publications, patents and presentations

1. Roberts, G. W. and Satterfield, C. N., "Effectiveness Factor for Porous
Catalysts - Langmuir-Hinshelwood Kinetic Expressions", Ind. Eng. Chem.
Fundamentals, 4, No. 3, 288(1965).
2. Roberts, G. W. and Satterfield, C. N., "Effectiveness Factor for Porous
Catalysts - Langmuir-Hinshelwood Kinetic Expressions for Bimolecular Surface
Reactions", Ind. Eng. Chem. Fundamentals, 5, No. 3, 317(1966).
3. Knudsen, C. W., Roberts, G. W., and Satterfield, C. N., "Effect of Geometry on
Catalyst Effectiveness Factor - Langmuir-Hinshelwood Kinetics", Ind. Eng. Chem.
Fundamentals, 5, No. 3, 325(1966).
4. Hartman, J. S., Roberts, G. W., and Satterfield, C. N., "Effects of Initial
Conditions on the Steady-State Activity of Catalyst Particles", Ind. Eng. Chem.
Fundamentals, 6, No. 1, 80(1967).
5. Satterfield, C. N. and Roberts, G. W., "Kinetics of Thiophene Hydrogenolysis
on a Cobalt Molybdate Catalyst", AIChE Journal, 14, No. 1, 169(1968).
6. Roberts, G. W., "A Surface-Renewal Model for the Drying of Polymers During
Screw Extrusion", AIChE Journal, 16, No. 5, 878(1970).
7. Roberts, G. W., "On the Use of Zero-Order Rate Equations in Chemical
Reactor Design", Ind. Eng. Chem. Fundamentals, 10, No. 2, 324(1971).
8. Roberts, G. W., Spaeth, E. E. and Potchen, E. J., "Constraints and NonConstraints in the Application of Tracer Techniques to the Measurement of Blood
Flow", Small Vessel Angiography, S. K. Hilal, ed., Chapter 16, 152, C. V. Mosby
Company, St. Louis(1972).
9. Roberts, G. W., "The Selectivity of Porous Catalysts: Parallel Reactions", Chem.
Eng. Sci., 27, 1409(1972).
10. Roberts, G. W., Larson, K. B. and Spaeth, E. E., "The Interpretation of Mean
Transit Time Measurements for Multiphase Tissue Systems", J. Theor. Biol., 39,
11. Schwartz, J. G. and Roberts, G. W., "An Evaluation of Models for Liquid
Backmixing in Trickle-Bed Reactors", Ind. Eng. Chem. Proc. Des. Dev., 12, 262(1973).
12. Roberts, G. W., "The Influence of Mass and Heat Transfer on the Performance
of Heterogeneous Catalysts in Gas/Liquid/Solid Systems", Catalysis in Organic
Syntheses-1976, P. N. Rylander and H. Greenfield, eds., 1, Academic Press, Inc.,
13. Eleazar, A. E., Roberts, G. W., Tse, H. F. and Yarrington, R. M., "Mass
Velocity Effects in an Adiabatic Pilot Plant Simulation of Commercial Catalytic
Reforming", Ind. Eng. Chem. Proc. Des. Dev., 17, 393(1978).
14. Hvizdos, L. J., Howard, J. V. and Roberts, G. W., "Enhanced Oil Recovery
Through Oxygen-Enriched In-Situ Combustion: Test Results from the Forest Hill Field
in Texas", Journal of Petroleum Technology, 35, 1061(1983).
15. Roberts, G. W., Brown, D. M., Hsiung, T. H. and Lewnard, J. J., "Catalyst
Poisoning during the Synthesis of Methanol in a Slurry Reactor", Chem.Eng. Sci., 45,
No.8, 2713(1990).
16. Roberts, G. W., Brown, D. M., Hsiung, T. H. and Lewnard, J. J., "Thermal
Deactivation of Methanol Synthesis Catalysts in a Slurry Reactor", Catalyst Deactivation
1991, 351, Elsevier Science Publishers B. V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
17. Mawson, S., McCutchen, M. S., Lim, P. K. and Roberts, G. W.,
"Thermodynamics of Higher Alcohol Synthesis", Energy & Fuels, 7, No. 2, 257(1993).
18. Roberts, G. W., Brown, D. M., Hsiung, T. H. and Lewnard, J. J., "Deactivation
of Methanol Synthesis Catalysts", Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 32, No. 8, 1610(1993).
19. Roberts, G. W. and Lamb, H. H., "Falsification of Activation Energies by Pore
Diffusion in Parallel Reaction Networks", J. Catal., 154, 364(1995).
20. Roberts, G. W. and Lamb, H. H., "The Effect of Reversibility on the Selectivity
of Parallel Reactions in a Porous Catalyst", Chem. Engng. Sci., 51, No. 3, 441(1996).
21. McCutchen, M. S., Márquez, M. A. and Roberts, G. W., "Alcohol Synthesis
with Zn/Cr Catalysts in a Slurry Reactor", Chem. Engng. Sci., 51, No. 11, 2959(1996).
22. Frankel, K. A., Mew, T. A., Lim, P. K. and Roberts, G. W., "The Oxidation of
Methanol over a Palladium Monolithic Automotive Catalyst", Environ. Sci. Technol., 30,
No. 6, 1997(1996).
23. Shreiber, E. H., Mullen, J. R., Gogate, M. R., Spivey, J. J. and Roberts, G. W.,
"Thermodynamics of Methacrylate Synthesis from Methanol and a Propionate", Ind.
Eng. Chem. Res., 35, No. 7, 2444(1996).
24. Roberts, G. W., Márquez, M. A. and McCutchen, M. S., "Alcohol Synthesis in
a High-Temperature Slurry Reactor", Catalysis Today, 36, 255(1997).
25. Roberts, G. W., Márquez, M. A., McCutchen, M. S., Haney, C. A. and Shin, I.
D., "High-Temperature Slurry Reactors for Synthesis Gas Reactions I: Liquid Thermal
Stability", Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 36, No. 10, 4143(1997).
26. Frankel, K. A., Jang, B. W-L., Roberts, G. W. and Spivey, J. J., "Deactivation of
Pt/Alumina Catalysts for the Hydrodechlorination of 1,1,1-Trichloroethane", Catalyst
Deactivation 1997, 239, Elsevier Science Publishers B. V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
27. Fields, D. L., Lim, P. K. and Roberts, G. W., "Catalytic Destruction of Methyl
Tertiary Butyl Ether (MTBE) with a Pt/Rh Monolithic Automotive Exhaust Catalyst",
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 15, 93(1998).
28. Sáez, A. E., Márquez, M. A., Roberts, G. W. and Carbonell, R. G.,
"Hydrodynamic Model for Gas-Lift Reactors", AIChE Journal, 44, No. 6, 1413(1998).
29. Márquez, M. A., Sáez, A. E., Carbonell, R. G. and Roberts, G. W., "Coupling
of Hydrodynamics and Chemical Reaction in Gas-Lift Reactors", AIChE Journal, 45,
No.2, 410(1999).
30. Gross, S. M., Flowers, D. Roberts, G. W., Kiserow, D. J. and DeSimone, J. M.,
“Solid-State Polymerization of Polycarbonates Using Supercritical CO2”,
Macromolecules, 32, No. 9, 3167(1999).
31. Biales, J. M., Wan, Y. D., Kilpatrick, P. K. and Roberts, G. W., “Separation of
Fischer-Tropsch Wax from Catalyst Using Near-Critical Fluid Extraction: Analysis of
Process Feasibility”, Energy & Fuels, 13, No. 3, 667(1999).
32. Márquez, M. A., Amend, R. J., Carbonell, R. G., Sáez, A. E. and Roberts, G.
W., "Hydrodynamics of Gas-Lift Reactors with a Fast, Liquid-Phase Reaction", Chem.
Engng. Sci., 54, 2263(1999).
33. Roberts, G. W., Márquez, M. A. and Haney, C. A., "Liquid/Catalyst
Interactions in Slurry Reactors: Methanol Synthesis over Zinc Chromite", Appl. Cat. A.
General, 183, No. 2, 395(1999).
34. Charpentier, P. A., Kennedy, K. A., DeSimone, J. M. and Roberts, G. W.,
“Continuous Polymerizations in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide: Chain-Growth
Precipitation Polymerizations”, Macromolecules, 32, No. 18, 5973(1999).
35. Shreiber, E. H., Rhodes, M. D. and Roberts, G. W., “Methanol
Dehydrogenation with Raney Copper in a Slurry Reactor”, Appl. Cat. B.
Environmental, 23, 9(1999).
36. See, K. H., Roberts, G. W. and Sáez, A. E., “Effect of Drag and Frictional
Losses on the Hydrodynamics of Gas-Lift Reactors”, AIChE Journal, 45, No.11,
37. Gross, S. M., Roberts, G. W., Kiserow, D. J. and DeSimone, J. M.,
“Crystallization and Solid State Polymerization of Poly(bisphenol A carbonate)
Facilitated by Supercritical CO2”, Macromolecules, 33, No. 1,40 (2000).
38. Shreiber, E. H. and Roberts, G. W., “Methanol Dehydrogenation in a Slurry
Reactor: Evaluation of Copper Chromite and Iron/Titanium Catalysts”, Appl. Cat. B.
Environmental, 26, 119 (2000).
39. Goodner, M. D., DeSimone, J. M., Kiserow, D. J. and Roberts, G. W., “A
Equilibrium Model for Diffusion-Limited Solid State Polycondensation”, Ind. Eng.
Chem. Res., 39, No. 8, 2797 (2000).
40. Charpentier, P. A., DeSimone, J. M. and Roberts, G. W., “Decomposition of
Polymerisation Initiators in Supercritical CO2: A Novel Approach to Reaction Kinetics
Using a CSTR”, Chem. Engng. Sci., 55, No. 22, 5341 (2000).
41. Shreiber, E. H. and Roberts, G. W., “In Situ Generation of Formaldehyde for
Environmentally Benign Chemical Synthesis”, Catalysis of Organic Reactions, Ford, M.
