Post-doctoral position available at the Center of Molecular

Post-doctoral position available at the Center of Molecular Imaging and
Institute of Molecular Biology and Medecine, Université Libre de Bruxelles,
Gosselies, Belgium.
We are looking for a highly motivated individual to work in the newly created academic
Center which will integrate technologies of imaging from the molecules to small animals. The
Center will gather new generation equipments for electron, confocal, holographic, robotized
and live cell imaging microscopy and for molecular imaging in small animals (RMN, IRM,
The position advertised here is dedicated to the running and development of advanced light
microscopy and live cell imaging applications in the Center. The candidate will contribute to
scientific projects of the host laboratory and will participate to specific projects of the Center.
On a longer term, the candidate will also be responsible for services to academics and
industries provided by the Center.
The candidate should have strong background in cell biology. Expertise in advanced light
microscopy applications (confocal microscopy, live cell imaging, FRET, FRAP, …) is a
strong asset.
Good writing and communication skills are important and the ability to be a team player and
interact with other scientists is a must.
This fellowship is for one year and renewable for 4 years. On a long term basis (up to 5
years), this fellowship could be converted into a permanent position depending on the center
Interested applicants should submit a letter of interest, a curriculum vitae, and the names and
emails of two references to: Prof. Veronique Kruys by email: