Theory and Methodology of Political

Национальный исследовательский университет «Высшая школа экономики»
Программа дисциплины «Теория и методология политических исследований» для направления
030200.68«Политология» подготовки магистра
Правительство Российской Федерации
Федеральное государственное автономное образовательное учреждение
высшего профессионального образования "Национальный
исследовательский университет "Высшая школа экономики"
Общеуниверситетская кафедра публичной политики
Программа дисциплины
«Теория и методология политических исследований»
(Theory and Methodology of Political Research)
для направления 030200.68 «Политология» подготовки магистров
для магистерской программы "Политический анализ и публичная политика",
Авторы программы:
Беляева Н.Ю., кандидат юридических наук, профессор,
Ледяев В.Г., доктор философских наук, профессор,
Dmitry Zaytsev, PhD in political science,
Mahama Tawat, PhD in political science,
Одобрена на заседании общеуниверситетской кафедры публичной политики «28» августа
Зав. Кафедрой Н.Ю.Беляева
Москва, 2014
Настоящая программа не может быть использована другими подразделениями
университета и другими вузами без разрешения кафедры-разработчика программы.
Национальный исследовательский университет «Высшая школа экономики»
Программа дисциплины «Теория и методология политических исследований» для направления
030200.68«Политология» подготовки магистра
1. Scope of Use and Normative References
The present program establishes minimum demands of students’ knowledge and skills and
determines content of the course.
The present syllabus is aimed at the departmental teaching of this course, their teaching
assistants, and students of the degree program 030201.68 ‘Political Science’, master’s program
‘Political Analysis and Public Policy’, specialization "Political Analysis and Public Policy," "Human
Rights and Democratic Governance," studying the discipline "Theory and Methodology of Political
This syllabus meets the standards required by:
 National Research University Higher School of Economics of Federal Masters’ Degree
Program 030200.68 “Political Science”,
 Master’s program ‘Political Analysis and Public Policy’ of Federal Masters’ Degree
Program 030200.68 “Political Science”,
 Curriculum for the Master degree program 030200.68 "Political Science", the master’s
program ‘Political Analysis and Public Policy’, specializations Political Analysis and
Public Policy’ and ‘Human Rights and Democratic Governance’ as of 2013.
2. Learning Objectives
The objectives of the course "Theory and Methodology of Political Research" are:
 To gain knowledge of the field of political theory and the public policy theory
 To acquire skills and abilities of the "fundamental" and applied policy research
3. Learning outcomes
As a result of studying of the discipline the student should:
 Know the basics of political theory, the basic concepts of public policy (government, public
policy and the public sphere, the state, democracy, civil society), the theoretical and
methodological approaches to political research, methodology of public policy analysis
 Be able to apply the concepts and methods of political research in the applied areas of
public policy analysis
As a result of studying of the discipline students master the following competencies:
Descriptors - main features of
Code development (indicators of achievement)
Способен рефлексировать
(оценивать и перерабатывать)
освоенные научные методы и
способы деятельности
Able to reflex (evaluate and process)
mastered the scientific techniques
and methods of their activity
1.1.Демонстрирует знания
основных научных подходов и
методов социальных наук
1.2.Распознает основные научные
подходы и методы социальных
наук, их достоинства и недостатки
1.3.Оценивает применимость
основных научных подходов и
методов социальных наук для
конкретной исследовательской
The forms and
methods of
contributing to
the formation
development of
Homework №
Национальный исследовательский университет «Высшая школа экономики»
Программа дисциплины «Теория и методология политических исследований» для направления
030200.68«Политология» подготовки магистра
Способен предлагать концепции,
модели, изобретать и
апробировать способы и
инструменты профессиональной
Able to include the concepts,
models, to invent and test methods
and tools for professional activities
Способен осуществлять
политологический анализ данных
прикладных политических,
экономических и
социологических исследований с
использованием качественных и
количественных методов
Is capable of a political analysis of
data applied political, economic and
sociological studies, using
qualitative and quantitative methods
1.1. Show knowledge of the basic
scientific approaches and methods of
social Sciences 1.2. Figure out the
main scientific approaches and
methods of social Sciences, their
advantages and disadvantages 1.3.
Evaluate the applicability of the
scientific approaches and methods of
social Sciences for specific research
2.1.Различает имеющиеся в
научной литературе авторские
подходы к концептуализации
основных понятий политической
теории и публичной политики
2.2.Прослеживает генезис
основных концептов
политической теории и публичной
2.3.Дает определения основным
концептам политической теории и
публичной политики
2.1. Define available in the scientific
literature original approaches to
conceptualization of the basic
concepts of political theory and
public policy 2.2. Trace Genesis of
the basic concepts of political theory
and public policy 2.3. Give
definitions of the main concepts of
political theory and public policy
3.1.Демонстрирует знание методов
сбора и анализа данных разных
отраслей социальной науки
3.2.Распознает методы сбора и
анализа данных разных отраслей
социальной науки, их достоинства
и недостатки
3.3.Оценивает применимость
методов сбора и анализа данных
разных отраслей социальной
науки для решения конкретных
исследовательских задач
3.1. Show the knowledge of methods
for the collection and analysis of data
of different branches of social
science 3.2. Define data collection
and analysis methods various
branches of social science, their
advantages and disadvantages 3.3.
papers, midterm exam in
the 1st module
exam in 2nd
Национальный исследовательский университет «Высшая школа экономики»
Программа дисциплины «Теория и методология политических исследований» для направления
030200.68«Политология» подготовки магистра
Evaluate the applicability of the
methods of collection and analysis of
data of different branches of social
science to the solution of specific
research objectives
4. Place of the discipline in the Master program structure
This discipline is one of the general disciplines for the program.
This discipline is the basic one for specialization "Political Analysis and Public Policy"
The main propositions of the discipline to be used later in the study the following subjects:
 Quantitative and qualitative methods of data analysis
 Global actors in public policy
 Think tanks as policy actors
 Social policy and welfare state
 Research Seminar
5. Course Contents
Contact hours
Section 1. Theory of Political Studies
1 Topic 1. Course Introduction. What is politics?
The public sphere, the private sphere and
public policy
2 Topic 2. Political power: the concept, the basic
forms, methods of research.
3 Topic 3. Forms of Polity (polis, the state, and
4 Topic 4. The civil society (NGOs, IOs,
INGOs), community (society, nation and
5 Topic 5. Democracy and Justice
6 Topic 6. Governance what is governance ?
Theories of governance
Section 2. Methodology for Policy Studies
7 Topic 7. The Logic of Scientific Discovery.
The scientific methodarebdt Lijhart,bengt
Flyberg falsification, oaradim epistemological
approaches , concept formation Sartori's
Empirical Universals, operationalization,
theory, models and framework reliability,
validy robustness
8 Topic 8. Induction/deductione.g political theory
9 Topic 9. Discourse analysis Foundations,
Methodological Approaches.
10 Topic 10. Neo-Institutionalism
11 Topic 11. Positivism, Post-PositivismMills
Lectures Seminars students’ work
Национальный исследовательский университет «Высшая школа экономики»
Программа дисциплины «Теория и методология политических исследований» для направления
030200.68«Политология» подготовки магистра
Methods of Agreement and Difference,
12 Topic 12. Marxism, Neo-Marxism, PostMarxism Historical Materialism, Dependentist
Theory, World-system Theory
13 Topic 13. Structuralism, Post-Structuralism,
Postmodernism Grounded Theory
6. Requirements and Grading
Type of
ate control
Type of work 1st year
Collection of Reflection Papers (topics 1-6)
In class presentation (topics 7-13)
In class test (1st module)
Presentation of group work (2nd module)
Course Grade Criteria
Collection of Reflection Papers. Reflection paper must have review of the articles; analysis of
the article with cases that supported student’s theses; conceptual analysis and reflection how the
concept could be applied for student’s term paper or master thesis.
In class presentation with no fewer than seven Power Point slides lasting no less than 15
minutes. This presentation will discuss one paradigm, methodological approach or method of social
In the report student must demonstrate knowledge of chosen paradigm (or methodological approaches
or method); to trace associations between the chosen paradigm (or methodological approaches or
method) and other paradigms, methodological approaches and methods; to evaluate advantages and
disadvantages of chosen paradigm (or methodological approaches or method) in solving research
problems in political studies. Examples of methodological approaches or research paradigms which are
appropriate for analysis would be an evaluation of positivistic vs. Freudian accounts of actor
motivations, Marxist vs. Weberian accounts of the nature of power and/or political institutions;
Idealistic vs. materialistic accounts of law and justice (Hegel vs. Austin’s account of law and
In class test (1st module). Test based on the knowledge on required readings (topic 1-6).
