RAY PAWSON - Research Curriculum Vitae

Curriculum Vitae
1. Education
2. Posts
3. Appointments
4. Publications
Parts of Books
Journal Special Edition
Refereed Journal Papers
Journals - other contributions
Working papers
Research Reports
Book reviews
5. Refereeing
6. Conference papers
Overseas conferences
UK conferences
Departmental seminars
7. Research Funding
8. Teaching and Administration
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1. Education
1960 - 1967
Hull Grammar School
1967 - 1970
Essex University
BA (Hons.) Sociology, Upper Second, June 1970
1971 - 1974
University of Lancaster
Research Student, Department of Sociology (PhD 1978)
2. Posts
1970 - 1971
Polytechnic of North London
Research Assistant
Department of Professional Studies
1974 - 1979
Lanchester Polytechnic, Coventry
Lecturer in Sociology,
Department of Applied Social Studies
1979 to present
University of Leeds
Lecturer (1979)
Senior Lecturer (1990)
Reader (1998)
School of Sociology and Social Policy
2001 – 2002
Queen Mary, University of London
Visiting Senior Research Fellow ESRC Centre for Evidence
Based Policy and Practice
3. Appointments
1986 - 1990
1990 - 1994
1994 - 1998
1998 - 2002
International Sociological Association
Vice-President RC 33(Research Committee on Logic and Methodology)
Secretary RC 33
President RC 33 and Board Member ISA
Past-President RC 33
1990 - 1993
1990 - 1991
British Sociological Association
Editorial Board Member of 'Sociology'
Co-Director of the 'Professional Development Programme'
1991 - 1997
1992 - 1997
International Forum for Education in Penal Systems
Executive Board Member
Director IFEPS (UK)
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1994 - 2000
Home Office
Assessor - Police Research Group Publications
1995 - 1996
Economic and Social Research Council
Senior Research Fellow
2000 - 2002
Hefce - Widening Participation Initiative
Consultant and Steering Committee Member
2002 - 2005
Health Development Agency
Advisory Board Member (Methodology Panel)
2002 May/June
University of Rome (La Sapienza)
Visiting Professor – Facoltà di Sociologia
2003 March/Nov
Economic and Social Research Council
Senior Research Fellow – Research Methodology Initiative
2003 - 2004
Consultant to the Evaluation of the Connexions Service
2003 Nov
Research and Documentation Centre (WODC) Ministry of
Justice, The Netherlands
2005 onwards
‘Evidence and Policy’
Editorial Board Member
2005 onwards
Editorial Board Member
2005 onwards
National Institute of Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE)
R&D Advisory Committee Member
4. Publications
4.1 Books
SOCIOLOGY, ix + 337p, London: Routledge.
R Pawson and N Tilley (1997) xvii + 235p REALISTIC EVALUATION, London:
R. Pawson (forthcoming 2006) EVIDENCE-BASED POLICY: A REALIST
PERSPECTIVE London Sage (in press)
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4.2 Parts of Books
R Pawson (1985).'Social Stratification' in M. Haralambos (ed.) Developments in
Sociology, Vol. 1, pp. 1-21, Ormskirk: Causeway Press.
R Pawson (1989) 'Methodology' in M. Haralambos (ed.) Developments in Sociology,
Vol. 5, pp. 145-164, Ormskirk: Causeway Press.
R Pawson (1989) 'Science Speaks Only One Language' in H. Wold (ed.) Theoretical
Empiricism, pp. 175-182, New York: Paragon House.
R Pawson (1990) 'From Indicator Selection to Theory Adjudication' in J. Hox and J.
de Jong-Gierweld (eds.) Operationalisation and Research Strategy, pp. 137-154,
Rotterdam: Svets & Zeittinger.
R Pawson (1990) 'Sociological Evidence: Squaring the Circularity Problem' in H.
Jerabek (ed.) Measurement in Social Sciences, pp. 85-98, Prague: Czechoslovak
Academy of Sciences.
R Pawson (1992) 'Feminist Methodology' in M. Haralambos (ed.) Developments in
Sociology Vol. 8, pp. 113-135, Ormskirk: Causeway Press.
R Pawson (1993) 'Social Mobility' in D. Morgan and L. Stanley (eds.) Debates in
Sociology, pp. 26-51, Manchester: University of Manchester Press.
