"The Majority of Sciatica Pain Is Caused By A Few Simple Muscle

"The Majority of Sciatica Pain Is Caused By A Few Simple Muscle
Imbalances That Can Be Easily Identified."
Let me explain...
Sciatica refers to pain that begins in the hip and buttocks and continues all the way down your leg.
This condition is often accompanied by low back pain, which can be more or less severe than your
radiating leg pain.
The term "sciatica" indicates that the sciatic nerve, which travels from the lower back through the
buttocks and into the leg, is thought to be the cause of the pain you are experiencing with this
The majority of Sciatica pain is caused by pressure put on the sciatic nerve by imbalanced muscles
throughout the low back and pelvis.
Most sciatica pain will get better within two weeks to a few months however, left untreated the
sciatica pain almost always returns because the true cause of the pain has not yet been addressed.
The lower back and pelvic muscles need to be balanced in order to eliminate your sciatica pain
One of the most common mistakes a healthcare professional will make once they encounter a
patient who comes into their office with sciatica type symptoms is to assume that it is a disc problem.
The majority of Sciatic pain is NOT due to a lumbar disc herniation!
The second biggest mistake doctors make when treating sciatica pain symptoms is to prematurely
order $1600 MRI's just because they are not experienced enough to tell the difference between the
4 major causes of sciatica pain.
Is it any wonder that healthcare costs are spiraling out of control?
With a little experience and knowledge about the muscular-skeletal system, a few orthopedic tests
and a few basic kinesiological muscle tests a qualified healthcare professional will know the cause of
your sciatica type pain. They will know if it is due to a lumbar disc pressing on a nerve or if it is
simply due to some simple spinal and pelvic muscle imbalances.
The 4 major causes of Sciatica pain everybody is writing about.
1. Herniated lumbar disc that puts pressure on the nerve root.
2. Lumbar spinal stenosis that involves a narrowing of the spinal canal.
3. Degenerative disc disease that can lead to severe referral pain along the sciatic nerve
And last but not least (and usually the cause of 95% of all the sciatica symptoms we treat)...
4. Piriformis syndrome which involves muscular imbalance(s).
Most Doctors and therapists don't realize that the piriformis syndrome is due to a complex of muscular
imbalances that encompass a number of muscles found in your lower back and pelvis. We can help
alleviate this pain and start you towards a life of recovery.