeting: Becky Williams reported that no decision has been made yet on a date for the Annual
Meeting in 2015.
d) Teleconferencing Equipment: Ian Payne reported that a friend had recommended the Polycom Sound
Station, which would cost approximately $600.
Moved by Cathy Heinzelman that Ian Payne proceed to purchase the recommended teleconferencing equipment
at a cost not to exceed $800. Seconded by Allyn Nelson. Carried.
e) 4-H: Adrian Hykaway reported that he had sent a letter to the 4-H members who had used Dexters in 2014.
As the mother of two of the members had commented about judges being unfamiliar with Dexters, a comment
that has been heard many times, he had also written to the Canadian 4-H Council regarding the need to inform
judges about Dexters if there will be Dexters in the classes that they judge. No response has been received to
date, so Adrian will follow up.
f) Animal Pedigree Act: Adrian Hykaway and Ron Black indicated that there still has been no further
information from Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada regarding changes to the Animal Pedigree Act.
a) Single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) DNA testing and Delta Genomics: Adrian Hykaway reported that
he had visited the Delta Genomics lab, which is very sophisticated. SNP is the new technology for DNA and is
likely to replace microsatellites in time. In order to have the SNP tests done, breeders will need to request that
Genserve Labs forward the hair samples they have in storage to Delta Genomics. The cost at Delta Genomics
will be about $18 per sample.
Moved by Cathy Heinzelman that the Canadian Dexter Cattle Association accept SNP DNA lab results from
Delta Genomics for parentage verification. Seconded by Brenda Pollard. Carried.
Adrian Hykaway will write a report for the Newsletter on this topic.
b) Meeting with John Crowley, Canadian Beef Breeds Council: Adrian Hykaway reported on his meeting
with Mr. Crowley. Adrian had been able to give Mr. Crowley considerable information about Dexters and the
c) CLRC Annual Meeting: The Annual Meeting of Canadian Livestock Records Corporation will be held in
Ottawa on April 11, 2015. Ian Payne will be the official CDCA representative, and Adrian and Rita Hykaway
also plan to attend.
d) CBBC Annual Meeting: The Annual Meeting of Canadian Beef Breeds Council will be held in Calgary on
March 26, 2015. Adrian Hykaway indicated that he will attend on behalf of the CDCA. Notice of the meeting
will also be posted on the CDCA website and in the Newsletter for the information of other members who
might wish to attend. Regarding the CBBC membership fee, Ron Black indicated that he will be sending the
payment in the near future.
ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was
adjourned on a motion by Allyn Nelson.
Next Meeting: Thursday, May 14, 2015