Fundamentals of Teaching in Multiethnic, Multilingual Secondary

Theory and Research in Teaching Secondary School Science
Fall 2008
Class Time:
Office Hours:
Mike G. Rivas, Ph.D.
ED 1130
Wed. 7:00 PM – 9:50 PM
Office 818.677.6792
Cell 818.355.0013
Tue. 3-4 p.m., Wed. 7 -8 p.m., and by appointment
ED 2115A Student lab code 0538845
Required Texts
 Buckingham, Marcus, Clifton, Donald, O. (2001). Now, Discover Your
Strengths. The Free Press. (must be new)
 Gurian, Michael. (2002). Boys and girls learn differently! A guide for teachers
and parents. Jossey-Bass.
 Bransford, John D., Brown, Ann L., Cocking, Rodney R., Eds. How People
Learn: Brain, Mind, Experience, and School. (can be read online or purchased)
 Class postings on WebCT (
Recommended Texts
American Psychological Association. 2001. Publication Manual of the American
Psychological Association (5th edition). Washington, D.C.: American
Psychological Association. You can also use APA format at
 Science California Academic Content Standards. (Download at
http:/ if needed)
The faculty of the Michael D. Eisner College of Education, regionally focused and
nationally recognized, is committed to Excellence through Innovation. We believe
excellence includes the acquisition of professional knowledge, skills, and dispositions
and is demonstrated by the growth and renewal of ethical and caring professionals faculty, staff, candidates - and those they serve. Innovation occurs through collaborative
partnerships among communities of diverse learners who engage in creative and
reflective thinking. To this end we continually strive to achieve the following
competencies and values that form the foundation of the Conceptual Framework.
1. We value academic excellence in the acquisition of professional knowledge and
2. We value the use of evidence for the purposes of monitoring candidate growth,
determining the impact of our programs, and informing ongoing program and unit
renewal. To this end we foster a culture of evidence.
3. We value ethical practice and what it means to become ethical and caring
4. We value collaborative partnerships within the College of Education as well as
across disciplines with other CSUN faculty, P-12 faculty, and other members of
regional and national educational and service communities.
5. We value diversity in styles of practice and are united in a dedication to
acknowledging, learning about, and addressing the varied strengths, interests, and
needs of communities of diverse learners.
6. We value creative and reflective thinking and practice.
Attendance Policy
Attendance and participation are crucial components of this course. Ideas
presented in class by the instructor and your colleagues need to be heard and critiqued for
individual and collective growth to take place. If you will be absent, it is your
responsibility to make prior contact me.
Make-up Policy
Assignments are due at the time designated on WebCT. Late work will not be accepted
though the professor reserves the right to make individual decisions based on extenuating
circumstances so that some credit can be earned. As a developed practice, the professor
will hold off making a final determination regarding the specific issue until the end of
class when a track record or pattern of behavior can be ascertained. That record will help
determine whether the work will be accepted.
Plagiarism Policy
Cheating or plagiarism on a test or other assignment will result in automatic
failure on that specific item and possible failure in the course. In addition, there will be a
referral to the Academic Ethics Committee. Never forget that character counts in the Big
Professional Expectations
As a student in a graduate class, you are expected to exhibit the behaviors of professional
educators and professional students. This includes active and positive participation in
class. Students are expected to treat their fellow students, the faculty, and guests with
respect and courtesy. This also relates to the use of cell phones, pagers, computers, and
other electronic devices. Class should only be interrupted by emergencies.
Email is the best means of communication on campus. Please check your CSUN account
regularly (you can have it forwarded to another account if desired). Though email is
quite effective, please do not think we will get an instant response, especially over the
weekend. I will attempt to get back to you within 48-72 hours or sooner.
Instructional Philosophy and Course Overview
Content Description
This course will examine the present status, recent developments, and current
trends in science education. Emphasis will be given to the identification and evaluation of
concepts resulting from recent research for inclusion in the secondary school science
program. Consideration will be given to research studies dealing with the rationale and
structure of significant new approaches to science teaching.