E., ed., 391, Marcel Dekker, Inc, New York (2000).
42. Charpentier, P. A., DeSimone, J. M., and Roberts, G. W., “Continuous
Precipitation Polymerization of Vinylidene Fluoride in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide:
Modeling the Rate of Polymerization”, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 39, No. 12, 4588 (2000).
43. Frankel, K. A., Jang, B. W-L., Spivey, J. J. and Roberts, G. W., “Deactivation of
Hydrodechlorination Catalysts: I-Experiments with 1,1,1-Trichloroethane”, Appl. Cat.
A. General, 205, 263 (2001).
44. Goodner, M. D., Gross, S. M., DeSimone, J. M., Roberts, G. W. and Kiserow,
D. J., “Broadening of Molecular Weight Distribution in Solid State Polymerization due
to Condensate Diffusion”, Jnl. App. Poly. Sci., 79, 928 (2001).
45. Frankel, K. A., Jang, B. W-L., Spivey, J. J. and Roberts, G. W., “Deactivation of
Hydrodechlorination Catalysts: II-Experiments with 1,1-Dichloroethylene and 1,1Dichloroethane, Appl. Cat. A. General, 209, 401 (2001).
46. Shi, C., Gross, S. M., DeSimone, J. M., Kiserow, D. J. and Roberts, G. W.,
“Reaction Kinetics of the Solid State Polymerization of Poly(bisphenol A carbonate)”,
Macromolecules, 34, No. 7, 2060 (2001).
47. Gross, S. M., Roberts, G. W., Kiserow, D. J. and DeSimone, J. M., “Synthesis
of High Molecular Weight Polycarbonate by Solid State Polymerization”,
Macromolecules, 34, No. 12, 3916 (2001).
48. Shi, C., DeSimone, J. M., Kiserow, D. J. and Roberts, G. W., “Reaction Kinetics
of the Solid State Polymerization of Poly(bisphenol A carbonate) Facilitated by
Supercritical Carbon Dioxide”, Macromolecules 34, No. 22, 7744 (2001).
49. Gross, S. M., Bunyard, W. C., Erford, K., Roberts, G. W., Kiserow, D. J. and
DeSimone, J. M., “Determination of the Equilibrium Constant for the Reaction Between
Bisphenol A and Diphenyl Carbonate”, accepted for publication in J. Poly.Sci. A. Poly.
50. Sun, X. , Jones, N. W., Gesick, J. C., Xu, L. and Roberts, G. W.,
“Liquid/Catalyst Interactions in Slurry Reactors: Changes in Tetrahydroquinoline
Composition during Methanol Synthesis over Zinc Chromite”, accepted for publication
in Applied Catalysis A. General.
51. Kennedy, K. A., DeSimone, J. M. and Roberts, G. W., “A Commentary on
“Carbon Dioxide-Poly(Vinylidene Fluoride) Interactions at High Pressure””, accepted
for publication in J. Poly. Sci., Part B: Poly. Phys.
52. Wilcox, E. M., Roberts, G. W. and Spivey, J. J., “Thermodynamics of Light
Alkane Carboxylation”, accepted for publication in Applied Catalysis A. General.
1. Carrubba, R. W., Heck, R. M., and Roberts, G. W., "Method of Combusting
Nitrogen-Containing Fuels", U.S. #4,054,407, October 18, 1977.
2. Polinski, L. M., Roberts, G. W., and Hindin, S. G., "Catalyst System", U.S.
#4,089, 654, May 16, 1978.
3. Hindin, S. G., and Roberts, G. W., "Process for Exchanging Hydrogen Isotopes
Between Gaseous Hydrogen and Water", U.S. #4,217,332, August 12, 1980.
4. Hindin, S. G., Polinski, L. M., and Roberts, G. W., "Catalyst System, U.S.
#4,270,896, June 2, 1981.
5. Roberts, G. W., Givens, E. N., and Skinner, R. W., "Process for Coal
Liquefaction in Staged Dissolvers", U.S. #4,421,630, December 20, 1983.
6. Roberts, G. W., and Tao, J. C., "Process for Producing Low-Sulfur Boiler Fuel
by Hydrotreatment of Solvent Deashed SRC", U.S. #4,534,847, August 13, 1985.
7. Roberts, G. W., Hansel, J. G., and Shahani, G. H., "Enhanced Crude Oil
Recovery", U.S. #4,690,215, September 1, 1987.
8. Bonnell, L. W., Perka, A. T., and Roberts, G. W., "Liquid Phase Methanol
Staging Process for the Production of Methanol", U.S. #4,766,154, August 23, 1988.
9. Brown, D. M., Hsiung, T. H., Klosek, J., Rao, P., and Roberts, G. W., "In-Situ
Activation of CuO/ZnO/Al2O3 Catalysts in the Liquid Phase", U.S. #4,801,574, January
31, 1989.
10. Roberts, G. W., Sircar, S. and Stepanoff, P., "Production of Endothermic Gases
with Methanol", U.S. #4,859,434, August 22, 1989
11. Roberts, G. W., Sircar, S. and Stepanoff, P., "Deoxygenation of Inert Gas
Streams with Methanol", U.S. #4,859,435, August 22, 1989.