R Pawson (1995) 'Methods of Content/Document/Media Analysis' in M Haralambos
(ed.) Developments in Sociology Vol. 11, pp. 107-128, Ormskirk: Causeway Press.
R Pawson & N Tilley (1996) 'How (and how not to) design research to inform policy
making' in N Simpson and N South (ed.) Conflict and Consensus in Social Policy, pp.
59-75 London: Macmillan.
R Pawson & N Tilley (1996) ‘An Introduction to Scientific Realist Evaluation’ in E
Chelimsky & W Shadish (ed.) Evaluation for the Twenty First Century: A Sourcebook
pp. 405-418 Newbury Park, CA: Sage
R Pawson (1996) 'Evaluation Research: Back to Basics' in G Mair (ed.) Evaluating
the Effectiveness of Community Penalties, pp. 151-173 London: Avebury
R Pawson (1999) 'Methodology' in S Taylor (ed.) Sociology: Issues and Debates
pp19-43 London: Macmillan
R Pawson (2000) ‘The Evaluator’s Tale’ in D Wilson & A Reuss (ed.) Prisoner
Education: Tales from the Field, pp 62-82 London: Waterside Press.
R Pawson (2002) ‘Theorizing the Interview’ in N. Fielding et al (eds.) Interviewing
Sage, Newbury Park, California (in volume 1 of a 3 Volume Handbook)
R Pawson & N Tilley (2003) ‘Go Forth and Experiment’ in C Searle (ed.) Social
Research Methods: A Reader London: Routledge
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R Pawson (2003) ‘A Realist Approach to Evidence Based Policy’ in B Carter and C
New Making Realism Work London: Routledge
R Pawson & N Tilley (2004) 'Realistic Evaluation' in S Matthieson (ed)
Encyclopaedia of Evaluation Newbury Park: Sage
R Pawson (2005) 'Simple Principles for The Evaluation of Complex Programmes' in
Killoran A, Kelly M, Swann C, Taylor L, Millward L, Ellis S (eds) Evidence Based
Public Health, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
R Pawson & J Bellamy (2005 forthcoming) Realist Synthesis: An Explanatory Focus
for Systematic Review in Popay J (ed) Methodological Issues in the Synthesis of
Evidence from Diverse Study Designs Health Development Agency, London
R Pawson (2005 forthcoming) ‘On Being Empirical Without Being Empiricist’ in
Williams M (ed) Philosophical Foundations of the Social Sciences London: Sage
4.3 Journal Special Edition
R Pawson, N Stame and A Fasenella (2003) ‘Realismo E Valutazione’ Sociologia E
Ricerca Sociale N 68/69 (A special double edition of the journal with an essay from
me – ‘Una prospettiva realista: Politiche basate sull’evidenza empirica’ pp 11-57 –
followed by nine commentaries on my work)
4.4 Refereed Contributions to Journals
R Pawson (1978) 'Empiricist Explanatory Strategies' Sociological Review, Vol. 26 pp.
R Pawson (1980) 'Empiricist Measurement Strategies' Quality and Quantity, Vol. 14
pp. 651-678.
R Pawson (1982) 'Desperate Measures' British Journal of Sociology, Vol. 13 pp. 3563.
R Pawson (1983) 'Language and Measurement' British Journal of Sociology, Vol. 34
pp. 491-497.
R Pawson (1986) 'On the Level: Measurement Scales and Sociological Theory'
Bulletin de Methodologie Sociologique, No. 11 pp. 49-82.
R Pawson (1990) 'Half-truths about Bias' Sociology, Vol. 24, pp. 229-240.
R Pawson (1991) 'G.I.F.T.S. into G.R.A.N.T.S.': Student Projects and Success' Social
Science Teacher Vol. 20, pp. 58-59.
R Pawson and N Tilley (1992) 'Re-evaluation: Rethinking Research on Corrections
and Crime' Yearbook of Correctional Education pp. 19-49.
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R Pawson and N Tilley (1994) 'What Works in Evaluation Research?' British Journal
of Criminology Vol. 34, pp. 291-306.
R Pawson, (1995) ‘Quality and Quantity, Agency and Structure, Mechanism and
Context, Dons and Cons’ Bulletin de Methodologie Sociologique No 47 June pp. 548.