Student Learning Outcomes for MA Programs: Secondary Education
MA Candidates will develop as professional educators who demonstrate:
1. REFLECTIVE PRACTICE by critically examining their subject knowledge,
pedagogical content knowledge, and pedagogical skills to improve their diverse
students’ learning;
2. THEORETICAL UNDERSTANDING by reading, synthesizing, and evaluating
educational theory and research in their field and applying research findings to their
practice in diverse classroom settings;
4. EDUCATIONAL AWARENESS by knowing current discipline-based and current
general educational issues and how those impact schools; and
Classroom Norms
1. You are expected to come to class prepared to discuss topics critically, having
finished all reading, writing, and group assignments before class.
2. You are expected to become part of a community of lifelong learners: to express
ideas clearly, to help those in need, and to ask questions when in doubt.
3. You are to show respect to the learning community and to value your classmates.
We challenge ideas not people.
4. The goal of education is to learn to think and this class will provide opportunities
to continue on that journey.
Scope and Sequence of Course in this Program
This is your first course in the MA in Science Education program. During this
course, we will work on enhancing your ability to analyze research through the
examination of key issues related to teaching and learning in the secondary science
classroom. You will be given the freedom in this course to choose topics of interest
related to the teaching and learning of science. Each assignment is planned to insure
breadth in your readings and for the explicit purpose of preparing you to read, write, and
think as a graduate student. APA style formatting will be used throughout the course to
improve your ability to write as a merging scholar and prepare you to publish your action
Assignments and Assessments
This course includes class participation and quizzes (as needed), short papers,
panel work, current events, etc. All assignments must be typed, double-spaced and
submitted on WebCT at the appropriate due date. Each assignment or set of assignments
is worth the listed points. Grade will be determined by points earned/points possible.
Distribution is as follows:
Class participation and quizzes
Issue Paper
Group Panel
Conference Paper
Current Topics (4 @10)
Final Project
10 pts.
20 pts.
20 pts.
20 pts.
40 pts.
20 pts.
A = Outstanding The grade of “A” is reserved for those students whose performance is
truly outstanding. Performance reflects an outstanding level of competency
attainment -- including critical analyses, information syntheses, and application of
theory and research to practice. Projects and exams are comprehensive, thoughtful,
well organized, and clearly written.
B = Average Performance surpasses a basic level of competency attainment,
understanding, and skill, and indicates an ability to integrate and apply information.
C = Below average Performance meets expectations for a basic level of competency
attainment and understanding.
C- or Below = Unsatisfactory. Performance does not meet expectations for a basic level
of competency attainment and understanding.
Class participation and quizzes
As mentioned previously, your participation is vital for the success of the class.
You will be asked to help determine your participation grade during the semester through
self reflection supported by evidence. This will give you the opportunity to make
adjustments as needed. Quizzes will only be used if necessary and will be averaged in at
the end. I do not expect to need them, but I must be prepared in order for us to reach our
Issue Paper
You will write a short paper in this class. It will be an analysis/critique paper that
will be 4-6 pages. During the course, you will be exposed to many current, and
sometimes, controversial issues that may ignite a certain interest within you. You will be
allowed to choose the topic and do additional research in order to satisfy the desire to
know more. The topic must be approved by the professor in advance (Week 11) or will
not be accepted. Use of a minimum of 6 outside sources with appropriate citation is
required. It must follow APA format
You will be participating in a group panel that will debate a predetermined issue.
The professor will place you on these panels and assign topics and dates. Each panel
member will be responsible for writing an informational, 2-page position paper on the
topic and the group will be responsible for conducting an educating activity that reflects
advance thought. You may use this paper or any notes during your interaction with the
class, but do not read your presentation. Use of a minimum of two outside sources is
mandatory for outstanding work. You will be graded on the paper and your part in the
debate. Do not forget we value people and challenge ideas! Expect an active exchange of
ideas. For some of you to be successful in this activity, you will have to move outside
your comfort zone. That is okay; I have never had a student become dysfunctional
because of that. Remember to make this activity concise and engaging...everyone in the
class will appreciate it. The purpose of this activity is to expose you to a range of issues
related to teaching and increase your ability to articulate your thoughts orally and in
writing. The panel topics are listed below by number. The bold words are the key
concept being addressed. The actual phrasing of the sentence may change after class
discussion. Each side must provide me with a supporting article for your colleagues to
read one week ahead of time so that I can post it on WebCT.
