Program Structure and Requirements

A Proposal for a Graduate Certificate Program in Nanoscience at Duke University
Approved: February 10, 2004 by the Executive Committee of the Graduate Faculty
Proposal Document Web URL:
Program Courses and Faculty Database URL:
Chair of Executive Committee for Nanoscience:
John Reif <> (phone:660-6568)
Director of Graduate Studies in Nanosience:
Stephen Teitsworth <> (phone:660-2560)
1. Background and Rationale
1.1 The Nanoscience-Challenge and the Emergence of the Discipline of Nanoscience
Nanoscience is an important new area of research that explores materials and novel
phenomena that occur at the size scale ranging from 1 - 100 nanometer, a range that
encompasses both the smallest artificial structures and ubiquitous molecules of the
natural world. New fundamental phenomena such as the chemical synthesis of
nanoparticles, novel electronic devices based on single electron dynamics, the interaction
of cells with nano-patterned surfaces, and the unfolding of proteins define the intellectual
driving force of this field. At the same time, the technological driving force consists in
potential applications of nanodevices in both medicine and engineering; these
applications include novel devices and structures for computation, local drug delivery,
and ultradense computer memory.
The challenges presented by nanoscience cannot be answered solely by techniques and
methods derived from a single science or technology discipline. Instead, it requires a
combination of diverse, but inter-related techniques spanning many disciplines that form
the core of an emerging discipline of Nanoscience. These include, but are not limited to,
quantum physics, synthetic chemistry, density-functional simulation methods, biological
and chemical self-assembly, semiconductor device processing methods, and a whole
array of microscopies. Potential applications at this scale may well provide for
unprecedented benefits, but will require an even more diverse set of methodologies,
especially for applications in medicine and electronics.
We expect that this Nanoscience-challenge in science and technology will be a major
impetus to change the very way universities organize their educational infrastructure in
the next decade. While conventional departments of a university such as Duke will still
provide educational instruction within their traditional domains, the demands for
interdisciplinary research training at the graduate level will require new interdisciplinary
1.2 Growth in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Efforts and Funding
The National Science and Technology Council's subcommittee on Nanoscale Science,
Engineering and Technology, has taken the national lead in promoting studies and federal
support in this area. Adapting a definition given by NSET (February 2000), we take
Nanoscience and Nanotechnology to be basic research and technology developments,
respectively, “at the atomic, molecular or macromolecular levels, in the length scale of
approximately 1 - 100 nanometer range, to provide a fundamental understanding of
phenomena and materials at the nanoscale and to create and use structures, devices and
systems that have novel properties and functions because of their small and/or
intermediate size.”
A number of studies have also indicated substantial growth in industrial nanoscale
technology, including imaging devices, novel materials and devices, and medical
applications of nanotechnology. This is expected to result in a sustained high rate of
growth in employment opportunities; however, the educational opportunities in the field
have not kept pace with the substantially increasing demand for individuals with the
multidisciplinary training required for nanotechnology.
The recent federal funding requests by the President for nanoscale science, engineering
and technology are known as the National Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI)
( The FY 2003 request was for about $710 million, a 17% increase over
FY 2002. It is anticipated that federal funding for this area will sustain similar substantial
growth for many years in the future. This has resulted in many new funding programs at
agencies such as the DARPA BIOCOMP and Molectronics Programs, the NSF
Nanoscale Science and Engineering program (, and
the NIH Bioengineering Nanotechology Initiative.
In response to this growth of funding and industrial opportunities, a number of
Universities have recently initiated Centers and Institutes in Nanoscience such as UC
Berkeley’s Laboratory for Nano-Engineering (, Rice
University’s Center for Nanoscale Science and Technology (, Cornell
University’s Center for Nanobiotechnology (, UCLA’ s California
NanoSystems Institute (, and the University of Washington’s Center
for Nanotechnology ( among many others (see Furthermore, there has been a rapid
growth in Nanoscience courses offered at universities (see a list at
A number of graduate programs in nanoscience have also been established, for example a
Professional Masters Program in Nanoscale Physics at Rice University
(, and a nanotechnology graduate program at University of
Washington ( A number of NSF IGERT grants
have been made to nanotechnology graduate programs, including notably Robert Clark’s
Biologically Inspired Materials and Material System Training Grant in the MEMS
Department at Duke University.
The Government has also recently established a number of federal Centers and
Laboratories in Nanotechnology. For example, NASA Ames Research Center established
a Center for Nanotechnology, ( and the Naval Research Laboratory
established an Institute of Nanoscience, (
A list of many Centers and Institutions in Nanoscience can be found at
1.3 Benefits to Duke of Interdisciplinary Nanoscience Graduate Education
The above listed developments indicate a substantial growth in Nanoscience and
Nanotechnology funding and research nationwide. How does this impact Duke
The answer is in part that these new funding programs in Nanoscience and
Nanotechnology are expanding at the expense of other funding programs in more
traditional areas of research. Duke University can take advantage of this growth in
funding programs in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, to expand its research presence
in these areas. The proposed graduate program will allow Duke University’s educational
infrastructure to more directly address the Nanoscience-Challenge described above, so as
to increase the ability to do top-flight Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, and to better
compete for federal support in this area. In particular, the science and engineering
faculty’s ability to execute interdisciplinary Nanoscience and Nanotechnology research
projects will be substantially improved by the development of an interdisciplinary
graduate program to support these research endeavors; and our ability to attract to Duke
and train the next generation of Nanoscientists will be dramatically enhanced by such a
program. These are the central motivations for the proposed Graduate Certificate
Program in Nanoscience at Duke University.