Presentation of Work in Group (2nd module). In the group report student must demonstrate
knowledge of chosen methodological approach; to trace associations between chosen approach and
other paradigms, methodological approaches and methods; to weigh advantages and disadvantages of
chosen approach in solving concrete public policy problem; to see biases approach leading research
framework, research program, research design and even research findings.
Estimates on all forms of monitoring are set on a 10-point scale. (0-3 fail, 4-5 satisfactory, 6-7
good, 8-9 very good, 10 perfection)
All documents are to be uploaded and reviewed on the LMS (learning management system).
Национальный исследовательский университет «Высшая школа экономики»
Программа дисциплины «Теория и методология политических исследований» для направления
030200.68«Политология» подготовки магистра
7. Course Description
Section 1. Theory of Political Studies
Topic 1. Course Introduction. What is politics? The public sphere, the private sphere and public
Introduction to conceptual analysis.
Various conceptions of politics. Politics as the struggle for power. Power in the Marxian,
Machiavellian and normative perspective. Is political science really a science? Political science and its
“subfields:” political philosophy, comparative politics, public policy and administration, IR, political
communication, political participation, political sociology, political economy.
The features and principles of the public sphere. Public (public) and public opinion (public
opinion). The public sphere as the area of communication between the state and society and the
integration of the subsystems of the social system. Public policies: public policy & politiques
publiques. Linear and non-linear (spatial) of the definition of public policy. Traditions determining
public policy. Features of the discourse on public policy in modern Russia. The system of public
policy analysis concepts. The legacy of the Enlightenment and the Public Sphere, The public sphere
and the perils/privileges of mass democracy. The public sphere as a product of modern industrial
development. Race, class and gender and the public sphere. The social evolution of agents and
institutions. Environmentalism and public sphere
Required readings
Mair, Peter (2008) “Concepts and Concept Formation” in Della Porta, Donatella and Keating, Michael
(eds.) Approaches and Methodologies in the Social Sciences, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,
p. 179.
Habermas Jurgen. The Public Sphere // Contemporary Philosophy/Ed. By E.Goodin and Philip Pettit.
Oxford Blackwell, 1997. PP. 105-108.
Belyaeva N.Y. Analysts: “Consultants” or “Independent Policy Actors” // Politicka Misao. 2011. Vol.
48. No. 5. P. 125-140.
Optional readings
Collier, David and Mahon, James. E, Jr (1993) “Conceptual ‘stretching’ revisited: Adapting
categories in Comparative Analysis”, American Political Science Review, Vol, 87, No 4, pp. 845-855.
Blaikie, Norman (2010) Designing Social Research: the Logic of Anticipation, Cambridge, UK
and Malden, MA
The Idea of the Public Sphere: A Reader edited by Jostein Gripsrud, Hallvard Moe, Anders
Molander, Graham Murdock. “Editor’s Introduction,” Kant’s Essay “What is Enlightenment?” Carl
Schmitt’s “The Crisis of Parliamentary Democracy”
Hannah Arendt’s discussion of the public sphere and citizenship (through outline here
Belyaeva N.Y. Public Action and Emerging of Protesting Public. Case of White Movement in
Capano Giliberto and Howlett Michael (ed.). European and North American policy change:
drivers and dynamics. London ; New York : Routledge, 2009
The Promise of Green Politics: Environmentalism and the Public Sphere by Douglas
Habermas Jiirgen. The Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere. An Inquiry into a
Category of Bourgeois Society. The M IT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts. 1989.
Национальный исследовательский университет «Высшая школа экономики»
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030200.68«Политология» подготовки магистра
Lasswell, Harold D. Analysis of Political Behavior. 1948. [HSE electronic resources:]
The Power of Religion in the Public Sphere ed. Eduardo Mendieta, Jonathan VanAntwerpen
(Columbia, 2013)
Talcott Parsons on Institutions and Social Evolution: Selected Writings (University of Chicago,
Rhode R.A.W. The New Governance: Governing without Government. Political Studies
(1996). XLIV. 652-667.
Masses, Classes and the Public Sphere ed. Mike Hill, Warren Montag (Verso, 2002)
Алексеева Т.А. "Публичное" и "Частное": где границы "Политического"? //
Беляева Н.Ю. Публичная сфера и публичная политика в России: состояние и
перспективы развития // Публичная политика в современной России: субъекты и институты. М.
ТЕИС. 2006. С. 7-26.
Беляева Н.Ю. Публичная политика в России: сопротивление среды // ПОЛИС. №1. 2007.
С. 22-32.
Зайцев Д.Г. Понимание государственной молодежной политики как важной сферы
публичной политики и гражданских инициатив. Сочетание местного, республиканского и
федерального уровней // Доклад на Всероссийской научно-практической конференции
«Взаимодействие институтов гражданского общества в реализации государственной
молодежной политики» 10-11 декабря 2009 года.
Красин Ю. Публичная сфера и публичная политика в российском измерении //
Публичная политика в России. М.: Альпина Бизнес Букс, 2005. С. 15-32.
Кумбс Д. Введение в концепцию публичной политики в контексте
посткоммунистического пространства // Публичная политика: от теории к практике. СПб.:
Алетейя, 2008. С. 338-353.
Малинова О.Ю. Символическое пространство современной политики. Основные
тенденции трансформации публичной сферы // Публичная политика в современной России:
субъекты и институты. М. ТЕИС. 2006. С. 60-71.
Новый общественно-политический словарь. М. Московская школа политических
исследований, 2008.
Риттер М. Публичная сфера как идеал политической культуры // Граждане и власть:
проблемы и подходы. М.: 1998.
Шматко Н.А, Феномен публичной политики // Социологические исследования. №7,
2001, С. 106-112.
Topic 2. Political power: the concept, the basic forms, methods of research.
“Power” as a key concept in political science. Pre and post World War II conceptions of power.
Power as an anthropological principle in primitive osciety Power and political ideology, liberal,
conservative and libertarian. Power and political thought. The absence of political power in the modern
world. Governing without force Basic problems in defining power. Actual/potential problem.
Intentionality of power. Outcome of power. Outcome of power: power to vs power over. Interests and
power. Asymmetry of power. Agency, structure and power. Two traditions in defining power.
Weberian tradition in defining power. Debates over the nature and “faces” of power. R. Dahl, P.
Bachrach and M. Baratz. S. Lukes, M. Foucault. Modern contributions to the conceptual analysis of
power (P. Blau, S. Clegg, T. Wartenberg. P. Morriss, G. Debnam, K. Dowding). Alternative tradition
(T. Parsons, H. Arendt, J. Habermas). Logic of the conceptual analysis of power. Resources of power.
Basic forms and manifestations of power. Force, coercion, inducement, persuasion, manipulation,
authority. Power and authority. Power and domination. “Political power” as subcategory of “power”.
Национальный исследовательский университет «Высшая школа экономики»
Программа дисциплины «Теория и методология политических исследований» для направления
030200.68«Политология» подготовки магистра
Forms of political power. State power. Political coercion. Political authority. Political influence.
Political manipulation. Resources of political power. Political mobilisation. The assessment of political
influence. Political power and political institutions. Distribution of political power in cities, towns and
communities as a subject of study in political science and sociology. Identification of community
leaders: basic methodological approaches. Charles Mills “Power Elite”. Positional approach. Floyd
Hunter’s study of Atlanta. Reputational method. Robert Dahl’s study of New Haven. Decision-making
approach. Network analysis as a method of studying power.
Required readings
Birch A. The Concepts and Theories of Modern Democracy. L., 1999. Р. 137-159.
Orum A. Introduction to Political Sociology. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall, 1978. P. 160193.
Scott J. Studying power // The Blackwell Companion to Political Sociology /Ed. by Kate Nash
and Alan Scott, 2004. P. 82-94.
Ball T. Power // A Companion to Contemporary Political Philosophy /Ed. By Robert E. Goodin
and Philip Pettit. Oxford, 1995. P. 548-557.
Optional readings
Aiken M. and Mott P.E. Introduction // The Structure of Community Power /Ed. by Michael
Aiken and Paul E. Mott. New York: Random House, 1970. P. 193-202.
Arendt H. Communicative power // Power /Ed. by Steven Lukes. 1986. P. 59-74.
Bachrach P. and Baratz M.S. Two faces of power // American Political Science Review. 1962.
Vol. 56. № 4. P. 947-952
Bachrach P., Baratz M.S. Decisions and nondecisions: an analytical framework // Аmerican
Political Science Review. 1963. Vol. 57. № 3. P. 641-651
Barry Hindess, Discourses of Power from Hobbes to Foucault (Wiley, Jan 12, 1996)
Bertrand de Jouvenel, Sovereignty: An Inquiry Into the Political Good (Cambridge University
Press, 2013) “Introduction” and “Justice.”
