
Name: ___________________
Rocks and Minerals Notes
1. What do you call a solid material made up of 1 or more minerals?
A rock
2. What are 5 properties of rocks? Color, shape, texture, grain,
3. What is a nonliving solid material that has a definite chemical
makeup? Mineral
4. Minerals are found inside _____________. rocks
5. What are some things made from minerals? Pipes, windows,
watches, countertops, etc.
6. What are the 5 properties of minerals? Luster, streak, hardness,
cleavage, metallic or nonmetallic
7. The way a mineral shines or reflects light is its_____. luster
8. The color of a mineral when it is ground to a powder is a _____.
9. A measure of how easily a mineral can be scratched is its
______. Hardness
The tendency of a mineral to split easily along flat surfaces
is ___________. cleavage
A mineral that is dull or glassy is __________. Non
A mineral that is shiny like metal is ________. metallic
A scale to compare minerals to the minerals listed in this
scale of hardness is the ______. Moh’s Hardness Scale
_______is 1 and it is the softest, ________ is 10 and it is
the hardest. Talc; Diamond
Name: _________________
Weathering Notes
1. What do you call slow breaking apart or wearing away of
rocks into smaller pieces? weathering
2. What are 4 causes of weathering? Water, wind, ice, and
growing plants
3. How does moving water cause weathering? Moving water
moves rocks and they rub against other rocks and sharp
edges break off and they become smoother
4. How does wind cause weathering? Wind picks up small
rock particles and blows them against larger rocks
5. How do plants cause weathering? Plants sometimes grow
in cracks of rocks and the cracks widen as the plant
grows and can break rock apart
6. How does Ice cause weathering? They push rocks as they
move along and cause them to scrape each other
Name: _______________
Erosion Notes
1. What do you call the movement of weathered rock
material from one place to another? erosion
2. What is droppings of sediment by wind, water, or ice
called? deposition
3. What are 3 causes erosion? Water, wind, or ice
4. How does water cause erosion? Rivers and streamsmoving water erodes bits of rocks and soil from the sides
and bottoms of the river bed
5. How does the ocean cause erosion? Ocean waves beat
away the shore lines
6. How does wind cause erosion? Wind can make loose bits
of sand and soil roll or bounce across soil to rub against
7. How does ice cause erosion? large ice moves down a slope
and it collects rocks and soil at its base
8. What are large pieces of ice called? Glaciers
Name: _______________
Weathering and Erosion
(Is it weathering or erosion?)
1. Plants growing in the sidewalk and the roots
causing the sidewalk to crack. Weathering
2. The wind blowing bits of rock around to a
new location. erosion
3. Soil washed against the side of a building.
4. Paint missing off the stop sign, probably from
wind blowing bits of rock against it.
5. Rocks in a stream becoming smooth because
small rocks are knocked against other rocks
and wears down the rough edges.
6. Glaciers pushing small rocks along as it moves.
7. Waves continuously washing the sand to new
locations. Erosion
Name: _____________________
Soil Notes
What is made of bits of rocks, minerals, and material that was once part of
once living things? Soil
What word helps us to remember what soil is made of? WHAM
What is soil made from? W-weathered rock; H-Humus (decayed remains of
living things); A- air and water; M-minerals
What do we call decayed remains of living thing? Humus
What are 3Types of soil? Clay, sand, loam
What is a mixture of sand, clay, silt, and humus that plants grow well in?
Particle size of soil effects how well water ________. drains
What drains easily? Sand drains easily
What does not drain? Clay does not drain well
Which is perfect for growing plants? Loam is best to grow plants in
Which type has lots of minerals in it? Loam
Which is good for making pottery? Clay
What do we call remains of an organism that lived long ago and is
preserved in some way? Fossil
What do we call a scientist who studies fossils and organisms that
lived long ago? A paleontologist
Why are fossils important? They tell us about the past
A fish discovered at the top of a mountain tell us that the land
used to be ____________. underwater
Name 3 types of fossils. Imprint, mold, cast
When an organism dies and leaves print in soil, or a footprint,
what is it called? imprint
When a living thing dies and is buried under layers of sand or soil,
over time sand hardens and is turned into soil, over time the rocks
covering the fossil wear away and fossil appears at surface, what is it
called? mold
When a fossil forms from a mold; minerals, sand or mud fill in the
spaces of the mold and a cast of the original organism results, what is it
called? Cast
A fossil that looks like a picture is called a/ an ___________.
A fossil that is raised and looks like the original organism is called
a ________________. Cast
A fossil that is hollow inside is a ____________. Mold
Which would make a better fossil, a muscle, skin, or a bone? A
A fossil of a fish on a rocks found in a neighborhood tells us
what? The rock and this fish used to live underwater