In addition, the proposed program is structured to address the unique Duke circumstances
and strengths at Duke, such as in the Medical Sciences.
1.4 Ongoing Nanoscience Research Focus Groups Currently at Duke University
Research in nanoscience spans and intersects with the activities of many departments at
Duke. To give some sense of the coherence and coordination of ongoing nanoscience
research at Duke, we can identify the following four focus areas (though other
classifications are certainly possible):
Synthesis of nanostructured materials - The ability to make a variety of interesting and
high quality nanostructures is a key component of any nanoscience program. Exciting
recent examples of such synthesis activity at Duke (listed with their home departments)
include: carbon nanotubes (CHEM), metallic nanoparticles (CHEM), semiconductor
quantum dots (ECE), self-assembled organic thin films (BME), and DNA-based
structures (CS, BIOCHEM).
Fundamental properties of nanostructured materials - The understanding and
measurement of the basic physical properties of novel nanostructures forms a core
component of nanoscience, from analysis of what nanostructure one has fabricated to the
new electronic, optical, and chemical properties that may result. Examples of ongoing
fundamental nanoscience research at Duke include: electron transport in carbon
nanotubes and DNA lattices (CHEM, CS, PHY), theory and simulation of spin dynamics
in quantum dots (CHEM, PHY), optical properties of semiconductor quantum dots (ECE,
PHY), studies of friction at the nanoscale (MEMS), and nanoscopic aspects of proteinfolding (BIOCHEM).
Nanodevice fabrication and applications - Nanostructured materials have great
potential in practical applications. These cover a wide range of possibilities, including
biomedical devices, and potential for future electronic and optical devices. Current
activities at Duke include: micro- and nano-mechanical structures (ECE, MEMS),
enhancement of optical devices using nanotextured surfaces (ECE, PHY), nanostructures
for improved drug delivery (BME, MEMS), single electron transistors (CHEM, PHY),
and nanoscale modeling for improved drug design (BIOCHEM, CHEM).
Advanced characterization of nanostructured materials and devices - High-quality
characterization of the structural properties of nanostructured materials and devices using
state-of-art methods is a critical component to a successful nanoscience effort. At Duke,
characterization is primarily carried out in the Shared Materials Instrumentation Facility
(SMIF). Capabilities include transmission and scanning electron microscopies, x-ray
diffraction, x-ray photoemission spectroscopy, and atomic force microscopy. The Duke
SMIF also incorporates important nanoscale processing tools; these include electronbeam lithography for writing nanoscale patterns, and apparatus for depositing highly
uniform thin films of metals, oxides, and organic materials.
2. Overview of the Proposal
This document, then, proposes a new Graduate Certificate Program in Nanoscience
(CPN), whose mission is to educate students in Nanoscience disciplines and applications.
This graduate program is designed to address the need for an interdisciplinary graduate
education at Duke in Nanoscience that extends beyond the traditional disciplines and
skills that are taught within any existing department. In this program, graduate students
will be educated and mentored in classes, labs and research projects by faculty from
many disciplines. The disciplines will span the physical sciences, engineering, and basic
biological-science disciplines relevant to Nanoscience; the program will include faculty
from departments within Arts and Sciences, the Pratt School of Engineering, and the
Medical School.
A number of departments will be designated Participating Nanoscience Departments,
and will be responsible for providing a set of core courses in Nanoscience. Although
other departments will likely join this group, the present set of participating departments
- Department of Biology (BIO), College of Arts and Sciences;
- Department of Chemistry (CHEM), College of Arts and Sciences;
- Department of Computer Science (CS), College of Arts and Sciences
- Department of Physics (PHYSICS), College of Arts and Sciences;
- Department of Biomedical Engineering (BME), Pratt School of Engineering;
-Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE), Pratt School of
- Department of Mechanical Engineering and Material Science (MEMS), Pratt School of
- Engineering;
- Department of Biochemistry(BIOCHEM), School of Medicine;
- Department of Cell Biology (CELLBIO), School of Medicine.
The administrative structure of the Graduate Program in Nanoscience has been designed
to ensure a high degree of openness, input and joint administrative control by the various
Participating Departments, so the program’s directions and resources will not be directed
to any individual’s or department’s particular agenda. Each Participating Department will
have equal representation in the Executive Committee for the Nanoscience Program, as
well as in other key Committees including an Admission Committee and a Graduate
Advising Committee. The Dean of the Graduate School will appoint both the Chair of the
Executive Committee for the Nanoscience Program and also the Director of Graduate
Studies (DGS) in Nanoscience.
There will be two Seminar Series in Nanoscience, one of which will be a highly visible
Duke Nanoscience Seminar Series with lectures by external invited speakers. The
Nanoscience Graduate Seminar Series will be organized by the Duke Nanoscience
graduate students and will feature lectures by Duke graduate students and faculty.
The Certificate Program in Nanoscience (CPN) is designed to augment graduate
programs in already existing University departments. Students in the Certificate Program
in Nanoscience will be admitted into existing departments or programs of Duke
University, and receive their PhD degrees within those degree-granting units (typically
but not exclusively a Participating Department). The graduate student will also be granted
a Certificate in Nanoscience upon: 1) satisfying a set of course requirements, 2)
completion of an approved project in association with a research group in Nanoscience
outside the student's home research group (for example, a rotational training in a
Nanoscience laboratory), and 3) involvement in the Seminar Series in Nanoscience.
