Humanities and Sciences Senate Meeting Minutes

Humanities and Sciences Senate Meeting Minutes
December 5, 2003
Present: Patrick Meister, Bill Kolberg, Michael Trotti, Sabatino Magliore, Cory Brown, Hugh Stephenson,
Bruce North, Thomas Pfaff, Joseph Miller, Jason Hamilton, Zenon Wasyliw
Excused: Rick Anderson, Julio Lopez-Arias
Guests: Ute Ferrier, Hugh Egan
Meeting called to order at approximately 4:05
I. The floor was opened first to the guests' concerns.
Hugh Egan:
Concerned about effects of the on-line application requirement
Said that the number of applicants for a Shakespeare position are down significantly from
where they were 3 years ago when they did a search for this position (78 vs. 200)
Said that every other college that advertised for a Shakespeare position (38) had an online requirement (and only 4 had an on-line application as an option)
Hugh wants to know what we the Senate have done on this (and where we are on it).
Jason told him that we voted to draft a letter about our concerns (outlining significant
complaints, request for survey of departments' experiences/attitudes, request for training,)
and direct it to HR (with a copy to the Provost and Affirmative Action).
Sabatino asked Hugh for his suggestion. Hugh said that we should make paper
application an option.
Jason asked where to send the letter? Send it to Joe and he will get it to the right people.
Proposal: Send new letter
Passed: 10 yea; 1 nay
Ute Ferrier: Concerned about 1 year benefits
Before, they heard they might not have benefits over the summer, but then the
administration back tracked.
But this time, there was no option for 12 month pay cycle.
Ute wonders if she is paying in faster and the administration is saving $$.
1 years did not receive information on this decision.. The decision was made without
input from faculty. She wonders if summer benefits will be eliminated as well.
Joe informed all that Marian MacCurdy is to have a meeting with faculty representative.
Sabatino suggested that Ute talk to the Provost or President personally.
Ute wants these decisions not to be made without faculty input.
Michael Trotti suggested that the faculty council is the best committee to take this issue
* Approval of minutes from 11/10/03
III. Old Business
A. On-line application requirement
B. Nomination form has gone out for fine arts and sciences (for Senate vacancies)
C. Faculty Forum Plans
1. Noon, Tue or Thur, examples of past issues
(Try to get one of your department members to come as a representative.)
2. Promote minutes on intercom
3. Link to promote our website on our monthly notices
Approved unanimously
Michael suggests sending paper notice around to people.
Michael volunteered to write the newsletter. This was accepted by consensus.
(Next year's President will be at the Dean's new faculty forum. We can inform new faculty about
Senate and follow up.)
D. Report from Executive committee
Howard concerned about petitions
Joe: We are part of the administration. Let's not think of ourselves as powerless
Talked about on-line application
Zenon said that the issue of a graduate program in H&S may come up next semester (the
process has to be initiated through the Senate).
Action Items
1. Jason's letter about on-line application requirement (get draft and Joe sends it)
2. Raising exposure
a. faculty forum (open agenda and ideas, offer food)
b. promote minutes via intercom (meetings open)
c. put link in monthly notices to our website (and improve website)
3. Michael's newsletter
Meeting adjourned at approximately 5:55