University of Melbourne Student Union

University of Melbourne Student Union
Meeting of the Clubs & Societies Committee
2pm, Monday 19th February 2007
Meeting 3/07
Union House
1. Procedural Matters
Election of Chair
Acknowledgement of Indigenous Owners
Adoption of Agenda
2. Confirmation of Previous Minutes
3. Matters Arising from the Minutes
4. Correspondence
5. Office Bearers’ Report
6. Grant Applications
7. Orientation Expenditure
8. Non-affiliated Group Orientation Table allocations
9. Multi Faith Centre
10. International Law Student Society
11. Locker allocations
12. UMSU email to club members
13. Booking Rooms (Exec Card rights)
14. Under Threat Logo
15. Other Business
16. Next Meeting
17. Close
Petition to hold special meeting at 2pm on Monday 19th February, petitioned by
Goldie Pergl, Kelly Hughes, Cristina Musumeci, Bridie Allanadale, Tristan
Clack, Tim Liersch.
Meeting declared open by Goldie Pergl at 2.15pm
1. Procedural Matters
1.1 Election of Chair
That Goldie Pergl be appointed Chair
Moved: Tim Liersch
Seconded: Bridie Allanadale CWD
Election of Minute Taker
That Fiona Sanders be appointed Minute Taker
Moved: Goldie Pergl
Seconded: Tim Liersch
1.2 Acknowledgment of Indigenous Owners
So acknowledged.
1.3 Attendance
Christina Musumeci, Goldie Pergl, Tristan Clack, Tim Liersch, Bridie
Allanadale, Fiona Sanders
1.4 Apologies
Dave Mulholland
1.5 Proxies
1.6 Membership
We’re all members
1.7 Adoption of agenda
That the agenda be adopted
Moved: Christina Musumeci Seconded: Tim Liersch
2. Confirmation of previous minutes
That the committee minutes from both 13-02-07 and 29-01-07 be confirmed
Moved: Christina Musumeci Seconded: Bridie Allanadale CWD
3. Matters arising
T-shirts: Done! We will have them for C&S carnival days (Thursday this
Clubs Carnival: date put to council as March 29th, 2007. As there will
be no official I Love My Student Union week this semester we are free
to go ahead with this as we like.
SCA: emailed by Goldie.
INU Bar: negotiating a deal for the executive card.
Chinese Culture Society (AGM problems): held meeting with C&S. Will
re-draft constitution and hold SGM during first four weeks of semester.
Singapore Students’ Society (AGM problems): will meet in early
Taiwanese Students’ Society (AGM problems): have been emailed
detailing the issues.
Painting the C&S office: a job has been logged on the Building
Services database, and will probably cost us nothing!
4. Correspondence
Info Centre: room-booking problems where clubs are not being allowed
to book rooms unless the person booking is a Union member. This
contradicts the concept of the club executive card. The matter has
been referred to the UMSU manager to see that a policy is set.
5. Office Bearers’ report
Exec cards have been distributed – more deals are being negotiated.
Council has been inquorate so no recommendations have been
We’ve been stopping Fiona going insane…
6. Grant Application
Standard Grants
Discussion about the grants.
That the grants be moved en bloc
Moved: Goldie Pergl
Seconded: Tristan Clack
Kelly arrived at 3.45pm
Grants for discussion
Amnesty International (late Orientation Grant)
That 100% funding be approved
Moved: Tristan Clack
Seconded: Goldie Pergl
Baha’i Society (late Orientation Grants)
That 100% funding be approved
Moved: Tristan Clack
Seconded: Tim Liersch
Liberal Club (no SFH certificate provided for Orientation BBQ)
That a SFH certificate must be presented to C&S office by close
of business Tues 20th February, or no funding.
Moved: Bridie Allanadale Seconded: Christina Musumeci CWD
Socialist Alternative
Poster for Friday 23rd February
That the posters are deemed too militaristic, and that SA will be
no funding for these posters from C&S
Moved to reject grant: Tim Liersch
Seconded: Bridie Allanadale
Booklet: the C&S Committee extensively discussed the content and the
question of whther it is inciting violence.