R Pawson, (1996) 'Theorizing the Interview' British Journal of Sociology Vol. 47 pp.
R Pawson and N Tilley (1996), 'Whither (European) Evaluation Methodology?'
Knowledge and Policy, Vol. 8, pp. 20-33.
R Pawson (1996) ‘Three Steps to Constructivist Heaven’ Evaluation Vol. 2 pp. 213220.
S Duguid, C Hawkey and R Pawson (1996) ‘Using Recidivism To Evaluate Prison
Education Programs’ Journal of Corrections Education (Special international edition)
Vol. 17 pp. 67-81
R Pawson and N Tilley (1996) ‘What’s Crucial in Evaluation: A Reply to Bennett’
British Journal of Criminology Vol. 34 pp. 574- 579.
R Pawson and N Tilley (1998) 'Caring Communities, Paradigm, Polemics, Design
Debates' Evaluation Vol. 4 pp. 73-90.
R Pawson and N Tilley (1998) 'Cook-Book Methods and Disastrous Recipes'
Evaluation Vol. 4 pp. 211-213.
S Duguid and R Pawson, (1998) 'Education, Transformation and Change', Evaluation
Review, Vol. XX pp. 345-367.
R Pawson, (2000) ‘Middle-Range Realism’ Archive Européenes de Sociologie, Vol.
XLI pp 283-325
R Pawson and N Tilley (2001) ‘Realist Evaluation Bloodlines’ American Journal of
Evaluation Vol. 22 pp 317-324
R Pawson (2002) ‘Evidence-based Policy: In Search of a Method’ Evaluation Vol. 8
pp 157-181
R Pawson (2002) ‘Evidence-based Policy: The Promise of Realist Synthesis’
Evaluation Vol. 8 pp 340-358
R Pawson (2002) ‘Evidence and Policy and Naming and Shaming’ Policy Studies
23(3/4) pp211-230
R Pawson (2003) ‘Nothing as Practical as a Good Theory’ Evaluation Vol. 9 (3) pp
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R Pawson, A Boaz and L Grayson (2003) ‘Mentoring and Evidence-based Policy’
International Journal of Mentoring and Coaching Vol. 1 (1) (electronic - no page nos)
A Boaz & R Pawson (2005) 'The Arduous Road from Evidence to Policy: Five
Journeys Compared' Journal of Social Policy Vol. 34 (2) pp 173-194
R Pawson (2005) ‘Simple principles for the evaluation of complex programmes’
Cidades: Comunidades e Territórios Vol 8. (1) pp 95-107 (in English with Portuguese
abstract and introduction)
R Pawson, T Greenhalgh, G Harvey, and K Walshe (2005) ‘Realist review – a new
method of systematic review designed for complex policy interventions’ Journal of
Health Service Research & Policy Vol 10 (3) pp 21-34 (special issue on research synthesis)
R Pawson (2005 forthcoming) ‘Digging for nuggets: how ‘bad’ research can yield
‘good’ evidence’ International Journal of Social Research Methods Vol 8
R Pawson (2005 forthcoming) ‘The ABC of Evaluation’ American Journal of
Evaluation Vol 26
4.5 Other Contributions to Journals
Journal Editorials
R Pawson 'Secretary's Reports' Bulletin de Methodologie Sociologique Nos. 28, 30,
32, 34, 36, 38 (1990 -1993)
R Pawson 'President's Reports' Bulletin de Methodologie Sociologique, Nos. 40, 42,
44, 46, 48, 50, 52, 54, 56, 58 (1994 -1998)
Professional Journals, commentaries and interviews
R. Pawson (1992) ‘A Proposed Research Programme', IFEPS News, pp 8-10
International Forum for Education in Penal Systems
R Pawson (1998) 'Wat werkt voor wie in welke omstrandigheden?' (‘An interview
with the author') Basis (Netherlands Audit/Evaluation Bulletin)
R Pawson (1999) 'Evaluation Research: Asking the Right Questions' National
Probation Conference, 1998 (published conference proceedings) pp23-31
R. Pawson (2002) ‘New Evidence based view of Megan’s Law’ Social Science Newsletter of the ESRC (‘An interview with the author’)
R Pawson (2003) ‘Is Realistic Evaluation Realistic?’ Journal of Health Service
Research & Policy (Q&A section)
R Pawson (2004) ‘Would Campbell join the Campbell Collaboration?’ The Evaluator
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4.6 Working Paper Series
I. Departmental working papers
R Pawson and N. Tilley (1982) 'Monstrous Thoughts' Leeds Occasional Paper in
Sociology, No. 14, 60pp.
