Geographical Investigations

Geographical Investigations
Evaluating the Success of rebranding strategies in Southampton
What criteria can be used for evaluating the success of rebranding strategies?
1. Social
Before and after
2. Economic
statistics etc
3. Environmental
What can be investigated in Southampton?
1. 24 hour city
2. flagship developments
3. changing land use
4. clone town status
5. perceptions and opinions of local people, key players and stakeholders
6. Crime Vulnerability and attempts to ‘design out’ crime
7. sport and culture as catalysts of change
8. Reimaging – visible promotion of Southampton as an area worth visiting. Advertisements
for various activities or shows etc.
You will collect a large range of fieldwork data via a stratified transect from NW to SE: ShirleyCBD ‘spine; and extension West to Ikea- St Mary’s – Ocean Village Marian which encompasses
residential and re-branded areas.
Fieldwork techniques
1. Land use mapping in the CBD and St Mary’s and Shirley. This can identify the basis of the
economy, influence of students and immigrants? Information re 24 hour city can be
incorporated here.
2. 24 hour city survey - land use and questionnaires
3. Clone Town survey – land use data and New Economics Foundation survey
4. Flagship development evaluation – success and impact? Table from text book? Include in
5. Questionnaires – socio demographic data (age, sex, ethnicity, employment, qualifications,
use of the area, frequency of visit, where they live, perception of changes, involvement in
changes, perception of flagship developments, need for further changes, perception of
and fear of crime, accessibility to the area, use of the area at night…). Can incorporate
24 hour city data.
6. Bi-polar surveys or Semantic Differential Response Surveys – assess the quality of the
environment and identify reasons for decline and/or success of regeneration. See A-Z
Fieldwork techniques.
7. Environmental Quality Surveys?? Difference to Bi-polar??
8. Assessing rebranding images – collect a range of publicity material to analyze how
important image is to the rebranding process. Tourist information centre. Various leaflets.
9. Photographs and films. Power of an image – make a place look inviting or highlight the
negative. Documentation of rebranding success or failures.
10. Crime surveys – a checklist to see if the design of the area dissuades criminal activity.
Include in questionnaires too.
11. Sport as an agent of rebranding – St Mary’s and Ocean Village Marina – questionnaires to
ascertain local opinion.
Questionnaires- see various handouts on questionnaires, 24 hour city, fear of crime:
1. age
2. gender
1. Socio-demographic data
3. ethnicity
4. employment status plus details
5. place of habitation- postcode
6. reason for visiting area – day and night
7. frequency of visiting area- day and night
8. mode of transport to the area- day and night
9. use of facilities in the area- day and night
10. time spent in the area –day and night
11. money spent in the area – day and night
12. size of group –day and night
13. opinions on facilities in the area – day and night. Positive and negative
14. perception and fear of crime and where feel most vulnerable?
15. opinions of improvements to the area
16. opinions on what further improvements should be made
17. opinions on improvements to other parts of Southampton
18. involvement in the decision making process to changes in their local area
1. Crime Vulnerability Surveys- see handout on Crime Surveys and
a. Crime and Security provision – contrast Shirley with the CBD?
Observe and map location of security measures – CCTV, metal shutters, alarms,
lights, controls on the doors. Apply and index of burglarability to properties.
Secondary data collected on newspaper websites, police statistics. Primary
research – distribution of security measures.
b. Women’s fear of crime- add to questionnaires
c. Vandalism and other incivilities?
d. Preventative measures to combat crime. Investigate crime reduction through
design – create a checklist using website.
2. Land use surveys
a. Goad mapping using a generic key. Include function of buildings – day and night
functions. Clone town data. Accessibility- Location of parking facilities and bus
3. Bio-polar surveys. Could be included in the questionnaires or completely separate.
Investigate quality of the environment. The reasons for the success/failure of the
regeneration. See example in the handout.
4. Photographs showing positive and negative aspects of the area
5. Environmental Quality – litter, noise, air quality, vandalism. Carry out several on
Shirley High Street and in the CBD. One or two in Ocean Marina Village and St Mary’s.
Record on a map where the surveys took place.
6. Shopping Quality – as in Cambridge. See Handouts