Cass Sunstein, Nudge: Improving Decisions About Health, Wealth, and Happiness (Penguin,
Cherniss, A Mind and Its Time: The Development of Isaiah Berlin’s Political Thought (Oxford
University Press, Mar 28, 2013)
Dahl R. Power The International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences / Ed. By David L. Sills.
Vol. 12. NY: Macmillan, 1968. P. 405-415
David Van Mill, Liberty, Rationality, and Agency in Hobbes's Leviathan (SUNY, 2001)
Domhoff G.W. Who Rules America? L., 1998. Р. 16-28.
Domhoff G.W. Who Rules America? L.: Mayfield, 1998.
Dowding K. M. Power. L., 1996.
Dowding K. Rational choice approaches to analyzing power// The Blackwell Companion to
Political Sociology /Ed. by Kate Nash and Alan Scott, 2004. P. 29-39.
Foucault M. Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison. NY: Pantheon, 1977. P. 16-19, 2531, 200-204, 249-255
Hampton J. Political Philosophy. Boulder, 1997. P. 3-38.
Harding A. The history of community power // Theories of Urban Politics. Second edition / Ed.
by Jonathan S. Davies and David L. Imbroscio. London: Sage, 2009. P. 27-39
Haugaard M. Power: A Reader. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2002.
Ledyaev V. Power: A Conceptual Analysis. NY: Nova Science Publishers, 1997. P. IX-XV, 320; 171-181.
Ledyaev V. Power: A conceptual analysis. NY: Nova Science Publishers, 1998. P. 179-199.
Национальный исследовательский университет «Высшая школа экономики»
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030200.68«Политология» подготовки магистра
Ledyaev V. Power: A conceptual analysis. NY: Nova Science Publishers, 1998
Lukes S. Power: A Radical view. L.: Macmillan, 1974. P. 21-42
Morriss P. Power: A Philosophical Analysis. Manchester, 1987.
Nigel Ashford ed. A Dictionary of Conservative and Libertarian Thought (Routledge, 2011)
Parsons T. On the concept of political power
Poulantzas N. State, Power, Socialism. Verso, 1978. P. 11-14
Scott J. Power. Cambridge: Polity, 2001. P. 1-30, 71-86.
Scott, James. The Art of Not Being Governed: An Anarchist History of Upland Southeast Asia
Stewart A. Theories of Power and Domination. The Politics of Empowerment in Late
Modernity. L., 2001.
Wartenberg T. Forms of Power: From Domination to Transformation. Philadelphia, 1990: P.
Wartenberg T. Forms of Power: From Domination to Transformation. Philadelphia, 1990: P.
Weber M. Power and Domination
Wenman M.A. Power // Political Concepts. A Reader and Guide /Ed. by Iain MacKenzie.
Edinburg, 2005. P. 370-385.
Wrong D. Power: Its Forms, Bases and Uses. NY: Harper and Row Publishers, 2002. Р. 1-13.
Алексеева Т.А. Узаконивание государства // Политическая философия: От концепций к
теориям: Учебное пособие. М., 2007. С. 185-246
Ледяев В.Г. Власть: концептуальный анализ // Полис. 2000. № 1.
Ледяев В.Г. Городские политические режимы: теория и опыт эмпирического
исследования // Политическая наука. 2008. №3. С. 32-60
Ледяев В.Г. Изучение власти в городских сообществах: основные этапы и модели
исследования // Неприкосновенный запас. 2010
Ледяев В.Г. Классические методики определения субъектов политической власти:
западный опыт // Политическая наука в современной России: время поиска и контуры
эволюции: Ежегодник 2004. М.: Российская политическая энциклопедия, 2004. С. 33-55.
Ледяев В.Г. Кто правит? Дискуссия вокруг концепции власти Роберта Даля //
Социологический журнал. 2002. № 3
Ледяев В.Г. Политическая власть: концептуальный анализ // Политическое
консультирование. 2009. № 3. С. 27-45.
Ледяев В.Г. Социология власти: исследование Флойда Хантера // Социологический
журнал. 2002. № 1
Ледяев В.Г. Формы власти: типологический анализ // Полис. 2000. № 2.
Ледяев В.Г. Эмпирическая социология власти: теория «машин роста» // Власть,
государство и элиты в современном обществе /Под ред. А.В. Дуки и В.П. Мохова. Пермь:
Пермский государственный технический университет, 2005. С. 5-23
Ледяев В.Г., Ледяева О.М. Многомерные концепции власти: опыт эмпирического
исследования // Элиты и власть в Российском социальном пространстве /Под ред А.В. Дуки.
СПб: Интерсоцис, 2008
Лукс С. Власть: Радикальный взгляд. М., 2010.
Олейник О.Н. Таксономия властных отношений // Политическая концептология. 2009. №
2. С. 103-128
Парсонс Т. О понятии «политическая власть» // Антология мировой политической
мысли. Т. 2. - М.: Мысль, 1997, с. 479-482
Подорога В.А. Власть и познание (археологический поиск М.Фуко) // Власть: Очерки
современной политической философии Запада /Отв. Ред. В.В. Мшевениерадзе. М., 1989. С. 206255.
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Topic 3. Forms of Polity (polis, the state, and empire)
Polity vs. Despotism. The state as a political community and political institution.
Conceptualization of "polis" state (forms) the ancient Greek thinkers, particularly Plato. Early modern
conceptions of political power and political sovereignty. The legacies of Greek political theory for
modern conceptions of the state. Conceptualization of 'imperial' systems. Signs of the empire. Empire
and power. Features of the modern "imperial" discourse. The nation-state: the conditions of
occurrence, symptoms. The nation-state and empire. The nation-state and democracy. The evolution of
self-reference forms of Russian statehood. Constitutional, legal and welfare state the development of
the nation-state, the state regalian functions (security, accumulation).
Required readings
Nettl J.P. The State as a Conceptual Variable. World Politics, Vol. 20, No. 4 (Jul., 1968).
Bourdieu P. Rethinking the State Genesis and Structure of the Bureaucratic Field. 1994
Zaytsev D.G. Indices of «stateness» and governance_ICPP. Grenoble. 2013
Peter B. Evans, Dietrich Rueschemeyer, Theda Skocpol, Bringing the State Back In.
“Introduction” and Charles Tilly’s “War-Making and State-Making as Organized Crime”
Sections on Plato in Karl Popper’s “The Open Society and Its Enemies”
Wallensteen, Peter. Understanding Conflict Resolution. War, Peace and the Global System,
London: Sage. Third edition, 2013.
Hannah Arendt, The Origins of Totalitarianism, Meridian Books, 1951, available at
Börzel, Tanja.A. & Risse Thomas.Governance Without a State – Can It Work? Regulation and
Governance 4 (2): 1-22, 2010. Sasskia Sassen (2008) Territory, Authority, Rights: From Medieval to
Global Assemblages (Princeton University Press, 2nd ed.)
Optional readings
Dunleavy P. The state. A Companion to Contemporary Political Philosophy. Blackwell, 1995.
The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Politics. Ed Iain McLean and Alistair McMillan. Oxford
University Press 2009.
John A. Hall. "State". The Oxford Companion to the Politics of the World, 2e. Joel Krieger, ed.
Oxford University Press Inc. 2001.
Juan J. Linz, Alfred Stepan. Problems of Democratic Transition and Consolidation: Southern
Europe, South America, and Post-Communist Europe. 1996.
Tilly Ch. (ed.) The formation of National States in Western Europe. Princeton. 1975.
Ильин М.В. Слова и смыслы. Опыт описания ключевых политических понятий. М,
РОССПЭН. 1997. С. 187-202, 224-253.
Андерсон Б. Воображаемые сообщества. Размышления об истоках и распространении
национализма. М.: «КАНОН-пресс-Ц», «Кучково поле», 2001.
Бурдье П. Дух государства: генезис и структура бюрократического поля // Социология
социального пространства. М.: ИЭС, Спб.: Алетейя, 2007.
Ильин М.В. Формула государственности // Полития. №3, 2008. С. 67-78.
Ильин М.В. Политический дискурс: слова и смыслы (Государство) // Полис. 1994. № 1.
С. 127–140.
Каспэ С.И. Империя и модернизация: общая модель и российская специфика. М.:
РОССПЭН, 2001.
Каспэ С.И. Центры и иерархии: пространственные метафоры власти и западная
политическая форма. МШПИ. 2008.