II. ESRC UK Centre for Evidence-based Policy and Practice
R Pawson (2001) ‘Evidence-based Policy I : In Search of a method’ WP no3 22pp
R Pawson (2001) ‘Evidence-based Policy II: The Promise of Realist Synthesis’ WP
no4 20pp
R Pawson (2001) ‘Evidence and Policy and Naming and Shaming’ WP no5 p22
R Pawson (2002) ‘Does Megan's Law Work? A Theory-driven Systematic Review WP
no8 60pp
R Pawson (2003) ‘Social Care Knowledge: seeing the wood for the trees’ WP no 12
R Pawson (2003) ‘Social Scare Knowledge: SCIE-like typologies’ WP13 25pp
R Pawson (2004) ‘Mentoring relationships: an explanatory review’ WP 21 94pp
III. ESRC Research Methods Programme (www.ccsr.ac.uk/methods)
‘Working paper’
R Pawson (2003) ‘Assessing the Quality of Evidence in Evidence-based Policy: Why,
How and When?’ WP no 1 36pp
‘Methods paper’
R Pawson, T Greenhalgh, G Harvey, K Walshe (2004) ‘Realist Synthesis: An
Introduction’ Methods Paper no 2 45pp
4.7 Research Reports
R Pawson and A Myhill (2001) 'Learning Lessons - Enhancing Evaluation through
Research Review' 80pp (TRL for DETR)
R Pawson, A Boaz, A Long, L Grayson, C Barnes (2003) ‘Types and Quality of
Social Care Knowledge’ 39pp (for the Social Care Institute of Excellence)
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L Hogg, D Smith, M Payne, H Bradley, D Hughes, R Pawson, N Tilley (2004)
‘Understanding the Impact of Connexions on Young People at Risk’ Research Report
no 607. 337 pp (for DfES)
R Pawson (1991) The Leeds/Full Sutton Project: Report Number One 35pp (for the
HMP service).
R Pawson (1991) Higher Education in UK and Canadian Prisons: Report on an
exchange visit 23pp (for the British Council, Canada).
R Pawson (1991) The Campus-in-a-Prison Project, 19pp (for the Nuffield
R Pawson (1992) Education: A Prisoner's Dilemma, 40pp (for the HMP service)
R. Pawson, A Reuss and R Aubrey (1997) The Prison Project, 80pp (for the Institute
of Citizenship Studies)
R Pawson (1999) Scoping Study for the Evaluation of the Widening Participation
Initiative 32pp (for Hefce)
E Stern, R Pawson, I Sanderson, P Lawless (2000) New Deal for Communities
Development Project 2 vols. pp76 & pp 84 (for DETR)
4.8 Book Reviews
British Journal of Sociology, Sociology, Philosophy of Social Science, Journal of
Health Education, American Journal of Evaluation, Evaluation, The Evaluator,
Yearbook of Correctional Education, British Journal of Criminology
5. Refereeing
5.1 Paper and Manuscript Refereeing
British Journal of Sociology, Sociology, Evaluation, American Journal of Evaluation,
Journal of Critical Realism, Acta Sociologica, Journal of Health Service Research and
Policy, Western Criminology Review, Sage, Routledge, Open University Press,
Collier-Macmillan, Polity, Oxford UP, Collins Educational, Home Office.
5.2 Research Proposal and Report Refereeing
ESRC, National Lottery, Department of Health, Hefce, HNS Service Delivery
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6. Conference Papers, Plenaries and Workshops
6.1 International Conferences
R Pawson, 'Levels of Measurement', 10th World Congress of Sociology, International
Sociological Association, Mexico, August 1982.
R Pawson, 'Open Systems and Closed Systems and Social Systems', 11th World
Congress of Sociology, New Delhi, August 1986.
