Park Township Groundwater/Flooding Subcommittee Meeting

Park Township Groundwater/Flooding Subcommittee Meeting
January 26, 2009 Minutes
1. Meeting called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Supervisor Amanda Price
2. Attendance: Committee Members: John Barwis, Steve Bolhuis, Bill Cole,
Brian Douthitt, Allan Hoekstra, Jerry Hunsburger Julia Johnson, Amanda Price,
Mike Toscano, Doug Wehrmeyer. Staff: Stu Visser, Manager Others in
Attendance: Paul Geerlings, Ottawa County Drain Commissioner.
3. Price distributed two items: Jeff Ebihara’s charge to the Groundwater committee,
and a copy of the letter from Gerry Caron at the Wyoming Water Treatment Plant
(WWTP) regarding records from WWTP.
4. The committee discussed the correspondence received from the WWTP letter.
Price will contact WWTP requesting clarification of data.
5. John Barwis distributed a data chart for 103 years of precipitation.
6. Price will contact the Macatawa Area Coordinating Council to ask for assistance
and to learn of their recent study for septic systems.
7. Price reiterated the committees focus as: a. Southside high groundwater issues,
b. North side groundwater/flooding issues c. WWTP water issues
8. Visser reported that the township has asked for bids from 4 local engineering
firms to evaluate the drain system in the township. To date, only one bid has been
received. Once all four bids are received, the Township board will review the
submissions and select the firm that performs the evaluation.
9. Committee brain-stormed ideas for a 30-60-90-120 plan as requested by the
township board. The ideas follow:
A drain on north side of Riley Street between 160th and 168th to service
homes still pumping water there. The drain would go under the street and
dump the water into the pond at Riley Trails. Permits would be e required
from Ottawa County.
The Township website will serve as a communications source for water
removal. A button on the website will describe steps residents can take to
address groundwater issues.
In the next edition of the township newsletter, an insert on high
groundwater will be inserted describing steps residents can take if they
experience water on their premises.
The township could provide refuse dumpsters. It will need to be
determined the number of dumpsters needed, the placement of the
dumpsters, what triggers the placement of dumpsters.
Make sure homeowners know what they can do to prevent water problems
at their homes. Ideas such as adding eaves troughs, sump pumps, tiling,
Provide a readable map of all township drains and delineate the party
responsible for drain maintenance is each area. This should be color
coded and on the website.
Residents should be educated on the proper maintenance methods of the
drainage areas on their property.
Analysis of drains and soils, are they designed for current usage or are
they outdated and in need of upgrades?
Maintain a master list of residents who experienced high groundwater and
or flooding in the recent events. This data should be plotted on a map.
Ongoing groundwater issues should be identified as well.
How is the recirculation of water to be stopped or redirected?
In addressing the ongoing groundwater issues in the township, we must be
mindful that there are agricultural users of water in the township and
should not inhibit their farming practices.
Rent industrial pumps to help “hot” areas which are currently identified at
Estate Drive/Tall Grass, Riley Street west of 160th, Northland/Fendt Farm,
168th south of Lakewood, Waukazoo Woods, TimberlineAcres, Southside.
Including a letter in the upcoming Park Township newsletter letting them
know where the committee is on this issue and what future plans are for
resolving the water issues.
Utilize township staff to inspect ditches on a regular basis and identify the
party responsible for maintenance to let them know of possible blockage
or obstruction in the drain.
Utilize Park Township Fire Dept. to clear the ditches.
thought of as a training exercise for fire department.
This may be
10. Residents in the area of the Riley Trails Ottawa County Landfill received a letter
from the County regarding landfill groundwater. Committee discussed this
11. Paul Geerlings, Ottawa County Drain Commissioner, has received a quote for
draining in the area of Estate Drive/Tall Grass situation.
12. Next Meeting will be: Monday, February 2, 2009 at 6:30 p.m.
13. Meeting adjourned at 7:49 p.m.
Minutes respectfully submitted by:
Julia Johnson, Committee Member