The student's research advisor or student's home department or program will generally be
responsible for the financial support during the "rotation" outside the student's research
group. In the future, it is hoped that this "rotation" will be funded by a program-training
The benefits of the Certificate Program in Nanoscience to the University are many-fold:
(i) it meets the challenge of devising educational infrastructure for a new brand of student
whose training needs to go beyond traditional departmental boundaries;
(ii) it provides a natural mechanism for forging collaborative endeavors between faculty
and labs of various distinct departments and schools, via shared supervision of graduate
students; and
(iii) it provides a response to the recent rapid growth in federal funding and employment
opportunities in Nanoscience, Nanotechnology, and their applications.
Funding for the Certificate Program in Nanoscience will be simultaneously sought from
the following sources:
(1) By external federal funding, which will typically be in the form of graduate training
grants. This is intended to be, within a short period of time not exceeding three years, the
primary source of funding for the proposed Certificate Program in Nanoscience.
(2) By initial modest support for a three year duration jointly from Arts and Science, the
Engineering School, and the Medical School.
(3) By industrial support, which is anticipated to be initially of modest scale but may
grow to provide substantial support.
(4) Possible subsequent establishment of a Masters Program in Nanoscience whose
tuition would provide partial support for doctoral students in the Certificate Program in
3. Structure and Administration of the Certificate Program in Nanoscience
3.1 Nanoscience Participating Departments
The following departments will be deemed Nanoscience Participating Departments due to
their relevance to key science and engineering aspects of nanoscience, and to the
participation of individual faculty members in the program (It is understood that in some
areas, the numbers of department students particularly interested in Nanoscience may be
College of Arts and Sciences:
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Computer Science
- Physics
Engineering School:
- Biomedical Engineering
- Electrical Engineering and Computer Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering and Material Science
School of Medicine:
- Biochemistry
- Cell Biology
The Nanoscience Executive Committee will periodically update the list of Nanoscience
Participating Departments as chairs or other faculty seek affiliation with the program and
as departmental research is directed towards issues involving Nanoscience and
3.2 Core Faculty of the Nanoscience Program
The following faculty members have agreed to serve as “core faculty” of the Graduate
Certificate Program—meaning, in effect, that they are willing to shoulder a portion of the
instructional duties in the program and to mentor graduate students pursuing the
certificate. These are also faculty who define a major component of their own research
efforts as directed towards the study of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology.
College of Arts and Sciences:
Department of Chemistry (CHEM), College of Arts and Sciences
Stephen Craig <>
Jie Liu <>
John Simon <> Chair
Weitao Yang <>
Department of Computer Science (CS), College of Arts and Sciences
Thom LaBean <>
Alvin Lebeck <>
John Reif <>
Xaiobai Sun
Department of Mathematics (MATH)
Stephanos Venakides <>
Department of Physics (PHYSICS), College of Arts and Sciences
Harold Baranger <> Chair
Albert Chang <>
Henry Everitt <>
Gleb Finkelstein <>
Konstantin Matveev <>
Stephen Teitsworth <>
Denis Ullmo <>
School of Engineering:
Department of Biomedical Engineering(BME), Pratt School of Engineering
Ashutosh Chilkoti <>
George A. Truskey <> Chair
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECS), Pratt School of
April Brown <> Chair
Chris Dwyer <>
Richard Fair <>
Jungsang Kim <>
Hisham Massoud <>
Department of Mechanical Engineering and Material Science (MEMS), Pratt School
of Engineering
Stefano Curtarolo <>
Earl H. Dowell <>
Anne Lazarides <>
Piotr Marszalek <>
Mark Walters <>
Stefan Zauscher <>
School of Medicine:
Department of Biochemistry(BIOCHEM), School of Medicine
Homme Hellinga <>
David C. Richardson <>
Jane S. Richardson <>
Department of Cell Biology (CELLBIO), School of Medicine
Sharyn Endow <>
Harold Erickson <>
* = Member of the Nanoscience Executive Committee
3.3 The Executive Committee of the Certificate Program in Nanoscience
The administrative structure of the Graduate Certificate Program in Nanoscience has
been designed to ensure a high degree of openness, input and joint administrative control
via input by the various Participating Departments, so the program’s directions and
resources will not be directed to any individual’s or department’s particular agenda.
The Nanoscience Executive Committee is responsible for developing the Graduate
Program in Nanoscience and for recruiting, where appropriate, additional faculty to
participate in the program. The Nanoscience Executive Committee consists of members
of the Graduate Faculty selected from each of the distinct Participating Departments, in
addition to the DGS of the program.
The initial members of the Nanoscience Executive Committee will be:
(i) John Reif, Department of Computer Science (CS), College of Arts and Sciences;
(ii) Stephen Teitsworth (DGS), Department of Physics (PHYSICS), College of Arts and
(iii) Philip Benfey, Department of Biology (BIO), College of Arts and Sciences;
(iv) Jie Liu, Department of Chemistry (CHEM), College of Arts and Sciences;
(v) Albert Chang, Department of Physics (PHYSICS), College of Arts and Sciences
(vi) Ashutosh Chilkoti, Department of Biomedical Engineering (BME), Pratt School of
(vii) Richard Fair, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECS), Pratt
School of Engineering;
(viii) Robert Clark, Department of Mechanical Engineering and Material Science
(MEMS), Pratt School of Engineering;
(ix) David C. Richardson, Department of Biochemistry (BIOCHEM), School of
Medicine; and
(x) Vann Bennett, Department of Cell Biology (CELLBIO), School of Medicine.
The Executive Committee will be responsible for advising on all aspects of the operation
of the program, including curriculum, admissions, student advising, financial support and
grant proposal development, and seminars. The Executive Committee will operate
primarily via standing committees: the Curriculum Committee, the Nanosciences
Certificate Admission Committee, the Seminar Committee, and the First-year Advising
Committee. The Executive Committee will nominate the membership of these other
committees. Replacements of these members will be nominated by the Chairs of the
individual participating departments.