12. Roberts, G. W. and Kilpatrick, P. K., “Methods and Apparatus for Separating
Fischer-Tropsch Catalysts from Liquid Hydrocarbon Product”, U.S. #6,114,399,
September 5, 2000.
13. Roberts, G. W. and Kilpatrick, P. K., “Methods and Apparatus for Separating
Fischer-Tropsch Catalysts from Liquid Hydrocarbon Product”, U.S. #6,217,830, April
17, 2001.
PRESENTATIONS (Speaker Underlined; Bold Numerals Denote Invited):
1. White, J. W. and Roberts, G. W., "Analysis of Reversible Homopolymerization
in Continuous Stirred-Tank Reactors", Symposium on PolymerizationDepolymerization Equilibrium, ACS Meeting, Houston, TX, February 1970; Polymer
Preprints, 11, No. 1, 211(1970).
2. Roberts, G. W., Huckshold, K. A., Poncez, W. E. and White, J. W., "Simulation
of a Series of Stirred-Tank Polymerization Reactors", Summer Computer Simulation
Conference, Boston, MA, July 19-21, 1971; Proc. 1971 Summer Computer Simulation
Conference, I, 369(1971).
3. Roberts, G. W. and Yadwadkar, S. R., "The Efficiency of Liquid-Solid
Contacting in Trickle-Bed Reactors", National AIChE Meeting, Dallas, TX, February 2023, 1972.
4. Roberts, G. W., Spaeth, E. E. and Potchen, E. J., "Constraints and NonConstraints in the Application of Tracer Techniques to the Measurement of Blood
Flow", Symposium on Small Vessel Angiography, Association of University
Radiologists, Glen Cove, L.I., NY, April 23-26, 1972.
5. Schwartz, J. G. and Roberts, G. W., "Analysis of Trickle-Bed Reactors: Liquid
Backmixing and Liquid-Solid Contacting", National AIChE Meeting, New Orleans, LA,
March 11, 1973.
6. Spaeth, E. E., Roberts, G. W., Yadwadkar, S. P., Ng, P. K. and Jackson, C. M.,
"The Influence of Fluid Shear on the Kinetics of Blood Coagulation Reactions", ASAIO
Meeting, Boston, MA, April 8, 1973; Trans. Amer. Soc. Artif. Int. Organs, XIX, 179(1973).
7. Eleazar, A. E., Roberts, G. W., Tse, H. F. and Yarrington, R. M., "Simulation of
Commercial Catalytic Reformers in an Adiabatic Pilot Plant", Chicago Catalysis Club
Meeting, Chicago, IL, April 14, 1975.
8. Eleazar, A. E., Roberts, G. W., Tse, H. F. and Yarrington, R. M., "Simulation of
Commercial Catalytic Reformers in an Adiabatic Pilot Plant", First Chemical Congress
of the North American Continent, Symposium on Catalysts and Catalytic Processes in
Petroleum Refining, Mexico City, Mexico, December 3, 1975.
9. Roberts, G. W., "The Influence of Mass and Heat Transfer on the Performance
of Heterogeneous Catalysts in Gas/Liquid/Solid Systems", Organic Reactions Catalysis
Society Meeting, Boston, MA, April 21, 1975
10. Pfefferle, W. C., Carrubba, R. V., Heck, R. M. and Roberts, G. W.,
"CATATHERMAL Combustion: A New Process for Low-Emissions Fuel Conversion",
ASME Winter Meeting, Houston, TX, December 3, 1975; ASME Publication 75-WA/Fu1.
11. Roberts, G. W., "Petroleum and Petrochemical Processes: Catalyst Testing
and Process Research", Mexican Chemical Society, Mexico City, Mexico, March 25, 1977.
12. Roberts, G. W., "The Role of the Recycle Solvent in Direct Coal Liquefaction",
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Pennsylvania State University, State
College, PA, September 25, 1980.
13. Roberts, G. W., "The Role of the Recycle Solvent in Direct Coal Liquefaction",
Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, January 20,
14. Hvizdos, L. J., Howard, J. V. and Roberts, G. W., "Enhanced Oil Recovery
Through Oxygen-Enriched In-Situ Combustion: Test Results from the Forest Hill Field
in Texas", 1982 Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) Annual Technical Conference and
Exhibition, New Orleans, LA, September 29, 1982.
15. Roberts, G. W., "Enhanced Oil Recovery Through Oxygen-Enriched In-Situ
Combustion", Department of Chemical Engineering, Pennsylvania State University,
State College, PA, April 5, 1983
16. Roberts, G. W., Dicciani, N. K. and Klosek, J., "The LPMEOH Process - An
Efficient Route to Methanol from Coal", Electric Power Research Institute Conference on
Coal Gasification and Synthetic Fuels for Power Generation, San Francisco, CA, April
14-18, 1985.
17. Roberts, G. W., "The Synthesis of Methanol in a Slurry Reactor", Department
of Chemical Engineering, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, January 25, 1990.