R Pawson, 'Concept Formation: Operationalism, Reconstructionism, Contestibilism,
Formalism', Social Research Methodology ‘ 88, Dubrovnik, May 1988.
R Pawson, 'From Indicator Selection to Theory Adjudication', International
Symposium on Operationalisation and Research Strategy, Amsterdam, September
R Pawson, 'Sociological Evidence: Squaring the Circularity Problem' International
Symposium on Measurement in Social Science, Czechoslovak Academy of Science,
Bechyne, Bohemia, April, 1990. (Also given at the 12th World Congress of
Sociology, Madrid, June 1990)
N Tilley and R Pawson 'Evaluation Research and Crime: A Sociological Approach'
American Society of Criminology Annual Conference, San Francisco, November
R Pawson 'A Defence of Sociological Measurement' Czechoslovak Sociological
Association Conference, Prague, May 1992 (Also given at the University of Brno).
R Pawson 'Research and Methodology in Britain and Europe' Czechoslovak
Sociological Association Conference, Prague, May 1992 (Also given at the University
of Brno).
R Pawson and N Tilley "Bringing 'Realism' to Evaluation" ESRC/SSHRCC
Conference on ‘Evaluating Research’ Ottawa, June 1993.
R Pawson, 'Realism and the Interview' 13th World Congress of Sociology, Bielefeld,
June 1994.
R Pawson and W. Knights, 'Evaluating Rehabilitation' 49th Annual Congress of the
American Correctional Association, Boston, June 1994.
R Pawson and N Tilley, 'Whither (European) Evaluation?' Founding Conference of
the European Evaluation Society, The Hague, November 1994.
R Pawson and N Tilley, 'New Directions in Programme Evaluation' Invited Paper,
University of Science Hong Kong (Also given at the Hong Kong Baptist University),
May 1995.
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N Tilley and R Pawson ‘Evaluating Crime Reduction Programmes’ Evaluation
Workshop Hong Kong Police Headquarters, May 1995.
R Pawson, 'What Works for Whom in Offender Education' 3rd IFEPS International
Conference Tasmania, (Also given at University of Science, Penang, Malaysia)
November 1995.
R Pawson and N. Tilley ‘An Introduction to Scientific Realist Evaluation’ First
Global Evaluation Conference, Vancouver, September 1996.
R Pawson and Nick Tilley 'How to Make Evaluations Cumulate' 2nd European
Evaluation Society Conference, Stockholm, March 1997.
R Pawson, 'Middle-Range Realism' Methodos International Seminar Series,
University of Louvain-le-Neuve, Belgium, June 1998. (Also given at the 2nd ICCR
Conference, Örebro, Sweden, September 1999.)
R Pawson & N Tilley, ‘Workshop on Design Issues in Realist Evaluation' Third
Conference of the European Evaluation Society Rome, Nov 1998.
R Pawson ‘A Realist Approach to Research Review and Synthesis’ Fourth
Conference of the European Evaluation Society Lausanne, Oct 2000.
R Pawson ‘Realist Evaluation’ IFSOL Rome, Oct 2001.
R Pawson Lecture series on ‘Realist Methodology’ (to postgraduates) plus public
lecture on ‘Evidence-based Policy’ to invited audience, University of Rome ‘La
Sapienza’, June 2002
R Pawson ‘Nothing as Practical as a Good Theory’ Plenary Address to the Fifth
Conference of the European Evaluation Society Seville, Oct 2002.
R Pawson, ‘Simple Lessons from Complex Evaluations’ Irish Evaluation Network
Seminar Trinity College Dublin, May 2003.
R. Pawson ‘Learning From and Using Evaluations’ (Rapporteur) 5th Conference on
the Evaluation of the EC Structural Funds Budapest, June 2003.
R Pawson 'Realist designs for evaluation and systematic review'. EES Summer School
Odense Oct 2003
R Pawson 'Realist Research and Criminal Justice Interventions' WODC Ministry of
Justice, The Hague Dec 2003
R Pawson ‘Evaluating complex (euro) programmes’ EQUAL programme evaluation
team Portugal July 2004
R Pawson ‘Introduction to Realist evaluation’ ISTCE Portugal July 2004
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R Pawson ‘ Simple Principles for the Evaluation of Complex programmes Sixth
Conference of the European Evaluation Society, Berlin, Oct 2004.