Chair of the Nanoscience Executive Committee. The Chair of the Nanoscience
Executive Committee will be responsible for executive tasks associated with the
Committee such as scheduling, chairing, and reporting on the Committee’s meetings, as
well as external communications. The Chair of the Nanoscience Executive Committee
will also be responsible, jointly with the DGS, for grant proposal writing in support of the
program. The Chair of the Nanoscience Executive Committee will be appointed by the
Dean of the Graduate School.
Director of Graduate Studies (DGS) in Nanoscience
The DGS will be responsible for the day-to-day oversight of the certificate program,
including initial student advising and student recruitment. The DGS will also serve as a
member of the Executive Committee, the Curriculum Committee, and the Nanoscience
Certificate Admission Committee, with full voting rights within these committees. The
DGS certifies completion of the requirement for the nanoscience certificate based on the
recommendation of the student's individual Advisory committee, and notifies the
Graduate School so that the formal certificate may be awarded. The DGS also appoints
the individual advisory committees for each student. The DGS will be responsible, jointly
with the Chair of the Nanoscience Executive Committee, for grant proposal writing in
support of the program. The DGS in Nanoscience will be appointed by the Nanoscience
Executive Committee. The Nanoscience Steering Committee has unanimously nominated
that Stephen Teitsworth, of the Physics Department, to be the initial DGS in
Nanoscience Certificate Admission Committee
The Nanoscience Admission Committee will consist of at least three members of the
Nanoscience Graduate Faculty selected from distinct Participating Departments. It will be
responsible for admitting graduate students into the Nanoscience Graduate Program.
Nanoscience Certificate Curriculum Committee
The Curriculum Committee will consist of at least three members of the Nanoscience
Graduate Faculty selected from Participating Departments. It will be responsible for
selection and development of the Curriculum, including Nanoscience Core Courses and
suggested Elective courses.
Seminar Committee
The Seminar Committee will consist of at least three members of the Nanoscience
Graduate Faculty selected from Participating Departments. It will be responsible for
selection of weekly Nanoscience Seminar speakers. The initial Chairs of the Seminar
Committee will be Anne Lazarides and Thomas LaBean.
Nanoscience Advisory Committees: A distinct Nanoscience Advisory Committee will
be appointed for each student in the certificate program. Each Advisory Committee will
be composed of at least three Nanoscience graduate faculty members, with at least one in
the student’s home department and at least one in a different Participating Nanoscience
Department. Each Advisory committee will be appointed and approved by the DGS. This
committee: 1) approves the nanoscience-related courses to be taken by the student, 2)
approves the student's proposal for a substantive project outside the student's home
research group as well as the duration of that project, 3) examines and grades the final
written and/or oral report that results from the project, and 4) makes the final
recommendation to award the Nanoscience graduate certificate to the DGS.
4. Details of the Proposed Graduate Certificate in Nanoscience
4.1 Admission
In the proposed Certificate Program in Nanoscience, PhD graduate students are to be
admitted to an existing (home) academic department. That home department will award
the student a PhD upon completion of the home departmental requirements. In addition,
the student will also be awarded a Certificate in Nanoscience after completion of the
requirements described below.
The admission of a graduate student into the Certificate Program in Nanoscience will be
simultaneous with, or subsequent to, the admission of the graduate student into an
existing University department. A graduate admissions committee comprised of as least
one member from each of the core participating departments will formally admit students
into the Certificate Program in Nanoscience.
4.2 Requirements
The Graduate Curriculum for a Certificate in Nanoscience:
To be awarded a Certificate in Nanoscience, a student must:
(1) be enrolled in the Certificate Program in Nanoscience for at least two years; have a
Nanoscience Advisory Committee appointed and approved by the Nanoscience DGS;
complete the requirements for a PhD in their department, with a PhD thesis committee
containing at least one member of thecore Nanoscience faculty;
(2) take the following required courses:
(a) take the single semester course NANO200 Foundations of Nanoscience,
(b) take the single semester course NANO201 Nanoscience Laboratory+,
(c) take the single semester course NANO202 Nanoscience Graduate Seminar and
attend the Nanoscience Graduate Seminar throughout the period of the student’s
enrollment in the Certificate Program in Nanoscience;
(d) take a one semester elective course or three one month short courses chosen
from an approved list of Nanoscience courses at Duke University, and
(3) complete a pre-approved project of duration approximately one to two months (the
project and its duration must be pre-approved by the student’s Advisory Committee) in
association with a research group in Nanoscience outside the student's dissertation group,
to be described by a written report or poster presentation (for example, an experimental
student in physics may take a rotation in another laboratory at Duke University, while a
theoretical student in physics may do a project in a software laboratory). As mentioned in
Section 2, the student's the research advisor or student's department would generally be
responsible for the financial support during a "rotation" outside the student's research
+Note: For students pursuing numerical or theoretical research as their primary focus, the
required Nanoscience Laboratory course NANO201 may be replaced by one additional
full term course that is either:
(a) a computational methods course (Math224, Math225, Math226, Math 229, CS230
or CS250 or equivalent), or
(b) a course in the area of molecular or computational biology software techniques
and tools (for example CPS260 Algorithms in Computational Biology, or
BCH222 Structure of Biological Macromolecules), or,
(c) an elective course on the approved list of Nanoscience courses at Duke or a
course approved by the Nanscience DGS, with the requirement that the course not
be in the student's home department.
