


INSTITUTION:_Univ. of Calif. at San Diego PI:_William A. Kuperman

__x__Proposal addresses research area of interest to Department of Navy.

____ Proposal does not address research area of interest to Department of Navy.

No further evaluation is required or submitted.

Circle appropriate rating. Please note that comments of substance are REQUIRED.

Proposal No. 7126973

The primary evaluation criteria, of equal importance, are:

1. The impact of the equipment on research currently funded by the DoD and/or the impact on research currently planned for DoD funding and/or the likelihood of the equipment to establish new research capabilities or to enhance current research capabilities that are relevant to DoD areas of research interest. x Outstanding Above Average Average Poor


The new data acquisition lab is an extension of an existing lab at UCSD. The new capability will allow the PIs at

UCSD to carry out pioneering acoustics experiments in moving random media, an important new field of special significance to the DoD, with far-reaching impact in the area of mathematical time-reversal.

2. The scientific and technical merits and the relevance and potential contribution to DoD missions of the research to be supported by the proposed instrumentation. x Outstanding Above Average Average Poor


Up to now the data used by practitioners of the mathematical time reversal methodology have come from experiments where the random medium is stationary. It has become evident that some of the most challenging problems in communications, sonar, and imaging involve motion of the complex medium in which waves are propagating. The requested equipment will provide experimental data to calibrate numerical algorithms in this new field.

3. The potential to enhance the institution's ability to educate, through the research to be conducted with the proposed equipment, future scientists and engineers in disciplines important to the DoD mission, thereby contributing to DoD research-related educational objectives. x Outstanding Above Average Average Poor


UCSD, the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, and the PI have stellar records of educating scores of students, undergraduate and graduate, in physical oceanography and underwater acoustics.

Other evaluation criteria, which are of lesser importance than the primary criteria but of equal importance to each other, are:

4. The past performance, experience, and qualifications of the institution to perform the research, and to operate and maintain the equipment proposed for purchase. x


Outstanding Above Average Average

The Scripps Institution of Oceanography at UCSD is one of the premier schools in the world in the field of

Oceanography. UCSD has the appropriate infrastructure in place to operate and maintain this equipment.


5. The past performance, qualifications, and experience of the Principal Investigator and other key personnel to conduct research of interest to the DoD.

Outstanding Above Average Average Poor x


The PI is recognized as an innovator and leader in the field of underwater acoustics. Prof. Kuperman, through his past experience as a chief scientist in the Acoustics Division at NRL, is in a unique position to conduct research to collect data of special interest to the DoD.

6. Realism and reasonableness of cost. Cost sharing is not an evaluation factor. x Outstanding Above Average Average Poor


To the best of the reviewer’s knowledge, the cost of the equipment is reasonable.

OVERALL RATING: x Outstanding Above Average Average Poor


I believe the acquisition of the requested equipment will have measurable impact on the DoN’s and the DoD’s capabilities in understanding wave propagation in random media.

Reza Malek-Madani

Evaluator's printed name

ONR, Code 311

Signature Organization

14 NOV 2006