R Pawson ‘Mixed Method Synthesis’ Seminar on Qualitative Evaluation Institute of
Local Governments Studies (AKF) Copenhagen June 2005
R Pawson ‘Whatever happened to middle-range theory’ Co-plenary in honour of
Merton International Institute of Sociology, Stockholm July 2005
R Pawson ‘Method Mix, Theory Hex, Theory Fix’ International Conference on
Mixed Method Research Design Basel Aug 2005.
R Pawson ‘Complex Interventions, Programme Theories and Research Synthesis’
(Quasi-)Experimental Evaluations and Dutch Society: The Hague Ministry of Finance
6.2 UK Conferences
R Pawson 'New Classes - Old Methods’ Cambridge Social Stratification Seminar,
University of Cambridge, September 1990.
R. Pawson 'The Place of "Methodology" in the Teaching of Research Methods', BSA
Conference on Teaching Methods of Social Research, City University, London,
November 1991.
R Pawson 'Demystifying Evaluation', Home Office Programme-Development-Unit
Conference, Chester, October 1992.
R Pawson & N Tilley 'OXO, Tide, Brand X and New Improved Evaluation' British
Sociological Association Annual Conference, Essex, April 1993.
R Pawson 'Higher Education in Prison' ISTD/Home Office Conference, Prison and
After - What Works, London, May 1993.
R Pawson ‘The University of Leeds / HMP Full Sutton Programme’ 1st IFEPS UK
Conference Wakefield, October 1993.
R Pawson 'Quality and Quantity, Agency and Structure, Mechanism and Context,
Dons and Cons' Seminar Series on Qualitative and Quantitative Research Nuffield
College, Oxford, November 1993.
R Pawson ‘What Works for Whom in What Circumstances’ Opening Address, 2nd
IFEPS UK Conference Hull, March 1995.
R Pawson, ‘President's Address’ Essex ’96 - The Fourth International Social Science
Methodology Conference Essex, June 1996.
R Pawson & N Tilley, ‘Experimentation as the “Tarnished Bronze Standard” of
Evaluation’ Second Annual Conference of the UK Evaluation Society London, Sept.
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R Pawson, N Tilley, G Julnes & M Mark 'Round Table on Realist Evaluation' ESRC
Seminar Series on Evaluation, University of Warwick, February 1997.
R Pawson & N Tilley, ‘Workshop on Realist Evaluation' Third Annual Conference of
the UK Evaluation Society London, Dec 1997.
R Pawson & N Tilley, ‘Realist Evaluation Workshop’ Conference on Educational
Social Work Kirklees, March 1998.
R Pawson 'Evaluation Research: Asking the Right Questions' National Probation
Conference, Manchester, July 1998.
R Pawson, 'What Kind of Theory Should Drive "Theory-Driven" Evaluation?', Home
Office Programme Development Unit Conference, Tavistock Institute, September
R Pawson & N Tilley, ‘Evidence-Driven Policy-Development: Seven Realist Maxims'
Conference on Evaluation and Labour Markets, The Treasury, London, November
R Pawson ‘Workshop on Realist Evaluation' SCOPE/RNIB evaluation workshop
London, October 1999.
R Pawson ‘Middle-Range Realism’ ESRC Seminar Series on Realist Social Research,
Leeds, February 2000
R Pawson ‘Education and Rehabilitation: The Best Evidence Yet’ Prison Education
Trust Conference ‘Beyond the Basics’ Birmingham, May 2000.
R Pawson ‘Realist Synthesis’ Sixth Annual Conference of the UK Evaluation Society,
London Dec 2000.
R Pawson ‘A Realist Approach to Systematic Review’ Heath Development
Association/King’s Fund Conference on Evidence Based Policy London March 2001.
