Compassion-Overview - Grace Presbyterian Church

C&CC Handbook
Overview of the Compassion & Concern Committee
The Compassion & Concern Committee (C&CC) is one of the standing committees organized
under the Diaconate of Grace Presbyterian Church. It is responsible for the mercy (benevolence)
ministries of Grace Presbyterian Church, assisting members and others in times of need.
Mission Statement
The Compassion & Concern Committee exists to minister through the Body of Christ
to the Family of Grace during times of need in order to glorify the Lord Jesus Christ,
whom we serve.
The mission statement has intentionally been left broad to allow room for maximum flexibility.
In addition to financial assistance through the Deacons Fund, the C&CC can also assist with
coordinating home and car repairs, referrals for counseling, and other activities to help those in
need. The committee also works with other ministries of the church, such as TLC, to provide
meals for funerals. The Policy defines and expands on the Mission Statement.
Guiding Principles
Service – The committee exists to serve God by serving those who are in need. The committee’s
mission requires the service of committed individuals who are willing to be involved in the lives
of the people that are served.
Confidentiality – Confidentiality is of the utmost importance to protect the requester and the
integrity of the committee. People seeking help are often caught in circumstances that require
great care and discretion. Also, most requesters are somewhat embarrassed to have to ask for
help. The investigation, resolution, and documentation of the requests are handled as discreetly
as possible. All people involved (deacons, church staff, et al) must preserve this confidentiality.
Accountability – While preserving confidentiality, the committee must also be accountable for
its actions and the money that it spends. The Procedural Guidelines put processes in place to
balance the need for confidentiality with the need for accountability and efficiency. See
Chapter 8 “Funding and Disbursement Overview” for more information.
Prayer – Through the entire process, the members of the committee must commit themselves,
the work of the committee, and those being helped to the Lord’s guidance and protection.
C&CC Handbook
Overview of the Compassion & Concern Committee
Guiding Documents
The Policy of the Compassion & Concern Committee gives the Scriptural basis for the
committee’s activities. See Chapter 5 “Policy of the Compassion & Concern Committee.”
The Procedural Guidelines for Disbursements from the Deacons Fund gives details and limits
for implementing the Policy, including how the committee should conduct its business in a
manner that is both accountable and confidential. See Chapter 6 “Procedural Guidelines.”
The C&CC Handbook (this document) fills in the details of the Policy and the Procedural
Guidelines, and also provides some history of the committee and its actions.
Committee Membership
The chairman of the Diaconate, in consultation with the Senior Pastor and others, selects the
C&CC’s chairman from among the current members of the Diaconate. The committee chairman
then assembles a team of individuals from the Diaconate and the congregation to serve a oneyear term on the committee. Each nomination is subject to approval by the Diaconate. The
number of members and the composition of the team are determined by the needs that the
chairman anticipates will be brought before the committee. Each member is expected to develop
and display compassion towards those in need.
In addition to the committee members, other individuals in the congregation can assist the
committee in its duties. The committee may rely on experts in counseling, auto repair, financial
tutoring, the law, and other areas. The committee may request that other individuals take a longterm responsibility, such as caring for a particular widow or teaching a financial class for three
Committee Meetings
The committee holds its regular meeting once a month. Historically, the meetings have been
held immediately following the monthly Diaconate meeting. During the meeting, the committee
discusses recent and current requests. Between meetings, the members communicate in person,
on the phone, or via e-mail.
Members of the committee are covered by the church’s errors and omissions (E&O) policy in the
execution of their duties on behalf of the Church. Questions concerning legal ramifications for
the church, the committee, or the members of the committee should be addressed to the church’s
legal counsel.
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