18. Roberts, G. W., Brown, D. M., Hsiung, T. H. and Lewnard, J. J., "Catalyst
Poisoning during the Synthesis of Methanol in a Slurry Reactor", 11th International
Symposium on Chemical Reaction Engineering, Toronto, Canada, July 10, 1990 (poster).
19. Roberts, G. W., "Deactivation of Methanol Synthesis Catalyst in a Slurry
Reactor", Department of Chemical Engineering, Clemson University, Clemson, SC,
February 26, 1991.
20. Roberts, G. W., "Deactivation of Methanol Synthesis Catalyst in a Slurry
Reactor", Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Texas, Austin, TX,
October 1, 1991.
21. Roberts, G. W., Brown, D. M., Hsiung, T. H. and Lewnard, J. J., "Thermal
Deactivation of Methanol Synthesis Catalysts in a Slurry Reactor", Fifth International
Symposium on Catalyst Deactivation, Evanston, IL, June 24-26, 1991.
22. Roberts, G. W., Lim, P. K., McCutchen, M. S. and Mawson, S., "The
Thermodynamics of Higher Alcohol Synthesis", Symposium on Natural Gas Upgrading
II, Division of Petroleum Chemistry, Inc., American Chemical Society, San Francisco,
CA, April 5-10, 1992; Preprints, Symposium-Natural Gas Upgrading II, Division of
Petroleum Chemistry, Inc., American Chemical Society, 37, No. 1(February, 1992)
23. Roberts, G. W., "Lessons Learned and Relearned - Reflections of a Graduate
Student, Businessman and Academician", Symposium on Catalytic Chemical
Engineering (to recognize the retirement of Professor Charles N. Satterfield),
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, May 15, 1992.
24. Roberts, G. W., "Slurry Reactor Scaleup - Myths and Realities", Applied
Hydrodynamics Workshop: Gas-Liquid-Solid Slurry Bubble-Column Reactor (SBCR)
Technology, Plenary Lecture, U. S. Department of Energy, Pittsburgh Energy
Technology Center, Pittsburgh, PA, September 22, 1992.
25. Roberts, G. W., "Deactivation of Methanol Synthesis Catalysts", Department
of Chemical Engineering, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN, November 2, 1993.
26. Roberts, G. W., McCutchen, M. S., Lauritzen, J. R., III and Brown, D. M.,
"Poisoning of Methanol Synthesis Catalysts by Metal Carbonyls", AIChE Annual
Meeting, St. Louis, MO, November 12, 1993.
27. McCutchen, M. S., Lim, P. K. and Roberts, G. W., "Synthesis of Higher
Alcohols in a Slurry Reactor", AIChE Annual Meeting, St. Louis, MO, November 9, 1993
28. Roberts, G. W., "Technology and Leadership: The Organization and the
Individual", Rohm and Haas Company, Trevose, PA, February 24, 1994.
29. Lamb, H. H., Shertukde, P. V., and Roberts, G. W., "Engineering Supported
Rh Catalysts for CO Hydrogenation: Addition of Mo to Rh/Al2O3", ACS National
Meeting, San Diego, CA; March, 1994.
30. McCutchen, M. S. and Roberts, G. W., "Synthesis of Higher Alcohols in a
Slurry Reactor", 1995 Spring AIChE Meeting, Houston, TX, March 21, 1995.
31. Roberts, G. W., "Alcohol Synthesis with Zn/Cr Catalysts in a Slurry Reactor",
Department of Chemical Engineering, West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV,
September 12, 1995.
32. Roberts, G. W., "Alcohol Synthesis with Zn/Cr Catalysts in a Slurry Reactor",
Department of Chemical Engineering, Akron University, Akron, OH, November 30,
33. McCutchen, M. S. and Roberts, G. W., "Gas/Liquid Mass Transfer Effects in a
Three Phase Laboratory Slurry Reactor", AIChE Annual Meeting, Miami Beach, FL,
November 12-17, 1995 (poster).
34. McCutchen, M. S., Márquez, M. A. and Roberts, G. W., "Alcohol Synthesis in
a High-Temperature Slurry Reactor", AIChE Annual Meeting, Miami Beach, FL,
November 12-17, 1995.
35. Fields, D. L., Lim, P. K. and Roberts, G. W., "The Oxidation of Methyl
Tertiary Butyl Ether in a Monolithic Automotive Exhaust Catalyst", AIChE Annual
Meeting, Miami Beach, FL, November 12-17, 1995.
36. Márquez, M. A., McCutchen, M. S. and Roberts, G. W., "Alcohol Synthesis in
a High-Temperature Slurry Reactor", Symposium on Conversion of Syngas to HighValue Chemicals, Division of Petroleum Chemistry, Inc., 211th ACS National Meeting,
New Orleans, LA, March 24-28, 1996; Preprints, Division of Petroleum Chemistry, Inc.,
41, No. 1, 220 (February, 1996).
37. McCutchen, M. S., Márquez, M. A. and Roberts, G. W., "Alcohol Synthesis
with Zn/Cr Catalysts in a Slurry Reactor", 14th International Symposium on Chemical
Reaction Engineering, Brugge (Belgium), May 5-8, 1996 (poster).
