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Expression of Interest to run pilots to test survival
bags for the collection of textiles.
A recent report produced by Wrap highlights that textiles collected loose, in a dry recycling comingled collection service, are contaminated during the collection and sorting process to such an
extent that the items are not re-usable or recyclable. In order to preserve the quality and value of
textiles collected in this way it is likely that they need to be protected and contained in some way.
These pilots are to determine;
If survival bags protect textiles (clothing and household textiles) in a household kerbside comingled dry recycling collection service.
The type of bag that works best.
The costs and any operational implications.
This is a call for local authorities and their partners to take part in pilots to determine the above. The
deadline for submission is 5pm on Friday 5th October. The pilots need to be completed by March
2013. Ideally we would like to pilots to run for at least 3 months.
There is a limited budget to cover the provision of sacks and communications, approximately
£10,000-£20,000 per pilot. We would like to run at least two trials in England and one in Scotland.
We anticipate the budget will not be sufficient to provide coverage for a whole council area.
Please send your completed Expression of Interest to cqadmin@wrap.org.uk
We will contact you within 10 working days of receiving the completed form to discuss your ideas in
more detail.
Organisation name
Key contact name
Key contact job title
Office tel
Mobile tel
2011 06 27 REBM technical support EOI template
EOI Pilots for textile survival sacks
Description of all current
collection/donation services
for textiles. Including services
not provided by the council
such as bring banks, charity
shops, door to door collections
by other organisations,
collection from schools, cash
for clothes companies etc.
Description of pilot ideas to
- Specification of bags to be
used (single use or reusable
bags, thickness, colour etc.)
- Number of households
included in pilot
- Frequency of collection
- Timescales (when would pilot
start and duration)
- Method for bag distribution
Who will collect the bags and
Total cost of bags and how
much are you requesting from
Monitoring and Evaluation
- How will the effectiveness
of the survival sack be
- How will the quality of
textile items be assessed?
- How will you assess if
textiles are being diverted
from residual waste rather
than diverting material
from existing re-use and
recycling routes.
- How will householder
participation and opinion
be gathered?
- Can you provide any of the
above monitoring data at
no extra cost to WRAP? If
not do you have any
information on costs?
2011 06 27 REBM technical support EOI template
EOI Pilots for textile survival sacks
Name of the MRF operator
Details of sorting
arrangements at the MRF - at
what point will the bag be
Details of end markets for the
textiles such as the name and
location of the reprocessor,
end destination for textiles.
Please attach current examples
of communication materials
used to promote textile reuse
and recycling or provide
Are you willing to use
communication materials
provided by WRAP? Will you
need WRAP to provide funds
to produce communications
materials? If yes how much?
Why do you want to be
selected as a partner for this
pilot study?
Have you alerted your key
partners that you have
submitted this expression of
interest? Please provide
contact information for key
In selecting partners the key considerations will be the ability to:
Provide a co-mingled collection environment where survival sacks for textiles can be cost
effectively tested.
Local Authorities and partners who can work together to provide robust test environment for
a suitable range of survival sacks.
Local Authorities and partners who can communicate effectively with householders.
Provide a pilot project that can be monitored and evaluated effectively providing qualitative
and quantitative feedback.
2011 06 27 REBM technical support EOI template