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Каспэ С.И. Постсоветские нации в саду расходящихся тропок: ценности как переменная
сравнительного анализа // Россия в глобальной политике, 2009. № 6. C. 154—163 //
Каспэ С.И. Империя, нация, свобода // Российское государство: прошлое, настоящее,
будущее : под общ. ред. И.М.Клямкина – М.: Новое издательство, 2007 //
Медушевский А.Н. Размышления о современном российском конституционализме. М.:
РОССПЭН, 2007.
Нерсесянц В.С. Философия права. НОРМА-ИНФРА-М. 1998.
Новый общественно-политический словарь. М. Московская школа политических
исследований, 2008.
Салмин А.М. Современная демократия. Очерки становления и развития. М.: ФОРУМ,
Учебник по теории государства и права (любой).
Хабермас Ю. Вовлечение другого. Очерки политической теории. Спб.: Наука. 2008.
Шмит Карл. Политическая теология. М.: «КАНОН-пресс-Ц», 2000.
Topic 4. Democracy and Justice
Development of the idea of democracy. Ancient democracy. Representative democracy.
Republicanism. Democratic transformation. The ideas and principles of modern democracy. Ideal
criteria of a democratic process. Institutions of democracy. Polyarchy. Regulatory and procedural
definitions of democracy. Stereotypes of political discourse and democracy. Factors (causes) of
democratization. "Semi-democracy": the definitions and meanings.
Democracy, regime types old and Plato, Aristotle, Montesquieu, individual liberty and Theories
of justice (justice as a social contract, justice as impartiality, distributive justice, reconciliation and
restorative justice, and retributive justice (negative and positive liberty).
Required readings
Diamond, Larry Jay, Morlino, Leonardo. The Quality of Democracy. An Overview // Journal of
Democracy, Volume 15, Number 4, October 2004, pp. 20-31
Carothers T. The End of the Transition Paradigm. Journal of Democracy, V. 13, N. 1, January
2002. P. 5-21.
David Collier and Steven Levitsky. Democracy “with adjectives”: Conceptual Innovation in
Comparative Research. Working Paper #230 - August 1996.
Huntington, S.P. (1991) Democracy's third wave. Journal of Democracy, Vol. 2, Spring
Hague, Rod and Harrop, Martin (2013) Comparative Government and Politics. An
introduction, 9th Edition, Series: Comparative Government and Politics, Palgrave Macmillan, chap. 34.
Optional readings
A Conversation with Robert A. Dahl // Annu. Rev. Polit. Sci. 2009. 12: 1-9.
Assessing the Quality of Democracy. Larry Diamond, ed. - Stanford University. Leonardo
Morlino, ed. Published by Johns Hopkins University Press, 2005.
Cederman, Lars-Erik.. Back to Kant: Reinterpreting the Democratic Peace as a Macrohistorical
Learning Process."American Political Science Review 93(4):791, 2001
Dahl, Robert A. 1971.Polyarchy: Political Participation and Opposition. New Haven: Yale
University Press.
Democracy. A Dictionary of Sociology. John Scott and Gordon Marshall. Oxford University
Press 2009.
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Democracy. The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Politics. Ed Iain McLean and Alistair
McMillan. Oxford University Press 2009.
Diamond L.J. Thinking About Hybrid Regimes. Journal of Democracy, V. 13, N. 2, April
2002. P. 21-35.
Dryzek, John and Dunleavy, Patrick (2009) Theories of the Democratic State. Palgrave
Elena Sheetova, Kristina Popova, Anastasia Novokreshchenova, “Democracy with adjectives”:
analyzing alternative discourses // Chapter Three. Models of Democracy Evaluation. Ed. by Dmitry
Zaytsev, Sergey Obiedkov // Russia and the Council of Europe: Topics for Common Agenda. A Look
from Norway. Academic Papers of the 10th International Session of the HSE Russian — European
Centre for Multidisciplinary Research. Oslo, 1-8 August, 2010. Edited by Nina Belyaeva.
INTELCORP. Moscow. 2011
Francis Fukuyama (1992). The End of History and the Last Man. Free Press.
Francis Fukuyama, "The End of History?", The National Interest (Summer 1989)
G. L. Munck, J. Verkuilen. Conceptualizing and measuring democracy. Evaluating Alternative
Indices. Comparative Political Studies, Vol. 35 No. 1, February 2002.
Gutmann A. Democracy.
Held D. Democracy. The Oxford Companion to the Politics of the World. Oxford, 1993.
Levy, Daniel C., and Kathleen Bruhn. Mexico: The Struggle for Democratic Development (2nd
Edition), University of California Press, 2006.
Lindberg, Staffan I., (2009) Democratization by Elections: A Mixed Record (January 21,
2009). Journal of Democracy, Vol. 20, No. 3, July. Available at SSRN:
Little Adrian. "Democracy". The Oxford Companion to Australian Politics. Ed Brian Galligan
and Winsome Roberts. Oxford University Press 2008.
Merkel M, Croissant A. Conclusion: Good and Defective Democracies. Democratization 11, 5.
P. 199-213.
Petrov N., Lipman M., Hale H. Overmanaged democracy in Russia… Carnegie papers.
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. 2010.
Political atlas of modernity: experience of multidimensional statistical analysis of political
systems Moscow, MGIMO, 2007.
Proceedings of the conference HSE "Public Policy Institute: transplantation or cultivation",
May 13, 2005. Electronic resource. Access is free. Date of visit:
Rawls, John (1999) A Theory of Justice, revised edition, The Belknap Press.
Reilly, Benjamin. Political Parties in Conflict-Prone Societies: Regulation, Engineering and
Democratic Development, United Nations University Press, 2008.
Schumpeter, J.A. Capitalism, socialism, and democracy. New York, itd: Harper and Row
Sen, A.K. (1999) Democracy as a universal value. Journal of Democracy, Vol. 10, No. 3, pp. 317. July
Ильин М.В. Слова и смыслы. Опыт описания ключевых политических понятий. М,
РОССПЭН. 1997. С. 317-333.
Алмонд Г., Верба С. Гражданская культура и стабильность демократии // Полис. №4.
1992 //
Даль Р. Демократия и ее критики. М. РОССПЭН. 2003.
Даль Р. О демократии. М.: Аспект Пресс, 2000.
Демократия в современном мире. Сборник статей под ред. Я.А.Пляйса и А.Б.Шатилова.
М.: РОССПЭН, 2009.
Демократия. Зидентон Л., 2003 Хантингтон, 2003 Сергеев, 1999.
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Категории политической науки: очерки. Казань: КГУ, 2007. С. 101-142.
Левяш И.Я. Интеграция Европы: демократический вызов или вызов демократии? //
Лейпхарт А. Демократия в многосоставных обществах…
Меркель В., Круассан А. Формальные и неформальные институты в дефектных
демократиях. // Полис (Политические исследования), №1, 2002.
О'Доннелл Гильермо. Делегативная демократия //
Семинихин И. Владислав Сурков: Pro et Contra. Диалоги о суверенной демократии и
историческом выборе России. М.: Изд-во СГУ, 2008.
Садовникова Г.Д. Представительная демократия: от идеи к реализации. М.: Издательство
гуманитарной литературы, 2008.
Салмин А.М. Современная демократия. Очерки становления и развития. М.: ФОРУМ,
Тилли Ч. Демократия. М.: ИНОП, 2007.
// // Journal of Democracy, 1995, vol. 6, N 2, р. 20-33.
Хантингтон С. Третья волна. Демократизация в конце 20 века. М.: РОССПЭН, 2003.
Хабермас Ю. Вовлечение другого. Очерки политической теории. Спб.: Наука. 2008.
Topic 5. The civil society (NGOs, IOs, INGOs), community (society, nation and citizenship)
The historical origin of the concept and modern scientific understanding of the civil society.
Forms of understanding of civil society. Civil Society vs. State. Civil society as capitalism. Sphere of
civil society. "Individualistic" and "collectivist" understanding of civil society. Civil society and the
"third sector": relationship of concepts. Application of the concept of civil society in non-European
societies: Euro centrism vs. collectivist traditions of the East.
Required readings
Susan Meld Shell. Conceptions of Civil Society // Journal of Democracy, Volume 5, Number 3,
July 1994, pp. 124-128 (Article)
Беляева Н.Ю. Сущность понятия «гражданское общество»//Некоммерческий сектор:
экономика, право и управление: докл. Междунар. науч. конф., Москва, 25—26 мая 2007 г. /Гос.
ун-т — Высшая школа экономики; Лаборатория исследования гражданского общества; отв.
ред. Л. И. Якобсон. — М.: Изд. дом ГУ-ВШЭ, 2007.
Optional readings
Rogers Brubaker Citizenship and Nationhood in France and Germany, Cambridge: Harvard
University. Press, 1992
Ильин М.В. Слова и смыслы. Опыт описания ключевых политических понятий. М,
РОССПЭН. 1997. С. 160-169.
Кола Д. Политическая социология. М.: Весь мир, ИНФРА-М, 2001. 281-314.
Гражданское общество. Мировой опыт и проблемы России. Под ред. Хороса В.Г. М.:
ИМЭМО, Эдиториал УРСС, 1998.
Факторы развития гражданского общества и механизмы его взаимодействия с
государством. М.: ГУ-ВШЭ, 2008.
Публичное пространство, гражданское общество и власть: опыт развития и
взаимодействия. Отв. Ред. Сунгуров А.Ю. М.: РАПН, РОССПЭН, 2008.
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Topic 6. Governance
Traditions of study governance in different social disciplines: Developmental Studies. Legal Theory,
Urban Studies, International Relations, Economics. Approaches to governance conceptualization:
State-Limited governing, Multilevel governing, Multilateral Governing, and Participatory Governing.
Dimensions of Governance. Indices of Governance. Neo-liberalism and its effect on governance.
Historical accounts of governance and governace and empire. China’s rise as a global actor and its
effect on governance
Required readings
Rhode R.A.W. The New Governance: Governing without Government // Political Studies
(1996). XLIV. 652—667.
Zaytsev D.G. Indices of «stateness» and governance_ICPP. Grenoble. 2013.
Kersbergen, K. V. and Waarden, F. V. (2004), ‘Governance’ as a bridge between disciplines:
Cross-disciplinary inspiration regarding shifts in governance and problems of governability,
accountability and legitimacy. European Journal of Political Research, 43: 143–171.
Jacob Torfing, B. Guy Peters, Jon Pierre, and Eva Sørensen. Interactive Governance:
Advancing the Paradigm. Oxford University Press. 2012. Introduction.
David Levi-Faur_What is Governance ?, The Governance Blog,
Available at _
Simon Lee, Stephen McBride, Neo-Liberalism, State Power and Global Governance (Springer,
2007) pg. 1-27
Duncan Bell, Victorian Visions of Global Order Empire and International Relations in
Nineteenth-Century Political Thought (Cambridge, 2007) “Introduction”
Eds. Tanguy De Wilde, Pierre Defraigne, Jean-Christophe Defraigne, China, the European
Union and the Restructuring of Global Governance (Edward Elgar, 2012), “Introduction.”
Goodin, R.. “Institutions and their Design.” In R. Goodin, ed. The Theory of Institutional
Design Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1996
Optional readings
Bartolini Stefano. Restructuring Europe: Centre Formation, System Building, and Political
Structuring between the Nation State and the European Union. 2005.
Cheema, G. Shabbir (Contribution by); Rondinelli, Dennis A. (Contribution by). Decentralizing
Governance: Concepts and Practices. Washington, DC, USA: Brookings Institution Press, 2007. p 4.
Lenoble, Jacques; Maesschalck, Marc. Democracy Law and Governance. Farnham, Surrey,
GBR: Ashgate Publishing Group, 2010.
Nikolaenko S., Belyanova E., Smorodinov O. Problems of implementation of international
indices: society, state, economy // Moscow, 2009.
Political atlas of modernity: experience of multidimensional statistical analysis of political
systems Moscow, MGIMO.
Sartori Giovanni. Concept Misformation in Comparative Politics. The American Political
Science Review, Vol. 64, No. 4. (Dec., 1970).
Stivers, Camilla. Governance in Dark Times: Practical Philosophy for Public Service.
Washington, DC, USA: Georgetown University Press, 2008.
Bertelsmann Stiftung Project //
Freedom House. Freedom in the World Index //
Index of African Governance //
Polity IV Project //
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World Bank Governance Index //
Section 2. Methodology in the Social and Political Sciences
Topic 7. The Logic of Scientific Discovery.
What is science? The Problem of Induction. The Problem of Demarcation. Falsifiability as a
Criterion of Demarcation. Paradigm. Scientific Research Program. Methodology. Epistemology.
Ontology. Epistemological Foundations. Methodological Approaches. Methods. Frameworks.
Techniques. Criticism and the growth of knowledge. Is science rational? What is the connection
between truth and method? Are all the methods of the sciences the same? What is the connection
between the physical sciences and the social sciences? What is relativism and is it dangerous to civil
society? What is the role of science in society? How do we categorize kinds of knowledge?
Required readings:
Karl Popper, The Logic of Scientific Discovery, Parts I and II
Kuhn Thomas S. The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. 1970
Lakatos Imre. Falsification and the Methodology of Scientific Research Programmes. 1973
Optional readings:
Christopher R. Donohue, “Explanation, Reduction and Empiricism” on Kuhn, Feyerabend and
Relativism in 1001 Ideas that Changed the Way We Think (2013)
I.C. Jarvie, Critical Rationalism, the Social Sciences, and the Humanities (Springer, 1995). See
especially Gellner’s “Prometheus Proplexed.”
Lakatos Imre. History of Science and Its Rational Reconstructions. 1970
Paul A Feyerabend, Against Method, “Postscript on Relativism”
Tarrow, Sydney (2010) The Strategy of Paired Comparison: Toward a Theory of Practice,
Comparative Political Studies, Vol. 43, No 2, pp. 235-237.
William A. Gorton, Karl Popper and the Social Sciences, chapter on “Popperian Situational
Topic 8. The Logic of Social and Political Research.
The research process: the main stages. Academic and applied political research. Stages of
the academic research. Conceptualization (formulation of the theory.) Operationalization (theory).
Measurement (choice of adequate methods for the study). Data Visualization. Aggregation of data.
Interpretation of results. Scientific presentations. Stages of applied research. Compilation of the
research program. Development tools. Data collection. Data processing. Analysis of data.
Interpretation of results. Presentation of the results of the study. Relation of stages of "fundamental"
and applied research. Problems arising in front of the researcher and analyst at different stages.
Required readings:
Schmitter, Philippe. The design of social and political research // Approaches and
Methodologies in the Social Sciences. A Pluralist Perspective. Ed.: Donatella della Porta and Michael
Keating. Cambridge University Press. 2008. P. 263-295.
Hancke Bob. Challenge of Research Design // Theory and Methods in Political Science. Third
Edition. Edited by David Marsh and Gerry Stoker. 2010. P. 232-248.
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Craig Leonard Brians, Lars Willnat, Jarol B. Manheim, Richard C. Rich. Empirical Political
Analysis, 8th Edition. 2011 // Ch. 4 Designing your research and choosing your qualitative and
quantitative methods. P. 75-87.
Topic 9. Review of Epistemological Foundations, Methodological Approaches, and Methods of
Social Sciences.
Choice of epistemological foundation, theoretical and methodological approach of the
study. Review of political research epistemological foundation. Idealism, Marxism, Freudianism,
positivism, neo-Marxism, post-positivism, structuralism and post-structuralism, post-modernism.
Review of the theoretical and methodological approaches. History. Sources. Analysis of the sources.
Criticism of sources. Interpretation of sources. Legal. The definition of "legal seat" of the legal
situation. Determination of the appropriate legal interpretation of the legal situation. Clarification of
the existing state of "normal" interpretation. Legal assessment. Comparative. Principles of
comparative study. The countries were selected for the study. Identification of parameters for
comparison. Institutional. Behavioral. Systemic. Structural and functional. Rational choice theory
and neoinstitutionalism. Socio-constructivist. Hermeneutic. The importance of knowing the context.
"Hermeneutic circle" and "motion screw." Modes of interpretation: a «let it pass" method, the method
of "filling in", "unless" method, retrospective-prospective interpretation, "the use of" normal form "as
a pattern of interpretation, interpretation of irregularities as information. The problem of termination of
rotation of the "hermeneutic screw." Communication. Subject-institutional approach to the analysis
of the political process. Political actors, and agents - what's the difference?, the importance of
distinguishing between political actors, forms of activity, positions and strategies of the political
actors, "the actor immersion in environment" - what it means for a political analyst?, types of
institutional environments and their impact on behavioral models , strategies and identities of political
Review of the methods of political research: political science methods, sociological,
economic, statistical, mathematical, expert, language.
The relations of epistemological foundations, approaches and methods of political research.
Required readings:
Zaytsev D.G., Positioning Actors Centered Approach Within and Vis-à-Vis Paradigms,
Methodological Frameworks and Methods of Social Sciences // Paper. General Conference of ECPR in
Bordeaux. 2013.
Stoker G. and Marsh D. Introduction // Theory and Methods in Political Science. Third Edition.
Edited by David Marsh and Gerry Stoker. 2010. P. 1-14.
