2003-11-11 - City of Monticello

NOVEMBER 11, 2003
7:30 PM Regular Meeting
Mayor Holmes called the meeting to order with the following Council members present:
Otis Clark, Adam McGinnis, Scott Sauls, Jacqueline Smith and Bryan Standifer. Also
present were City Attorney R. R. Kelly, III, City Manager Walter Smith and City Clerk
Susan Roper.
Guests present were: Rev. Horton, Gene Mathis, Mable Mathis, Rev. Booker, John
Jenkins, Barbara Fernandez, Glenn Newsome, Dan Norris, Morgan Floyd, Lottie Norris,
Chic Wilson and Kathy Pope.
Rev Booker led the Invocation.
Councilor Smith made a motion, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Clark to approve the
Agenda as presented. All were in favor.
Mayor Pro Tem Clark made a motion, seconded by Councilor Standifer to approve the
Minutes for October 14, 2003 as presented. All were in favor.
Councilor McGinnis made a motion, seconded by Councilor Sauls to approve the
Payables as presented with the exception of Georgia Public Web. City Manager will
provide information to Councilor McGinnis regarding contract obligation this week. All
were in favor except Mayor Pro Tem Clark and Councilor Standifer voted against.
Mr. Chic Wilson gave Mayor and Council a moment in Monticello History. Mr. Wilson
spoke about Monticello as he remembered it in the 30’s. He talked about the square as a
“lively place”. Stores were open from 7:30 AM till Midnight. He worked and made $5 a
day. He remembered 10 or 12 grocery stores on the square and groceries were delivered
on a bicycle. He shared about the cotton gins in town. How the wagons would line the
square and folks would visit while they were waiting in line. Monticello had 1 police.
He had no car and a billy club. High school football was played on Friday afternoon at
3:30 and everyone came. Monticello had a post office, 2 livery stables, a bus station and
a theatre. Houses had fireplaces in each bedroom. Mr. Wilson said he worked at the
packing shed for $0.12 per hour when he was 6 years old. He closed by saying he was
proud of Monticello and after seeing a blind veteran today how very thankful he was for
all we have including our freedom.
Streetscape Project Update Phase II – in manager’s report.
City Manager Walter Smith reported that the South Pond Aeration equipment was back
in operation and the odor issues would resolve themselves shortly. He also reported that
work had begun on the Land Application process.
City Clerk Susan Roper reported on the proposed amendment to the Alcoholic Beverage
Ordinance. She stated that the Liquor by the Drink Ordinance did not contain an
application deadline and in an effort to keep the ordinance consistent with the others
November 15th would allow time for advertisement so a vote could be called at the
December meeting. Mayor Pro Tem Clark made a motion, seconded by Councilor Smith
to instruct Attorney Kelly to advertise for the Ordinance Amendment and place on the
agenda for December. All were in favor.
2003 Deer Festival Report – in manager’s report.
Citizens Input
Rev. Horton congratulated the City for the job they are doing. This is a great City. Great
improvement had been done over the last few years. Thank you to this team for
improvement. Job well done Mayor, City Manager and Police Department. I think we
have the best Chief anywhere. Thank you from the community. We need to stop the
negative people from attacking citizens. I would like to read about good things in the
paper. Not the negative. Citizens should eliminate the attacks on certain people.
Rev Booker said good job in Monticello. Working together. Congratulations to Mayor
as President of GMA. He comes tonight with a heavy heart. Why are local leaders being
pursued and attacked? Someone wants to smear Walter Smith’s name. We must be
doing something good or the devil wouldn’t be after you.
City Manager’s Report – attached.
Council Comments
Councilor McGinnis stated that the City had not been out of the water since he took
office. Things are as bad everywhere today as they were 1 ½ years ago. We need to
work on the budget. Good work on Saturday. The City needs the economic boost. We
have to be creative.
Councilor Standifer – no comments.
Councilor Sauls – Disappointed that we had stopped giving gifts to our history speakers.
Maybe a gift certificate for a local restaurant.
Mayor Pro Tem Clark – Thank veterans for serving. Now in a serious war on terrorism.
Some don’t understand why we are doing it. Applaud those who have and are serving.
Its scary and a sacrifice.
Councilor Smith – Asked if EPP would be viewed at hands on presentation from Harris
Computers? Concerned about recycling. Not sure everyone wants to continue to pay for
a service that they either don’t use or don’t like. Can we take some sort of survey to find
out what the citizens want?
Mayor Holmes – MEAG has provided Scott Miller to City for about 1 year. Soon
MEAG will furnish a report. They have provided good service and assistance.
Councilor Sauls made a motion, seconded by Councilor Standifer to go into executive
session to discuss personnel and potential litigation. All were in favor.
Mayor Pro Tem Clark made a motion, seconded by Councilor Smith to return to regular
session. All were in favor.
Mayor Pro Tem Clark made a motion, seconded by Councilor Sauls to uphold the
decision of the City Manager to continue employment for John Jenkins in the Police
Department. All were in favor except Councilor Smith voted against.
Executive Session