
2009 - 2014
Plenary sitting
to wind up the debate on the statement by the Vice-President of the
Commission / High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and
Security Policy
pursuant to Rule 110(2) of the Rules of Procedure
on the Vilnius summit and the future of the Eastern Partnership, in particular as
regards Ukraine
Helmut Scholz, Nikola Vuljanić, Younous Omarjee
on behalf of the GUE/NGL Group
United in diversity
European Parliament resolution on the Vilnius summit and the future of the Eastern
Partnership, in particular as regards Ukraine
The European Parliament,
– having regard to Rule 110(2) of its Rules of Procedure,
A. whereas, by virtue of their geographical location and historical, cultural, economic and
other ties to Central and Western Europe, the Eastern Neighbourhood countries are
important partners for both the EU and Russia;
B. whereas the EU has offered the Eastern Neighbourhood countries association and free
trade agreements, but no membership perspective; whereas the Russian Federation has
invited the countries of the Eastern Neighbourhood to join a customs union with Russia,
Belarus and Kazakhstan; whereas, instead of cooperating and working on solutions which
take into consideration the interests of all partners, the EU and Russia are engaging in
geopolitical competition for influence in the region;
C. whereas the rivalry between Russia and the EU has put the countries of the EU’s Eastern
Neighbourhood into the difficult position of having to choose between the one and the
other; whereas the price of the geopolitical rivalry between the EU and Russia in the
region is being paid by the peoples of these countries;
D. whereas the negotiations on Association Agreements, including Deep and Comprehensive
Free Trade Areas, with Moldova, Georgia, Armenia and Ukraine were concluded in
preparation for the Vilnius summit; whereas the Association Agreements with Georgia
and Moldova were initialled at the Vilnius summit, but the Governments of Armenia and
Ukraine decided to withdraw from the signing of the Agreements at the Vilnius summit;
E. whereas many sections of civil society in Armenia and Ukraine want close cooperation
between their countries and the European Union; whereas massive protests in Kiev are
continuing following the government’s decision not to enter into an Association
Agreement with the European Union and this is resulting in a serious and dangerous
political crisis;
1. Notes the results of the Vilnius summit of the Eastern Partnership; notes and respects the
decisions of Moldova and Georgia to initial the Association Agreement with the EU and
the decisions of Armenia and Ukraine to suspend the process of preparations for signing
the Association Agreement and Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area agreement;
2. Calls on the EU and Russia to fully respect the sovereign right of the people to decide
about their future, including their cooperation and association with countries and
organisations, and to refrain from applying any pressure; strongly appeals to the EU,
Russia and all other actors in the region not to interfere in the internal affairs of other
countries; rejects the ongoing interference by different external political forces in the
internal debates of the Neighbourhood countries and the misuse of their difficult political
and economic situation to promote the geopolitical goals of third countries;
3. Notes that a policy which separates Eastern Neighbourhood policy from the development
of EU-Russia relations has failed; underlines the need to redesign Eastern Neighbourhood
policy with a view to developing regional cooperation that does not exclude any country;
calls on Russia to participate proactively in such a process and to show its willingness to
become part of good neighbourhood policies;
4. Criticises the EEAS for its failure to work with Russia and the countries of the EU’s
Eastern Neighbourhood on the ways and means of coexistence and mutual enrichment
between the European Union’s economic space and the Customs Union; calls urgently on
the EU and the member states and observers of the Customs Union to initiate a
constructive dialogue on making their regulatory frameworks as compatible as possible;
5. Deplores the poor public debate in the countries of the EU’s Eastern neighbourhood on
the consequences of association with the EU or Russia; takes the view that decisions on
issues that have such far-reaching implications for the future development of a country
should be subject to referendums; criticises the fact that the Ukrainian Communist Party’s
proposal to hold such a referendum in the country was ignored;
6. Notes the strong public support for Ukraine’s political association and economic
integration with the EU; underlines the fact that the door to the EU should stay open for
those countries that wish for close cooperation with it; strongly supports the European
perspective of the type and level for which the Ukrainian people have expressed their
7. Expresses serious concern at the political crisis in Ukraine: calls on the government and
opposition to exercise strict restraint and respect democratic rules, to start a constructive
dialogue, and to refrain from any action which could lead to a further escalation of the
8. Calls on Ukraine to abide fully by its international commitments to respect freedom of
expression and assembly and to take all the necessary measures to prevent the use of
force; calls on the General Prosecutor of Ukraine to conduct an objective investigation
into the violent clashes that took place in Kiev, to punish the perpetrators and to prevent
any recurrence of similar situations;
9. Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Council, the Commission, the
Parliament and Government of Ukraine and the Parliamentary Assemblies of the OSCE
and the Council of Europe.