terrestrial environments


5 th Grade Science Variables Unit Vocabulary

1 )pendulum - A mass hanging from a fixed point that

is free to swing to & fro.

2 )cycle - any motion or activity that repeats itself, i.e., the back & forth motion of a pendulum, a bicycle wheel going around, an insect like a

butterfly, a hula hoop, ...

3 )variable - a CONTROLLED variable is something that could be changed in an experiment; any factor in an experiment that you change (manipulate) that makes a difference in the results of an experiment; is anything that you can change in an experiment that

might affect the outcome

4 )standard – A standard is the basic procedure used in a controlled experiment before changing any of the variables.

5 )experiment - an investigation that tries to solve a

question or hypothesis

6 )controlled experiment - a safe investigation that has specific variables where only ONE of the variables is changed

7 )two-coordinate graph - a graph with both an x-axis

(the horizontal line/side-to-side) & a y-axis (the

vertical line/up & down)

8 )x-axis - the horizontal line on a graph, a.k.a.


9 )y-axis - the vertical line on a graph, a.k.a. THE


10 )system - The way something is designed to work; any objects or organisms that function to work together successfully; examples: a car, a computer, a solar system, a pencil, a pendulum, a piano, a terrarium,

a raccoon, ...

11 )independent variable(x-axis) – This is the manipulated variable (changed variable) in a controlled experiment. It is usually a number.

12 )dependent variable(y-axis) – It is NOT one of the controlled variables. This is the variable that gives us the outcome (the results) in a controlled investigation. It is usually a number.

13 )capacity – how much something can hold, is usually a measured liquid like water and in milliliters; can be described as how much its “limit” might be, i.e.,

mass or number of passengers, etc.

14 ) prediction – an educated guess that tells the

possible outcome or result; a hypothesis

15 )mass – the weight of something usually in grams,

i.e., centigrams, kilograms, or milligrams

16) buoyancy – the ability to float or rise in a fluid or gas

17) Averages like mean, median, & mode.
