It is our intention to make our Pre-School genuinely accessible to children and families
from all sections of the local community and to ensure that no discrimination is taking
place. We will do this through open and clear procedures. Children are eligible to join
Stonham Aspal Pre-School from the age of 2 years old. We aim to admit children as they
are eligible, however priority for admission is given in descending date of birth order and
according to places available in specific age groups and whether the child has special
educational needs or is receiving 2 year old funding.
Statements of intent:
Parents/carers will be given a Prospectus and information about the Pre-School’s aims
and principles.
We make our Equal Opportunity Policy widely know.
We ensure that the existence of this Pre-School is widely known. We place notices
advertising the Pre-School in places where all sections of the community can see
them, and in more than one language if appropriate. These notices will reflect the
diversity of our community and the wider society. The Pre-School web-site address
Our email address is
We arrange our waiting list in order of date of birth. When there are more applicants
than places we will prioritise those with Special Educational Needs, the
disadvantaged, those with siblings already at Stonham Aspal Pre-School or Stonham
Aspal Primary School and those within the Stonham Aspal Primary School catchment
The Pre-School keeps a list of children wanting to start Pre-School and of those who
already attend but want additional sessions.
We describe the Pre-School and its practices in inclusive terms that make it clear we
welcome the child’s parents, other relations and other carers, including childminders.
We welcome people from all cultural, ethnic, religious and social groups.
We ensure that information about our setting is accessible and provided in written
and spoken form. We will provide translated written materials where language needs
of the families suggest this is required, as well as access to an interpreter. Where
necessary, we will try to provide information in Braille, or through British Sign
We welcome children or parents/carers who have a disability and work with the child,
parents/carers and other professionals to ensure inclusive practice and reasonable
adjustments are made.
The pre-school recognises that there are many different types of families; they may
consist of a mother and father, parents and carers of the same gender, a single
parent, looked after children, parents living apart, parents from different cultures
and with different religious backgrounds, travelling families, children living with a
close relative i.e. grandparents, aunts, uncles.
We consult with families about the opening times of the setting to ensure we
accommodate a broad range of families needs.
We are flexible about attendance patterns to accommodate the individual needs of
the child and their family. This is organised so that the routine of the setting is not
disturbed, providing stability for all the children.
We monitor the gender and ethnic background of children joining the group to ensure
that no discrimination is taking place (see our Equalities Information and Analysis).
We keep a place vacant, if this is financially viable, in order to accommodate
emergency admissions.
We consult parents each term with regard to their childcare needs and review
opening times accordingly.
Places are allocated on a termly basis, though children can join us at any point during the
term if a place is available. We endeavour not to reduce session allocation. If at all
possible a minimum of six hours will be offered to every child starting Pre-School. This will
rise to 15 hours for children using an Early Years Grant if sessions are available. We can
accommodate a maximum of eight two years olds per session. Two year old funding will be
sought where appropriate and, when possible, 15 hours will be offered to these children.
We will work with the parents/carers of a child with special educational needs to provide
any additional support that the child needs and seek funding for this (see our SEN policy).
Parents/carers who change their session requirements after places have been allocated
will only be accommodated if we have spaces available. Parents/carers are required to give
one month’s notice before reducing sessions. The session must be paid for during the
month’s notice.
Personal care: All children’s personal hygiene requirements will be met (including nappy
changing). They will be treated sensitively and given privacy (in accordance with our
Safeguarding Children Policy). Procedures for these situations are in our Health and
Safety Policy.
This Admissions Policy links to the following Policies in the setting:
Behaviour Management
Complaints Procedure
Equality and Diversity
Learning Environment
Health and Safety
Partnership with Parents/Carers
Safeguarding Children
Special Educational Needs
Through this policy we promote the five Every Child Matters priority Outcomes:
 Stay Safe
 Being Healthy
 Enjoy and Achieve
 Make a Positive Contribution
 Achieve Economic Well-being
Stonham Aspal Pre-School will ensure that all staff, parents, volunteers and others
involved in its work will follow and implement this policy.
The managerial responsibility for this policy will lie with the Stonham Aspal PreSchool management committee and staff team.
This Admissions Policy will be evaluated and reviewed by the management committee.
Staff contribute on an annual basis and parents will also be invited to contribute.
We will listen to children’s point of view and consider this when making and reviewing
This Admissions Policy was adopted at a meeting of the Stonham Aspal Pre-School
May 2013
To be reviewed again by:
May 2014
Chairperson signature
Pre-School Leader’s