4.3 Required Courses in Nanoscience
NANO200: Foundations of Nanoscience
Instructor: Chris Dwyer <> (660-5275) primary instructor. Also,
Thomas LaBean, Jie Liu, John Reif, Stephen Teitsworth, and Mark Walters will give
lectures in sections.
Description: This is a one-semester 200 level graduate course designed to introduce
nanoscience as a new discipline by integrating important components of the broad
research field together. It's integrated approach to nanoscience and nanotechnology, will
cross the traditional disciplines of biology, chemistry, computer science, engineering, and
physics. It will expose graduate students to fundamental aspects of nanoscience without
requiring graduate level prerequisites. Since the discipline of nanoscience is enabled by
tools such as the atomic force microscope (AFM), SEM, TEM, etc., these tools will be
presented as a central aspect of the course. Also, software tools for the design and
modeling of nanostructures will be introduced. Other topics will include synthesis,
assembly and properties of nanomaterials.
Syllabus: The course will begin with a one-week overview on the broad aspects of
nanoscience (John Reif, Dept of CS). The remaining course is divided into four sections,
each of 3 weeks:
1) Tools (Mark Walters, Shared Materials Instrumentation Facility, Dept of MEMS) focuses on a key set of instruments (e.g., atomic force microscopy and electron
microscopy) that have enabled the creation, measurement, and control of nanostructures.
2) Synthesis (Jie Liu, Dept of Chemistry & other faculty) - covers key principles and
methods of chemistry and materials science that allow the creation of a variety of
nanostructures (e.g., Carbon nanotubes and quantum dots).
3) Assembly (Thomas LaBean, Dept of CS & other faculty) - provides a description of
both the traditional top-down methods for assembly, such as via ebeam lithography, as
well as self-assembly techniques for constructing nanostructures.
4) Properties (Stephen Teitsworth, Dept of Physics & other faculty) - provides a
description of key novel mechanical, electronic and optical phenomena that can be
achieved in nanostructures.
NANO201: Nanoscience Laboratory
Instructors: Mark Walters, Dept of MEMS & other staff of Shared Materials
Instrumentation Facility
Description: This is a one-semester 200 level graduate course designed to introduce basic
tools used in nanoscience for characterization, imaging and fabrication of nanostructures.
The discipline of nanoscience is enabled by characterization and imaging tools such as
the atomic force microscopy (AFM), electron microscopy (SEM, TEM), and X-ray
techniques (X-Ray diffraction and XPS). These tools will be presented as a central aspect
of the course. In addition, cleanroom processing methods that enable the fabrication and
characterization of nanostructures will be presented.
Syllabus: The course will focus on giving a hands-on introduction to characterization and
clean room based processing methods that play an important role in the fabrication and
characterization of nanostructured materials. Clean-room based processing methods to be
covered include: basic photolithography, evaporation, electron beam lithography, and wet
and dry etching. Characterization methods to be covered include: atomic force
microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, X-ray
diffraction, and X-Ray photoelectron spectroscopy.
(1) The NANO201: Nanoscience Laboratory Course is not intended to constitute the preapproved project listed in part 6 of the Requirements for Graduate Certificate in
(2) It has been estimated that this lab fee would be around $1200 per student for the
entire semester course.
NANO202: Nanoscience Graduate Seminar
Instructors: TBA
Description: The course is designed to provide graduate students with in depth coverage
of research topics in Nanoscience. Students will be required to attend both the External
and Internal Lecture Series in Nanoscience. The class will also meet to discuss papers in
the topical research areas covered by the Lectures Series in Nanoscience.
The Lecture Series in Nanoscience that students will be required to attend are:
(a) A monthly External Lecture Series in Nanoscience, to be jointly run by Anne
Lazarides and Thomas LaBean, with monthly speakers invited from other institutes, and
to include one distinguished lecture per semester.
(b) An Internal Seminar Series in Nanoscience, meeting every two weeks. The meetings
will cover basic research topics Nanoscience area. Each Internal Seminar Series meeting
will concentrate on a given area of Nanoscience and will run a total of 1 hour. Each
meeting will consist of three segments given by distinct Duke speakers of a given
department: a 20 min. introductory overview and two further 20 min. short talks on
distinct subtopics in the area.
The class also will meet prior to the lectures to discuss papers in topics covered by these
lectures; these papers will include both overview survey papers as well as technical
publications in these topics.
3.4 Elective courses in Nanoscience:
Note: All listed provide instruction in basic science areas that impact Nanoscience. The *
indicates core electives where nanoscience content has already been introduced to the
course. The + indicates core electives where there is an opportunity for appropriate
nanoscience content to be introduced to the course in the future.
Chem 321: Inorganic Chemistry (Dept of Chemistry)
Instructors: TBA
Description: Bonding and spectroscopy, reactions, transition metal chemistry, main group
chemistry, organometallics/catalysis, and solid state.
Chem 304: Separation Science (Dept of Chemistry)
Instructors: TBA
Description: Fundamental separation chemistry, practical aspects of chromatographic
methods, larger scale processes. Prerequisite: Analytical Chemistry 301 or permission of
+ CHEM 326: Transition Metal Ion Reactivity and Mechanisms (Dept of
Instructors: Crumbliss
Description: A discussion of the mechanism of reactions of coordination compounds and
transition metal organometallics in solution. Examples include ligand substitution,
isomerisation and redox reactions, catalysis, and linear free energy relationships.
CHEM 331: Organic Chemistry (Dept of Chemistry)
Instructors: TBA
Description: Bonding and structure, stereochemistry,
substitution, addition, and elimination reactions, carbon reactive intermediates, concerted
reactions, photochemistry. carbon alkylation, carbonyl addition, nucleophilic substitution,
electrophilic additions, reduction, cycloadditions, rearrangements, main group
organometallics, oxidation.