R Pawson Pre-conference workshop on ‘ Realism and evidence-based policy’ UKES
Annual Conference, South Bank, London 2002
R Pawson ‘Theory-Driven Approaches to Systematic Reviews’ HDA/Queen Mary
Seminar Series on Systematic Review, London Sept 2002 (also given at the HDA
International Seminar, Windermere Jan 2003)
R Pawson ‘Complex evaluations – hapHAZard thoughts’ DH seminar on the Health
Action Zone Evaluation London March 2003
R Pawson, ‘Assessing the Quality of Evidence in Evidence-based Policy: Why, How
and When?’ Introductory Event for the ESRC Research Methods Programme Buxton
May 2003
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R Pawson 'Realistic Evaluation and Realist Synthesis' UKES (Scotland) - Glasgow
Oct 2003
R Pawson Contribution to the seminar on ‘Assessing the quality of research’ ERSC
TLRP Research Capacity Building Network, Manchester Metro University Dec 2003
R Pawson, ‘Does Social Science Cumulate?’ ESRC ‘Realism’ Discussion Group.
University of Warwick February 2004
R Pawson ‘Simple Principles for the Evaluation of Complex programmes ODPM
invited seminar London March 2004
R Pawson ‘Simple Principles for the Evaluation of Complex programmes’ DfES
Research Group Seminar Sheffield Oct 2004
R Pawson ‘Simple Principles for the Evaluation of Complex programmes’ DfES
Annual Conference London Dec 2004
R Pawson ‘Mentoring relationships: an explanatory review’ DfES Annual Conference
London Dec 2004
R Pawson ‘(How) Does it Work? Mentoring in Europe, best practice, co-operation
and challenge Liverpool November 2005 (keynote)
6.3 UK Departmental Seminars
Invited papers given at the departmental seminars at Essex, Coventry, Humberside,
Lancaster, Leeds Metropolitan, Leeds University (Nuffield Institute, School of
Education, Medical Education Unit), Nottingham Trent, Salford, York University
(SPRU) and King’s College London.
7. Research Funding
Details are given of funding body and award value.
N.B. For awards held elsewhere than Leeds I include a separate figure for my ‘cut’
Study Visit and Lecture (1990) Czechoslovak Academy of Science
 £300 (personal award - sole applicant)
Study Visit and Lecture Tour (1992) Jan Hus Foundation, Czechoslovakia
 £500 (personal award – sole applicant)
The University of Leeds/HMP Full Sutton Action Research Project (1990-1998) HMP
Prison Service, Home Office
 £435,000 (lead applicant)
The Campus-in-a-Prison Project (1991) Nuffield Foundation
 £1,500 (personal award – sole applicant)
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Exchange Visit UK and Canadian Prison (1991-1992) British Council Canada
 $900 (personal award – sole applicant)
Project on Education and Training in UK/Spanish Prisons (1992-93) Acciones
Integradas Hispano-Britanicas, Madrid £6,000 with A Williamson
 £3,000 (personal award)
A Study of Effectiveness in Prison Education (1993-1996) Social Science and
Humanities Research Council Canada Held at Simon Fraser University - $176,696
(co-applicant with Prof. S Duguid)
 $9,000
Research Visit to 'Corrections' Headquarters Ottawa (1994) Centre for Canadian
Studies, University of Leeds
 £600 (personal award – sole applicant)
Visit to Hong Kong Baptist University / consultation with Hong Kong Police (1995)
British Council £4000 with N Tilley
 £2,000 (personal award )
Research Consultations and Consultation (1995) International Forum for Education
in Penal Systems (Australia)
 £1,000 (personal award – sole applicant)
Senior Research Fellowship (1995-1996) Economic and Social Science Research
Council (lecturer ‘A’ replacement for a year)
 £20,245 (personal award – sole applicant)
‘Pilot Study on Citizenship at HMP Doncaster’ (1996-7) Institute for Citizenship
 £4,000 (lead applicant)
Social Science Research Methodology Training (1997-8) University of Leeds ADF
 £5,000 (personal award – sole applicant)
Review of Evaluation Methodologies for Educational Interventions (1998-9)
Transport Research Laboratory - Department of Environment, Transport and Regions
 £23,000 (lead applicant)
Scoping study for an evaluation of the ‘Widening Participation’ initiative (1999-2000)
Higher Education Funding Council for England
 £3,500 (personal award – sole applicant)
Development Study for the Evaluation of the New Deal for Communities (2000)
Department of Environment, Transport and Regions (held at the Tavistock Institute)