38. Roberts, G. W., "Synthesis of Alcohols with "Zinc Chromite" Catalysts in a
Slurry Reactor", 1996 Gordon Research Conference on Catalysis, Colby-Sawyer College,
New London, NH, June 23-28, 1996 (poster).
39. Shreiber, E. H., Mullen, J. R. and Roberts, G. W., "Thermodynamics of
Methacrylate Synthesis from Methanol and a Propionate", AIChE Annual Meeting,
Chicago, IL, November 10-15, 1996.
40. Frankel, K. A., Roberts, G. W., Jang, B. and Spivey, J. J., "Catalyst
Deactivation of 3% Platinum on Alumina for the Hydrodechlorination of 1,1,1,
Trichloroethane", AIChE Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, November 10-15, 1996.
41. Frankel, K. A., Roberts, G. W., Jang, B. and Spivey, J. J., "Catalyst
Deactivation of 3% Pt/-Al2O3 for the Hydrotreatment of 1,1,1, Trichloroethane",
AIChE Spring National Meeting, Houston, TX, March 9-13, 1997.
42. Roberts, G. W., Haney, C. A., Márquez, M. A. and McCutchen, M. S., "The
Effect of Liquid Composition on the Performance of "Zinc Chromite" Catalyst in a
Slurry Reactor", AIChE Spring National Meeting, Houston, TX, March 9-13, 1997.
43. Biales, J. M., Sherrard, D. M., Kilpatrick, P. K. and Roberts, G. W., "A New
Approach to Catalyst Recovery and Recycling in Slurry Bubble Column FischerTropsch Reactors", AIChE Spring National Meeting, Houston, TX, March 9-13, 1997.
44. Roberts, G. W., Haney, C. A., Márquez, M. A. and McCutchen, M. S., "LiquidCatalyst Interactions in a Slurry Reactor for Alcohol Synthesis using "Zinc Chromite"
Catalyst", 213th ACS National Meeting, San Francisco, CA, April 13-17, 1997; Preprints,
Division of Fuel Chemistry, 42, No. 2, 710 (April, 1997).
45. Roberts, G. W., "Liquid/Catalyst Interactions in a Slurry Reactor for
Methanol Synthesis", The Statoil Research Summit 1997, Seminar A: Syngas to valuable
molecules - novel chemistry and technology, Trondheim, Norway, September 7-10,
46. Frankel, K. A., Jang, B. W-L., Roberts, G. W. and Spivey, J. J., "Deactivation of
Pt/Alumina Catalysts for the Hydrodechlorination of 1,1,1-Trichloroethane", 7th
International Symposium on Catalyst Deactivation, Cancun, Mexico, October 5-8, 1997.
47. Roberts, G. W., "Liquid-Catalyst Interactions in a Slurry Reactor for Alcohol
Synthesis using "Zinc Chromite" Catalyst", Engelhard Corporation, Beachwood, OH,
January 30, 1998.
48. Shreiber, E. H. and Roberts, G. W., "In-Situ Generation of Formaldehyde for
Chemical Synthesis", AIChE Spring National Meeting, New Orleans, LA, March 8-12,
49. Roberts, G. W., "Coupling of Hydrodynamics and Chemical Reaction in GasLift Reactors", UOP, Des Plaines, IL, March 27, 1998.
50. Márquez, M. A., Amend, R. J., Carbonell, R. G., Sáez, A. E. and Roberts, G.
W., "Hydrodynamics of Gas-Lift Reactors with a Fast, Liquid-Phase Reaction", Fifteenth
International Symposium on Chemical Reaction Engineering, Newport Beach, CA,
September 13-16, 1998 (poster).
51. Shreiber, E. H. and Roberts, G. W., “Environmentally Benign Chemical
Synthesis via In-Situ Generation”, Southeast Regional Meeting, American Chemical
Society, Research Triangle Park, NC, November 5, 1998.
52. Shreiber, E. H. and Roberts, G. W., “In-Situ Generation of Formaldehyde for
Chemical Synthesis”, 2nd World Congress on Environmental Catalysis, American
Institute of Chemical Engineers Annual Meeting, Miami Beach, FL, November 15-20,
53. Frankel, K. A., Jang, B. W.-L., Spivey, J. J. and Roberts, G. W., “Catalytic
Hydrodechlorination of 1,1,1-Trichloroethane on Supported Pt Catalysts”, 2nd World
Congress on Environmental Catalysis, American Institute of Chemical Engineers
Annual Meeting, Miami Beach, FL, November 15-20, 1998.
54. Márquez, M. A., Roberts, G. W. and Sáez, A. E., “Coupling of
Hydrodynamics and Chemical Reaction in Gaslift Reactors”, American Institute of
Chemical Engineers Annual Meeting, Miami Beach, FL, November 15-20, 1998.