CHEM 334: Physical Organic Chemistry (Dept of Chemistry)
Instructors: Craig
Description: A graduate course overview of intermolecular interactions in organic,
supramolecular, and materials chemistry. This course covers intermolecular interactions
including hydrogen bonding, multipole electrostatic interactions, solvophobicity, and size
and shape complementarity. Emphasis is then given to the rational design of selfassembling, supramolecular structures and the properties of the assembled materials. The
course concludes with a discussion of templated recognition (catalytic antibodies,
imprinted polymers, and dynamic combinatorial libraries), particularly in biology and
biological materials. Prerequiste: Organic Chemistry 331.
Chem 328: Synthesis and Synthetic Methods in Inorganic/Organometallic
Chemistry (Dept of Chemistry)
Instructors: TBA
Description: A discussion of inorganic synthetic methods including supramolecular
chemistry and organometallic reactions.
* PHY346: Introduction to electronic nanophysics (Dept of Physics)
Instructors: Denis Ullmo
Description: The aim of this course is to provide the theoretical background necessary to
understand the electronic properties specific to nanostructures. Although this will be a
theory course, the main emphasis will not be on theoretical techniques. Rather, the focus
is on the conceptual differences introduced when considering "nanoscale" objects, and
the introduction of necessary theoretical. As such, this course should be useful for
students interested in (or considering the possibility of) doing their Ph.D. work in
experimental as well as theoretical nanophysics.
Prerequisites: PHY 307 or permission of the instructor.
PHY 246S (crosslisted with Biology 295S) (Dept of Physics)
Title: Physical Approaches to the Living Cell
Instructors: Glenn Edwards (PHYSICS) and Dan Kiehart (BIOLOGY)
Description: A seminar course for advanced undergraduates and graduate students
investigating the biophysics of the cell, development, morphogenesis, and wound healing.
Syllabus: Topics will be drawn from: light as a tool for biology, modern microscopy,
fluorescence with green fluorescence protein; low-Reynolds number dynamics of
morphogenesis; cytokinesis; leaf morphogenesis; reaction rates in one, two, and three
dimensions; and diffusion, gradients, morphogens, and pattern formation.
Prerequisite: consent of instructor.
+ PHY 307: Introduction to Condensed Matter Physics
(Dept of Physics)
Instructor: Finkelstein or Teitsworth
Description: This course is a graduate level introduction to condensed matter physics.
The course requires some familiarity with quantum mechanics and statistical mechanics.
Syllabus: Microscopic structure of solids, liquids, liquid crystals, polymers, and spin
structures; elastic scattering and long-range order; topological defects; electronic
structure of crystals (metals and semiconductors); phonons and inelastics scattering;
magnetism; superconductivity.
PHY310: Advanced Solid State Physics (Dept of Physics)
Instructor: Matveev
Description: This is a graduate level introduction to solid state physics.
Syllabus: Advanced energy band theory; Fermi liquid theory; many-body Green
functions and diagrammatic techniques; interacting electron gas; superconductivity;
magnetism; applications.
Prerequisites: PHY 307, or equivalent, or permission of the instructor.
CHEM 348: Solid State Chemistry (Dept of Chemistry)
Instructor: Liu
Description: Introduction to the structure, physical and electronic properties of solid-state
+ CHEM 311: Biological Chemistry (Dept of Chemistry)
Instructors: Grinstaff
Description: Chemistry of the major classes of biological molecules, including nucleic
acids, amino acids and proteins, carbohydrates and lipids. Topics to be covered include
structure, reactivity and synthesis, and the interaction of biological molecules.
+ CHEM 336: Bioorganic Chemistry (Dept of Chemistry)
Instructors: Grinstaff
Description: Basic enzymology, mechanisms of enzymatic reactions, cofactors,
carboxylation/decarboxylation, heme, pyridoxal enzymes, thiamine enzymes.
Prerequisite: Biological Chemistry 311 or equivalent.
+ CB2XX: Physics of Biological Polymers in Aqueous Environments (Dept of Cell
Instructors: TBA
Description: This short course would cover physical properties of proteins (including
molecular motors), nucleic acids, and complex carbohydrates in aqueous solution.
Course text book: J. Howard Mechanics of motor proteins and the cytoskeleton Sinauer
Associates, Inc, Sunderland, Massachusetts (2001).
CB251: Molecular Cell Biology (Dept of Cell Biology)
Instructors: Erickson & Cell Biology faculty
Description: This an advanced course covering topics in cell biology with an emphasis on
reading primary literature and identifying new research questions. Requires
undergraduate background in cell biology.
Syllabus: CBI 251 covers a broad range of topics in modern cell biology, with an
emphasis on reading primary research papers.
Areas covered include membrane organelles and protein trafficking; cytoskeleton and
cell motility; cell cycle and cell signaling mechanisms; developmental biology; molecular
based diseases.
+ BME220L: Introduction to Biomedical Engineering (Dept of Biomedical
Instructors: Chilkoti, Carlson
Description: BME 220L provides an introduction to the basic building blocks of
bimolecules--amino acids, nucleotides, sugars and lipids, and their organization into
higher order structures such as proteins and DNA. Students are introduced to the
principles and techniques of molecular biology, which are directly applied in laboratory
modules that begin with purification and characterization of plasmid DNA, and culminate
in the expression and purification of an artificial elastin-like polypeptide in the laboratory
BME 207: Transport Phenomena in Biological Systems
(Dept of Biomedical Engineering)
Instructor: Yuan
Description: Elements of fluid mechanics, introduction to diffusion concepts, and
applications of differential transport equations.
