
Is a physical quantifiable property that can be defined over
some n-dimensional space
Symmetry: (paraphrase: Hermann Weyl: a thing is symmetrical when
after undergoing mathamatical operations it looks the same as when
we started, e.g. rotation of a plain undecorated vase by 180 degrees
We talk of the electromagnetic field as a description of electrical and magnetic properties
within a given space. We talk of the gravitational field to describe gravity values and the
direction of pull throughout a given body of space and time. When we say the elastic wave
field we describe the elastic behavior of earth materials to the passing of a wave by how fast
they oscillate (Hz) and how much they move (amplitude in m).
Each different field of physical properties has a different complexity that can described
with increasingly complex, and more general, mathematics. If a quantity or property varies
as a function ONLY of its position in space, i.e.
 f(x1, x2, x3),
then the property and field is known as scalar.
Examples of different types of fields:
SCALAR FIELDS: Density field, temperature field, salinity field, Poisson’s ratio field,
shear modulus field, Young’s modulus field
VECTOR FIELDS: Velocity field, Heat flow field, diffusivity of sediment field, gravity
field, displacement,
TENSOR FIELDS: Stress, strain, thermal conductivity
SYMMETRY (Feynman lectures, Ch. 11)
Although it may seem obvious, certain physical laws do not change if we move our coordinate systems. That is if we have our origin in one place and observe wave field and then
we describe the wave field from a different origin or fixed frame of reference the results will
be the same. This wave field is symmetric.
Vector is a quantity that has a direction as well as a value in space. With a vector we
know HOW MUCH it is worth and whether this quantity acts in a certain direction. A
vector is described using three numbers.
Figure 1: Threedimensional basis
vectors are mutually
orthogonal and are
indexed following the
right-hand rule
Basis or unitary vectors in a cartesian co-ordinate system are mutually orthogonal to
each other, are of unit length and obey the right-hand rule. We can describe these vectors in
several ways:
V  a1 xˆ1  a2 xˆ 2  a3 xˆ3
V  ai xˆi
( If indices are repeated by convention we sum over them)
Invariance of Vectors under Linear Transformation
A vector property is also a property that is symmetric. That is that it does not matter
whether these three numbers are different because they are determined measured with
respect to different origins or frames of reference. They will still describe the same physical
behavior, of say, the wave field. For example, if a vector is describing the velocity of the
wave field of the earth’s surface in a direction that is not perpendicular to the earth’s surface
we may choose to more conveniently rotate the co-ordinate reference frame in line with the
particle motion.
 a'1   cos
a'    sin 
 2 
V'  TV ,
sin    a1 
or, more briefly expressed as
cos  a2 
where V is the vector after the transformation expressed in components in terms of the
rotated co-ordinate basis vectors and V is the vector before the transformation expressed in
terms of compnents of the unaffected basis vector system.
Before the rotation the co-ordinates for V are:
a1  V cos , and a 2  V sin 
After the rotation the co-ordinates for V are:
a1  V cos    , and a 2  V sin     . Expanding
these two trigonometric functions we arrive at:
  cos  cos  sin  sin 
 a1 cos  a 2 sin 
a 2
  sin  cos   cos  sin 
 a 2 cos  a1 sin 
 a'   cos
When the  1   
a'2   sin 
sin    a1 V 
 
cos  a2 V 