
Focus so far…” up until 10
Joe’s past – why he is how he is – character
Pip’s life…before and after “that memorable moment”89
Pip – magnetism to Estella makes him blind to values that are
“Her contempt was so strong, that it became infectious, and I
caught it” (75).
MH – her situation, broken heart, time has stopped, everything
the same
Dickens’ criticism of school system
Relationship – Pip and Biddy
Past coming back to haunt you.
New characters:
Man in The Three Jolly Bargemen (96). Find evidence of who he
Further characterization:
Joe – “Well,’ said Joe, ‘to tell you the truth, I an’t much in the
habit of drinking at anybody’s expense but my own” (93).
Random Questions – Are you paying attention to details?
What strange thing does Pip see in the brewery?
Who is “the father of lies”?
Examples of HUMOR:
(82) “Whitewash on the forehead hardens the brain into a slate of
obstinacy perhaps. Anyhow, with whitewash from the wall on my
forehead, my obstinacy was adamantine.” (means unyielding)
Examples of CARICATURE
(81) “…with his fishy eyes and mouth open…”
Quotes worth rereading!
(88) “…The king upon his throne, with his crown upon his ed, can’t
sit and write his acts of Parliament in print, without having
begun,….worked his way to Z”
(88) “If you can’t get to be oncommon through going straight,
you’ll never get to do it through going crooked.”
(89) “That was a memorable day for me, or it made great changes
in me… but for the formation of the first link on one memorable
Chapter 11 FOCUS – the visitors, the birthday, the coffin, the
fight, the kiss
New characters: (Reread some parts)
Sarah Pocket – 108 – caricature, satire
Camilla (107) (108) “It’s a weakness to be so affectionate, but I
can’t help it.”
Cousin Raymond – Mr. Camilla
Matthew (what are trimmings?) (101) (#4 HW)
Man on stairs (103)
Pale young gentleman (112) Books, educated. “His spirit inspired
me with the greatest respect…but he would be up again in a
moment…” (114)
Relatives in competition with each other
Miss Havisham – Pip – making him weak, crushing his confidence,
playing with him, stealing his heart
Further characterization
“He paid for them, did he not?” (102) Estella being a smart alec.
Examples of CARICATURE
(108) Sarah Pocket – face of walnut shells…
1. Dickens’ Descriptive Writing (99-100) and (104-105) (#2 HW)
“It opened to the ground…as if it pelted me for coming there”
This is why people love Dickens. “as if…”
2. Miss Havisham’s reaction to her company (110)
3. What is Dickens’ making fun of through the characters that
visit the Satis House?
4. Never refer to Ms. Havisham’s __________________.
5. Pale young gentleman – how is he characterized?
6. What does Estella give Pip?
Quotes worth rereading
“…somehow they conveyed to me that they were all toadies and
humbugs…humbug” (100).
“Because I’ll never cry for you again… the pain she cost me
afterwards” (103). What does this foreshadow?
Chapter 11 – Your homework:
1. What did Estella ask Pip? How did she treat him? (102)
2. What was “the room across the hall” like? (104-105)
3. Where will Miss Havisham’s body be placed after she dies?
4. Which member of the Pocket family is not liked by the
others? Is there any significance to this particular surname?
5. What does Miss Havisham mean when she says, “sharper
teeth than teeth of mice have knawed me”? (111)
6. Why did Miss Havisham’s relatives come to see her?
7. How does Miss Havisham accent Estella’s beauty?
8. Whom does Pip meet in the garden? What happens between
9. What does Estella tell Pip? Why does she ask him to perform
this action?
Chapter 12 Focus
 Dickens’ criticism- What is Dickens saying about the law on p.
 Children – slaves; not valued or cherished, but punished and
 Pip on Pumblechook (121)
 Mrs. Joe’s sulking
 Pip’s guilt
 Pip’s view of life
 Joe – sees past peoples’ faults; pure character; ironic b/c of
his physical description
 Estella – beautiful on outside, yet harsh on the inside
 Miss Havisham’s mission in life – using Pip as a pawn for
revenge on men
Further Characterization
Quotes worth rereading
 “It was high testimony…I never imagined him accessory to
these retaliations…indignant sympathy with the family
features” (118) What does this quote mean?
 “Break their hearts, my pride and hope, break their hearts
and have no mercy!” (119)
Chapter 12
1. What were Pip’s jobs at Miss Havisham’s?
2. Of what did Miss Havisham constantly remind Estella?
3. To whom did Pip confide his secrets?
4. What was Mrs. Joe hoping?
5. Why did Miss Havisham wish to see Joe?
6. Why was Mrs. Joe angry after Joe had been summoned to the
Satis House? What does this further characterize her?