BME 247: Drug Delivery (Dept of Biomedical Engineering)
Instructors: Yuan
* CPS296.5: Molecular Computing (Dept of Computer Science)
Instructors: Thomas H. LaBean
Description: We will cover DNA computing, molecular electronics, and related fields
with a focus on the design, fabrication, use, and development of computing systems with
molecular-scale components. Previous knowledge of chemistry or macromolecular
structure is not required. The course is appropriate for graduate students and advanced
undergrads in engineering, computer science, materials science, chemistry, and
biomedical fields.
Introduction to Biopolymer Structure (Nucleic acid and protein models, MAGE)
Methods: Molecular biology, chemistry, microscopy (AFM, TEM, SEM, STM, etc.)
DNA-Based Computing. Principles and Historic Development
DNA-Based Nanofabrication. Self-Assembling DNA Tilings as Structural Templates
Molecular Electronics
BioChips -- Surface Based Chemistry (DNA and Protein Chips)
* ECE2xx: Nanoelectronics (Dept of Electrical and Computer Engineering)
Instructors: April Brown, Richard Fair, and Hisham Massoud
Description: The course will cover materials and devices for nano-scale electronic
* CPS 222: Nanocomputers (Dept of Computer Science)
Instructors: Lebeck
Description: Design and analysis of nano-scale computing devices. Topics include
nanoelectronic devices (e.g., carbon nanotube transistors, quantum cellular automata,
etc.), computational paradigms, component design, defect and fault tolerance, fabrication
techniques (e.g., self-assemblies), modeling and simulation methods.
* CPS296.x : Biomolecular Nanotechnology (Dept of Computer Science)
Instructors: Thom LaBean
Description: This course will cover the use of biological macromolecules (especially
proteins and nucleic acids) for self-assembly and templating of nanostructured materials.
* CPS296.x: Design of DNA nanostructures (Dept of Computer Science)
Instructors: Thomas LaBean and Hao Yan
Description: This is a short, 4 week course covering topics required for the design of
DNA nanostructures.
Syllabus:Topics include basic DNA motifs including DX, TX and 4 x 4 Tiles, and
periodic DNA lattices. Also, methods for the disign of DNA motifs and use of software
for the design of sets of DNA tiles.
* CPS296.x: Molecular Robotics (Dept of Computer Science)
Instructors: John Reif and Hao Yan
Description: The course will provide a basic graduate level introduction to various topics
in the design and self-assembly of molecular robotic devices and affectors, including
protein motors and DNA robotics.
MEMS2xx: Mechanics of Motor Proteins
(Dept of Mechanical Engineering and Material Science)
* MEMS2xx: Nano Surface Characterization (Dept of Mechanical Engineering and
Material Science)
Instructor: Piotr Marszalek
Description: Introduction to surface probe techniques (e.g. Scanning Tunneling
Microscopy, Atomic Force Microscopy) and other methodologies to manipulate and
observe nanoscale systems (single molecule force spectroscopy, optical trapping, single
molecule fluorescence microscopy). Mechanical properties of single molecules and
inorganic clusters of atoms (nanowires) adsorbed to surfaces. Introduction to modeling at
the nanoscale. Special emphasis will be given to nanoscale systems in biology and how
these systems inspire nanotechnology.
MEMS208: Introduction to Colloid and Surface Science
(Dept of Mechanical Engineering and Material Science)
Instructors: Needham, Zauscher
+ MEMS 209: Soft Wet Materials and Interfaces
(Dept of Mechanical Engineering and Material Science)
Instructors: Needham
Description: The materials science and engineering of soft wet materials and interfaces.
Emphasis on the relationships between composition, structure, properties and
performance of macromolecules, self assembling colloidal systems, linear polymers and
hydrogels in aqueous and nonaqueous liquid media, including the role of water as an
''organizing'' solvent. Applications of these materials in biotechnology, medical
technology, microelectronic technology, and nature's own designs of biological materials.
+ MEMS211: Theoretical and Applied Polymer Science
(Dept of Mechanical Engineering and Material Science)
Instructors: Zauscher
Description: This is an advanced course in polymer materials science dealing specifically
with the relationship between structure and properties of macromolecules. Applications
in biology and medical technology are discussed.
* MEMS265.2: Interaction of radiation with nanostructured matter. (Dept of
Mechanical Engineering and Material Science)
Instructors: Anne A. Lazarides
Description: Optical properties of nanoparticles, nanoparticle materials,
surfaces,interfaces, and nanoparticles on substrates. Use of radiation as a probe of
nanostructure. Particle plasmons, surface plasmons, and coupling between them.
Substrate and cavity modulation of lifetimes and resonant frequencies of particles and of
fluorescent molecules. Soft matter modulation of the optical properties of nanostructured
matter. Applications to molecular detection, and to nanostructured light-emitting and
waveguiding devices.
Prereqs: undergrad physics, chemistry, differential equations, and,
preferably, a course in electricity and magnetism.
* MEMS310: Nanomechanics: From Molecules to Materials (Dept of Mechanical
Engineering and Material Science)
Instructors: Clark, Craig, Erickson, Zauscher
Description: This is a new, interdisciplinary course that provides exposure to inter- and
intramolecular force measurements, nanomechanics and scanning probe microscopy. The
course begins with a review of thermodynamic equilibria and dynamics, discusses
molecular mechanics of bond stretching, bending and torsion. Entropy and intramolecular
forces in macromolecules will receive special attention. A significant portion of the
course is dedicated to a discussion of force spectroscopy, ranging from the elastic
behavior of single macromolecules, interactions of polymer-decorated surfaces, to
adhesion and contact mechanics. The course will provide an introduction to the
mechanics of extracellular matrix proteins, structural bipolymers, and "smart gels." A
laboratory component, which involves the use of AFMs and single-axis force
spectrometers, will reinforce classroom concepts through hands-on experience.