That the booklets be funded as it is with the UMSU logo added to front
Moved: Bridie Allanadale Seconded: Kelly Hughes
Abstained: Christina Musumeci
2 in favour / 1 against
Motion passed
7. Orientation Expenditure
Motion to approve Orientation spending of the quoted amount ($3504)
from the C&S Committee Orientation budget line
Moved: Bridie Allanadale Seconded: Kelly Hughes CWD
Prizes: No prizes this year, more money for grants
Suggestion: Monetary prizes for mid-semester carnival – publicize that
there will be prizes
8. Non-affiliated Group Orientation Table allocations
Motion to ratify C&S Officers non-affiliated Orientation table allocations:
Thursday 22nd & Friday: 85 Broads, Greek Association
Friday 23rd: Vision Generation, International Students For Social
Archon Leadership, Urban Yoga.
Moved: Christina Musumeci
Seconded: Tim Liersch
9. Multi Faith Centre
Fiona attended the first meeting to discuss the University’s proposed
Multi-faith Centre. We will have several responsibilities in this process:
- Facilitating the submission process for affiliated Faith Groups
- Working group participation.
- Writing a C&S Submission that addresses the needs of affiliated faith
Groups, and raises issues such as: will alcohol be permitted in the
how will bookings be managed, and will there be after hours access.
10. International Law Students’ Society
Their membership website breaches C&S regulations. They are
offering free membership to all members and automatic membership to
International Students. Our regulations state that there is a minimum
$2 fee for non-Union members, and also that members must actively
join a club. The OB’s will write a letter asking the club to change the
website before the end of O’Week or the C&S committee will be
petitioned to discipline the club.
11. Locker allocations
Deferred to next committee meeting. Preference will be given to clubs
that have not breached the locker policy.
12. UMSU email to club members
Clubs have been advised and reminded numerous times to send out
required email. As the deadline was set at January 31 st, the
clubs that did
not send it are now in breach of an UMSU membership
requirement and
subject to discipline under section 6.1.n of the C&S
Petition to Discipline:
That the below mentioned clubs which have not fulfilled the email
requirement be disciplined under C&S Regulation section 6.1.n at the
next C&S committee meeting, to the effect that they will only receive 50% of
eligible funding in the first grant run of 2007:
Chess Club; Chinese Culture Society; Chinese Music Group; Chinese
Publishers’ Group; Film Society; Greens on Campus; Indian Club;
International Engineering Students’ Society; Joss Whedon Appreciation
Society; Korean Students’ Society; Labor Club; Latin American
Association; Lebanese Students’ Association; Media Collective;
P.I.R.A.T.E.S.; Pride; Socialist Alternative; Students’ Who Play Cards;
Architecture Planning Property Landscape entity; Earth Sciences
Society; Environmental Engineering Students’ Society;
Indonesian Language Students’ Society; Land & Food Resources Student
Association (Parkville); Medical Students’ Society; Music Therapy
Society; Veterinary Students’ Society of Victoria (Parkville).
Moved: Tim Liersch Seconded: Bridie Allanadale
13. Booking rooms (Exec Card rights)
Discussed under correspondence.
14. Under Threat from VSU logo
That it be recommended to Student Council that they reverse the
requiring clubs to use the under Threat logo on UMSU
Committee funded materials.
Moved: Tristan Clack
Seconded: Tim Liersch
15. Other business
New Clubs pack
Motion to approve $200 from the Special Projects line item the C&S
budget for making “new clubs packs” containing receipt books,
ledgers, resource lists and other helpful information.
Moved: Christina Musumeci Seconded: Bridie Allanadale
Clubs banners
Tabletop roll-away banners for clubs to use at their functions to display
UMSU logo (as per C&S regulation 8.o. Feeback provided and
Communications to re-design.
Committee Roster for Orientation
Fiona will email it out today.
16. Next meeting
To be determined after C&S committee sends their timetables to OB’s.
17. Close
Meeting closed at 4.05pm