Donatella della Porta, Michael Keating. How many approaches in social sciences? An
epistemological introduction // Approaches and Methodologies in the Social Sciences. A Pluralist
Perspective. Ed.: Donatella della Porta and Michael Keating. Cambridge University Press. 2008. P. 1939.
Rihoux, Benoît and Ragin, Charles C. (eds), 2008. Configurational Comparative Methods.
Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) and Related Techniques, Applied Social Research Methods,
Thousand Oaks and London, Sage.
Optional readings:
Bent Flyvbjerg, "Five Misunderstandings About Case-Study Research," Qualitative. Inquiry,
vol. 12, no. 2, April 2006, pp. 219-245
Peter Howard, “Triangulating Debates Within the Field: Teaching International Relations
Research Methodology”, International Studies Perspectives, Vol. 11, No 4, p. 400. 2010.
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Мангейм Дж. Рич Р. Политология. Методы исследования. М. Издательство «Весь мир».
1997. С. 19-39.
Беляева Н.Ю., Зудин А.Ю. Основы политического анализа. М. ГУ-ВШЭ. 2007. Глава 3.
Симонов К.В. Политический анализ. М.: Логос. 2002. С. 7-29.
Ахременко А.С. Политический анализ и прогнозирование. М.: Гардарики. 2006. С. 5-30.
Боришполец К.П. Методы политических исследований. М.: Аспект Пресс, 2010. С. 7-31.
Методические подходы политологического исследования и метатеоретические основы
политической теории. М.: РОССПЭН. 2004. С. 1-165.
Крауз-Мозер Б. Теории политики. Методологические прнципы. Х.: Издательство
«Гуманитарный центр». 2008.
Хрусталев М.А. Методология прикладного политического анализа. М.: Проспект, 2010.
Политическая наука: новые направления. М.: Вече. 1999. Часть I, VI.
Topic 10. Idealism vs Freudism
General rationality and challenge by irrational, changing focus from structures to individuals.
Epistemological Foundations. Historical, Legal, Institutional approaches. Methods of Formal logic,
Description, Analysis, Comparison, Deduction, Induction.
Psychoanalysis as an approach. Methods of Interview, Experiment.
Political History, Political Philosophy, Comparative Politics. Political Psychology.
Required readings:
Sven Steinmo. Historical institutionalism // Approaches and Methodologies in the Social
Sciences. A Pluralist Perspective. Ed.: Donatella della Porta and Michael Keating. Cambridge
University Press. 2008. P. 118-138.
Alessandro Pizzorno. Rationality and recognition // Approaches and Methodologies in the
Social Sciences. A Pluralist Perspective. Ed.: Donatella della Porta and Michael Keating. Cambridge
University Press. 2008. P. 162-174.
Peter Mair. Concepts and concept formation // Approaches and Methodologies in the Social
Sciences. A Pluralist Perspective. Ed.: Donatella della Porta and Michael Keating. Cambridge
University Press. 2008. P. 177-197.
Rainer Bauböck. Normative political theory and empirical research // Approaches and
Methodologies in the Social Sciences. A Pluralist Perspective. Ed.: Donatella della Porta and Michael
Keating. Cambridge University Press. 2008. P. 40-60.
Paul ‘t Hart. Political Psychology // Theory and Methods in Political Science. Third Edition.
Edited by David Marsh and Gerry Stoker. 2010. P. 99-113.
S.Buckler. Normative Theory // Theory and Methods in Political Science. Third Edition. Edited
by David Marsh and Gerry Stoker. 2010. P. 156-176.
Topic 11. Positivism, Post-Positivism
Approaches: Behaviorism, System approach, Structural functionalism; Phenomenological
Sociology, Ethnomethodology, Theory of rational choice, Neo-institutionalism.
Methods: Sociological, Economic, Mathematical, Statistical. Comparative Analysis.
Sociological methods of data collection and analysis. Quantitative and qualitative methods.
Foundation of choice. Advantages and disadvantages.
Survey. Interviews and questionnaires. Types of interviews: the degree of standardization of the
poll - selective, specialized and directed interviews, the content of conversation - interviews and expert
interviews; technology of conducting - the free (non-standard, non-formalized) and standardized
(formalized) interview, semi-standardized, in-depth interviews; the degree of organization - individual
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and group, depending on the required information nature - clinical and focused. Types of
questionnaires: the content and design questions asked - open, closed and semi-closed, on a regular
basis - monitoring (including panel), sounding, express-surveys; by the nature of the contact with the
respondent - full-time (including apartment surveys) and correspondence (including e-mail, telephone,
on-line) surveys. Hybrids surveys (formalized interview survey method etc.). Quantitative and
qualitative questionnaire study. Stages of the survey: development of tools, sample design, piloting of
tools and coaching interviewers to conduct the survey - interviewing, survey control, processing,
analysis and interpretation of survey data.
Observation. Types of observations: from the point of view of participation of an observer participant and passive; depending on the knowledge of the object of observation - open and closed, by
degree of standardization of the procedure – structured and unstructured, under the terms of the
organization - field and laboratory. What to observe? How to observe? How to write?
Experiment.. Checking the "causal hypothesis." Experimental conditions. Experiment ex-postfacto. Laboratory and field experiments.
Сase-studies. The choice of "cases." Choosing an equivalent measure. Selection of sources and
data. Qualitative comparative analysis.
Tests. Psychological tests. Tests to identify personality dispositions. Sociometric procedure.
Economic and mathematical methods of data collection and analysis
Cost-benefit analysis, SWOT-analysis, network analysis.
Mathematical modeling. The notion of the model. Types of models. Matrix method and the
game theory. Examples of mathematical models of political behavior. The arms race. The prisoner's
dilemma. The Downs model. Econometric models.
Statistical methods of data collection and analysis
Preprocessing and processing of data. Classification of statistical data on the number of
variables, the type of scale ordering of the results of observations in time, the data source. A variation
on the original series and grouped data. Tabular and graphical representation of the data distribution.
Histogram, polygon, cumulative percentage curve and its analysis.
Analysis of one-dimensional distributions. Appointment of generalizing the characteristics
of statistical data. Indicators characterizing the center of grouping indicators: average values and
their characteristics, the arithmetic mean and its properties, mode and median. Indicators of variation.
Dispersion and its properties. Skewness as characteristic of skewed distribution. General
characteristic of observations ordered in time.
Analysis of sample surveys. The basic methods of forming the sample. Selected parameters
of the population counterparts. Interval estimation of parameters of the population. Hypotheses
testing on the values of population parameters.
Estimating relationship between two variables. Two-dimensional tables. The coupling
coefficients for nominal variables. The coupling coefficients for ordinal data. The correlation
coefficient. Correlation analysis.
Investigating the relationship between several variables. Multi-dimensional set of data. The
indicators characterizing the grouping center, variation and relation of multidimensional data. General
characteristic of the individual variables and the relationship between them. Applied tasks solved using
multidimensional data sets. Construction of dependence of one variable on another. Multiple
Relationship analysis of qualitative and quantitative variables. Analysis of variance. The
analysis of contingency tables. Measures of relations of nominal indicators.
Investigation of the data structure. Partition of multidimensional data into homogeneous
groups. Parametric methods of classification of objects. Nonparametric classification. Cluster analysis
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Required readings:
D.Sanders. Behavioral Analysis // Theory and Methods in Political Science. Third Edition.
Edited by David Marsh and Gerry Stoker. 2010. P. 23-41.
A.Hindmoor. Rational Choice // Theory and Methods in Political Science. Third Edition.
Edited by David Marsh and Gerry Stoker. 2010. P. 42-59.
V.Lowndes. The Institutional Approach // Theory and Methods in Political Science. Third
Edition. Edited by David Marsh and Gerry Stoker. 2010. P. 60-79.
J.Hopkin. Comparative Methods // Theory and Methods in Political Science. Third Edition.
Edited by David Marsh and Gerry Stoker. 2010. P. 285-307.
P.John. Quantitative Methods // Theory and Methods in Political Science. Third Edition. Edited
by David Marsh and Gerry Stoker. 2010. P. 267-284.
Donatella della Porta. Comparative analysis: case-oriented versus variable-oriented research //
Approaches and Methodologies in the Social Sciences. A Pluralist Perspective. Ed.: Donatella della
Porta and Michael Keating. Cambridge University Press. 2008. P. 198 – 222.
Mark Franklin. Quantitative analysis // Approaches and Methodologies in the Social Sciences.
A Pluralist Perspective. Ed.: Donatella della Porta and Michael Keating. Cambridge University Press.
2008. P. 240-262.
Zoe Bray. Ethnographic approaches // Approaches and Methodologies in the Social Sciences. A
Pluralist Perspective. Ed.: Donatella della Porta and Michael Keating. Cambridge University Press.
