The VLSS dataset of Vietnam living standards survey 1992-1993

description of The Data set of THE
1997-98 Vietnam living standards survey
The data set of the 1997-98 Vietnam Living Standards Survey
(VLSS97-98) consists of 4 parts:
1. Data for the sample of 6002 households, including 115 files.
2. Data on community for the sample of 156 communes and small
towns, including 37 files.
3. Data on schools and commune health centers for the sample of
156 communes and small towns, including 17 files.
4. Data on prices for the sample of 190 communes/wards,
including 5 files.
All files of this data set are in STATA form with .dta
1. Data on households
Information collection for this part based on the
household questionnaire in which questions are grouped into 15
sections. Data on household make up 115 files arranged in order
compatible with structure of the questionnaire.
There were 2 types of observations in the dataset
 Data on household members (section 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and
 Data on entire household (section 0, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11,
12, 13 and 14)
1.1. Name of files in the data set
The names of files is generally in the form of scrnnsspp.
Of which:
 Name of files begin with 3 characters scr (screen)
 nn indicates section numbers, which can take values
from 00 to 15 as in the questionnaire.
 ss indicates the name of parts of sections if sections
consist of 2 parts and above that include 1 or 2
characters (such as A, B, C, D or A1, A2,...); These
two characters aren’t used if sections have no part.
 pp indicates the order of pages of parts (or sections)
in the questionnaire, if the part (or the section)
includes more than 1 screen that usually correspond to
1 page of the questionnaire then 1 or 2 characters are
used; These two characters aren’t used if the part (or
the section) only has 1 screen.
For example:
+ Section 0 - SURVEY INFORMATION consists of 4 parts A,
B, C, D and each part placed at 1 pages in the
questionnaire (as corresponding screens) so names of 4
files are scr00a, scr00b, scr00c, scr00d respectively.
+ Section 1, part A consists of 2 screens so names of
these files are scr01a1, scr01a2 respectively.
+ Section 9, part A1 consists of 2 screens (from 1 pages
in the questionnaire) so names of these files are
scr09a11, scr09a12 respectively.
+ Section 9, part D consists of up to 13 screens so names
of these files are scr09d01, scr09d02, scr09d03, ...,
scr09d10, scr09d11, scr09d12, scr09d13 respectively.
1.2. Name of variables in data files
 There are 2 variables in every household data file:
cluster and househol
+ Variable cluster indicates the code of the cluster
(or hamlet) where the household lives.
+ Variable househol indicates code of the household.
 In files on household members there is a variable named
idcode which indicates the member order in the
household list.
 Variable vlsscode in the file named scr01d indicates
whether the commune was also included in sampling frame
for 1992-93 Vietnam Living Standards Survey.
 Name of variables carrying information corresponding to
questions in the questionnaire is in the form of
snnppqyyx, where:
+ Name of variable begin with character s
+ nn indicates section numbers, which can take values
from 00 to 15.
+ pp indicates the name of parts of sections, that can
take values as a, b, c,..., h, i, j, k, l, or a1, a2,
a3,...; b1, b2, b3, etc.
+ qyy is the question number in each part, each section
of the questionnaire (where q is fixed and yy is the
question number).
+ x is one or two letters or numbers to clarify the
question, for example: y for question related to
year, m for question related to month, d for question
related to date (or distance),
q for question
related to quantity, u for question related to unit,
t for question related to number of times, a for
question related to age (or amount of money), cc for
question related to crop codes, fc for question
related to food codes, etc. Figures 1, 2, 3,... (or
questions with some alternatives, etc.)
In addition, some other names are used such as line for
crop number, ic for item codes, en for enterprise number,
2. Data on community, schools, commune health centers and
2.1. Data on community:
Community data consist of 10 sections with 37 files that
contain data on commune information such as demography,
infrastructure, education and health.
The names of files is generally in the form of cmtnnpp.
Of which:
 Name of files begin with 3 characters cmt
 nn indicates section numbers, which can take values
from 00 to 09.
 pp indicates the order of entry screens, which
correspond to 1 part (or 1 section), 1 page of the
commune questionnaire or group of questions in 1 part
(or 1 section).
For example:
+ Section 0 - SURVEY INFORMATION consists of 3 parts a,
b, c corresponding to 3 files: cmt00a, cmt00b, cmt00c.
+ Section
villages/blocks consists of 2 files: cmt011 that
include 3 questions: question 1, 2 and 3; cmt012 that
include question 4 to 8.
In general, names of variables in the commune data files
are the same as names of variables in the household data files.
However, some special variables are used such as: lsp for
types of product in file cmt031; idc for factory code in file
cmt033, etc.
2.2. Data on school and commune health center:
The School data consist of 12 files that includes data on
general situation, faculty and staff, physical facilities,
teaching equipment, examination results, finance and school
Name of data files and variables are set up as described
above. However, because the school data only includes 1
section, the names of data files are cmt101, cmt102, ...,cmt12.
Commune health center data consist of 5 files that include
data on general situation, health workers and hours of
operation, equipment and services, fees and ability to supply
Names of data files and variables are set up as described
above. However, because data on commune health center only
includes 1 section the names of the data files are cmt21,
cmt22, ...,cmt25.
Note that some special variables aren’t set up with unique
codes: ccc represents the health equipment code in file cmt23,
but ccc in file cmt24 represents medicine code.
2.3. Data on price:
Price data consist of 6 files:
- Survey information (cmt30).
- Food price (cmt31).
- Non-food price (cmt32).
- Medicine and service price (cmt033).
- Fertilizer and pesticide price (cmt034).
Names of variables are set up the same way as described