55. Roberts, G. W., Biales, J. M., Dodge, E. L., Thies, M. C. and Kilpatrick, P. K.,
“Separation of Fischer-Tropsch Wax from Catalyst: Analysis of a Near-Critical
Extraction Process”, 217th ACS National Meeting, Anaheim, CA, March 21-25, 1999;
Division of Petroleum Chemistry, Inc. Preprints, 44, No. 1, 65 (February, 1999).
56. Goodner, M .D., Gross, S. M., DeSimone, J. M., Roberts, G. W. and Kiserow,
D. J., “Modeling and Experimental Studies of the Solid-State Polymerization of
Polycarbonate Facilitated by Supercritical Carbon Dioxide”, 217th ACS National
Meeting, Anaheim, CA, March 21-25, 1999; Polymer Preprints, 40, No. 1, 97 (1999)
57. Charpentier, P. A., DeSimone, J. M., Roberts, G. W. and Kennedy, K. A.,
“Continuous Chain-Growth Precipitation Polymerizations in Supercritical Carbon
Dioxide”, 82nd Canadian Society for Chemistry Conference, Toronto, Ontario, Canada,
May 30-June 2, 1999.
58. Roberts, G. W., “Separation of Fischer-Tropsch Wax from Catalyst: Analysis
of a Near-Critical Extraction Process”, Kentucky Center for Applied Energy Research,
Lexington, KY, August 9, 1999.
59. Roberts, G. W., “Continuous Polymerization of Vinylidene Fluoride in
Supercritical Carbon Dioxide”, Solvay Corporation, Brussels, Belgium, September 24,
60. Roberts, G. W., “Reaction Engineering of Continuous Chain-Growth
Polymerizations in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide”, Engineering Foundation Conference
on Supercritical Fluids in Materials Processing and Synthesis, Davos, Switzerland,
September 26-30, 1999.
61. Roberts, G. W., Goodner, M. D., Kiserow, D. J., DeSimone, J. M. and Gross, S.
M., “Experimental and Modeling Studies of the Solvent-Induced Crystallization of
Polycarbonate by Supercritical Carbon Dioxide”, AIChE Annual Meeting, Dallas, TX,
October 31-November 5, 1999.
62. Roberts, G. W., Goodner, M. D., Kiserow, D. J., DeSimone, J. M. and Gross, S.
M., “Solid-State Polymerization of Polycarbonate Facilitated by Supercritical Carbon
Dioxide”, AIChE Annual Meeting, Dallas, TX, October 31-November 5, 1999 (poster).
63. Roberts, G. W., Kennedy, K. A., Charpentier, P. A. and DeSimone, J. M,
“Continuous Polymerization of Vinylidene Fluoride in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide”,
AIChE Annual Meeting, Dallas, TX, October 31-November 5, 1999.
64. Roberts, G. W., Charpentier, P. A. and DeSimone, J. M, “Determination of
Initiator Decomposition Under Supercritical Conditions”, AIChE Annual Meeting,
Dallas, TX, October 31-November 5, 1999.
65. Roberts, G. W., “Continuous Chain-Growth Polymerization of Vinylidene
Fluoride in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide”, Department of Chemical Engineering,
University of South Carolina, February 24, 2000.
66. Roberts, G. W., “Continuous Chain-Growth Polymerization in Supercritical
Carbon Dioxide”, Department of Chemical & Environmental Engineering, University of
Arizona, March 21, 2000.
67. Shreiber, E. H. and Roberts, G. W., “In Situ Generation of Formaldehyde for
Environmentally Benign Chemical Synthesis”, 18th Conference on Catalysis of Organic
Reactions, The Organic Reactions Catalysis Society, Charleston, SC, May 3, 2000.
68. Charpentier, P. A., DeSimone, J. M. and Roberts, G. W., “Continuous
Precipitation Polymerization of Vinylidene Fluoride”, Fifth International Symposium
on Supercritical Fluids (ISSF 2000), Atlanta, GA, April 10, 2000 (poster).
69. Kennedy, K. A., Roberts, G. W., and DeSimone, J. M., “Continuous
Precipitation Polymerization of Vinylidene Fluoride: Phase Equilibrium Properties”,
Fifth International Symposium on Supercritical Fluids (ISSF 2000), Atlanta, GA, April
10, 2000 (poster).
70. Charpentier, P. A., Roberts, G. W., and DeSimone, J.M., “Reaction
Engineering of Continuous Chain-Growth Polymerization in Supercritical Carbon
Dioxide”, 220th ACS National Meeting, Washington, DC, August 20-24, 2000.
71. Roberts, G. W., “Continuous Chain Growth Polymerization in Supercritical
Carbon Dioxide”, Third Joint China/USA Chemical Engineering Conference, Beijing,
China, September 25-28, 2000.
72. Pacheco, C., Roberts, G., and Sáez, A. E., “Bubble Formation at Spargers:
Effect of an Upward Liquid Flow”, AIChE National Meeting, Los Angeles, CA,
November 12-16, 2000 (poster).
73. Kennedy, K. A., DeSimone, J. M., and Roberts, G., “Partioning of Reactant
Species in Heterogeneous Polymerizations in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide”, AIChE
National Meeting, Los Angeles, CA, November 12-16, 2000.