2008. P. 296-315.
Christine Chwaszcza. Game theory // Approaches and Methodologies in the Social Sciences. A
Pluralist Perspective. Ed.: Donatella della Porta and Michael Keating. Cambridge University Press.
2008. P. 139-161.
Adrienne Héritier. Causal explanation // Approaches and Methodologies in the Social Sciences.
A Pluralist Perspective. Ed.: Donatella della Porta and Michael Keating. Cambridge University Press.
2008. P. 61-79.
Meckstroth, Theodore, W. (1975) “‘Most Different Systems’ and ‘Most Similar Systems’. A
Study in the Logic of Comparative Enquiry”, Comparative Political Studies, July, Vol. 8, No 2, pp.
Optional readings:
Morse K. Struyk R. Policy Analysis for Effective Development. Lynne Rienner Publishers, Inc.
2006. P. 55-64.
Мангейм Дж. Рич Р. Политология. Методы исследования. М. Издательство «Весь мир».
1997. С. 183-355.
Ахременко А.С. Политический анализ и прогнозирование. М.: Гардарики. 2006. Стр. 56101.
Пацельт В. Методы политической науки // Методические подходы политологического
исследования и метатеоретические основы политической теории. М.: РОССПЭН. 2004. Стр.
Ядов В.А. Стратегия социологического исследования. М.: Академкнига, Добросвет.
Страусс А., Корбин Дж. Основы качественного исследования: Обоснованная теория.
Процедуры и техники. М.: КомКнига, 2010.
Мангейм Дж. Рич Р. Политология. Методы исследования. М. Издательство «Весь мир».
1997. С. 466-502.
Ахременко А.С. Политический анализ и прогнозирование. М.: Гардарики. 2006. Стр.
217-235. Стр. 263-330.
Политическая наука: новые направления. М.: Вече. 1999. С. 699-776.
Симонов К.В. Политический анализ. М.: Логос. 2002. Стр. 93-104.
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Боришполец К.П. Методы политических исследований. М.: Аспект Пресс, 2010. С. 94118, 141-165.
Клима Р.Э., Ходж Дж.К. Математика выборов. М.: МЦНМО, 2007.
Теория и методы в современной политической науке: Первая попытка теоретического
синтеза. Под. ред. С.У.Ларсена. М. РОССПЭН, 2009.
Шуберт К. Логика структуры, логика субъектов и логика инновации: Концепции сетей и
аннализ сфер политики // Методические подходы политологического исследования и
метатеоретические основы политической теории. М.: РОССПЭН. 2004. Стр. 199-219.
Мангейм Дж. Рич Р. Политология. Методы исследования. М. Издательство «Весь мир».
1997. С. 356-465.
Крыштановский А.О. Анализ социологических данных. М.: ГУ-ВШЭ. 2006.
Айвазян С.А., Мхитарян В.С. Теория вероятностей и прикладная статистика. – М.:
Ахременко А.С. Политический анализ и прогнозирование. М.: Гардарики. 2006. С. 102182.
Дубров А.М., Мхитарян В.С., Трошин Л.И. Многомерные статистические методы.– М.:
Финансы и статистика, 2003
МхитарянВ.С., Архипова М.Ю., Дуброва Т.А., Сиротин В.П. и др. Эконометрика. – М.:
Проспект, 2010
Сигел Э.Ф., Практическая бизнес- статистика: пер. с англ.- М.: Издательский дом
«Вильямс», 2002
Статистика./ Под редакцией Мхитаряна В.С./. - М.: Экономистъ, 2005
Теория вероятностей и математическая статистика: учеб. пособие/ Мхитарян В.С.,
Трошин Л.И., Астафьева Е.В., Миронкина Ю.Н./ под ред. В.С. Мхитаряна. – М.: Маркет ДС,
Петрунин Ю.Ю. Информационные технологии анализа данных. Data analysis. М.: КДУ,
Толстова Ю.Н. Основы многомерного шкалирования. М.: КДУ, 2006.
Topic 12. Marxism, Neo-Marxism, Post-Marxism
Approaches: Structural constructivism, Actors Centered.
Methods: Case studies, Event analysis, Situational analysis, Impact Analysis, Policy Analysis.
Expert and political science methods of data collection and analysis. Methods of
Independent review. Group contacts methods of expert evaluation. "Brainstorming". Synectics method.
Polylogue method. Group correspondence methods of independent review. Delphi method. Pattern
Event analysis. The concept of "event". Stages of event analysis. Auxiliary operations in event
analysis. Situational analysis. The concept of the "situation." Stages of a situation analysis.
Stakeholder Analysis. Stage of analysis of interested parties in solving the problem. The first
stage. Identify Key Stakeholders. The second stage. Assess Stakeholder Interests and the Potential
Impact of the Project on These Interests. The third stage. Assess Stakeholder Influence and
Importance. The fourth stage. Outline a Stakeholder Participation Strategy
Political Forecasting methods. The notion of political forecasting. Search and regulatory
expectations. Active and passive, self-fulfilling and self-defeating forecasts. The period of forestalling
of forecasts. Scenario methods.
Required readings:
Национальный исследовательский университет «Высшая школа экономики»
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030200.68«Политология» подготовки магистра
Morse K. Struyk R. Policy Analysis for Effective Development. Lynne Rienner Publishers, Inc.
2006. P. 37-43.
Pascal Vennesson. Case studies and process tracing: theories and practices // Approaches and
Methodologies in the Social Sciences. A Pluralist Perspective. Ed.: Donatella della Porta and Michael
Keating. Cambridge University Press. 2008. P. 223-239.
D.Macguire. Marxism // Theory and Methods in Political Science. Third Edition. Edited by
David Marsh and Gerry Stoker. 2010. P. 136-155.
A.Vromen. Debating Methods: Rediscovering Qualitative Approaches // Theory and Methods
in Political Science. Third Edition. Edited by David Marsh and Gerry Stoker. 2010. P.249-266.
Optional readings:
Ахременко А.С. Политический анализ и прогнозирование. М.: Гардарики. 2006. Стр.
197-216, 236-262.
Беляева Н.Ю., Зудин А.Ю. Основы политического анализа. М. ГУ-ВШЭ. 2007. Глава 4,8.
Симонов К.В. Политический анализ. М.: Логос. 2002. Стр. 30-53, 105-137.
Боришполец К.П. Методы политических исследований. М.: Аспект Пресс, 2010. С. 70-78,
Topic 13. Structuralism, Post-Structuralism, Postmodernism
Approaches: Social constructivism, Hermeneutic; Communicational, Feminism.
Methods: Qualitative Methods of Text analysis, Discourse analysis; Network Analysis.
Linguistic methods of data collection and analysis. Interpretation and presentation of the
results of research
Methods for analysis of texts. Content analysis. Preparing for the content analysis. Conduct
substantive content analysis. Implementation of structural content analysis. Discourse analysis. The
method of the formal "arrays".
Data processing. Information technology and statistical packages. Opportunities and
constraints. Representation of data. Visualizations. Charts and diagrams. Types of diagrams.
Interpretation of data. Features of interpretations of various kinds of information.
Required readings:
C.Parsons. Constructivism and Interpretive Theory // Theory and Methods in Political Science.
Third Edition. Edited by David Marsh and Gerry Stoker. 2010. P. 80-98
V.Randall Feminism // Theory and Methods in Political Science. Third Edition. Edited by
David Marsh and Gerry Stoker. 2010. P. 114-135.
Friedrich Kratochwil. Constructivism: what it is (not) and how it matters // Approaches and
Methodologies in the Social Sciences. A Pluralist Perspective. Ed.: Donatella della Porta and Michael
Keating. Cambridge University Press. 2008. P. 80-98.
Michael Keating. Culture and social science // Approaches and Methodologies in the Social
Sciences. A Pluralist Perspective. Ed.: Donatella della Porta and Michael Keating. Cambridge
University Press. 2008. P. 99-117.
Optional readings:
Мангейм Дж. Рич Р. Политология. Методы исследования. М. Издательство «Весь мир».
1997. С. 269-291.
Беляева Н.Ю., Зудин А.Ю. Основы политического анализа. М. ГУ-ВШЭ. 2007. Глава 5-7.
Ахременко А.С. Политический анализ и прогнозирование. М.: Гардарики. 2006. Стр.
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030200.68«Политология» подготовки магистра
Йоргенсен М.В., Филлипс Л.Дж. Дискурс-анализ. Теория и метод. Х. Изд-во
«Гуманитарный Центр», 2008.
Тичер С., Мейер М., Водак Р., Веттер Е. Методы анализа текста и дискурса. Х. Изд-во
«Гуманитарный Центр», 2009.