£90,000 (co-applicant with E. Stern, I. Sanderson and P. Lawless
 £15,000
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Consultancy for the Kirklees ‘Community Response to Drug Abuse’ programme
(1999-2001) National Lottery
 £3,000 (donated to project)
Consultancy and Lecture (2001) IFSOL (government agency) – Rome
 £900
Visiting Senior Research Fellowship (2001-2002) ESRC Centre for Evidence based
Policy and Practice (salary from Queen Mary, University of London)
 £60,000 (salary saving to Leeds for one year)
Types and Quality of Knowledge in Social Care (2002-2003) Social Care Institute for
Excellence (Held at Queen Mary, University of London) £85,000 (lead applicant –
with A Boaz, A Long, C Barnes)
 £20,000
Seminar Series on Methodological Issues in Systematic Review (2002-2003) Health
Development Agency (Held during fellowship at Queen Mary, University of London)
£15,000 (lead applicant)
 no income to Leeds
Senior Research Fellowship (2003) ESRC Research Methodology Initiative (9 month
salary plus research costs)
 £51, 000 (personal award)
Consultancy and Workshop (2003) Research and Documentation Centre (WODC)
Ministry of Justice, The Netherlands
 £ 2,000 (personal award)
Methods of Synthesis: Making it useful for evidence based management and policy
making (2003-04) Canadian Health Service Foundation/ HNS Service Delivery
Organisation (Held at University of Manchester) £24,000
 £9,000 (lead applicant with G Harvey, K Walshe and T Greenhalgh)
Commission to write section for the Magenta Book on 'Realistic Evaluation' (2004)
Strategy Unit Cabinet Office (co-applicant with N Tilley)
 £5,500
Consultant / designer of the evaluation of Connexions Service (2003-2004) - DfES
(held at DeMontfort) £850,000
Training fee ISTCE/EQUAL programme evaluation Portugal (2004) (Euro
 £2,000
Consultant / designer of the evaluation of Local Development Framework (planning
applications) (2004) ODPM - £250,000 (held at Arup PLC)
Ray Pawson – cvcurrent.doc
Team member evaluation of Guy's/St Thomas' modernisation initiatives (2005-6) –
Held at. UCL (£350,000)
SSRC(USA)/ESRC Visiting Fellowship Award to collaborate (with University of
Victoria) on further methodological work on realist synthesis (2006).
 $7,000 (personal award)
Also funding for four ‘Overseas Conferences’ University of Leeds
Decisions Pending on:
ERSC – Widening Participation Research Programme (£150.000)
CIHR (Canada) – Developing Methods of Research Synthesis ($100,000)
Dr Foster PLC – Effects of Disclosing Health Performance Data (£80,000)
8. Teaching and Administration
The following is a brief summary of main inputs and makes no attempt to specify
content or a year-on-year list of duties.
Undergraduate Teaching
 Introduction to Social Research (Level I)
 Social Research Methods (Level II and part-time)
 Advanced Methods of Social Research (Level III)
 Introduction to Sociology (Level I and HMP Full Sutton)*
 Sociological Theory (Level II)*
 Crime & Deviance (Level II & III)*
[* specialist inputs only, all others as course tutor]
Postgraduate Teaching (MA modules)
 Fundamentals of Social Research
 Research Strategy & Design
 Methods of Data Collection and Analysis
 Faculty and School Research Methods Training Programmes
 Teaching Sociology
 Evaluation research
Postgraduate supervision
5 PhD students (single supervision) - 4 successful, 1 detained at Her Majesty’s
 5 PhD students (joint supervision) - 4 successful, 1 in progress
 2 MA by research students - successful
At Leeds
 Departmental Undergraduate Admissions
Ray Pawson – cvcurrent.doc
Departmental MA Tutor
Departmental Postgraduate Tutor
Departmental Representative on School Teaching and Learning Committee
Director of HMP Full Sutton Programme
Chair of Departmental Distance Learning Group
Chair of School Postgraduate Committee
Leader of Faculty group on reorganising research training
University Liaison posts with ESRC and BSA
Research Director
Plus other minor duties computing liaison, student ‘awaydays’ etc.
 External examiner - undergraduate (Trinity and All Saints College)
 External examiner - postgraduate training and MA (Salford)
 External examiner – PhDs at Durham, Melbourne, King's College London
 ISA – organiser of two world congress streams and two interim conferences
Ray Pawson – cvcurrent.doc