+ BCH222: Structure of Biological Macromolecules (Dept of Biochemistry)
Instructors: Jane and David Richardson
Description: This is a seminar/lab course in the 3D structure of macromolecules,
primarily using computer graphics. working with kinemages and the Mage display
programs. Also demonstration of brass or plastic molecular models for Crystallographic
Model Building. Topics include: H-bonds & Helices, alpha / beta Proteins, The
Ribosome, All-atom Contacts Analysis.
+ CPS260: Algorithms in Computational Biology
(Dept of Computer Science)
Instructors: Pankaj Agarwal alternating with Alexander Hartemink
Description: This course is intended to provide a systematic introduction to the
algorithms behind the most commonly-used tools in computational biology. While the
course will survey a wide range of methods in the field and provide a significant amount
of exposure to actual tools, its primary emphasis will be on understanding and analyzing
the algorithms behind these tools. In the process, students will be introduced to common
techniques in algorithmic design and analysis, including design of data structures and
analysis of running time.
Syllabus: Topics covered include dynamic programming, string matching, probabilistic
techniques, geometric algorithms, hidden Markov models, data mining, and complexity
analysis. These topics will be explored in the context of applications of genome sequence
assembly, protein and DNA homology detection, gene and promoter finding, protein
structure prediction, motif identification, analysis of gene expression data, functional
genomics, phylogenetic trees, and evolutionary sequence comparison, time permitting.
Assignments will be primarily in the form of problem sets with a mix of algorithm
analysis and application. Students will also be given the option of completing a group
research project in place of a number of the problem sets.
Students are expected have previous exposure to probability theory and statistics, as well
as a familiarity with basic concepts of cell biology. All necessary background will be
provided as a review, but at a relatively brisk pace. Students are certainly encouraged to
speak with the instructor if they are interested in the course but are concerned about
5. Appendix
Faculty Affiliated with the Nanoscience Graduate Program
# = Core Faculty of the Nanoscience Program
* = Member of the Nanoscience Executive Committee
Any required replacement member of the Nanoscience Steering Committee is to be
designated by the Chairman of the corresponding Department.
College of Arts and Sciences:
Department of Biology (BIO), College of Arts and Sciences
*Philip Benfey <> Chair (phone: 613-8182 cell 917-754-5071)
Dan Kiehart <>
Sonke Johnson <>
Department of Chemistry (CHEM), College of Arts and Sciences
Boris Akhremitchev <>
David Beratan <>
Alvin L Crumbliss <>
#*Jie Liu <> 660-1549
#Weitao Yang <>
#Stephen Craig <>
#John Simon <> Chair
Department of Computer Science (CS), College of Arts and Sciences
Herbert Edelsbrunner <>
Alexander Hartemink <>
#Thom LaBean <>
#Alvin Lebeck <>
#*John Reif <> (phone:660-6568)
Xaiobai Sun <>
Department of Physics (PHYSICS), College of Arts and Sciences
#Harold Baranger <>
#*Albert Chang <> (fall,2003)
Glenn Edwards <>
#Henry Everitt <>
#Gleb Finkelstein <>
Dan Gauthier <>
#Konstantin Matveev <>
#*Stephen Teitsworth <> (phone:660-2560)
Shailesh Chandrasekharan <>
#Denis Ullmo <>
School of Engineering:
Department of Biomedical Engineering(BME), Pratt School of Engineering
#*Ashutosh Chilkoti <> (phone660-5373)
Monte Reichert <>
#George A. Truskey <> (chair)
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECS), Pratt School of
David Brady <>
#April Brown <>
#Chris Dwyer <> (660-5275)
#*Richard Fair <> (phone:660-5277)
Jungsang Kim <>
#Hisham Massoud <>
Dan Sorin <>
Department of Mechanical Engineering and Material Science (MEMS), Pratt School
of Engineering
*Robert Clark <> (phone:660-5435)
#Stefano Curtarolo <>
#Earl H. Dowell <>
#Anne Lazarides <> 660-5483
David Needham <>
Piotr Marszalek <>
#Mark Walters <> 919-660-5486
#Stefan Zauscher <>
School of Medicine:
Department of Biochemistry(BIOCHEM), School of Medicine
#Homme Hellinga <> (phone:681-5885)
Christian R.H. Raetz <> (919) 684-5326 Chair
#*David C. Richardson <>
#Jane S. Richardson <>
Department of Cell Biology (CELLBIO), School of Medicine
*Vann Bennett <> (phone: 919-684-3538, 919-684-3105) (also
Department of Biochemistry)
#Sharyn Endow <>
#Harold Erickson <>
Mike Reedy <>
Thomas J. McIntosh <>
Other Departments with Faculty Research Interests in Nanoscience:
Department of Mathematics (MATH)
#Stephanos Venakides <> (phone 660-2815)
Department of Pathology (PATH)
Dan Kenan <> (phone: 681-5754 or pager 970-1468)
Duke Administration with Interests in Nanoscience Graduate Programs:
+James Siedow <> Vice Provost for Research (phone: 6816438)(lab 613-8181)
+Lewis M. Siegel <> Dean of the Graduate School (phone: 6813257)
Leigh Deneef <>Associate Dean of the Graduate School
John Harer <> Vice Provost for Academic Affairs
Kristina Johnson <>, Dean of the School of Engineering
Berndt Mueller <> Dean of Natural Sciences