Боришполец К.П. Методы политических исследований. М.: Аспект Пресс, 2010. С. 52-93.
Бонзак Р. Документальный метод: теория и практика интерпретации с позиций
социологии знания // Методические подходы политологического исследования и
метатеоретические основы политической теории. М.: РОССПЭН. 2004. Стр. 180-198.
Петрунин Ю.Ю. Информационные технологии анализа данных. Data analysis. М.: КДУ,
8. Educational Technology
Interactive methods of working with students, analysis of practical cases and situations, game
modes and techniques are applied for this course.
Methodical recommendations for the instructor
Use of Power Point presentations, audio and video materials as lecture support are encouraged.
Methodological guidelines for students
The course is a combination of lectures and seminars, group discussions and individual work of
students. Students are encouraged to use information technologies to prepare for classes. Student also
needs to be included in the information context of political events and situations in Russia and abroad.
Students are welcomed to state their own opinions and evaluations about the political events and
9. Grading Estimation
Reflection Papers
Reflection paper must have review of the article; analysis of the article with cases that
supported student’s theses; conceptual analysis and reflection how the concept could be applied for
student’s term paper or master thesis.
Provisional Topics for Current Control
Provisional Topics for Final Paper - Essay:
The Professor approves final essay topic for each student individually.
Provisional Questions for grading estimation
Provisional Topics for Final Exam:
Concepts of political discourse.
The concept of "essential contested concepts"
Basic principles of concepts design of political discourse.
Power and sovereignty
Absolutist conceptions of power
Power and the state
The main traditions in defining power.
The main problems of conceptual analysis of power.
The discussion about "faces of power" (Dahl, P., P. Bachrach and M. Baratts, S. Loucks, C.
Multidimensional concept of power: a critical analysis.
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Talcott Parsons’ concept of power.
Parsons’ conceptions of agency and instutions
Hobbes’ conception of power, free will, and authority
Liberal, conservative and libertarian conceptions of power
Hannah Arendt concept of power.
Michel Foucault concept of power.
Forms of power: resource specificity and mutual congruence.
Concept of power in empirical research.
Methods for the determination of subjects of political power: positional method.
The main methods of determining the subjects of political power: the reputational method.
Methods for the determination of subjects of political power: Decision-Making Approach.
The Enlightenment and the public sphere
The features and principles of the public sphere.
Jürgen Habermas concept of “public sphere”
The public sphere and anthropology
Pre and post-war conceptions of the public sphere
Post-Cold War public sphere
The public sphere and race, class and gender
Public policy: linear and non-linear (spatial) definitions of public policy.
Statehood. Form of statehood.
“Bringing the State Back in”
State formation
Conceptualization of 'imperial' systems. Signs of the empire.
The rise of the nation state, the military revolution
Early-modern cameralism and sinews of governance
The nation-state: the conditions of occurrence, characteristics.
Pierre Bourdieu “spirit of the state” and the genesis of the modern state.
Constitutional, legal and social state.
Sovereignty, the state, and the notion of command in Hobbes
Development of the idea of democracy. Democratic transformation.
Ancient vs. modern accounts of democratic governance
The perils of democracy
Democratic absolutism and the dangers of anomie
The ideas and principles of modern democracy. Institutions of democracy. Polyarchy.
Regulatory and procedural definitions of democracy.
Stereotypes of political discourse on democracy. Factors (causes) of democratization.
"Semi-democracy": the definitions and meanings.
Civil society: the historical genesis of the concept and the modern scientific view.
Civil society and the "third sector": the relationship of concepts.
Basic and applied policy research. Commonalities and contrasts.
Relation of stages of "fundamental" and applied research. Problems arising in front of the
researcher and analyst at different stages.
Forms of governance
Historical forms of governance
Governance and empire
Neo-liberalism as a new form of governance
East/West and EU governance as new forms of governance
Choice of an epistemological foundations, theoretical and methodological approach of the
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030200.68«Политология» подготовки магистра
Choice of the epistemological foundations and the theoretical and methodological approach of
the study.
Relation of epistemological foundationss, approaches and methods of political research.
Discussions of scientific method
What is the connection between truth and the growth of knowledge?
How dangerous is relativism?
Faslificationism vs. anarchism in scientific method
Tacit vs. expert knowledge
Knowledge in the natural vs. social sciences.
Compositing of the research design. Program of applied research and the introduction of the
"fundamental" research.
Preparation of tools. Operationalization: the relations between the concept, variable and
measurement, relationships between concepts, variables and indicators.
Preparation for measurement: levels, scale, measurement error. Instrumentalization.
Sources of information. Advantages and disadvantages. Analytical tasks.
The relation of the subject and method of the study.
Quantitative and qualitative methods. Foundation of choice. Advantages and disadvantages.
Survey. Interviews and questionnaires. Types of interviews. Types of questionnaires. Stages of
the survey
Observation. Types of observations. What to observe? How to observe? How to write?
Experiment. Simulation. Planned games and computer simulation.
Сase-studies. The choice of "cases." Choosing an equivalent measure. Selection of sources and
data. Qualitative comparative analysis.-studies.
Tests. Psychological tests. The project technique. Tests to identify personality dispositions.
Sociometric procedure.
Methods of Independent review. Group contacts methods of expert evaluation.
Event analysis. Situational analysis. Stakeholder Analysis. When what to use?
Political Forecasting methods. Scenario methods.
Cost-benefit analysis, SWOT-analysis, network analysis. Mathematical modeling.
Preprocessing and processing of statistical data.
Analysis of one-dimensional distributions
Analysis of sample surveys.
Estimating relationship between two variables
Investigating the relationship between several variables
Relationship analysis of qualitative and quantitative variables
Investigation of the data structure
Methods for analysis of texts. Content analysis. Discourse analysis. The method of the formal
Data processing. Information technology and statistical packages. Opportunities and
constraints. Representation of data. Visualizations. Charts and diagrams. Types of diagrams
Interpretation of data. Features of interpretations of various kinds of information
10.The rule of forming cumulative grade
Professor assesses both students’ work in class and individual students’ work.
Work in class: students’ activity in discussions on the results of the reading of required
literature, and reports on the results of the reading of additional literature. Professor puts marks for the
work in class in the work statement. Accumulated score from 10-point scale for the work in class
defined before the intermediate or final control – Оwork in class.
Essay – collection of reflection papers: preparing reflection papers on the results of the reading
of required literature (topic 1-6). Paper - no less than 5,000 symbols each. Assessment for Individual
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students’ work professor puts in the work statement. Accumulated score from 10-point scale for essay
is determined before the intermediate or final control – Оessay.
Оcumulative for 1st module= 0,2* Оwork in class for 1st module + 0,8* Оessay
Оintermediate for 1st module = 0,6·О cumulative for 1st module + 0,4·Оintermediate test for 1st module
Оcurrent for 2nd module = Оhome work
Оcumulative for 2nd module= 0,6* Оcurrent for 2nd module + 0,4* Оwork in class for 2nd module
Оcumulative final= (Оintermediate for 1st module+ Оcumulative for 2d module): 2
Оfinal = 0,8·Оcumulative final + 0,2·Оfinal exam
The approximation method for the current, cumulative, intermediate and final grade is
On re-take the student is not given the opportunity to receive an additional point for the
assessment of compensation for the current control.
At the exam student can receive an additional question (additional practical problem to solve,
to retake the homework), the answer to which is valued at 1 point.
At the exam the student may receive an additional question (for more practical problem to
solve, to retake the homework), the answer to which is valued at 1 point.
In a diploma puts the final score on a subject.
Способ округления текущей, накопленной оценки промежуточного (итогового) контроля
в форме экзамена: арифметический.
На пересдаче студенту не предоставляется возможность получить дополнительный балл
для компенсации оценки за текущий контроль.
На зачете студент может получить дополнительный вопрос (дополнительную
практическую задачу, решить к пересдаче домашнее задание), ответ на который оценивается в
1 балл.
На экзамене студент может получить дополнительный вопрос (дополнительную
практическую задачу, решить к пересдаче домашнее задание), ответ на который оценивается в
1 балл.
В диплом выставляет результирующая оценка по учебной дисциплине.
Способ округления результирующей оценки по учебной дисциплине: арифметический.
11.Readings and Materials
11.1. Required Reading
Given to each topic.
11.2. Optional Reading
Given to each topic.
11.3. Software
For the successful completion of the discipline a student uses the following software:
Национальный исследовательский университет «Высшая школа экономики»
Программа дисциплины «Теория и методология политических исследований» для направления
030200.68«Политология» подготовки магистра
statistical data processing software (SPSS, Excel)
electronic library resources HSE, LMS
The course requires a computer (laptop) and projector for Power Point presentations.