74. Roberts, G., DeSimone, J. M., and Charpentier, P. A., “Reaction Engineering
and Modeling of VF2 Polymerization in scCO2”, AIChE National Meeting, Los Angeles,
CA, November 12-16, 2000.
75. Sun, X. and Roberts, G. W., “Promoted Zinc Chromite Catalysts for Higher
Alcohol Synthesis in a Slurry Reactor”, AIChE National Meeting, Los Angeles, CA,
November 12-16, 2000.
76. Kiserow, D. J., Roberts, G. W., Gross, S. M. and DeSimone, J. M., “The
Elimination of Hazardous Chemicals in the Preparation of High Performance
Transparent Armor for Soldier Protection”, 22nd Army Science Conference, Baltimore,
MD, December 11-13, 2000 (Best Paper in Technical Session).
77. DeSimone, J. M., Wojcinski, L. M. II, Kennedy, K. A., Zannoni, L., Saraf, M.,
Charpentier, P., and Roberts, G. W., “The Polymerization of Fluorinated Monomers and
the Determination of Phase Equilibria in Carbon Dioxide”, ACS Meeting, San Diego,
CA., April 1-5, 2001; Polymeric Materials: Science and Engineering, 84, 137 (2001).
78. Sun, X. and Roberts, G. W., “Promoted Zinc Chromite Catalysts for Higher
Alcohol Synthesis in a Slurry Reactor”, AIChE Annual Meeting, Houston, TX, April 2226, 2001.
79. Saraf, M. K., Wojcinski, L. M. II, Kennedy, K. A., Gerard, S., Charpentier, P.
A., DeSimone, J. M. and Roberts, G. W., “Continuous Precipitation Polymerization of
Vinylidene Fluoride in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide: Molecular Weight Distribution”,
3rd International Symposium on Free Radical Polymerization: Kinetics and Mechanism,
Il Ciocco, Lucca, Italy, June 3-8, 2001.
80. Shi, C., Roberts, G. W., DeSimone, J. M. and Kiserow, D. J., “Reaction Kinetics
of the Solid State Polymerization of Poly(bisphenol A carbonate) Facilitated by
Supercritical Carbon Dioxide”, 5th Annual Green Chemistry and Engineering
Conference, American Chemical Society, Washington, DC, June 26-28, 2001.
81. Wilcox, E. M., Gogate, M. R., Roberts, G. W., and Spivey, J. J., “Direct
Synthesis of Acetic Acid from Methane and Carbon Dioxide”, 6th Natural Gas
Conversion Symposium, Girdwood, AK, June 17-22, 2001; Studies in Surface Science and
Catalysis; Volume 139, Iglesia, eds., Elsevier Science B. V. (Amsterdam), 259 (2001).
82. Roberts, G. W., DeSimone, J. M., Shi, C. and Kiserow, D. J., “Solid-State
Polymerization Facilitated by Supercritical Carbon Dioxide”, the 10th International
Symposium on Supercritical Fluid Chromatography, Extraction, and Processing, Myrtle
Beach, SC, August 19-22, 2001.
83. Wojcinski, L. M. II, Saraf, M. K., Roberts, G. W. and DeSimone, J. M.,
“Continuous and Batch Polymerizations of Vinylidene Fluoride in Dense Carbon
Dioxide”, ACS Meeting, Chicago, IL, August 26-30, 2001; Polymer Preprints, Vol. 42,
No.2, 554 (2001).
84. Frankel, K. A., Spivey, J. J. and Roberts, G. W., “Mathematical Model of the
Deactivation of Pt/Alumina Catalyst during the Hydrochlorination of 1,1,1Trichloroethane”, 9th International Symposium on Catalyst Deactivation, Lexington, Ky,
October 7-10, 2001; Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis; Catalyst Deactivation 2001,
Volume 139, Spivey, J. J., Roberts, G. W. and Davis, B. H., eds., Elsevier Science B. V.
(Amsterdam), 439 (2001).
85. Kennedy, K. A., DeSimone, J. M., and Roberts, G. W., “Phase Equilibria in
Supercritical Carbon Dioxide/Vinylidene Fluoride/Poly(vinylidene fluoride):
Experiments and Modeling”, AIChE 2001 Annual Meeting, Reno, NV, November 4-9,
86. Shi, C., Roberts, G. W., Kiserow, D. J. and DeSimone, J. M., “Reaction Kinetics
of the Solid State Polymerization of Poly(bisphenol A carbonate) Facilitated by
Supercritical Carbon Dioxide”, AIChE 2001 Annual Meeting, Reno, NV, November 4-9,
87. Royer, J. R., DeSimone, J. M., Khan, S. A. and Roberts, G. W., “Supercritical
CO2-Assisted Polymer Processing: Extrusion, Depolymerization, and Recycling”,
AIChE 2001 Annual Meeting, Reno, NV, November 4-9, 2001.
88. Sun, X. and Roberts, G. W., “Alcohol Synthesis from Synthesis Gas in a
Slurry Reactor – Liquid Medium Effect”, AIChE 2001 Annual Meeting, Reno, NV,
November 4-9, 2001.