NAME: Natural Disaster Mini Research Project A natural disaster is

NAME: _______________________________
Natural Disaster Mini Research Project
A natural disaster is a major, unpleasant event resulting from the movement of plates.
Natural disasters such as earthquakes, volcanoes, and tsunamis all occur due to plate
tectonics. A natural disaster can cause loss of life or property damage, and typically leaves
some economic damage in its wake, the harshness of which depends on the affected
population's resilience or ability to recover.
We’ve just spent some time learning about earthquakes, specifically the San Francisco
earthquake of 1906. This earthquake ranks as one of the most significant earthquakes of all
time because of all of the scientific knowledge gained from it. The earthquake was felt from
southern Oregon to south of Los Angeles and inland as far as central Nevada.
You will now have the opportunity to research a natural disaster of your choice. You may
focus on one of the following natural disasters:
 Earthquakes
 Volcanoes
 Tsunamis
 Research can be done on a specific natural disaster (ex: 1906 San Francisco
Earthquake), on specific tools or objects dealing with a natural disaster (ex:
seismograph), or on a type of natural disaster in general (ex: volcano)
 Form a question to be researched
 Use books, encyclopedias, websites, online databases, etc. to conduct research (see
recommended websites below)
 Create a final product to display research (poster, power point, photo story,
diorama, song)
Recommended Websites:
NAME: _______________________________
You will get class time to research your topic and some class time to work on your final
project. However, the majority of your final project will be created at home. Use your class
time and home time wisely!
Make sure you take notes on your findings in your science notebook. You also need to be
sure you cite your sources (see attached sheet for directions on how to cite your sources).
If you don’t cite your sources, you will NOT be allowed to use that information in your final
Be prepared to present your final product.
Project Due Date: ________________________________________________
My Research Question:
Requirements for final product:
Research question is clearly stated
Evidence that answers and supports your question is clearly presented
Detail and description included that answers your research question
Pictures, music, graphs (incorporate at least 2 types of technology)
At least 3 primary sources (can be images, newspaper articles, etc.)
See the attached rubric that will be used to grade your final project for more detail.
NAME: _______________________________
How to cite a variety of sources:
Author (Last name, First Name).
City of publication:
Date of publication.
____________________________________. “______________________________________________________.”
Author of article (Last name, First Name)
“Title of article”
Encyclopedia title.
Date of edition.
Online Database Encyclopedia Article:
_________________________________________________. “_________________________________________.”
Author of article (Last name, First Name).
“Title of article.”
Encyclopedia Title.
Date of edition.
Database Title.
_____________________. <________________________________________________________________>.
Date you used database
<Database URL>
General Website:
____________________________________________. “______________________________________________.”
Author of article (Last name, First Name).
“Title of article”
_______________________. <___________________________________________________________>.
Date you used website
<Web address or URL>
Images & Graphics from the Internet:
___________________________________. “_____________________________________.”
Artist (Last name, First Name)
Description or Title of image
_________________________. Online image._______________________________________.
Date of image
Name of the Website
_________________________. <___________________________________________>
Date of download
Web address (URL)
NAME: _______________________________
Teacher Evaluation: Teacher evaluates students
Natural Disasters Mini Project Rubric
Science PRS 4
Understanding of Content
Consistently defines in
detail the characteristics
of the chosen subtopic(s)
Consistently summarizes
by stating the central
idea and including
supporting details
Usually defines in detail
Sometimes defines in
the characteristics of the detail the characteristics
chosen subtopic(s)
of the chosen subtopic(s)
Usually summarizes by
Sometimes summarizes
stating the central idea
by stating the central
and including supporting
idea and including
supporting details
Expression of Content
Seldom defines in detail
the characteristics of the
chosen subtopic(s)
Seldom summarizes by
stating the central idea
and including supporting
Consistently uses content
vocabulary and
descriptive vocabulary
Usually uses content
vocabulary and
descriptive vocabulary
Sometimes uses content
vocabulary and
descriptive vocabulary
Seldom uses content
vocabulary and
descriptive vocabulary
Consistently applies
correct mechanics and
usage; speaks using
correct pronunciation, (if
Usually applies correct
mechanics and usage;
speaks using correct
pronunciation, (if
Sometimes applies
correct mechanics and
usage; speaks using
correct pronunciation, (if
Seldom applies correct
mechanics and usage;
speaks using correct
pronunciation, (if
Overall Grade for Science PRS 4:
Language Arts PRS 2
Consistently locates and
uses accurate
information consistently
Consistently credits
sources in a standard
format such as MLA
Consistently uses of
images, video, text, color
and/or sound enhances
the message intended for
the audience
Consistently generates a
product that includes a
variety of studentcreated elements (digital
drawings, photographs,
narrations, video/audio
Research of Content
Usually locates and uses
Sometimes locates and
accurate information
uses accurate
information consistently
Sometimes credits
Sometimes credits
sources in a standard
sources in a standard
format such as MLA
format such as MLA
Technology Integration of Content
Usually uses of images,
Sometimes uses of
video, text, color and/or
images, video, text, color
sound enhances the
and/or sound enhances
message intended for the the message intended for
the audience
Usually generates a
Sometimes generates a
product that includes a
product that includes a
variety of studentvariety of studentcreated elements (digital created elements (digital
drawings, photographs,
drawings, photographs,
narrations, video/audio
narrations, video/audio
Overall Grade for Language Arts PRS 2:
Seldom locates and uses
accurate information
Seldom credits sources
in a standard format
such as MLA
Seldom uses of images,
video, text, color and/or
sound enhances the
message intended for the
Seldom generates a
product that includes a
variety of studentcreated elements (digital
drawings, photographs,
narrations, video/audio