Panel Topics
1. Inquiry is the most effect way to teach science.
2. Differentiated instruction is the most successful way to teach secondary science.
3. Reflective teaching practice is the most powerful tool to improve teaching and
4.Student collaboration is the most effective way students learn.
Time frame of debate
2-3 minutes each side
6-9 minutes each side
10-12 minutes Class
2-3 minutes each side
Current Topics
You are required to write 4 responses to current topics. The first will be on any
topic in secondary science education and can come from any common source such as
daily newspapers and weekly magazines. The final three articles will be original research
reporting articles from current, respected periodicals, which deal with specific,
predetermined topics in secondary education. Appropriate sources are journals like
Science Education, Journal of Science Teacher Education, Journal of Research in
Science Teaching, and The Science Teacher. As with all your work, you will use APA
style and the 2-page response will be submitted on WebCT. This response should
include a brief summary, analysis of the research conducted (i.e. analysis would include
the strengths and weaknesses of the research protocol, how research was conducted), and
reflection (your thoughts on the content/findings relating to its usefulness to you as an
science educator) of the article. The analysis and personal reflection should constitute the
majority of the response. This activity is designed to increase your ability to recognize
and conduct quality research. It will also improve your level of discernment and thus
make you a wiser consumer of educational research. You will also be building a
literature review base.
Conference Attendance and Reflection
You will attend a science conference for science teachers during this semester.
Based on that attendance, you will submit a two-page analysis of a specific presentation
you attended. The analysis will include a brief summary, an evaluation of the research
(strengths, weaknesses, and suggestions), and a personal application response. Include a
copy of the paper presented if it is available.
You will videotape yourself teaching and write a reflection where you describe
what is taking place and then analyze the effectiveness of your teaching. In the analysis,
I want you to answer the questions, “Are students learning during this teaching segment
and what evidence do you have of their learning” and then reflect on the experience of
videotaping yourself. The reflection is an opportunity to synthesize ideas from the class
and to consider your teaching strengths, explore what you might do differently, and
discuss how you might use your current understanding of students’ learning to plan future
Course Topics (Tentative), Assignments, and
Week 1
Community Building/Class and Program
Intro/Syllabus/Panel Selection
Week 2
Classroom Community/Library
Assignment: Find CTs and Panel sources
Week 3
Nature of Science Activity/Faculty Intro
Assignment: CT #1
Self-Fulfilling Prophecy (WebCT)
Nature of Science/Faculty Intro/APA
Article AAAS- Chp. 1
Week 5
Student Strengths, Part I/APA
Assignment: Panel #1
NDS - Chps. 1-3
Week 6
Student Strengths, Part II/APA
Assignment: Take Internet Survey, CT# 2
NDS - Chps. 5-7
Week 7
Misconceptions in Science
Assignment: Panel # 2
Gardner – Unschooled Mind
Article McComas- Myths
Week 8
How People Learn, Part I,
Assignment: CE # 3, Jig Saw Prep
HPL Assigned Chapter
Week 9
How People Learn, Part II
Assignment: Panel # 3, Jig Saw Prep
HPL Assigned Chapter
Week 10
Week 11
Week 12
Gender Learning Differences, Part II
Assignment: Panel # 4, Conference Reflection
Gurian - Chps. 5-6
Week 13
Lesson Design in Science Teaching (Video)
Assignment: Video Reflection, Panel #5 (if needed)
Week 14
Thanksgiving Reflection
Week 15
Week 16
CSTA Conference
Gender Learning Differences , Part I,
Conference Discussion
Assignment: Issue Paper Topic, CE #4
Gurian - Chps. 1-2
Paper Presentations (cont. next week if
Assignment: Issue Paper
Video Viewing and Discussion